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The End (Deadly Captive Book 3)

Page 10

by Bianca Sommerland

  His lips slanted and he inclined his head. “You don’t smoke, do you.”

  “Not usually, no.” I swallowed hard. “But it seemed the easiest place to start.”

  “True.” He shook his head and chuckled. “My name’s Jase. And you are…?”

  “Lydia.” I almost wished I’d come up with a fake name so I didn’t have to be me. Playing a part with him would make this so much easier, but he was being too sweet. Too understanding. He deserved the little bit of truth I could give him. “If this is weird… Okay, this is weird. And you should probably go. Or I should.” No. I couldn’t let him leave. I’d have to choose someone else. “But if you don’t, if you’re interested—”

  “He’s interested.” Cyrus curved his hand around the back of my neck, and ice slithered down my spine as I fought not to pull away. “How could he not be?”

  Jase gave Cyrus a hooded look, which surprised me. Not that I’d made any real attempt to seduce him, but I usually attracted men’s attention without any effort at all. This one hadn’t shown any interest at all.

  Maybe I was the wrong kind of bait.

  “You aren’t.” Cyrus whispered in my ear. He stepped away from me, reaching into Jase’s pocket and pulling out the pack of cigarettes. “Jase’s interests are similar to mine. I’ve simply made my intentions clear.”

  “You have. But I enjoy a bit of conversation before I’m propositioned, so this worked out well.” Jase lit Cyrus’s cigarette, then pulled another out for himself. He offered the pack to me, but I shook my head. His focus returned to Cyrus. “This is for you, isn’t it.”

  He wasn’t asking. Hopefully, Cyrus wouldn’t care what the man assumed. If Jase irritated the ruthless bastard, the night wouldn’t end well for him, no matter what promises had been made.

  But Cyrus simply let out a low laugh, reaching out to brush his fingers along Jase’s jaw. “My sweet girl knows what I like. She chose to be more…involved tonight.”

  “Lucky me.” Jase wet his bottom lip with his tongue, the sweet aroma of his blood scenting the air with an alluring pull as his pulse picked up. He leaned closer to Cyrus, almost as though he couldn’t help himself. “I haven’t done anything like this—not since…” He pressed his eyes shut and shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. My place is close. It’s nice. I have some Chateau Margaux I got to celebrate. It’s stupid expensive, but it was my fia—my ex-girlfriend’s favorite. No reason for it to go to waste.”

  “None at all.” Cyrus motioned for Jase to lead the way. “You have good taste. This ex-girl of yours clearly didn’t.”

  Jase’s lips quirked slightly and he began walking down the path, looking relaxed at Cyrus’s side, which had me grinding my teeth so hard my fangs would be useless soon. Fine, it wasn’t Jase’s fault, he didn’t know how dangerous Cyrus was, but didn’t he have any sense of self-preservation? Even as a mortal my instincts had told me Cyrus was a threat. I hadn’t been able to protect myself, but Jase was a free man.

  For the moment anyway. Cyrus seemed to like him, which was never a good thing. How long before the image of Jase begging for his life became more appealing than whatever game Cyrus was playing with me?

  Still, I couldn’t help some relief that Cyrus’s focus was on someone else. Guilt nagged at me, but I ignored it, letting my eyes drift shut as I walked, tipping my head back as a warm breeze spilled over me. My hair fluttered across my face and I bit my bottom lip, fighting the urge to break down and let loose the scream of frustration tearing at my throat. I opened my eyes, my pace slowing as I took in the night sky, painted with thin clouds, stars blinking in the blackness breaking between them. There’d be nothing but the walls of my cell soon. Or worse, the bright lights of a stage. The sky, the fresh air, the ability to move around freely, was temporary. If I could forget Alrik, and Elah, I could make a run for it now and never look back.

  If not for them, I would take the opportunity to escape, but they held me to Cyrus more securely than any chains. Once, Daederich would have as well, but he could clearly take care of himself. There was nothing he wouldn’t do to survive.

  He’d sacrifice me to save himself. I owed him the same respect, right?

  The sweet breeze became oppressive as my throat locked and I forced myself to keep moving. I couldn’t let that sense of betrayal distract me, but fuck, it was hard. Hearing Daederich’s voice in my head had kept me sane through so much, but all his words had become lies, everything I felt for him nothing more than a desperate need for the only love I remembered to be real.

