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Dream Like Nothing's Impossible

Page 12

by S. J. McCoy

  He had to smile. The kid was oblivious to why they were staying here. Eddie hoped he would stay that way. “Okay, but you should be in bed by the time I get back. It’ll be late.”

  Marcus grinned. “More time for me to get the high score, then. See ya!”

  April followed him to the door. “Don’t worry about us. We’re fine. I don’t think Guy’s here at all. Knowing him he probably sent someone else to do his dirty work for him, and even if he is around, he doesn’t know where your place is.”

  Eddie nodded, but he still didn’t like it. “Okay, but I’ll call you every time we break. Make sure you pick up, because if you don’t, I’m coming straight back to make sure you’re all right.”

  She nodded and reached up to land a kiss on his lips. He closed his arms around her and breathed her in. He couldn’t quite believe how much she’d come to mean to him in such a short time. He didn’t want to let go of her and go to work. He didn’t want to let go of her ever. He let go before he said something stupid. “See you later, and if you’re tired, just go on to bed.”

  She nodded, but the look she gave him told him she’d be waiting up for him.

  “Is everything all right?” asked Ben when he got to the resort.

  “Yeah, sorry I’m late, boss.”

  “I’m not worried about that. Colt was here at lunchtime.”

  Eddie met his gaze, wondering how much Colt might have said.

  Ben smiled. “He’s the soul of discretion; He told me that April may be having some trouble with her ex, but that she’s in good hands since you’re looking out for her.”

  Eddie smiled. Colt had told all without telling Ben a thing. He nodded. “That’d be about right.”

  “Is she okay?”

  “Yeah, she reassured me she is absolutely fine, about seventeen times before I would leave her and come to work. She’s at my place. I don’t want her going back to hers.”

  Ben raised an eyebrow. “Is there anything I can do?”

  Eddie thought about it. “I don’t know. I’ll ask her, but probably the best thing you can do for now is let me get on with it.” He jerked his head toward where Chase was waiting on the stage. “I don’t want to run late tonight. I want to get back home to them.”

  Ben nodded. “Then forget it. Go home. We can do without tonight.”

  Eddie shook his head. He wouldn’t let Ben down like that. “No, I’m here. I’ll get on with it.”

  “Okay, but just do two sets. Drop the third.”

  “Will do. Thanks, Ben.”

  Chase grinned when he reached the stage. “You look worn out. I take it April’s been keeping you busy?”

  “Not in the way you think, unfortunately. Stressed out is what I am.”

  Chase’s grin faded. “It’s not going well?”

  “It’s going great, me and her, me and Marcus. That couldn’t be better.” He smiled at his friend. “I think I might have found that something more we were talking about.”

  “That’s awesome!”

  “I hope it will be, once we get past the small matter of her ex-husband breaking into her house.”


  “You heard. Last night, when we left here, he’d been in her house.” He shook his head. “It’s some crazy shit, dude. I’ll tell you about it when we break, but we’d better get started.” He gestured out at the busy bar. “The crowd won’t wait.”

  “They can do,” said Chase. “I can solo it if you want to go?”

  “Thanks, it’s okay. And Ben said we could cut it to a two-setter tonight if that’s all right with you?”

  “Of course, it is. Let’s get started so we can get finished.”

  When they finished the first set, Eddie was surprised to see Laura standing at the edge of the stage. There were usually at least a couple of girls waiting around for them to take a break, but tourists, not locals. And certainly not this dark haired beauty. He preferred blondes himself, always had, but even he wouldn’t deny she was a good-looking woman. He looked around warily for her fiancé. Smoke was a good guy, Eddie liked him a lot, but he seemed like the jealous kind. Eddie would hate to go pissing him off, especially since he had no interest in Laura whatsoever. He was much more interested in calling April and making sure she was okay.

  “Hey, have you seen anything of April lately?”

  Eddie nodded cautiously wondering what she might want.

  She smiled. “Don’t look at me like that. It’s hard to keep a secret around here. I didn’t want you thinking I was just assuming.”

