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Page 23

by Clayborne, By Kimberly M.

  “Floral Society?”

  “Oh yes, they have a pretty big competition all over the town, for a while now Mr. Baron has won.”


  “Yes, I’m looking forward to seeing what he does this year.” She smiled.

  Suddenly Kassie wanted to force him to have to deal with her. She didn’t want to be an afterthought for him.

  “Where do I sign up?” She asked smiling sweetly.

  “Actually right here.” Mrs. Marshall took a clipboard from behind the desk.

  Kassie saw that there were only a few names so far, including Tim’s and put her name down in the space below his. A sense of satisfied dread came over her.

  “Is there a theme?” Kassie asked handing back the clipboard.

  “Not really but there are categories, best eggplant, best rose, best whatever. I tried one year but the competition was fierce, I never tried again.” She said and laughed.

  “So I would really need an amazing garden.” She said taking her books.

  “Yes.” Mrs. Marshall said.

  Kassie sighed, but she wanted to do it. Besides beating Tim, it may be fun.

  “I’ll see you Saturday.” Kassie said.

  “Thank you so much.” The librarian said smiling.

  “No problem at all.” Kassie said gently.

  Kassie felt terrible as she walked back to her car. She didn’t want to see Tim and she refused to let him know he hurt her. Her mind would be preoccupied with the garden. She had a few jobs lined up. Her garden would be something she did every morning, something to keep her mind off Tim while trying to dethrone him as reigning flower king. It was vindictive, she knew, but she was so angry with him and herself honestly.


  Tim pulled up in front of his house and Nat jumped out running up to the front door. Her hands full of shopping bags, she was ready to try on the clothes she bought. Tim got out looking at Kassie’s place, her car wasn’t there, but there was a huge guy standing on her porch. The man had to be at least six foot three and two hundred pounds of solid cut muscle. Had she replaced him so quickly? She’d just moved on, just like that? Tim looked away angrily and walked to his door.

  “Who’s that guy?” Nat whispered, waiting for her father.

  “I don’t know.”

  “But I thought Kassie was your girlfriend.” She said softly and it hurt to hear that. He wanted so badly for it to be true.

  “Um no.” Tim whispered. “We’re just friends.”

  “Oh.” Nat’s voice was full of disappointment. Tim couldn’t blame her. He was very disappointed too.

  Nat stared at the man then looked up at her father. He didn’t seem too happy as he unlocked the door and let her into the house. She knew that Tim really, really liked Kassie. She liked Kassie too. Kassie was so pretty and nice; Nat would love it if Tim married her someday.

  Kassie pulled into her drive before he could go inside but Nat was already upstairs. She jumped out screaming the guy’s name but Tim couldn’t make it out. Kassie jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly.

  “Hey sis.” Benny smiled holding her just as tightly. She saw Tim staring at her from his doorway; he lowered his head and closed the door.

  “Oh Benny.” She buried her face in his neck and started to cry a little.

  “Kassie.” He let her down slowly, Kassie held him crying into his chest, he held her rubbing her back softly. “What happened?”

  “I’ll be fine.” She smiled tremulously. “I haven’t seen my brother in two years! Of course I’m crying!”

  “Oh, cuz I thought it had something to do with the guy next door who was looking at me like he wanted to feed me my liver.”

  Kassie only wished Tim felt so strongly for her. She was starting to feel the familiar feeling of playing herself. A part of her knowing that she was the reason she felt that way.

  “Only a little.”She answered meekly.

  “Wanna talk about it?” He asked.

  “No.” Kassie swallowed and closed her eyes. “No.” She sighed. Kassie gave him a smile and shrugged, looking so pretty with tear filled eyes and a soft smile. “No wonder something told me to go to the market today.”

  “You know I can eat.” He said. She smiled and gave him her car keys.

  “Can you get those bags? I’ll fix up your room and bring your bag up.”

