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Glamorous: A Grace Bishop Novel (Grace Bishop Novels)

Page 11

by Denise Bossarte

  “I know.” She grabbed his hand and squeezed it. “But it’s the best way to avoid suspicion and to give me a chance to get close to him. It would keep me on the street with the girls and give us direct access to him when he shows up.”

  Before Billy offered a counter argument, Grace released DL’s hand and held her own up at Billy.

  “I had all the undercover training you did on the force. I’m the perfect person to do this. Put me at the right location and dressed properly, and I’ll fit his victim profile. You and Anthony can sit backup for me in case the Glamour is more than I can manage, or if he tries to make an escape.”

  Billy seemed to be considering it, but DL was still not convinced of the plan. “And what’s my part in the plan? Where will I be?”

  “Making sure your girls are off the street and keeping them safe,” Grace said.

  DL raised his chin, his frustration building. “I’m not gonna to sit on the sidelines while you go after the man that’s attacking my girls. I may not be a ‘professional,’” he said, turning to look pointedly at Billy. “But that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be part of this. If Anthony is going to be there, so should I.”

  “It’s not personal, DL,” Grace said. “Anthony will be there as backup for Billy. He’ll recognize when another Paranorm is using their powers. The fewer people there, the less likely we’ll raise the Glamour’s suspicions, and the fewer people he might glamour.”

  DL wanted to contest the point further, but the others were all in agreement with him staying behind. His best bet for protecting his girls was to stop being a roadblock to the plan and find a way to make it happen.

  Between the three of them, they would have a chance of spotting the Glamour and intercepting him before anything violent happened. No guarantees, but better than the other options they’d come up with to that point.

  “Fine, you three will deal with catching the Glamour then. Just make sure he doesn’t get a chance to get away with hurting another one of my girls.”

  Chapter 22

  The knock on the door interrupted Viora’s concentration.

  “Come in,” she said in a raised voice as she leaned back into her plush leather desk chair, crossing her long legs beneath the knee-length, slate gray skirt. Her matching jacket hung on the back of her chair.

  The door opened, and Gregory poked his gray-haired head around the corner.

  “Pardon me, Mia Signora, but Robyn is here to see you. As is your brother, Niccolo.”

  “My half-brother,” she said on reflex.

  “Yes, Mia Signora, your half-brother.”

  “Show Robyn in, but let Niccolo wait.” Viora reached up to run one hand along her neck, using her other hand to click the mouse and refresh the browser she had open on her computer. The acquisition meeting had gone well, and she was curious to follow the chatter on-line and watch as the final decision became public.

  Two quick taps on the door, then Robyn slid into the room and stood a few feet in front of her desk. She sensed his eager gray eyes on her face as she concentrated on the computer.

  Robyn broke the silence. “What are they saying? How much are things going up?”

  In response to his impatience, Viora continued to concentrate on the monitor in front of her. After a while longer reading through some text, she replied without raising her eyes.

  “It is going as well as I expected. The stock is climbing already.” After a few more moments of scrolling, she released the mouse and sat back in her chair, allowing a predatory smile to break across her face at her success.

  Robyn’s body language had relaxed and relief crossed his face.

  “You did well, my pet,” she said. “There were no complications after I left?”

  Robyn’s answering smile was broad, his capped teeth shining in the light from the windows. “No problems at all. They were all pleased with how everything turned out. I made sure of that.”

  Robyn shrank into himself under her cold stare. “I didn’t overdo it, I promise!”

  “We talked about the delicate nature of these meetings. You do fine while I am leading the negotiations. Your touch is subtle, and no one is aware that anything other than a normal meeting is happening. But I wonder about when I leave the room.”

  Viora glared at him until his shoulders hunched under the force of her disapproval.

  “I am beginning to think it is not a wise decision to leave you alone with the clients.” She loathed being wrong.

  Robyn’s left eye twitched. “No, no. I did everything the way you told me to. Not too much glamour, only enough to make them happy about their decisions.”

  “Not too happy,” she said, her voice lashing out.

  “Only enough. A touch of doubt, but an overall feeling of getting what they wanted.”

  Viora smiled at the satisfaction in Robyn’s voice. His pride in his skill with his ability was the only time he showed a real backbone to her face. But her smile shifted to a grimace. The problem was, he had developed a backbone during the times he was not under her direct supervision. Something she would need to handle another time.

  “We’ll talk about this later, once the final response from the public has come back. Ask Gregory to show Niccolo in.”

  While Robyn conveyed her message, Viora uncrossed and re-crossed her legs and smoothed out her blouse.

  Nicco walked into the room and took up the same position Robyn had been occupying just a moment before. He stood, holding his hands loosely behind his back, meeting her gaze directly.

  Robyn followed behind Nicco but scuttled into a corner of the room, as far away from Nicco as the confines of her office would allow.

  “So, Viora,” he said, not waiting for her to break the silence. “What is so important you needed me come down in person rather than making a simple phone call?”

  “Ever the impolite and impatient one, eh, Niccolo?”

  “Get on with whatever degradation you have for me this time, Viora. Although I am not sure why you need your little Precog here to witness it.” He waved one hand in Robyn’s direction.