  He smiled. “Yeah, sorry. We’ve been seeing each other.” There was no reason to hide it—and more than that he didn’t want to. He was proud of it. “Why, what’s up?”

  “It’s just that my friend Leanne is coming up this week. April had talked to her a little about getting a divorce in California. Leanne wondered if she’s thought any more about it if she might want to meet up while she’s here.” She smiled.

  Eddie nodded thoughtfully. April would be getting divorced in the State of Montana, not California by the looks of it, but surely it’d help to talk to Leanne. Eddie remembered her from Vegas. She wasn’t someone he’d want to cross in court, or anywhere else for that matter. “I’ll ask her to give you a call, shall I? I don’t want to speak for her, but I think she could probably use all the advice she can get right now.”

  Laura grinned. “I thought you might say that.”

  Eddie smiled back. If only April was in a hurry to get a divorce for the reason Laura thought—because of him!

  Smoke appeared at Laura’s side. “What’s going on here?” he asked as he snaked an arm around Laura’s waist.

  “Get off, jerk.” She swatted at his arm before turning to kiss him. “I was asking Eddie whether April might want to talk to Leanne while she’s here.”

  Smoke’s smile faded. He met Eddie’s gaze. “Yeah, if you and April want to hang out with her for a couple of hours—or days—that’ll be just fine by me.”

  Eddie had to laugh as Laura pushed at him. “Don’t be such an asshole!”

  Smoke grinned. “If you’d tell your friend not to be such an asshole then I might not.”

  Laura rolled her eyes at Eddie. “Smoke here isn’t Leanne’s biggest fan, but she’s the best.”

  Smoke raised an eyebrow. “At what?”

  “At getting results. Now would you quit it?” She smiled at Eddie. “We’ll leave you to your break, but have April call me?”

  Eddie nodded and chuckled to himself as they walked away. Smoke turned back and shook his head at him. He had to wonder what the story was there, but he wasn’t going to wonder too long. He fished his phone out of his pocket to call April.

  “Hi,” she answered.

  “Hey, is everything okay?”

  “Everything’s fine, just like I told you it would be. Please don’t worry.”

  “I can’t help it. I don’t like leaving you by yourselves.”

  “We’re fine here. If we were at home, I could understand it, but we’re not. We’re okay. In fact…”


  “I like it here.”

  He grinned to himself. “Then maybe you should stay a while?”

  She didn’t answer for a few moments. He started to wonder if he’d blown it. Was it too soon? They hadn’t talked about anything like that. He was taking advantage of her situation to get what he wanted. That had to be wrong of him, didn’t it? He was about to apologize for even suggesting it when she finally spoke.

  “I’d like that, and I know Marcus would.”

  He couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face. “Me too. More than you know.”

  “We can leave whenever you want us to.”

  “I don’t want you to.” What was he saying? “But, of course, you can go back to your place once we think it’s safe again. If you like.”


  “Yeah.” He didn’t know what else to say. He’d put it out there, and she’d agreed.

“You should probably get going, shouldn’t you?”

  He looked up at the stage. Chase was already back up there. He waved two beers at him to let him know he didn’t need to go get his own. “Yeah, but before I do, I saw Laura. She asked if you’d give her a call.”

  “Oh, do you know why?”

  “Apparently, her friend, Leanne, is coming to town. She wondered if you’d want to meet up with her.”

  “Oh. I don’t know. I think I’ve decided, Eddie. I’m just going to sign the papers and be free.”

  Eddie nodded. He didn’t know what she should do. “Whatever you decide is right for you, sweetie. It wouldn’t do any harm to talk to her if you want to, would it?”

  “No, you’re right. I think I will.”

  “Okay. I’m going to have to get back up there, but I’ll call you again when we get done. We’re only doing one more set and then I’ll be home.” He loved the way that sounded. He was going home—to her.

  “Oh no, you shouldn’t cut it short!”

