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The End (Deadly Captive Book 3)

Page 3

by Bianca Sommerland

  Daederich might have resented that once, but not anymore. If Elah proved useful in freeing her, Daederich would be willing to share her until the day they all died. The man pissed him off. His calm rankled on the best days. But he’d shown he would do whatever it took to get Lydia away from Cyrus. He’d continued the hunt while Daederich made sure his son was in good hands.

  Lydia deserved that kind of devotion. She’d gone back into the hell they’d escaped to spare his son. Rosali could lead them to her.

  The young woman must not be anything like Lydia if she’d be scared off so easily, so Daederich thought of Cyrus’s other victims, his chest tightening as he remembered Mary. A sweet young girl he and Lydia had tried—and failed—to protect in captivity. Daederich had taken her innocence to spare her pain and ended up causing her death by getting her pregnant. If this girl was anything like Mary, she’d be watching them now, willing to speak to them if they seemed kind. Foolish, maybe, but whatever worked.

  “How will we find her?” Daederich kept his tone low as he watched Elah watch the crowd. “Do you think she has guards?”

  “Yes. It was one of her men who contacted me, so I’ve no doubt they’re here, making sure she’s not in danger speaking to us. All I was told is she had long black hair and grey eyes. And she will show herself when she’s ready.”

  Sounded like a game and Deaderich was tired of them. Not that he had a damn say about it either way.

  The music changed and the crowd on the dance floor thinned. A vaguely familiar song he’d heard on the radio a time or two came on, popular enough that he was surprised more women weren’t out there dancing. He wet his lips with his tongue as he listened to the words. Gunpowder and Lead…damn, that made him think of Lydia. Tough as nails, the type of girl who would make any man pay for hurting her.

  Except for Cyrus. He’d love to imagine her blowing out his fucking brains, but she’d likely die trying. And he needed her to live long enough for him to stand by her side while they took the bastard down together.

  A line dance had gathered to one side of the dance floor, moving easily to a practiced routine. One woman took over the other side, making up her own moves to the pleasure of those watching. Her lips mouthed the words and her black hair flipped over her shoulder as her hips jerked and her body swayed.

  She was beautiful, reveling in the attention. Daederich wasn’t interested. All he could see was all the ways she didn’t measure up to Lydia. He’d never seen Lydia dance, but if she did, he could see her with the group, laughing as she learned the steps. She wouldn’t need to be center stage, but every eye would be on her, admiring her strength and her unassuming grace. The way she took in every experience like it was something special.

  Because every new one filled the emptiness from losing her past. He’d been working on making new memories with her before she’d been taken from him.

  And would again. Soon.

  As the song was about to end, Elah shifted away from his side, joining the girl on the dance floor. He took her hand as a new song began. The Devil Went Down to Georgia. This time, they were surrounded, everyone seeming to want to get in on the dance. Daederich stared as Elah kept time with each step, not sure what to make of how well the man fit in with the young ones. He mustn’t have been much older than them when he’d become immortal. Only, Daederich had never seen it before. Elah never missed a chance to show how much more experienced he was. How much Daederich had to learn.

  Moving closer to the dance floor, Daederich observed the young woman, beginning to understand Elah’s clear interest in her. Black hair and grey eyes. Timeless youth.

  This was Rosali.

  Rather than the uncertainty he’d expected, she seemed to glow with excitement as Elah lifted her in a spin and flipped her in his arms. As Elah rejoined Daederich with the girl still in his arms, both were laughing like fools. Not sure how he was supposed to react, Daederich motioned a waitress over and ordered shots, compelling a group of boys at a nearby table to vacate it so the three of them would have somewhere to sit.

  Giggling as Elah plunked down with her still in his arms, Rosali caught the eye of someone in the crowd and shook her head. Daederich followed her gaze and spotted a bald man who could easily pass as a bouncer—or a damn heavyweight wrestler—frown and retreat into the shadows. On the second floor, another man, as big as the first, with long blond hair tied in a low ponytail, came forward and rested his forearms on the banister. He acknowledged Daederich’s stare with a smirk.