  No matter how hard I tried to convince myself it hadn’t been, part of me still wanted to believe I’d meant something to him. That he hadn’t been with me because of… What, a sense of responsibility for what I’d gone through because of him? Did he regret what he’d done to me at all?

  Would you rather he’d have let you die?

  Yes. And no. I didn’t even fucking know anymore. The memories I’d made with him, exploring the world, experiencing so many things all over again for the first time, from making love in a soft bed to swimming in the ocean and learning to drive, all things I must have taken for granted once. He’d given me those things, sharing my excitement, encouraging me to set aside what I’d lost and let it all be new and wonderful.

  What did I have to live for without him? I didn’t even know. Elah would help me end it all rather than for me to endure another moment with Cyrus, but Alrik deserved a chance at a future. Even though he’d been cursed to live out this existence just like the rest of us, if he was protected, he’d get to grow up, fall in love, become strong enough to fight for himself and others. He was with good people, they’d teach him how to use that strength to take down men like Cyrus.

  Maybe he’d be the one to take down the bastard if I couldn’t.

  If I was lucky, I’d still be alive to see him do it.

  Pleasant thoughts, which I kept carefully guarded, but a glance from Cyrus as we headed up the winding metal steps to Jase’s apartment told me he’d caught some of them. He expression didn’t change, which scared me a little.

  Jase might pay for me letting my mind wander. I’d enjoyed the illusion of freedom a little too much. I wasn’t free. Not even a little.

  “Don’t mind the mess.” Jase unlocked the door, stepping aside to let me and Cyrus pass. He stood uncertainly in the entrance as we took in the huge loft, dropping his keys on a table by the door. “I haven’t had company in awhile.”

  I wasn’t sure what ‘mess’ he was talking about. Sure, there were a couple of mugs on the counter in the kitchen, but the stainless-steel appliances, and the granite countertops, were spotless. The whole place had a crisp, artistically modern feel, contemporary pieces effortlessly mixed with classical ones. The tall chairs around the black steel table looked Victorian. The stairs leading up to the open second floor would have fit perfectly in a gothic era mansion. The massive black and white portraits on the walls in the wide space leading into the sparse living room could have lined the halls of a palace with only a few small changes to match the period.

  Cyrus observed it all with a bored expression, but by his tone, he was clearly impressed. He made his way into the loft, trailing his fingers along a Viking sword set on a long, thin marble table against the wall. “You have an impressive collection. This isn’t a replica.”

  “No. It’s a family heirloom.” Jase took my coat, hung it with his own on the wooden knob hooks by the door, then headed to the kitchen. “I have a sabre from the Napoleon era in the living room if you want to check it out. All the men in my family collected swords, which came to me when they died.”

  As Cyrus continued exploring, I joined Jase in the kitchen, thanking him when he poured a glass of wine and handed it to me. This whole setup was unnerving. Not the loft, but…being here. Jase chatting with Cyrus about décor, serving wine, acting like this was normal.

  He could die.

  I could be forced to kill him.

  Why the hell isn’t he afraid?
/>   No matter how many times I asked myself that question, I’d never get the answer I wanted. He wasn’t afraid because he didn’t know we were a threat. He didn’t live the life I did—the life I always had, from before I could even remember. He was just a man going along with the opportunity to get lucky.

  He was playing his part. So was Cyrus.

  I was the only one struggling.

  “Have some wine, Lydia.” Jase’s eyes met mine as he took a sip from his own glass. “Try not to be nervous. Nothing happens tonight that you don’t want.”

  Swallowing back a laugh almost made me choke on my wine. If Jase noticed, he didn’t comment. He smiled a little before heading to the living room with a glass for Cyrus. I finished my own wine, hardly tasting what I was sure was a delicious vintage. It would take something a lot stronger than wine to get me through tonight. Getting drunk as an immortal wasn’t easy, but I’d managed it a time or two.

  Usually after feeding on someone who was plastered. Maybe I should encourage Jase to indulge in a few more glasses. It might make this easier on both of us.

  “Come, Lydia.” Cyrus settled on the black leather sofa, leaning back, amusement slanting his lips. “You don’t expect us to begin without you?”