  “Too late. I already have, because I want to. See you soon.”


  ~ ~ ~

  April hung up and went back through to the living room where Marcus was still playing on the PlayStation. She hadn’t had the heart to make him get off. He’d left his own PlayStation behind when they’d packed up and left home. It had all happened so quickly. They’d taken the bare minimum and gone when Chance and Mason had come to pick them up. She’d promised Marcus she’d buy him a new one just as soon as she could afford it, and maybe if she did get a raise when they got the women’s center up and running, it wouldn’t be too long before she could.

  As she stood in the doorway watching him, she had to wonder again if that was right. Shouldn’t Guy have to provide for him, at least contribute? Was she doing wrong by the boy, if she signed the papers? She’d be signing away his claim to any money that she didn’t earn herself, and no matter how well she might do in the future, she’d never be able to give him what his father could. Except his father didn’t want to. Her gut still told her that Marcus would be better off with love and no money, than money and whatever vengeance his father might seek if he were forced to pay up.

  Marcus turned and smiled at her. “Was that Eddie on the phone?”

  She nodded.

  “Is he going to be home soon?”

  “He won’t be too late.”

  “Good. I wish we could stay here.”

  She nodded. Was she doing wrong by him there, too? Eddie had said they could stay for a while, but what would happen when he wanted them to leave? What would happen if he didn’t? She already knew she’d love to stay here, for this to be their new life. But was that realistic? It sounded like Eddie hadn’t been in a real relationship before, and she had only been out of a horrible marriage for a couple of months. Was this all going too fast? Would they all live to regret it?

  “What’s wrong, Mom?” Marcus was studying her face.

  She decided that the best she could do was be honest with him. “There’s nothing wrong. I’m just a bit scared.”

  He put down his controller and came to wrap his arms around her waist. “We’re going to be okay.”

  She hugged him back, loving him with all her heart. “I know. I’m going to make sure we are, but I don’t know yet what okay will look like. Right now it feels like everything is going to be all right because we’re here with Eddie and he’s so good to us, but it might not last. I don’t want you, or me to get hurt if it doesn’t.”

  Marcus nodded sadly. “I know. It might not last, but it might, too. Do you remember when old Mr. Delaney came to 4-H to talk to us about ranching?”

  April nodded.

  “He told us that when you want something, you have to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. He said that if something is going well, you should enjoy it, but don’t be too disappointed when it ends. I’ve been thinking about that with Eddie. He’s so much fun. I love him, but I know it might all be over soon.”

  April stared at him for a long moment. He was a smart boy, there was always so much going on behind his solemn little face, but she hadn’t expected to hear such wisdom from him. She nodded. “I think you’re right. I think we should enjoy it while it lasts.”

  His smile was so big he looked as though his face might split in two. “Me too!”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Eddie smiled at Renée as he opened the bakery door. She smiled back and got done serving a couple of tourists before she spoke. “She’s in the back; I’ll go get her.”


  A few moments later, April came out. She looked so different these days. She appeared to be getting younger. She looked more relaxed, and it suited her. “Hi.”

  “Hey. I just wanted to stop by to tell you to enjoy yourself this afternoon, and don’t worry about Marcus. We’re going to have fun.”

  “Thanks so much. He’s really looking forward to it.”

  Eddie grinned. “I am too.”

  “I’ll be as quick as I can.”

  “You take your time. Stay out for dinner with them if you want. The little dude and I are going to be busy. We’re going to have a guitar lesson and do some fishing. We can throw a burger on the grill later. You make the most of the chance to talk to Leanne—and to get out with girls for a while.”


  He knew she wouldn’t stay out too long, but he wished she would. She never got any time to herself, and he and Marcus had plenty to keep them going. The two of them hadn’t been back to their house yet. They’d stayed at Eddie’s since that first night. He’d taken them back to collect clothes and Marcus’s school things, but they’d pretty much moved in with him, and he was loving it. It’d only been a couple of days, but Eddie was already wishing it might last forever. He checked his watch. “I’m going to get going; I want to be waiting at the bus stop when he gets back.”