  Rosali cleared her throat and slipped from Elah’s lap, onto the cushioned bench. “Don’t mind them. They’re very protective and they don’t want me to speak to you at all. But they won’t interfere.”

  “They have no reason to worry. We’re grateful for anything you can give us.” From the corner of his eye, Daederich caught Elah’s subtle nod of approval. He inhaled slowly and continued, using the same gentle tone he had so often with Mary. “Do you know where Cyrus is?”

  Teeth pressing into her bottom lip, Rosali blinked fast. “No, but…I can find him.” She folded her hands on the table and hunched her shoulders. “He made me what I am.”

  Daederich’s brow furrowed as he glanced over at Elah. Cyrus was Daederich’s sire as well, but he’d never been able to track him down. He’d believed only sires could track their kin, not the other way around. Before Cyrus had taken Lydia, Daederich could have found her anywhere. Now, Cyrus’s power cut him off.

  Elah gave him a grim smile. “It takes years to develop that kind of bond. You must be very strong to have survived being with him that long, Rosali.”

  She shrugged and focused on her hands. “I did what I had to. And it’s good, because I can sense when he’s close enough that I need to run. He’s lost interest in me, so I’ve been safe for a while.”

  Placing his hand over hers, Elah spoke softly. “We wouldn’t ask if there was any other way—”

  “I haven’t said I’d lead you to him. You asked for information.” Rosali’s chin jutted up as she glared at Daederich. “And they have no reason to worry? Will you protect me if he offers to release her in exchange for me? Don’t bother lying, I know what you did. He has her because you let him take her to free your son!”

  “What choice did I have?” Daederich slammed his fist on the table and stood. “Even if I had been willing to sacrifice my son, Lydia wasn’t!”

  “Then she’s a fool. Your son had years before Cyrus would even consider touching him. He likes his boys old enough to put up a fight.” Her lips curled in a sneer. “Girls are different. The ones he can break are a snack. The ones he can’t… I’ve heard of Lydia. She’ll be a feast, like I was. Do you want to know how long it took for him to get bored of me?”

  “No.” Daederich could only imagine, and he refused to even contemplate Lydia falling to the same fate. His blood ran cold as Rosali’s lips twisted in a bitter, knowing smile. He braced his hands on the table and leaned over her. “I want to know what you’d expect your men to do if you were trapped. How far you think they’d be willing to go.”

  Cocking her head, Rosali looked him over. Then she shrugged. “How far are you willing to go, Daederich? Will you force me to bring you to him?”

  Could he? He straightened and grabbed his beer, tipping it to his lips with his eyes pressed shut. This girl was no one to him. Her men might pose a problem, but between himself and Elah, they could be dealt with. And then Rosali could be…convinced to do what was right.

  He met her eyes. “Yes.”

  She released an airy laugh. “I don’t believe you.” She gave Elah a kiss on the cheek and hopped to her feet. “I’ll be in touch.”

  Less than an hour later, Daederich sat in Elah’s rented truck, tense as he watched the motel door. The layout had the entrance to each room leading straight out to the parking lot, a one-story building in a large U-shape. Rosali had seemed the type of girl to stay at a classier place. In a room not so easily accessed.

  Both her guards had left her
alone a few minutes ago, driving off without so much as a glance around the parking lot. As if they weren’t the least bit concerned that they could have been followed.

  The entire scenario screamed trap.

  Rosali clearly wasn’t a stupid girl. What reason would she have to draw them to her? Was she testing them? Trying to find out how far they’d be willing to go to get the information they needed?

  Another game. A very dangerous game for one who’d been at Cyrus’s mercy to play.

  Which was exactly why neither he nor Elah had made a move yet.

  “She has to know we’re here.” Elah shook his head, rubbing his jaw as he stared at the door. “Meeting us in the tavern made sense. This…”

  Daederich nodded, scowling as he stepped out of the truck. “She knows. She’s probably waiting in there, curious to see what we’ll do. I don’t know why, unless she’s bored after so many years on the run.” He met Elah in front of the truck. “Worst case, she’s got more than those two men and we’ll have a fight on our hands.”

