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The Hex With It (A Paranormal P.I. Mystery Book 2)

Page 6

by Rose Pressey

  “It’s another selfie.”

  “Of course,” Derek said.

  “But where are selfies captured?” I asked.

  “In front of bathroom mirrors?” Derek asked.

  “Exactly, and there are quite a few of those here in the casino.”

  “Are you proposing checking every restroom in this place?”

  “I bet it’s the one closest to the conference rooms. We just have to find the right one.” I motioned over my shoulder as I took off.

  Derek and I hurried down the hall, maneuvering around groups of people. We were getting more than a few strange looks. Just then we spotted the ladies’ room.

  “Right over there.” I directed.

  “Should I go in there with you?” Derek asked with a sly smile.

  “Very funny. You stay here.” I pointed. “I’ll go look for her, and no, I don’t need your help.”

  I marched into the ladies’ room. The tiny space was crowded, and she was nowhere in sight. Regina could be behind one of the doors, so I would wait. This was kind of strange. I felt like I was stalking her.

  Ladies came out from the stalls. None of them were Regina. I wasn’t sure how she had moved so quickly. I checked my phone again, but there were no new updates. Feeling dejected, I went back into the hallway.

  “Well?” Derek asked.

  I shook my head. “No luck. She wasn’t in there.”

  He ran his hands through his hair and then peered down the hallway. “We tried everywhere. What do we do next?”

  I didn’t want to admit defeat quite yet. If I didn’t find her soon, I would have to, but not yet. I checked my phone again.

  “Jackpot,” I said.

  “Did she post?” Derek asked, leaning in closer.

  “You got it.”

  “What’s she doing this time?”

  “It looks like she’s by the casino’s entrance. She’s posting another selfie with another woman.” I showed Derek the phone.

  “If she’s by the front doors, then we should go there now.”

  I shoved my phone into my pocket and hurried after Derek. Maneuvering around the crowd wasn’t easy. I hoped we didn’t lose her again.

  After almost tumbling to the floor when someone walked out in front of me, I managed to remain upright. We continued on the way toward the front entrance. I was still worried that the security would spot us running and stop us. They’d throw us out. Thank goodness so far we hadn’t been stopped. Finally, we reached the front entrance. I was hopeful that Regina would still be out there. Derek and I burst out the entrance door into the driveway. I peered around at all the faces.

  I placed my hands on my hips. “She’s not here. How can she slip away so quickly?”

  “I don’t know that she’s gone. Maybe we just haven’t spotted her yet. You should check your phone again,” Derek said.

  I looked at my cell again and checked her posts. “I guess we have no choice but to do something different.”

  “What else is there?”

  “We were so close,” I said.

  “But not close enough,” Derek said.

  Derek gave the valet his ticket and we waited for the car. Once they brought it around, we hurried into the BMW and took off away from the casino. I kept checking my phone updates, but apparently Regina was too busy to post right now. Based on past experience, I was sure she would snap a selfie soon, but how long could we keep chasing her this way? I might have to try a new method of finding her. Someone had to have information for me regarding her address. In the meantime, Derek and I would go back to the office so that I could get other work done.

  Chapter 9

  All of the coven’s witches had gathered at Melanie’s house for our meeting. This was where we discussed new spells and ingredients, but we mostly caught up with the latest episodes of reality TV. All the ladies were older than me, but that didn’t seem to matter to them. They didn’t care that I was young and inexperienced at magic. I was grateful that they allowed me to take part in their meetings. They could have kicked me out a long time ago.

  After I rang the doorbell, Melanie opened the door and dragged me by the arm inside. “Get in here. We’re in a hurry.”

  Sue, Ellen, Anna, and Agatha were already sitting around the living room. Melanie had her usual snacks of celery and other vegetables. She made her own dip, although I wasn’t sure that it was fair to really dip to call it that. I usually made sure to eat before I got there. Don’t get me wrong, I liked vegetables, but Melanie managed to make them unenjoyable.

  “What’s the hurry?” I asked.

  “We have some great spells that we want to try out and we needed you here before we can do it.”

  “Well, I’m glad you waited,” I said. “This seems important.”

  “Oh, it is… you’ll see. Have a seat and we’ll get started,” Agatha said with a wave of her hand, as if waving her wand.

  We sat on the living room floor on pillows in a circle holding hands.

  “All right, Melanie, you have to tell me what the words are for the spell,” I said.

  “Just repeat after me,” she said.

  I closed my eyes to help me concentrate on focusing for the spell and listened to her words.

  “Bring the new one here without haste,” she said.

  I opened one eye and looked at her. Exactly what kind of spell was I getting myself into? They had never steered me wrong in the past, so I reluctantly repeated the words. I was fully immersed in the spell when all of a sudden a loud noise banged from somewhere outside.

  “What was that?” My eyes flew open.

  The ladies jumped up from the circle and headed over to the window. It was as if they were expecting someone.

  “What’s going on?” I asked as I hurried over behind them.

  They formed a barrier at the front of the window, blocking me from even seeing what was out there.

  “Okay, now I’m beginning to think you’re hiding something from me. What’s out there?” I said, trying to push my way through.