  Gritting my teeth, I started around the kitchen island, slowing my pace as my head spun. I inhaled roughly, staring at the glass of wine. The tipsy feeling was exactly what I wanted, but there was no way I’d managed after a glass and a half.

  Struggling to walk normally, I eyed Cyrus, noting his relaxed demeanor, the slow, almost sleepy way he moved. Had Jase drugged us? Was he fucking stupid? If Cyrus found out—

  “I know, my sweet.” Cyrus released a low laugh, his eyes half shut. “A harmless little ‘spice’ to intensify the sensations and help you relax. Rather nice of our host, don’t you think?”

  ‘Nice’ was one way to put it. I couldn’t help wonder who else Jase had invited up here for a drink which he’d spiked with something. And if both Cyrus and I could feel it, the drugs must be strong. Strong enough to kill a regular man or woman.

  Perhaps I’d selected the right victim after all.

  I ran my tongue over my teeth, meeting Jase’s level gaze as he reclined on the sofa next to Cyrus. Jase didn’t seem nervous about having been caught. Instead, he looked curious. Waiting to see what I’d do next.

  “Very nice.” I lowered to my knees between Jase’s spread thighs. “I’m happy we found him. I wasn’t sure I’d enjoy this, but now I know I will.”

  Cyrus’s smile widened. “Are you hungry, love?”

  I tugged Jase’s belt open, smirking at his rough inhale. “Fucking starving.”

  Chapter Nine

  Cyrus leaned close to Jase as the man tipped his head back, eyeing the pulsing vein along his throat, almost wishing the hunt had been a little more challenging. Lydia might have considered Cyrus to be the dangerous one, but the second she condemned the man with those pristine morals of hers, she’d become downright lethal.

  He’d have to watch her carefully to keep his promise. Being a man of his word had never mattered much to him before, but he was willing to change for her.

  Slightly. On his own terms.

  I’m sure she’ll be grateful. Integrity is so important to her.

  Lips slick, Lydia took Jase’s dick deep into her throat, staring up at the man as he stroked her hair, losing himself to the pleasure of her mouth. She pulled off him, trailing her tongue along the length of his cock. Grazing the smooth flesh with her teeth.

  As her fangs pierced a thick vein, Cyrus winced. He could almost feel sorry for Jase—even an immortal experienced considerable pain when that most vulnerable part was abused. And she hadn’t been gentle.

  Shock parted Jase’s lips. He drew in a sharp breath as though ready to scream.

  Placing his hand over the man’s mouth, Cyrus whispered in his ear. “The pain will pass. Be still and I’ll let you fuck her when she’s done.”

  Eyes tearing, Jase stared at him. His whole body relaxed as agony shifted to a warped pleasure that would override all his senses, the ecstasy so intense he’d likely forget anything else when the night was over.

  Cyrus moved his hand from Jase’s mouth and stroked his hair. “You really are exactly my type. She couldn’t have chosen more perfectly if she’d tried.”

  He claimed Jase’s lips, slitting the bottom one with a fang and letting the blood fill his mouth as they kissed. Smoothing his hand down Jase’s chest, he deftly undid the buttons of his light blue shirt, licking the wound on Jase’s lip closed before bending down to trail his tongue along the exposed skin of his chest.

  Jase’s skin was cooling, so Cyrus reached out, raking his fingers through Lydia’s hair. He tightened his grip when she resisted, and finally she lifted her head, glaring at him as blood dripped from her chin onto the wood floor.

  “Messy girl.” Cyrus chuckled, wiping the blood away with his thumb. He stood, holding out his hand and pulling her to her feet. The mix of drugs and blood and alcohol had her sweetly compliant, which he didn’t always enjoy, but would do for tonight. He could make sure she truly enjoyed her gift. “There’s a nice comfy bed right up those stairs. Why don’t you go ahead and wait for us?”

  Her brow furrowed slightly, and she looked at Jase as though she had something to say, but instead, simply turned and made her way upstairs.

  Cyrus turned his attention to Jase as the man stood. His lips curved slightly as Jase hissed through his teeth, all the color leaving his face. By now the venom of the bites would be working its way through his system, burning through his veins as it attacked his blood cells, absorbing them, changing them as it had Cyrus and Lydia.

