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Glamorous: A Grace Bishop Novel (Grace Bishop Novels)

Page 18

by Denise Bossarte

  Grace left the room, easing the door closed behind her. She waved at Sophie, who was still waiting for Anthony to return, and went to catch the elevator up to Celeste’s room. Going to visit DL and another one of his injured kids gave her a sense of déjà vu.

  When she reached Celeste’s floor, she saw Danny walking up and down the halls. He was watching everyone coming and going on the floor with intense scrutiny.

  “How’s everyone up here doing?” she asked him once she got his attention.

  “Things have been quiet, thank goodness. I can’t tell you how glad I am to say that!”

  “Let me pop in to see DL. After that, I’ll talk with you about the new plans for the case.”

  “Sure thing. I’ll wait outside the room until you’re done.”

  She knocked twice on the door, then opened it. DL and Jennifer were sitting together talking with Celeste. As Grace entered, Celeste turned and watched her warily, no recognition on her face.

  “Hey, Grace.” DL smiled up at her. “I’d like to introduce you to Celeste. Celeste, this is my friend, Grace.”

  “Hi, Celeste,” Grace said as she came next to Celeste’s bedside.

  “The doctors said she’s doing well,” DL informed Grace. “She’s coming home with us tomorrow to join the rest of the crew and spend some time letting her leg heal.” His smile at sharing the news appeared bitter-sweet to Grace.

  “I’ll ask some of Anthony’s friends to come help out at your place for a few days.” Grace tried to sound innocuous in front of Celeste and Jennifer.

  “Is the extra ‘help’ necessary?” DL asked.

  “I’ve heard from our friend recently. He’s looking out for everyone’s health and wellbeing. I just want us to take the necessary steps to keep things quiet for the girls’ recovery.”

  DL’s eyes got wide as he digested what Grace had implied. “Okay. I’ll take some time off to spend with Beth and Celeste. We can work on studying for their GEDs while they recuperate, and we’ll be happy for whatever help Anthony’s friends can give.”

  Celeste groaned in mock despair at the mention of her GED. But it was obvious she was also pleased she’d be spending time with DL and Jennifer while she recovered.

  Grace said her goodbyes and left the room to find Danny. They made their way to the nearby chapel for a bit of privacy for their discussion. There, no one would interrupt Grace thinking she was free to talk because she wasn’t speaking out loud.

  Grace walked Danny through everything that happened since she left him watching over everyone.

  “Oh my god, Gracie! Are you okay? That’s horrible! I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help you and make sure he didn’t get inside the house!”

  “It’s okay. I had a great substitute with my pistol.” She tried to make light of her fears now that there was some distance from the situation. She didn’t want him to feel guilty for not being there.

  “Celeste is going home tomorrow, and I’ll ask for some Paranorms to guard DL’s place until we’ve taken care of the Glamour. Anthony and his family are taking care of Billy. I think we’ve done the best we can to ensure everyone is safe.”

  “So, with everyone else out of commission, what are we going to do next?”

  “I can tell you what I will not do, is sit and wait for the Glamour to make his next move. We’ve been chasing after him, trying to interrupt him while he’s playing whatever game he’s playing—following his rules and letting him lead us along by our collective noses. We should flip that on its head and bring things to him instead.”

  “What are you planning to do?”

  “Convince the Glamour to meet me at a place and time I choose. And then I’m going to take care of him.”

  “You want to take him on by yourself? Head on?” Danny’s voice shook with fear.

  “Yes, that’s what I’m saying! He’s fascinated with me. Of all of us, he chose to send those flowers to me. I say I use that to challenge him to a meeting where I finish things once and for all.”

  “Well, you aren’t doing it without me!” A stubborn look settled on Danny’s face.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it, kiddo. You’ll need to watch my back for me. With the guys being out, I’ll need you on this case full time—once Celeste gets to DL’s place and a Paranorm is watching them. Everyone will have the best protection we can provide for them. Then you and I can get to work finishing this thing.”