  I had a feeling this had something to do with the spell that we had just cast. I got an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach about this. I wondered if I should go ahead and start doing another spell that would break free whatever they had just cast.

  “Okay, somebody tell me what’s going on right now or else I’m going to start casting another spell.”

  “No, no, no, don’t do that,” Agatha said.

  I placed my hands on my hips. “Well, then let me see out that window.”

  “Just trying to help,” Sue said quietly.

  “Yes, Cece, we only want to help,” Melanie repeated.

  That definitely meant something wasn’t right. I pushed my way through to the window and peered outside. My stomach dropped. Just as I’d suspected. Derek was standing on the driveway looking around as if he was completely lost. He probably had no idea why he was even here. That was when he looked up at the window and spotted me. How was I going to explain this one? I didn’t want him to know about the coven meetings. It was one thing to think I might cast a few harmless spells once in a while, but it was completely different to know about a coven of witches.

  Melanie grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the door. “Now get out there and invite him in.”

  “I want to know why you called him here,” I demanded.

  “Because we think that you two make a good couple, so we thought we’d do a little matchmaking.”

  “I don’t need matchmaking. He’s a business partner and that’s the way it will stay. I can get my own dates.”

  “Well, then do so, please,” Ellen said.

  “I will find someone eventually, but just not right now.”

  The doorbell rang and I knew it was too late to get out of this, unless of course I slipped out the back door and made a run for it. Though I was sure they would tell Derek that I had been there.

  “Okay, everybody clean up all the magic stuff. I don’t want him to know what was g
oing on.” I waved at the stuff on the floor.

  They rushed over and picked up all of our herbs and spices, then stashed them away in the cabinets. The doorbell rang again. I knew that I had to answer this time. Derek had probably heard us moving around in there.

  The witches stood behind me as I finally opened the door. Derek looked at me with a confused look on his face. Then he looked around at the witches behind me.

  “What’s going on in there?” he asked.

  “Nothing. Why do you ask?” I asked casually.

  Though I knew I sounded completely suspicious. He tried to peer over the witches’ shoulders to see what we were doing, but he would find nothing there. Everything was hidden already.

  “Would you like to come in?” I smiled.

  Derek arched his brow. “I’m not quite sure why I’m here.”

  He looked completely lost.

  “Please do come in,” Melanie said.

  “I guess I can. I must have taken a wrong turn,” he said. “Good thing that I found you.”

  “Good thing.” I chuckled nervously.

  “So what’s happening at this party tonight?” Derek asked with his usual sexy smile.

  “We were just going to play cards. Would you like to join us?” Melanie pointed toward the dining table.

  I shook my head. “Absolutely not.”

  “I’d love to,” he said, pulling out a chair at the dining room table and sitting down.

  “Would you like some refreshments? Cece can go get them for you.” Ellen winked.

  “What do you have?” he asked.

  “Water,” I said.

  “Get him the beer we have, dear,” Melanie said, motioning for me to go to the kitchen.

  After everyone placed their orders with me, I reluctantly went to the kitchen and got everything. Laughter sounded from the other room. What were they talking about? I hurried with the drinks and snacks so I could get back out there. When I brought it back they were already dealing out the cards. How embarrassing. Now I had to admit this was the way I spent my Saturday nights. Derek was completely right, except for most of the time we weren’t playing cards—other times I was at the senior rec center playing bingo. Yes, I lived an exciting life.

  Derek was smiling at me sheepishly throughout the entire game. I knew that he wanted to make a remark about what I was doing on my Saturday night. He was also really cute when I looked over at him smiling like that too. I guessed I couldn’t be too hard on him. The ladies kept asking all kinds of questions, trying to get us to talk. They were mentioning all the things that we had in common. Blah, blah, blah.

  After the last hand, I pushed to my feet and said, “Okay, it’s time to stop. I really need to get home.”

  Derek looked at his watch. “It’s only eleven thirty.”

  “Yes, the night is young. Why don’t you two kids go out on the town and have a good time?” Melanie gestured.

  “Maybe dancing,” Agatha added.

  “I’m not a very good dancer,” I said.

  “But you do the show,” she said.

  I glared at her. I’d been hoping Derek would forget about my Marilyn gigs.

  Derek said, “What show? Oh, you mean the Marilyn thing?”

  Ugh. Why couldn’t he forget about that? I just wanted him to take me seriously as an investigator. Not to focus on the other stuff.

  “I don’t know what she’s talking about,” I said.

  I said goodbye to the witches and hurried outside.

  “It was a fun meeting tonight,” Melanie said.

  Agatha placed her hand over Melanie’s mouth, but it was too late. Derek had already heard the comment.

  Derek was right behind me. “Are you going to tell me what kind of meeting this is?”

  I waved my hand dismissively. “Oh, it’s nothing. Sometimes Melanie just says random things.”

  Derek looked at me suspiciously and I knew he didn’t believe a word I said.

  “Thanks for coming tonight,” I said. “I’ll see you Monday morning.”

  I waved and jumped in my car. Derek gave me another confused look and climbed behind the wheel of his sports car. I almost felt bad for rushing off like that, but I did need to get ready for the gig. Oh, and I wanted to avoid discussing my side career and the witchcraft. Yeah, there was that.