  Only, there wasn’t enough to bring him across. He would die an agonizing death if Cyrus left him. Which, entertaining as it would be, wasn’t part of the plan.

  He drew out the flask he kept in the inner pocket of his jacket and pressed it into Jase’s palm. “Drink this. Every last drop. It will help.”

  “What is it?” Jase uncapped the flask and took a deep gulp.

  “Absinthe.” Cyrus ran his tongue over his bottom lip, savoring the lingering flavor of Jase’s blood. He had Romani ancestors, which made him downright delicious and explained why Cyrus couldn’t read his thoughts. Which could be a problem, since he couldn’t be compelled to forget tonight, but Cyrus wasn’t overly concerned.

  If Jase had any powers, he wouldn’t have let Lydia so close. Magi tended to sense immortals on instinct and Jase remained clueless. He wasn’t a threat, but gorging on his blood was tempting. Cyrus would have to keep an eye on Lydia. Besides wanting the man dead, Jase’s blood would make her stronger.

  Having to physically restrain her might be entertaining, though not how he’d planned to end the evening. The alcohol would dull the lure of Jase’s blood as it thinned, while protecting him from the effects of their bites. And make Lydia a bit tipsy. Both the man and Cyrus’s pet would be manageable.

  As for Jase’s memory, what did it matter? Who would believe him even if he understood enough to spread the story? Not a mark would be left on him.

  Well, other than a few bruises. Cyrus didn’t do gentle.

  The tight lines of pain eased from Jase’s expression after a few more gulps and he handed Cyrus the flask, catching Cyrus’s wrist before he could put it away.

  “I don’t care what you are. This is…” Jase laughed and shook his head. “This has been crazy and you both… I want you. I want her. Nothing else matters right now.”

  If I kept you, you’d wish you’d never said that. Cyrus chuckled, curving his hand around the back of Jase’s neck and drawing him close. He flicked his tongue over Jase’s bottom lip. “I rarely share her, so don’t make me regret this. Make her feel so good she misses you once we’re gone.”

  Jase looked surprised, but he inclined his head. “Consider it done.”

  Cyrus held out his hand for Jase to lead the way, following close behind. He remained at the top of the
steps as Jase approached Lydia, curious to see how she’d react. He smirked as she relaxed onto the bed, feigned lust in her eyes, kissing Jase when he climbed over her, as though she’d been eager for him to join her.

  She wanted him close enough to kill, and Cyrus was tempted to let her, just to see how beautiful she’d look, covered in Jase’s blood.

  But he’d offered her a taste of freedom, not control. Jase would see another morning.

  Of course, they could always come back.

  This gift thing might not be so bad after all.

  The rhythmic pulse in my skull lulled me into passiveness as Jase’s lips covered mine. He was a good kisser, and him touching me didn’t disgust me as much as it should have. The drugs probably had something to do with it. Every brush of his fingers against my throat, against the skin slowly revealed as he undid my shirt, was magnified until I couldn’t hold back a desperate moan.

  I kinda wanted to tear him limb from limb. I also wanted him to take off my shirt and keep kissing me.

  Decisions, decisions…

  He finished undoing the buttons of my shirt and pulled me up, helping me slip the red silk off my arms and toss it aside before bringing his lips to my breasts.

  My head fell back as the flick of his tongue on one nipple sent sparks shivering along my nerves and my core clenched. He eased me back onto the pillow, grazing his teeth over my ribs as he undid my pants, peeling them down my thighs, stopping when he realized my boots were in the way.

  Biting hard on my bottom lip, I watched him unzip both, pulling them off before gently sliding my pants the rest of the way off. I knew the cruelest bastards could pretend to be sweet, but this didn’t seem to be an act. Why couldn’t he be rough and mean? Wanting him dead would be so much easier.

  Tenderness had become an alien concept to me. I had no idea how to react, which scared me. The drugs and alcohol were fucking with my senses enough.

  Daederich had spent months teaching me to enjoy sex that wasn’t rough and demeaning. He hadn’t done me any favors, because I wouldn’t have missed what I’d never known. Now I remembered the feeling of a lover taking his time, caring more about my pleasure than his own. He’d made me feel beautiful. Precious.


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