  “You’ve got a plan to flush out the Glamour and stop him from killing more girls?”

  “The beginnings of one. Once I have time to get some answers from Nicco, I’ll have a full plan ready to put into action.”

  Chapter 40

  Grace walked the long hall to meet Samuel, who rose without speaking from a stool to open the door. He gave her a gracious nod as she crossed over the threshold.

  Grace was too preoccupied to question the bouncer’s change in behavior. She hurried across the room to Nicco’s office, wondering if he would be waiting for her.

  She entered the room to find Nicco standing at one of his bookshelves, a thick volume held in one hand, while turning the pages with the other. He glanced up when she entered the room, then re-shelved the book before turning to greet her.

  “Good evening, mio caro. Another visit is always a pleasure.” He moved to sit behind his desk.

  “Would you like to have a seat?” he asked as she moved to stand opposite him.

  “No, thank you. I prefer to stand.”

  “I take it you want more information on the man you are trying to capture. Shall I get more objects for you to read?”

  Grace stared at Nicco. He always greeted her in that polite, neutral way, even as he was doing everything in his power to use and manipulate her. She was done with other people pushing her around and trying to get her to do things their way. Whether it was the Glamour, or The Family, it was time the games stopped. Right here, right now.

  “Yes, I’ve come for information on the Glamour. But no, I will not do more readings for you in exchange. Only the information I want, no bartering.”

  Nicco stared blankly at her. “You are refusing to honor the conditions of our agreement?” he asked, the threat apparent in his tone.

  “Come on, Nicco. You know as well as I do, this whole ‘arrangement’ is complete bullshit. You bullied me into agreeing to read for you in exchange for information. I’m saying I will no longer bow to your strong-arm tactics. We will work in an equal partnership from now on. One which starts with me getting the information I need to deal with the Glamour permanently.”

  Nicco’s face went stone still while she spoke, his sapphire eyes turning a cold, hard blue.

  “Miss Bishop, I would caution you against making demands of me. You are in no position—”

  “Oh, but I think I am.” Grace interrupted him, leaning in to rest her hands on the edge of his desk, looming over him. “I’ve heard about the threats you use to keep the Paranorms in line—you’ll cut them off from their powers if they don’t do what you want. The problem for you is, the threat is empty when it comes to me.”

  Nicco gave a mocking laugh, but his posturing didn’t deter her. She had him, and she knew it.

  “Don’t pretend I’m like the other Paranorms, Nicco,” she continued. “I’m the first Paranorm with more than one ability. You won’t block me from my powers. You and The Family are too interested to find out how it’s possible. You won’t risk an opportunity to find out by doing something as foolish as blocking my powers.”

  Nicco considered her, all false sense of levity quelled at her words.

  “And what’s more, I am an Aperto Rotto who stayed sane and functional. Rare enough for the any Aperto Rotto, but one with two abilities? Inconceivable, I would bet. You’re curious to find out how I did it—how I could master my abilities without help from the Paranorm world.”

  Nicco’s expression changed from one of disdain and anger to one of amused respect. “I see. You believe you are holding all the cards because we would
not be willing to block your abilities due to your distinction as a multi-ability Aperto Rotto? But you forget, mio caro. There are other ways to force you to acquiesce to our bidding. Others who will be affected by your lack of cooperation.” His voice never rose in volume but still held a sharp edge.

  “Do you think you’ll get me to cooperate by threatening my friends?”

  She leaned closer to him over the desk, balling her hands into fists on the wooden surface to keep from lashing out at him. “Let me tell you right now. You don’t know me at all if you believe bringing my friends into this, or hurting them, will force me to jump to your beck and call. I will walk away from this entire Paranorm bullshit. You’ll never get the answers you want about me and my abilities if you so much as look at one of them the wrong way.”

  Nicco didn’t recoil under her angry retort. Instead, he stood and leaned in to meet her face-to-face.

  “Now it is you who is threatening me, Miss Bishop?” he asked, his voice now loud and angry.