  April smiled. “You’ve got ages yet.”

  He smiled back. “I know, but there’s no way I’m going to be late, and I need to see Chase before I go.”

  She came around the counter, and he closed his arms around her. “See you later. Call me if you want me to come get you.”

  “I won’t be long.”

  He placed a kiss on her lips and the desire he’d been bottling up so well went surging through his veins. He’d love to back her against the counter and take her right there. He stepped back and got a grip. Her eyes were wide as she smiled at him. He knew she felt it, too. This was about the weirdest situation he’d ever been in with a woman. She was living in his house—sleeping in his bed with him!—and they still hadn’t had sex. He held her, he wanted her, and he knew she wanted him, too, but something was making him hold back. He wanted her to feel totally safe with him, totally sure of him before they went there. He wanted it to be special for her, and he wasn’t sure he knew how to make that happen. Hell, he knew how to make a woman feel good physically, he knew every trick in the book! But he didn’t want it to be about tricks. He didn’t want it to be just physical. He wanted her to feel special. When he made love to her, he wanted her to know that he was in love with her. And he was. He wasn’t quite sure when he’d realized that fact. He couldn’t figure out how he could be in love with a woman he hadn’t had sex with you, but he knew in all certainty that he was in love with her. “See you later.” He turned and left before those other three words came out of his mouth. When he did say them for the first time, he didn’t want it to be in the bakery with Renée listening.

  ~ ~ ~

  Once he’d gone, April turned to Renée. “Did he seem okay to you?”

  Renée laughed. “As okay as a guy who’s crazy in love ever seems!”

  April stared at her. “You’re the one who’s crazy!” He couldn’t be in love with her, could he? Sometimes she wondered. The way he looked at her sent shivers through her. He seemed to care. There was no mistaking the lust in his eyes, but love? She couldn’t figure it out. He seemed to want he
r, but he’d lain beside her for the last few nights and made no attempt to make love to her.

  Renée raised an eyebrow. “You’re crazy if you can’t see it, but what’s the problem? I can tell there is one.”

  April thought about it. Did she want to open up to Renée about something so private? She did. The two of them had grown so close working here in the bakery, and now setting up the women’s center. She sighed. “I think I’m in love with him, if you must know.”

  Renée laughed. “Err, yeah. I could have told you that on Monday morning.”

  “You could?”

  “It’s pretty obvious. And what’s the problem? You’re staying with him. Marcus seems to adore him. You’re on your way to a divorce—one way or another. What’s wrong with falling in love with a wonderful new man?”

  April shrugged. “Nothing when you put it like that, but I wonder if he really does love me.”

  “Why? What on earth has he done that makes you doubt him? You really can’t see it on his face, in the way he is with you?”

  “I kind of can, but if he loved me, wouldn’t he have wanted to make love to me by now? I’ve slept in his bed with him for the last few nights.”

  Renée stared at her. “And nothing?”

  She shook her head. “Nothing. He holds me while we go to sleep. I can tell that part of him is interested.” She didn’t know how else to put it.

  Renée chuckled. “And is it a big part of him?”

  April had to laugh with her. “It seems pretty huge to me! But I haven’t had a chance to find out yet. So do you see what I mean? Can you understand why I’m so uncertain? He’s such a good, decent, sweet man. Maybe he’s just being kind? I mean, everyone around here knows his reputation with women. He sleeps around. I get that. What I don’t get is why he doesn’t want to sleep with me!”

  “You don’t get it?”

  She shook her head. It seemed Renée did, so she just waited for her to explain.

  “Think about it. You’re right; he’s the kind of guy who sleeps around for fun, but not the kind of guy who gets involved in a relationship. Until you, I’ve never seen him with the same girl twice.” She stopped for a moment and pushed her hair out of her eyes as she mulled something over. “In fact, I’ve never seen him with a woman outside of the resort and never seen him with a woman during the day. Until you.”


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