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Denai Touch: Excalibar Investigations Series

Page 13

by Tiffany Shand

  “That’s not your concern. Is there anything else?” Not his concern? Bollocks! Cate was every bit his concern. Usually, he didn’t lose his temper so easily, but Seline could be one hell of an infuriating woman.

  “She bloody well is my concern! It’s my duty to protect her!” he snapped. “If there’s something you’re not telling me…”

  “Be careful, Talbot. You might be more powerful than any other elemental, given what you are, but even you aren’t invincible,” she said with a hint of warning in her voice. “I tell you what I think you need to know. You don’t have the right to know everything about my granddaughter.”

  “Sorry,” he muttered, fighting to keep control. “I didn’t mean to…”

  “Yes, you did, and if it wasn’t for the fact Catherine needs you to help her get through her ascension, I would have you out of my city. You’re a danger to her and everyone around you.”

  “I’d never let anything happen to her.”

  “Yet your presence here has already put her in danger. The Deva attacked last night, you’re just fortunate it was not there for you.”

  It was his turn to look surprised. “What? How do you – ?”

  “I know everything that goes on within my city.”

  “But it must have been there for me. Why else…?” Jason frowned. “Cate? Why would a Deva come after her? I’m the one that’s hunted.”

  “There are things about Catherine you do not know.”

  “What things?”

  “That is not important. Just know the Covenant will stop at nothing to get what they want.”

  “Like I said, I won’t let anything happen to her.”

  Seline gave a harsh laugh. “Catherine should leave the city, go somewhere she’ll be safe and protected by forces greater than you, but she foolishly chooses to stay here,” she sighed. “I want you to convince her that her ascension is too important.”

  “We both know she won’t listen. What’s the harm in her carrying on with work for the time being?”

  “The ascension could strike at any time and if the Covenant attacks and injures her, it could easily be triggered.”

  “Cate won’t run and hide until she’s ascended. You know that.”

  “I will not let her die because of her own stubbornness and stupidity. She is far too important. If Raven kills her, you know what the consequences would be.”

  “I know and I’ll talk to her, but she’ll want to fight.”

  “She can fight once she’s reached full power and has immortality to provide her with some protection.”

  “Until then, she has me.”

  “After the ascension I want you gone from my city. You have stayed long enough.”

  That hit him like a knife to the heart. This was the first real home he’d had in thousands of years. He had a life here, friends, and Cate. Leaving her would be the hardest thing he’d ever had to do. Steve, Ian, and Jade had all welcomed him into their little family – no one had ever done that before – he would miss all of them. But he knew Seline was right, he should have left long ago. Yet part of him couldn’t bear the thought.

  “But I’m her Mavis. She needs me.” He had to find a reason to stay.

  “After she’s ascended, she’ll be assigned a new one. I already have a few candidates in mind. You knew you were only ever meant to help her through the ascension. A Mavis can be replaced and, whilst you may have done a reasonable job until now, you’re too dangerous and not worth the risk.”

  Jason looked away. She was right, but it still hurt. He didn’t know why, but he thought he might have earned some sort of approval in her eyes. What an idiot he was. Neither Seline nor Cate’s father had approved of him being her Mavis, but they needed someone who could give the massive amounts of energy her powers demanded. He’d never be good enough for her. Any kind of relationship between them was impossible, forbidden even.

  “Your feelings for her are becoming a real problem, Talbot. Perhaps it’s time I assign Catherine a new Mavis.”

  “You said yourself she needs me, and I don’t have feelings for her.”

  Seline laughed again. “Don’t be an idiot. We both know you’re in love with her. She’s very beautiful and she relies on you.”

  “My feelings aren’t an issue,” he insisted.

  “I warned you not to get personally involved. You know you can never be with her. She’s a Denai and half Ashrali, and you are…”

  “I know what I am!” Jason snapped. “I haven’t done anything. Nothing has or will happen.” Well, that wasn’t strictly true, given the events of last night.

  “Good and you better be sure nothing does happen. Her emotions will be just as heightened as her powers during the transition and being what you are, you attract females easily.”

  “Cate is not attracted to me, she never has been. You don’t need to worry.”

  “It’s settled then. You will help her to concentrate on her ascension and when it’s over you will be gone.” Seline waved her hand in dismissal.

  Jason turned to go, but stopped at the door. “What am I supposed to tell Cate?”

  “Nothing. She can’t know your secret…”

  “I can’t just leave without saying goodbye to her.”

  “I never knew you could be such a sentimental fool. I always thought you cared about nothing and no one. I imagine you would have to be that way, given your lifestyle.”

  “I don’t run because I want to, I’ve had to in order to survive,” he said. “I can’t help what I am, I was born this way.”

  “I suppose not, but we both know your father’s people will remain hunted and enslaved. Nothing will change that.”

  “Nothing lasts forever.”

  “You’re deluded. Some things will never change and even if they did, what makes you think you could ever be worthy enough for Catherine?”

  “I never said I was worthy and I know damn well I don’t deserve her. But I’ve loved her for longer than she’s been alive. I’d never expect you to understand, given that you banished your daughter so you could mould Cate into your own creation. Too bad she’s a lot like Ceri and won’t bend to your will.”