  Viora chortled in delight. Her subterfuge about Robyn’s powers still held sway in the family. If her half-brother had not pierced the lies she had built around Robyn’s actual ability, then she could be sure no one else even suspected.

  “I have found it helps to keep him around while I conduct Family business, so he can see the futures more easily. He has been so successful because I give him what he needs—access to information and someone to worship.” She granted Robyn another smile.

  “So, Robyn,” Nicco looked at him with a sneer. “Give us a prediction. Show off that power of yours.”

  Viora’s smile became rigid at Nicco’s taunting.

  Before she could reply, Robyn answered in a quiet voice. “I predict you will leave this office pissed off with Viora.”

  Viora barked a laugh as Nicco closed his eyes and shook his head.

  “Any fool with half a brain could make that prediction.” Nicco crossed his arms.

  “Oh, Niccolo, don’t be so dour.”

  “On the contrary, Viora. My sense of humor is the only thing that has kept me from cutting your throat all these years,” he said in with a feral smile.

  Viora’s anger flared red hot as she shifted to the front of her chair. But it died down somewhat as she saw Nicco flinch and grit his teeth.

  “Now, now, Niccolo. One must not threaten the head of The Family in her own domain. You know my defensive wards are activated by your intent as much as your words.”

  Nicco stood with jaw muscles bulging, fists clenched, his eyes daring her.

  “Your defensive wards are impressive. Most warlocks would be on their knees by now, begging me to counter the spells. But you haven’t even cried out.” Viora forced her face into a mask of calm, despite the anger boiling inside her. She let herself enjoy a few more minutes of Nicco’s suffering before waving her hand to release him and reset the spells.

  He stood hunched for
a few seconds before catching his breath and straightening.

  Once his glare met her eyes again, she continued. “So, tell me what you learned about this Aperto Rotto,” she said, not quite able to keep her simmering anger from bleeding into her tone.

  “Not much more than your informants were already able to discern,” he said with a mocking gleam in his eye. “She is a functional clairvoyant of modest but consistent power. I introduced her to the basics of the Paranorm world and expect to use her on occasion as her powers warrant.”

  “And you detected no instability in her—no mental illness evident in her actions or words?”

  “None I could see. But that doesn’t mean she won’t become unstable over time.” He shrugged. “The Family has contingencies for that.”

  “Good,” she said, sitting back into her chair.

  Nicco cocked his head, peering at her curiously. “What is your special interest in this Aperto Rotto?”

  “It’s been seen that she will be important to The Family.”

  “By your pet?”

  Viora just smiled to hide her now racing heart. This was why she had made Nicco come to her. She had seen it herself, multiple times, when doing her forecasting spells—a skill she had kept hidden from The Family. If the Aperto Rotto allied with Nicco, Viora’s position as head of The Family would be in jeopardy. However, if Viora removed the Aperto Rotto, even interfered with her efforts, the entire family would be at risk.

  “So why am I here, Viora?” Nicco asked. “If the Aperto Rotto is going to be important to The Family, then why not let things continue?”

  “Because you have become a scissione del destino on this girl’s path. Benign as it may seem, your helping the girl beyond this point will lead to disaster for The Family.”

  Nicco seemed to sense she was not being completely honest because he gave her a skeptical look. “Your Precog must be superb, Viora, to make such a declarative statement. The future is always mutable, branching endlessly. He could check tomorrow, and things could be different.”

  But it hadn’t changed. Ever since the day the girl had visited Nicco at the theater, she had seen the same thing. That meant she had to take control of the situation to ensure a new path was created and a delicate balance was reached.

  “I cannot take the risk you will react in your usual arrogant way and ignore my warnings. I will not have you putting The Family at risk with your stubbornness.” She took a deep breath to stay calm.

  “Which means what, dear sister? You are going to place the vincolante la volontà on me?” he asked with a condescending smile.

  “To protect The Family, I most certainly will.”

  “You wouldn’t dare!” His face reddened, and the veins in his brow pulsed.

  “As the head of The Family, it is my right and my duty to do what I must to keep us safe.”

  “And if I refuse to submit to this?” he asked.

  “We both know you will not leave this room until my will is served,” she said in a flat voice.

  She watched him struggling with himself, his multiple competing emotions playing over his face.

  “You cannot win a battle of wills with me, Niccolo. I am head of The Family, and you are standing in my seat of power. Whether you like it or not, whether you admit it or not, there is no choice for you on this matter.”

  A warm rush of energy filled her body as his stance sagged, and resignation settled on his face.

  “Oh, for Powers’ sake. It is just a binding of your will as it pertains to helping the girl, nothing more. It will be an insignificant limitation to you in the long run.” She rose from her seat to approach him.

  Nicco gave her one last hate-filled stare before kneeling before her.

  With a broad, satisfied smile, she placed her hand on his head and began the binding.

  Chapter 23

  Robyn pulled the cord to shut the wooden blinds and went to sit down in a chair, closing his eyes and resting his head against the soft back. He wouldn’t have to wait long for Gustav to arrive. Gustav always wanted an update after Robyn reported to Viora.