  Elah stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “Possible, but I’m wondering if she didn’t want to be away from her men. She was having fun until we all sat down and things got serious. If she was a normal girl, I’d say she was pissed that you spoiled her night out.”

  Rolling his eyes, Daederich cast a sideways glance at Elah. “She’s not a normal girl. Charming as you are, I think there’s more to this than her wanting a few more dances.”

  “Or maybe there isn’t.” Elah held up his hands as Daederich’s eyes narrowed. “Believe me, I understand you being suspicious, but when you’ve lived as long as I have, you’ll learn that sometimes things really are exactly as they seem.”

  “She doesn’t trust us. Why give us the opportunity to get her alone?”

  “She’s lonely?” Elah shrugged. “Stay out here if you want, but I’m tired of waiting. Even if she has twenty men hiding, ready to come to her rescue, I’m fairly certain I can take them out. You may be useful, but I can manage fine on my own.”

  With that, the arrogant bastard strode across the lot. Daederich ground his teeth and followed, studying the perimeter, all his senses on high alert. He folded his arms over his chest as Elah rapped his knuckles on the door to Rosali’s room.

  She opened it without hesitation, a sly smile on her lips. “Oh good! I was hoping you wouldn’t waste the night sitting in your truck. Come in!”

  They stepped inside and she closed the door, locking it behind them. Yet another action that didn’t make sense. She was impeding her own men’s ability to get to her.

  Daederich might have given her too much credit. The girl might very well be an idiot.

  The room was the standard setup, with a king-sized bed on one side, a dresser bearing a flat screen TV on the other, and a table with two chairs in front of the large window. Thick purple curtains that matched the bedspread assured them privacy from any who passed on the parking lot. A large suitcase stood beside the dresser and on the table sat three glasses and a tall wine bottle.

  “Will you join me?” Rosali gestured to the bottle, shooting a hesitant smile at Daederich. “I saw the way you looked at that girl. You must be starving!”

  Arching a brow, Daederich shook his head.

  Elah took a seat and nodded. “Yes. Thank you.”

  Rosali bit her lip, watching Daederich as she popped the loose cork of the wine bottle. “I think I should apologize. I…well, just thinking of Lydia going through what I did made me so mad. And the very idea of putting myself at risk of being caught by Cyrus again…” Her bottom lip quivered. “You seem to love her very much, but you couldn’t protect her. Part of me wanted to push you. To see if you’d be willing to hurt me to get her back. And I know how messed up that sounds, but if you were my man, I’d hope you’d stop at nothing.” She let out a heavy sigh. “When I saw you out there in the truck, I decided I really didn’t want to find out what you’d do to me to get my help. I’d much rather us be friends.”

  Friends? Daederich glanced over at Elah.

  Elah reached out and put his hand over the one Rosali had rested on the table. “We can be friends, sweetheart. And I swear to you, if you come with us we won’t let anything happen to you. No one blames you for being afraid.”

  Rosali bit her lip and bowed her head. “Yes, but I can’t let Lydia suffer because I’m scared. What she did for your son…” Her eyes glistened with tears as she lifted her head to look at Daederich. “She was selfless. I want to be that for her. I…I admire her.”

  The tension eased from Daederich’s muscles as he saw the sincerity in Rosali’s eyes. Heard it in her voice. She might be older than him, but in some ways, she was still so young. Her men must have kept her sheltered for years, rebuilding the broken girl, teaching her how to live again. The way she spoke, the way she held herself, made him wonder if she’d been innocent until the day Cyrus got his hands on her. If so, she could very well be trapped in a childlike state. Immature, seeing things like a little girl would, which explained a lot.

  He backed a few paces to sit on the edge of the bed and braced his hands on his knees, hoping she would see this as his way of putting them the same level. He didn’t trust her, not yet, but he had no reason to stay hyper-alert with her. She’d put herself in a vulnerable position and had made it clear she was finally ready to help.

  “How soon are you willing to start the search, Rosali?” He spoke softly, but Elah still gave him a disgusted look. He ignored the other man and focused on the girl. “We may not get far tonight, but there’s still hours before dawn. I don’t want to waste any more time.”