  Seline’s eyes darkened. “How dare you speak to me that way? I am the Grand Mistress and you are nothing more than a slave!”

  Jason stormed out before he could say anything else and bury himself even deeper.

  Cate sat on her living room floor, trying to meditate. By achieving a sense of calm her powers would remain controllable. At least that was the theory, according to Seline and everyone else who had tutored her over the years. It was hard to focus on being calm when her mind kept going back to work. She had to find the Grand Grimoire and stop Raven before it was too late. Her ascension was what she’d been longing for all her life, but now it was finally about to happen she was scared. Witches could die, if they were not prepared enough. Would her powers kill her?

  Over the last few centuries it had become rare, but it could happen. Seline didn’t seem bothered nor did the rest of the coven. They had so much faith in the prophecy and her destiny. She hated it, that something foretold 10,000 years ago could define every aspect of my life. But it had been foretold by Denai herself, their mother goddess, who had blessed them with her gifts and founded a new dynasty of witches.

  Cate detested being thought of as unique; there was nothing special about her. She sighed, absently rubbing at her birthmark. If she was so exceptional, why had her mother abandoned her?

  Ceri had probably grown sick of the obligations of being a Denai and future Grand Mistress and left, dumping all of that responsibility on her daughter instead. One part of her duty Ceri had already fulfilled was providing a female heir to be the next Grand Mistress. Cate had had enough too, she felt suffocated here.

  As much as she loved her coven and being a Denai, she was tired of being cooped up in the city and constantly at odds with Seline. There was so much more she could be doing out in the world. Cate wasn’t about to give up her dut
y, but it didn’t require her to stay in Faliaster.

  Denais over the centuries had travelled far and wide, going wherever their services were required. Maybe she’d go spend some time in Elaris with her partner, and finally have a chance to explore some of her Ashrali heritage. Cate had grown to think that side of her was latent or non-existent, but now she wasn’t so sure. She wondered what kind of Ashrali powers might exist inside her and what they would do to her.

  Closing her eyes, Cate took a deep breath, feeling a wave of calm wash over her as she let her mind drift, forcing all lingering thoughts away. She felt as if she were floating, as if her body weighed nothing at all. Her senses reached out into the universe, searching for nothing. She felt the familiar hum of the ley lines and their force called to her. She reached for it, feeling warm energy flood through her body. She hit the floor, hard.

  “Ow! What the hell?” she cried.

  Had she really been levitating? Maybe the sensation of floating hadn’t been just a feeling after all. So much for relaxing.

  Feeling a renewed sense of vitality, she decided a quick workout was in order before reading a few of the ancient tomes Seline had insisted she study. It was an important part of preparing for the ascension. She would have to know what to do when the time came. Seline said the experiences of her ancestors would give her an idea of what to expect.

  Running to her bedroom, Cate changed into a crop top and jogging trousers. As she was trying to tame her wild hair, her mind flashed back to the night before. She had lied to Jason earlier; she did remember everything that had happened. Goddess, Jason had kissed her and she kissed him back. What had she been thinking? It was Jason. They didn’t do that, no matter what people seemed to think.

  She had decided it was best to just feign memory loss and pretend like nothing had happened. He seemed to want that too, since he hadn’t brought it up.

  The alcohol had gone to her head, messed up her body, and made her do something she never thought she’d do. Not that she hadn’t fantasised about it. It was that weird dream; they had been drunk and done something stupid. Thank the goddess it hadn’t progressed any further and damaged their relationship beyond repair. It was the transition, it had to be. Her emotions were heightened and she was feeling some kind of insane attraction to her best friend.

  You can’t be with him, she told herself. He’s not interested and you’re a mess.

  Not that she hadn’t been attracted to him before. Who wouldn’t be? Jason practically oozed sex and power. She understood perfectly why men and women drooled over him wherever they went. But he’d made it clear they were strictly friends and that was fine by her. Yet now she had an intense ache inside her. Jade was right, she really did need some male company.

  She didn’t trust herself with anyone right now. She’d taken too much energy from people in the past. Of course, she could give as well as take it, but there was no bringing someone back from the dead. With Jason she hadn’t had to worry that she would cross the line.

  A workout would banish all these insane thoughts from her mind.

  Heading into her home gym, Cate had a few rounds with the punching bag, giving it a few sharp kicks. She could defend herself without her powers and she wanted to make sure none of those skills had gone rusty. She punched and kicked repeatedly, but the memory of kissing Jason and how good it had felt refused to go away. She kicked again and closed her eyes, trying to force the memory away.

  Cate remembered the attack, and the strange silver fire that had come out of her hand. She’d never conjured any kind of magic like that before. Was it a latent Ashrali ability?

  Looking at the punching bag, she raised her hand. The bag vibrated with energy. Damn, how had she done it? Her memory was a little fuzzy. It had been more instinctual than anything. She focused her power, willing the flames to appear. Nothing happened, not so much as a spark. She tried again and this time the punching bag exploded. There went that workout.