  Grace was pleased to see she’d broken through his calm façade to reach some real emotion. Now to throw him off guard again.

  She sat in the chair Nicco offered to her earlier. “Of course not, Nicco. I’m simply looking to renegotiate the terms of our original agreement,” she said with forced mildness.

  Nicco blinked in surprise and then followed her lead to retake his seat. After a moment’s pause, he asked in a warmer tone “And what would be the new terms of the agreement?”

  Grace smiled a pleased smile.

  “You give me official recognition as a Paranorm. From now on, I’m considered ‘an employee’ of The Family who on occasion gives readings. You will answer my questions, provide the information I request, and I’ll do the readings on my schedule.”

  Nicco regarded her, his expression thoughtful. “You want an official recognition?”

  “Yes, it’ll make things easier if everyone knows I have your ‘seal of approval.’ At some point, they’ll learn about my tattoo and wonder why I’m not recognized as one of them.”

  Nicco grimaced at the mention of her tattoo but didn’t appear inclined to argue the point. “Agreed, I will recognize you. Now as to the other conditions you stipulated. There are certain things I cannot tell you—things that would not be shared even with other Paranorms. But I will share what I may without requiring a reading first. There will be times when you have to do readings on my schedule, due to circumstances needing immediate attention. Would those ‘terms’ be acceptable?”

  Grace had pushed her position about as far as she could. It was reasonable she should be treated like the other Paranorms, at least for now.

  “Agreed.” She rose from her seat to offer Nicco her hand, resisting the urge to spit on it before holding it out. Better not push it and offend Nicco’s delicate sensibilities.

  He gazed at the proffered hand for a moment before rising himself and grasping it in his own. His grip was warm and firm, and he met her eyes without resentment as he shook her hand.

  As they both settled back into their respective chairs, Nicco got to the point. “What information are you seeking, mio caro?”

  “I want to learn more about the Glamour. I assume Anthony got you up to speed on what happened when we confronted him at the warehouse?”

  She paused until Nicco nodded his acknowledgment, although he offered no further condolences for what happened to Billy. “I’m wondering how he was able to create the ‘creature.’ Given Paranorms have only one ability, he shouldn’t be able to manipulate minds and build a monster. Either he’s like me with multiple abilities, or he had help from someone else. Which is it? Is it possible for another Paranorm to build a creature like that?”

  “Applying the principle of Occam’s Razor, the answer would be, this involves a second person.” At her look of confusion, Nicco continued. “In essence, it means the simplest solution is the best solution. Until you came, it was unheard of for Paranorms to have multiple abilities, ergo, a second person.”

  “Another Paranorm?”

  “I have heard of Paranorms with the ability to preserve things, like food, but not one who could preserve human flesh. I am not sure anyone with a ‘preservation’ ability would be mentally imbalanced enough to consider human flesh as the subject of their power. Although it is unheard of in our history, it is possible a Paranorm could create such a creature.”

  Not the news Grace wanted to hear, but it confirmed her suspicions and made sense, given all she saw and learned about the Paranorms.

  “It means there are two of them we need to stop, not only the Glamour,” Grace said.

  “I am afraid that is true, mio caro,” Nicco said, with genuine sympathy in his voice. “To stop these murders, you will need to eliminate both Paranorms.”

  Grace’s task had doubled, if not increased exponentially, but her resolve was undiminished. She needed to finish this—for DL, for the girls, and for Billy. She had to come up with a plan. And fast.

  “Is there anything else you can tell me about the Glamour or the other Paranorm?”

  “No, mio caro, there is nothing else I can share with you,” Nicco said.

  Grace focused on Nicco’s eyes at hearing his particular phrasing, as if he was trying to tell her something without saying it. But she couldn’t tell from his expression whether she was being paranoid or if she was catching on to a subtext to their conversation. Regardless, their agreement was for him to share what he may, and she would need to trust he was keeping his word.

  “I’ll take learning about a second Paranorm as enough for what needs to be done,” she conceded. “What has to happen for you to recognize me as a Paranorm?”