  “No problem.” Benny smiled. Kassie unlocked her door going inside with Benny’s duffle. It was really heavy but she lugged it upstairs. She gave him the beach room.


  Throughout the day, she tried not to think about Tim. It just hurt too much. To think of all they started to build and how one stupid comment took it all away; how her stupid comment took it all away. She should have just kept her big mouth shut and went with her heart. Why had she been such a chicken? Everything felt so right with Tim and she loved him. She really did love him.

  “Thanks for letting me stay with you sis.” Benny broke her thoughts.

  “No problem.” Kassie said smiling as Benny sat beside her at the kitchen table.

  “The painter’s are finishing up today. I’ll be gone by tomorrow night.” He said. Kassie felt a little sad. She did love her little brother and didn’t mind him staying with her. Though they weren’t close growing up, they tried to maintain a good relationship and her brother had grown into a responsible hard working man.

  “How is James?” Kassie asked.

  “Don’t Kass.” Benny thought it was disrespectful to call their parents by their first names.

  “He’s never been a father to me Benny. Why would I call him dad? I don’t call Annette mom.” Kassie said.

  He sighed lowering his head. “I know they gave you a piece of shit deal.” Benny said softly, reaching out and squeezing her hand.

  “Yeah.” Kassie said softly. “But I landed on my feet.”

  “You sure as hell did.” He said softly and looked a bit saddened. “Without all of the money.”

  “I was determined to not need anything from anyone.” Kassie said with iron in her voice. “Anyway, how is that pretty girlfriend of yours?” She changed the subject.

  “Dating a father of two.” He said dryly. “We called it quits a year ago.”

  Kassie pouted at him and shook her head.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No need. I’m not sweating it anymore.” He said.

  “She was putting on the pressure huh?” She asked as he sipped his soda, Benny nodded softly.

  “The M word.” He said rubbing his jaw. “I wasn’t ready for that, I still ain’t.” She hated when people used the word ain’t; it was a pet peeve she’d had for a while. Something, Kassie figured, that went back to her grandmother, Jane, popping her every time she said it.

  “You will be some day. You’ll meet a girl who just makes everything in you happy. You’ll think about it, not sure how you feel about that dirty M word then it’ll be all you think about.” Kassie laughed when Benny shook his head. “She’ll be all you think about, you’ll love her so much you can’t breathe. Benny, marriage and love can be glorious and it’s not just sex. It’s having your best friend there all the time. It’s sharing your world with this amazing person who makes you laugh and smile. It’s a kiss that ends all kisses and a smile that makes you shiver. Don’t be too blind or too stubborn to the word Benny. It doesn’t end your life; it just adds another fantastic piece to it.”

  “I will be blind to it.” He said. “Come on you know me. I screw myself on the regular. I let her go because I was scared. She met some guy who isn’t a chicken shit like me. I’m afraid of that stuff. It feels like I’m ending my life when I think of marriage.” He shook his head.

  “You’re not Ben; you’re adding something amazing to it. If a woman is good enough to share your bed then why isn’t she good enough to wear your ring and have your name. You’re almost twenty six; a quarter of your life is gone. You’re gonna be a bachelor for the rest of your life?” She asked. “Because I
can guarantee you, you aren’t going to be counting panties when you’re in your seventies. You’re going to be looking for someone to share the rest of your life with you.” Kassie said.

  He nodded. “Good advice.”

  “I know. I’m smart.” Kassie teased. He chuckled softly.

  “Well take this advice.” He said looking up at his sister. “Don’t let your past shade your future.” Kassie looked up at him quickly. “Life’s too short Kass, its way too short to hold on to anger from twenty-three years ago.” He said.

  She nodded. “You’re right.” She said softly. “But sometimes things are harder to get over.” She rubbed his arm. “And since life is so short what do you say to me taking you out.”


  “But first big sis can school you in a quick pick-up game.”

  “You elbowed me last time.” He said with an accusatory smile. “And you always cheat!”