  Chapter 10

  The next day, I was all ready for my gig. I slipped into the Marilyn Monroe dress—the white one with the halter top. I had my blonde wig in my hand. I figured I would put that on later, but then I realized that I was running late. I would have to wear it now. I didn’t like going out in my full Marilyn Monroe costume because, yeah, I got some strange looks. A lot of people wanted to take my picture for the novelty factor. I couldn’t blame them. I snuck out to my car so that none of the neighbors would see me.

  Once in the safety of my car, I decided to check Snapchat one more time to see if there were any updates from Regina. That was when I spotted another one. She was at a casino again. She really liked those places, but this one I recognized right away. It was where I was going for my gig. That would be convenient. Maybe I would have enough time to chase her down before I had to do the show. I started the car and pulled away from the curb, in a hurry to get to the casino before losing her again.

  After struggling through traffic, I pulled up to the casino and parked. I would have to make the distance from the parking space to the casino door in my costume, which, needless to say, would garner some looks. I kept my focus on the door. I had a job to do and no one was going to stop me. I hurried across the lot, avoiding people asking for my picture. When I stepped inside, I hurried over to the slot machines where Regina had taken the snap. I hoped that she didn’t get away this time. She moved too quickly.

  Lights and sounds of the casino set me into sensory overload. I reached the slot machines, but didn’t see her. She had left again. She couldn’t have gotten too far because it hadn’t taken me that long to get here. She was probably at a different machine, although I scanned the area and didn’t see her. However, I did spot someone else. Unfortunately, it was Derek. What was he doing here? Was he following me?

  Yeah, he’d seen me in this costume a couple of times. I’d tried to pretend as if it was no big deal, but I knew he had questions about my side job. Maybe I should tell him the truth, but why put myself through that? Yes, I needed the extra money to pay off the debt that my aunt Barb had left behind. Derek would probably go back and tell everyone in Savannah that I was a Marilyn Monroe impersonator. I looked around for a place to hide, but there was nowhere I could get quickly.

  I hid behind the lucky cherries slot machine. I didn’t know how long I’d have to stand back there. The noise was on loop in my head. Not to mention I was getting strange looks. I was drawing way too much attention to myself.

  Just then my cell rang. When I glanced at the screen, I saw Derek’s smiling face. Why had I added his photo so that when he called it popped up? What was I thinking? How would I get out of this? Surely he’d spotted me and that was why he was calling. I would just have to tell him I was somewhere else.

  “Where are you, Cece?” Derek asked as soon as I answered.

  He knew. What would I say now?

  Chapter 11

  I held the phone up to my ear as I tried to peek around the corner of the slot machine to see where he was now. I couldn’t spot him in the crowd. All of a sudden, someone grabbed my shoulder. I spun around with my hands up in the air, as if I was ready for a fight. The phone flew from my hand, landing somewhere under the slot machine.

  “Whoa, calm down,” Derek said, holding his hands up.

  “Don’t ever do that again,” I said. “You scared me.”

  Derek eyed me up and down. I knew there was no way I could still pretend that I wasn’t still doing the Marilyn Monroe thing. He reached down, fished my phone out from under the machine and then handed it to me.

  “Thank you,” I mumbled.

  “So you want to tell me what
you’re doing hiding back here?” he asked with a smile.

  “I think it’s pretty obvious. You’re quite aware of what I’m doing,” I said.

  “Hey, you can do this all you want for all I care. I like this look on you.” He smiled. “Not better than the real you though.”

  I tossed my hands up. “Okay, I’m still doing the Marilyn Monroe impersonator thing. There, I said it. The secret is out now. Go ahead and make all the jokes you want. Ha, ha. We’re done, but don’t you dare tell anyone back home.” I pointed a finger at him.

  He held his hands up again. “I wouldn’t dare think of doing anything like that. I haven’t told them yet.”

  “You haven’t?” I quirked an eyebrow.

  “Of course not,” he said with an innocent smile.

  “If you’re just saying that, I’m warning you…” I gently poked Dylan in the chest. It was even more muscular than I’d imagined.

  “Okay, I promise I won’t, but I already knew you were still doing it, so if I really wanted to tell anyone I could have done that by now.”

  “How did you know? You didn’t tell me that you knew I was still doing this.”

  “Well, all the signs were there, and you kept doing suspicious things. Then I saw the wig in your desk drawer. It wasn’t hard. I’m not that dumb.”

  “You were looking in my drawers?” I glared at him.

  “I was looking for gum.” He flashed his charming smile that he thought got him out of everything.

  “I never said you were dumb, but anyway, let’s forget that. What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked.

  I leaned against the slot machine. “Okay, I have a gig here tonight, if you must know.”

  “I guess that makes sense.”

  “You caught me, so now it’s your turn. You tell me why you’re here.”

  “Okay, I admit it. I was looking at Regina’s Snapchat too. I recognized this place, so I decided I would come here without calling to tell you. You did it before, so don’t look at me like that.”

  “How did you recognize that she was over here by the slot machines?”


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