  Nicco smiled at her redirection, this one having more warmth than previous one. “You are wondering if I need to make a ‘proclamation’ regarding your new status?” he asked, for once without condescension or mockery.

  “Something like that,” she admitted.

  “It requires two things. I inform Marcella of your status, and she will pass the word to the rest of her family.”

  “That sounds simple enough,” Grace said.

  “Marcella will tell the Paranorms. I will make a similar announcement to The Family.”

  Grace felt a tinge of apprehension at the mention of The Family. She was already on their radar. It shouldn’t bother her they would be told of her new status. She hated all the attention this would bring, but it was the best thing to do moving forward, for her, Danny, and her friends.

  “And the second thing?” Grace asked. “Do I have to go through an initiation rite, a ritual, more readings or something?”

  She hoped for once it would be a simple requirement that wouldn’t put her through another emotional ringer.

  “Nothing elaborate,” Nicco reassured her. “We will pierce your ears that you may wear the ‘segno di famiglia,’ the earrings like Anthony and Sophie wear, as an outward sign of your status as a Paranorm.”

  Now that she thought of it, Anthony and Sophie were always wearing modest sapphire earrings—they were smaller versions of the large one in Nicco’s left ear. Anthony had an earring in his left ear, while Sophie wore one in each ear. Sophie hadn’t mentioned the earrings during their conversation about the tattoos.

  “You want to pierce both my ears, right here in your office?” she asked half-jokingly.

  “I can do it for you right now.” Reaching into a drawer of his desk, he pulled out a blue velvet jewelry box to place it, lid closed, between them on the desk.

  The man is prepared for anything. Grace looked over the box. She never got her ears pierced because she didn’t see herself as that “girlie.” She didn’t want to bother with earrings each time she went on the job with the force. The latter was no longer relevant, and the former, it appeared, would be adjusted to fit the circumstances.

  “Do I need both pierced with the ‘segno di famiglia,’ like Sophie? Or can I just do the one?” she asked.

  Nicco sat for a while, thinking through her s
uggestion. “By tradition, the male Paranorms will receive a single segno di famiglia, while the female Paranorms will get two segni di famiglia.”

  Seeing her obvious disappointment, he continued in a playful tone. “Well, mio caro. Seeing how you are defying tradition by being both an Aperto Rotto and having multiple abilities, I suppose we can break the rules this one time, if that is what you want.”

  Grace sighed with relief. One earring she could handle without having to shift her self-image too much.

  “Which ear should it go in, then? Left or right?”

  Nicco’s smile was mischievous. “It should be the right, don’t you think? Males on the left. Yours on the right.”

  Again, Grace felt there was some subtext she was missing. But she decided not to be concerned about why Nicco was pleased with the idea. Better to get it done and get out there to deal with the Glamour and the second Paranorm, starting with the warehouse cleanup and reading the Glamour’s knife.

  “Okay. Let’s do it.”

  Nicco stood and moved to her right side. “Close your eyes, and it will be over quickly. It will only sting the tiniest bit.”

  Chapter 41

  Nicco couldn’t help the self-satisfied smirk that followed Grace out of the room. And as he expected, a breeze stirred the air as soon as the door closed behind her. Nicco gestured the spells of Second Sight and Hearing and turned his chair to face Gabriella, who was sitting on the edge of his desk.

  “I knew it,” she said, grinning. “You like the girl.”

  “It is a real pleasure battling wits with her. Even beyond the challenge of discussing Viora’s pet while limited by Viora’s spell. The girl has spunk.”

  “Ah, so you admire her. That is a surprise.”

  “I learned to admire spunk from the best of them,” he said, grinning back at her.

  “Cheeky, devil,” She slapped his arm in admonishment. “How is it dealing with Viora’s spell?”

  “I can sense it whenever I am in in the girl’s presence. It is like a thin film of oil coating my skin. It stretches like an elastic balloon each time I push the limits of the spell’s binding.”


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