  The crackle of energy in the air made her senses tingle and the hunger inside her grew. Her eyes glowed bright silver, just as the door slammed shut. Cate blinked and shook her head, hunger and power ceasing. Jason was home.

  Jason stomped into the gym, but she could already feel the waves of anger emanating from him. She wanted to dance with joy, now she could at least sense something from him, if the emotion was strong enough.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” Cate gathered the meeting with Seline hadn’t gone well which was unusual. Usually, she was the one that ranted after meetings with the GM while he kept his cool.

  “Your fucking grandmother is insufferable!”

  Cate smiled. “Tell me something I don’t know. What did she say now?”

  Jason’s hands clenched into fists. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “Clearly it does. It’s not like her to upset you, so tell me what’s up.” She wiped her face with a towel. “I know she probably lectured you on all the things you should do and not do to help me prepare for the ascension,” she said. “I bet she nagged and tried to get you to convince me to run away and hide until my ascension is over with, right?”

  Jason frowned. “How did you know?”

  “I’ve heard it all before. She nearly had a heart attack when I told her I was training to be an Enforcer,” Cate replied. “Just ignore her. I’m not doing it and I’m not a coward.”

  “Aren’t you afraid?”

  “Honestly yes, but I can’t stop the ascension or ignore the fact the Covenant has a bounty on my head and is going to try to stop me from ascending.”

  Jason swore again. “You remember last night?”

  “Bits of the attack, yes, but I’m not going to run away nor do I want you being my bodyguard.”


  “The Covenant was bound to come after me sooner or later. Whatever happens we’ll face it.”


  “Yes, we. You’re going to be with me when I ascend and probably when I have to face Raven too.”

  “We don’t know Raven is still alive.”

  “She’s alive alright.”

  He frowned at her. “How do you know? No one has seen her in over a decade.”

  Cate hesitated.

  “Cate, what haven’t you told me? If you’ve seen Raven…”

  “I haven’t seen her – not physically. It was just a dream.”

  “Damn it, why didn’t you tell me?”

  Cate put her hands on her hips. “I don’t have to tell you everything,” she snapped. “You’d just go running off to tell my gran.”

  “I thought we were past this. I’m not Seline’s fucking spy and I don’t go running off to her every time you break a nail. God, I don’t have to tell you everything I do either,” he said indignantly.

  “Right, because you’re such an open book, aren’t you?”

  “Maybe you wouldn’t like what you saw, if you knew the person I really am.”

  “It was just a stupid dream.”

  “Oh yeah, is that why I hear you crying and screaming in the middle of the night?”

  “Maybe you should sleep at your own place. Oh wait, you don’t have one.” She turned away from him. “I’m going to shower.”

  Jason grabbed hold of her wrist, his eyes suddenly swirling pools of silver as she looked up at him. “What happened?”

  “Why would you care?”

  “I care, damn it.”

  They stared at each other for a moment before she grabbed hold of his shirt and pulled his head down so she could kiss him. Electricity crackled between them as their lips met.

  Cate felt both her body and magic come alive. Jason pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her. She reached up and encircled his neck, moulding herself against his hard body.

  The kiss felt incredible and the hunger in her deepened. Silver orbs danced around them, as he thrust his tongue inside her mouth. She moaned and ground her hips against his hard erection.

  Warm energy rushed through her, but that wasn’t what s
he needed. Their tongues mated together and she breathed in his familiar scent of leather and sea. He always smelt like the ocean, but she never knew why.

  His hands cupped her bottom and lifted her off her feet. Pushing her against the wall, she wrapped her legs around his waist. His lips trailed down her neck as his hand rode up underneath her top and over her breasts. He thrust against her, sending waves of pleasure rolling through her body.

  Cate hadn’t felt this kind of intense desire in so long, if ever. “Jason,” she gasped, her hands fisting in his hair as he pulled up her top and took one taut nipple into his mouth, sucking hard.

  They ground against each other, separated by only thin layers of clothing.

  “Cate – tell me to stop,” he gasped against her lips.

  Not bloody likely, she thought and kissed him again.

  A rush of energy suddenly passed between them. Her mind filled with an intense desire that wasn’t her own. It was as if the magic flying around them had opened up a link between their minds. She could feel what he was feeling – at least partially. He wanted her badly; she could practically feel the ache. He needed this just as much as she did.

  With a new-found strength, Cate pulled his shirt, ripping the fabric away so she could touch his smooth, warm skin. His body vibrated with energy and she wanted to touch every single inch of him.

  They tumbled onto the floor with her landing on top of him. She rode him hard, his tongue claiming her mouth. She was so close to going over the edge and cried out as pleasure exploded inside her, silver orbs swirling all around. Jason gave a shout and she felt his cock jerk against her. Breathing hard, Cate rested her head against his chest for a moment, overwhelmed by the intensity of what had just happened. For one blissful moment she felt closer to him than ever before. Feeling safe in his arms, before it all went to hell.

  “Cate? What are you doing?” Jason asked. “What are we doing?” He quickly scrambled up.

  Cate stared up at him, feeling as stunned as he looked. What had they been doing? They had almost just had sex and would have done if… Feeling suddenly vulnerable, she quickly pulled her top back down.


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