  Within a few minutes, Robyn heard the door open and close, then broad strides as someone crossed the carpeted floor to pause in front of him. He opened his eyes to see Gustav standing with crossed arms, the usual smirk creasing his face.

  “Well, little Robyn, what do you have to share today? How is dear Viora doing?”

  Robyn sat up in his seat, frowning at Gustav’s flippant tone.

  “Mia Regina is well,” Robyn said, emphasizing the honorific. “Quite pleased with herself, actually.”

  “Really?” Gustav asked, his smirk deepening. “What has made her so pleased?”

  “Today she placed a binding on Niccolo. A binding to keep him from assisting the Aperto Rotto she’s been watching.”

  “Now that is interesting.” Gustav’s lips pressed into a thin line. “Why would she do that?”

  “She said that The Family was at risk if he aided this girl beyond what he has done already.”

  “At risk? Did she say anything more about how this girl could be a risk?”

  “No. But she did tell Niccolo I was the one who had forecasted that. Why would she tell him that?”

  “Viora is always one to have her secrets, her manipulations, her subterfuge,” Gustav said, shaking his head. “However, anyone Viora finds that interesting is someone I need to be interested in as well. What else happened?”

  “Well, before Niccolo came she wasn’t very happy with me.” Robyn looked down at his hands.

  “How so?”

  Robyn continued to stare at his hands, the fingers twining and un-twining.

  “She thinks I’m over-doing my powers. She’s questioning whether it’s safe for me to be on my own.” His shoulders sagged.

  “What else did she say?” Gustav asked.

  Robyn looked up at Gustav, surprised at the intensity in his voice. “Nothing. She said we would discuss it later.”

  Gustav’s eyes grew distant, and his frown deepened. He gaze searched the ceiling for a moment before coming back to Robyn’s face.

  “I think, little Robyn, that I need to pay more attention to this Aperto Rotto. It is not a good sign that she has become so important to Viora—”

  “To The Family,” Robyn interjected.

  Gustav gave him a bland look before continuing.

  “It appears that you are losing favor with Viora as the Aperto Rotto is gaining her interest. That does not bode well for my long-term plans.”

  Robyn licked his lips, his eyes searching Gustav’s face.

  “I don’t think I’m losing Mia Regina’s favor. I’ve been her favorite the whole time I’ve been with her. She just wants me to do things the way she wants them done and not give myself away.”

  “Don’t be naive, Robyn. Once Viora has concluded her plans, she won’t be needing you or your powers any more. You won’t be her favorite pet, and she won’t look the other way anymore.”

  Robyn could not meet Gustav’s cold eyes as nausea churned his stomach.

  “Don’t worry, little Robyn. You focus on the girls that I ask you to find. I will focus on the Aperto Rotto.”

  Chapter 24

  Grace looked around Nicco’s office while she waited for him to join her. This time it had been relatively easy for her to get an appointment with him. She hadn’t had to go through the same rigmarole with Samuel and the metal detector. Fortunately, this time Danny hadn’t complained when she told him she was going alone.

  She walked slowly around the room, captivated by the collection of objects filling the bookshelves and tabletops. There were artifacts from a vast variety of cultures around the globe, all free of dust and in pristine condition, as if she felt she were in a museum rather than an office.

  And the books were on topics as varied as the objects. Each was bound in what she thought was real leather, not the fake modern imitation leather. So many books in the age of ebooks! There were nonfiction books about bo
tany, geography, animal husbandry—with several books on equines of all breeds—chemistry, biology…and that was only one side of the room. The other side contained books of fiction from all the masters and hit every author on her college English literature reading lists. Each of the books looked well read, the leather showing signs of years of handling by a respectful reader.

  She wondered how much was here for show, how much was for the image Nicco wanted to project, and how much was a true reflection of his personality and character. Quite an interesting man by all appearances.

  She didn’t feel guilty snooping around Nicco’s office. Obviously he expected her to do just that since he kept her waiting without him. With a glance at the door, she moved to one of the shelves and switched the positions of a bronze carving of some kind of lion and a small green pot painted with bright flowers. With a satisfied smirk, she moved to take the seat in front of his desk.

  A few seconds later, Nicco walked in, striding across the room until he reached the book shelf that Grace had rearranged. There he stopped and stood looking at the two moved objects. Then, with a glance at Grace, he shifted them back to their original positions, turning the lion until it faced the door. Housekeeping done, he walked to sit opposite the desk from her.

  Grace resisted the urge to stand when he moved behind the desk. Some part of her responded as if he were royalty or a high ranking official to whom she was supposed to show respect. He might be the power behind the Paranorms, but right now, to her, he was just a man with knowledge she needed.

  “Good morning, mio caro. Sorry to keep you waiting. The needs of the business demanded my time. How may I be of service to you today?”

  Grace smiled. It appeared Nicco would always be the charming and cordial gentleman when they met. At least at the beginning of their encounters, but not necessarily by the end, based on their last meeting.

  “Good morning. Thank you for meeting with me again. I take it Anthony has gotten you up to speed in the last few days on our progress? And our theory that a Glamour is the one kidnapping the girls?”


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