  “Aww come on. If I foul you in any way I have to give you fifty bucks.”

  “I’ll go get dressed.” He grinned and rushed out.

  Kassie’s smile faltered the moment her brother left the room. She stood and put her glass in the sink before going upstairs to put on sweats. She wondered for just a moment if she should go over and try to talk to Tim again. Quickly she remembered what Nora had said earlier that morning about giving him space. Kassie sighed and went upstairs unhappily. She felt like she needed to talk to Tim. They needed to fix what was broken; she wanted to fix what was broken. She missed him and Griff so much.


  Tim watched her car pull out as he ushered Griffin into the back seat of his jeep. They were going to take Nat home, though she was complaining about it. She loved spending time with her dad as much as Tim loved spending time with her.

  “Daddy you look angry.” Natalie said to Tim as he watched Kassie’s car disappear down the street. He looked at his daughter and smiled at her cute concerned face.

  “No baby.” He said softly. “Daddy’s fine. Sit back honey and buckle up for me.” He watched her sit back and closed the door walking around to the other side of the car. He got into the car in a haze of anger and jealousy.


  Chapter 26

  Saturday morning came so quickly and Benny left after spending an extra day with her. Kassie found herself at the library with her book. The librarians had put up flyers all around town, publicizing her appearance and now the library was packed with so many little bodies that Kassie was amazed. She didn’t know there were this many kids in the town!

  Tim took Natalie who wanted to hear Kassie read her story. Walking into the crowded library, he was shocked. He didn’t know so many people were fans of Kassie’s book or her art work and he felt so much pride for her in his heart. She was the woman he loved and it just killed him that she didn’t love him too.

  Tim helped Nat find a place where she could listen to Kassie read and watched as Kassie signed autographs and greeted people with a smile. She was so beautiful he couldn’t take his eyes off her, it felt like every second of staring at her made him fall more in love with her. She was wearing a pretty green dress and her hair was pulled back from her face, hanging around her shoulders.

  Kassie looked up at him and their eyes locked. Her heart began to pound against her rib cage. She wanted to stand up, walk over to him, and kiss him over and over again. Kassie missed his kisses, missed his arms around her and the sound of his voice, she just missed him so much.

  Kassie gave him a slight smile and turned back to the little boy she was talking too. Tim lowered his head. He had to get her back and make her see how he loved her. But then his mind filled with the image of that guy standing on her porch and he got angry again.

  Mrs. Marshall asked everyone to be quiet and gave Kassie a bit of an introduction before the room erupted in tiny cheering voices. It made Kassie smile and she thanked everyone for coming and told everyone about her book. She began to read to them smiling as the kids said the words along with her.


  By the end of an hour and a half, Kassie had read, taken pictures, and signed autographs for all of the kids and some of the adults as well. Most of the parents left but Tim and Nat waited around. Nat wanted to say hello and Tim couldn’t pretend that he didn’t want to see her either.

  Kassie was shocked to see him when she walked out of the library.

  “Hello Natalie.” She smiled. Natalie hugged Kassie’s waist tightly. “You look very pretty today.”

  Nat was wearing a purple shirt with the words Daddy’s Brat printed across the chest. The A’s had horns, the Y had an arrow tipped tail, and the T was a pitchfork. With the shirt, she wore denim jeans rolled up to mid-calf and black sneakers.

  “Thanks, daddy picked it.” She smiled.

  “Daddy has good taste.” Kassie said smiling.

  “Yes, I do.” Tim said softly. “Hello Kassie.”

  “Hi Tim.” She said softly. She gave him a hug but that hug was just so painful and they both felt it. Kassie pulled away lowering her head. “Um how are you?”

  “I’ve been better.” He said softly.

  She looked up at him and gave him a brief smile but there was no happiness in it.

  “Me too.” She said softly.

  “I really enjoyed your story.” Nat said.

  “Thank you.” Kassie said, turning her attention to the little girl. “When I write my next story I will give you the first edition again.”