  She nodded, reaching for the wine bottle. “I get that. And…we can go as soon as my men return. I told them to give me an hour with you. This is me, holding out an olive branch. I handled things badly, but I want you to know I’m serious about this.”

  Daederich watched her fill all three glasses. She handed one across the table to Elah, then came over with two in her hands.

  Her brow furrowed when Daederich hesitated to take the one she offered him. She blinked fast, downing the contents of her glass in a few quick gulps. “Is that better? Really, Daederich, this worries me. If you cannot take the blood I offer, how can I believe you’ll keep me safe? You see me as a threat.”

  Elah had already finished his helping of blood. And after seeing Rosali drink without pause, Daederich felt foolish refusing her offer. He’d need his strength in the days to come. She clearly had resources that would be useful. Not having to stop to feed from vagrants, or steal blood from hospitals, would make things much easier.

  With a shake of his head and a light laugh, Daederich tipped the glass to his lips, closing his eyes as he tasted the sweet, thick blood, slightly cool and so very fresh. He licked his lips and handed her the glass. “Thank you. And forgive me for being overly cautious. I do not see you as a threat, but I have not lived so long in my line of work by taking people on appearance alone.”

  She perched on the edge of the bed next to him, gazing up at him with wide, doe-eyes. “Neither have I. Which makes you lucky, because if I did there’s no way I’d have let the two of you get so close.” She held the tip of her tongue between her teeth and curved her hand over his knee. “I’m happy I did though.”

  He went still, breathing slow to control the urge to push her away. Being uncomfortable with the touch of anyone other than Lydia went beyond devotion, but he rarely acknowledged that, even to himself. He wasn’t a man to shy away from physical contact after being violated. Elah was right. Rosali was lonely and rejection could damage all the progress they’d made.

  But despite his thoughts, his skin crawled and his throat locked. Every time he blinked he saw Cyrus’s twisted bitch on top of him, her wet cunt sliding down his dick—hard despite his disgust. Using him as she drained his blood. Leaving him feeling dirty. And weak.

  Elah stood, quickly pouring them all another glass of blood. He met Daederich’s eyes as he approached, showi
ng sympathy that made Daederich want to lash out. He didn’t need the man’s fucking pity.

  He was grateful though, when Elah drew Rosali to her feet, brushing his lips along her cheek before whispering something in her ear that made her giggle. Daederich gulped the contents of the glass Elah offered him as he shifted away from the bed to give the pair some space. He sat at the table as Elah tossed back the helping of blood before easing Rosali onto the mattress, kissing her and stroking his hand over her belly.

  Daederich watched the door, eager for the return of Rosali’s men. The soft moans from the bed irritated him; he couldn’t understand Elah’s interest in the girl if he cared for Lydia as much as he claimed. Granted, seducing Rosali would make her easier to handle, but where was the man’s loyalty?

  Suddenly very tired, Daederich folded his arms on the table and rested his head on them. He watched Rosali straddle Elah, peeling off his shirt and pressing soft kisses down his chest. Cold, acidic blood rose in Daederich’s throat as Rosali unzipped Elah’s jeans and pulled his dick free. She mounted him, letting out a sigh of pleasure.

  Elah moved sluggishly, his hands leaving her hips and dropping to his sides on the bed.

  On the nightstand, Daederich caught sight of Rosali’s second glass of blood. She hadn’t touched it.

  He blinked, feeling sweat slick his skin. Lifting his head was difficult. He glanced down and saw red oozing from his pours. Something was wrong. He tried to stand and his legs gave out, dropping him to his knees.

  A ragged cough tore from his chest. Blood spilled from his lips.

  Still fucking Elah, Rosali let out a giggle and smirked at Daederich as she ran a hand over the bloody sweat covering her own flesh. “Silly boys. Did you really think I couldn’t be dangerous, all on my own?” She raked her nails down Elah’s chest, then brought her bloody fingertips to her lips. “I wasn’t sure you’d be worth my time, but I think I’ll have fun with you.”


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