  “Great!” Nat smiled.

  Tim reached over and stroked Kassie’s cheek before he realized what he was doing; she closed her eyes and leaned into his touch.

  “We should uh get going.” Tim said quietly. “Come on Nat, pizza’s waiting to be eaten.”

  “Bye Kassie.” Natalie gave her another quick hug.

  “Bye sweetie.”

  “Bye Kass.” Tim said in a soft reluctant voice.

  Kassie nodded softly.

  “Bye.” She watched them go before turning and walking toward her car. She was miserable. That brief moment of happiness left the moment they did. Kassie wanted him to take her hand and tell her that everything was okay between them.


  Chapter 27

  They didn’t speak for weeks and in that time, Kassie’s garden grew more and more romantic with its soft pinks, blues and purples. Watching her tend to it every day was driving him insane. He could be that Larkspur brushing against her soft café au lait skin, seeming to fall in love with her, or those snapdragons that seemed to crave her attention. All of this watching her from a distance was driving him to want to drink; he loved her so much. It was as if she had become his obsession. All of the weeks apart had done nothing to dim his longing for her, instead seemed to make his longing even more intense.

  Tim had learned from Mrs. Marshall that Kassie had entered the competition. He knew why she had joined the contest. She needed to remind him that he’d walked out on her by forcing him to deal with her. Also, it was to knock him off his throne. But because he was hurt and angry with her, he wasn’t going to let her do that. Her competitiveness only turned him on more, to the point where he was sexually irritated all of the time.

  Tim stalked around his house in frustration. He’d tried to practice, tried to do laundry, had taken Griff and gone for a run, nothing helped. He was growing angrier and hungrier by the second. Tim had had enough. He wanted to know who that guy was! He wanted to know how she could just move on so easily. He wanted to know if she was suffering as much as he was. He had given up his lovers, why couldn’t she do the same. They should be together; they were perfect for each other. In Tim’s heart they had to be together, he had to have her! He was done playing this game.


  A dark shadow loomed over Kassie and she looked up only to see Tim glowering down at her. She gave him a radiant smile, truly happy to see him.

  “Good afternoon Timothy.” She said with a chipper voice.

  Hearing her say his name like
that made him soften and harden at the same time as memories assaulted him, but he quickly remembered his anger.

  “Who the hell was that giant dude who was staying here with you?” He asked angrily as he gripped the fence in a death hold, his anger seeming so hot that it burned his veins.

  Kassie’s smile faded. She lowered her head and slowly took off the floral print gardening gloves she was wearing. Kassie stood up, her happiness at seeing him floated away on the breeze. It was taking so much energy to keep up this fight and she so wanted to make up with him. To show him how much she truly had missed him but she was afraid that he wouldn’t give her a chance.

  “Why?” She asked softly. “Why do you want to know who stays with me?” She looked beautiful. Her hair was long now and hanging down her back in a ponytail, back from her pretty face. She wore black leggings and a purple tank top. He could see a hint of her black bra strap under her shirt and it made him even more aggravated with her. Tim wondered if she knew how sexy and seductive she was without even trying to be.

  “Am I hearing you right now?” He asked in a quiet, dangerous voice.

  Kassie crossed her arms and glared defiantly at him; she saw it in his eyes that he was jealous but there was something else there she wasn’t sure about, something a little dangerous.

  “Who was he?” Tim asked again.

  “Why is that important?” She asked.

  Tim pushed open her fence storming into her yard. Kassie took a step back as he stopped in front of her.

  “One more time.”

  “I’m allowed to have company in the home that I paid for, Tim.” She was incredulous and starting to get a little nervous at the wild look in his eyes. The man was seriously pissed off.

  “Not when it’s a dude who looks like he can break you in half.” He said angrily. “And can do it better than I can.”

  She shook her head. “Is that all you think about, who I may or may not be having sex with?” She asked.

  “When it’s not me, hell fucking yeah!” He said heatedly.


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