Dream Like Nothing's Impossible

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Dream Like Nothing's Impossible Page 20

by S. J. McCoy

  “And I love you, sweetie. You don’t have to be scared anymore; you’ve got me. We’re in this together.”

  She nodded. “I know; it just took me too long to work all that out. Let’s go. I want to tell you as much as I can before Marcus gets home.”

  When they got back to the house, he fixed them both a drink and took them out onto the deck overlooking the lake. He wanted to ask her a million questions, but instead he waited.

  She sat down and took a sip of her drink. “Guy said that he wanted me to leave here. He doesn’t like me being here.”

  “Here at the lake, or here with me?”


  Eddie nodded. “But it’s none of his business anymore.”

  “That’s what I said, but he says he’ll still go after custody if I don’t do as he says.”

  Eddie sighed. “Bastard.”

  “That’s what I thought, too. The trouble is, I think he might win. He always wins in the end. He takes people down, hurts people one way or another, and he always gets his way.”

  “But he doesn’t even love the little dude.”

  She nodded sadly. “It’s not about getting Marcus; it’s about hurting me. He says I hurt him when I left.”

  Eddie raised an eyebrow.

  “Hurt his pride, at least. Now he wants to make me hurt. He knows I’m happy here, happy with you, so he wants to take that away from me.”

  “But we’re not going to let him.” Eddie stopped. “Are we? Is that why you wouldn’t talk me? You’re not going to leave?” His heart was hammering in his chest. She couldn’t leave!

  She shook her head.

  “But you were thinking about it?” That hurt.

  She nodded. “I had to! If I don’t do as he says, he’ll go after you, too. I don’t want to put you in that position.”

  “That’s not your decision to make. Let him come after me. Nothing he does to me could ever hurt as much as losing you!”

  She smiled. “That’s how I feel, too. And it’s how Marcus feels.”

  “You told him?”

  “No, but he’s been worried. He’s noticed how I’ve been with you this week. He was worried I didn’t love you anymore. He told me that he loves you, and he doesn’t want to lose you.”

  Eddie smiled and blinked away the tears that pricked behind his eyes. “I love that little dude.”

  She nodded. “I know. It was him saying that that made me realize I had to tell you. I love you, Eddie. I don’t want to lose you.” She stopped and heaved a big sigh. “But I don’t know what to do. Guy said I have until the weekend to leave here.”

  Eddie shook his head. “You’re not going anywhere. We’ll fight him together.”

  April nodded sadly. “That’s the conclusion I reached, but it still scares me silly, Eddie. He’ll go after custody of Marcus, and he’ll go after you. I know he will. I can’t let that happen.”

  Eddie wished he could reassure her that they were just empty threats, but he knew they weren’t. He wasn’t scared, at least not for himself. He was scared that the bastard might actually get custody of Marcus. He didn’t see how that could happen, but he hated the thought of taking the risk. “We’ll think of something.”

  April nodded, but she still looked uncertain.

  “You’re not thinking of leaving me, are you? You’re not just going to sneak off when I go to work?”

  “I had considered it, but I can’t do it. I love you too much.” She shook her head sadly. “At first, I thought I couldn’t be selfish. I couldn’t put Marcus at risk by staying here with you because I want to, but then he made me see I’d be hurting him if I took him away from you.”

  Eddie nodded. She was caught in what looked like a lose-lose situation.

  “We’ll come up with something.” The trouble was, he didn’t know what.

  At that moment Marcus came in through the front door. He hung his backpack on the hook and came out to the deck. He looked at them both. “Is everything okay?”

  He looked so scared. Eddie wanted to get him to a place where he never had to be scared again. He held his arm out to him. “It’s going to be.”

  As Marcus hugged him tight, he could only hope he was right.

  ~ ~ ~

  April’s head was aching as she made dinner. She’d been too stressed for too long. Eddie came and closed his arms around her.

  “How are you holding up?”

  She nodded. “I’m okay. I’m exhausted, if I’m honest. I haven’t been sleeping properly.”

  “We should have an early night; maybe we’ll both sleep a bit better now.”

  She knew he meant it; now things were out in the open. She was glad that she’d talked to him about it. She was relieved that she was no longer thinking about packing Marcus up and slipping away on Friday night after Eddie went to work, but she didn’t think she was going to have any less trouble sleeping. Now she’d be worrying about what Guy might do to go through with his threat.

  She looked up into Eddie’s eyes. She loved him, but she couldn’t stand the thought of Guy going after custody of Marcus.

  “We’re going to figure something out.”

  He kept saying that, but she didn’t have any clue what they could do. And it seemed he didn’t either.

  Marcus came into the kitchen and smiled at them. “Can we go see your dad this weekend?”

  She could feel Eddie tense. She looked up at him, wondering what was wrong. Apparently, something was right. He was smiling. “Yes, I think we should go see him.” He grinned at her. “Maybe even stay for a while.”

  “Oh!” She hadn’t thought about that.

  Eddie nodded. “If we went, and especially if we stayed a little while, it would buy us some time.”

  She nodded. “It would.”

  “We can stay?” asked Marcus. “For how long?”

  “I don’t know yet.”

  April thought about it. She immediately worried about leaving Renée alone in the bakery without much notice. But she had to be realistic. Up until last night, she’d been thinking about leaving her completely—and without saying a word. She looked at Eddie. “Can you get another weekend off?”

  He smiled. “Maybe I shouldn’t?”

  “Oh,” she smiled. She saw what he was thinking. Guy had told her she had until the weekend to leave the lake. If she left and went to Ted’s and he didn’t go with her, it would seem as though she was doing as Guy said. She nodded. “That would work.”

  Eddie grinned at Marcus. “Would you still want to go if I couldn’t come?”

  Marcus thought about it. “Do you have to work?”

  Eddie nodded.

  “Then, yes. I like your dad.”

  “Then I’ll give him a call and ask him.”

  April smiled. Maybe she would get some sleep tonight. This didn’t solve all her problems, but at least it would buy her some time.

  “I’m going to call him now.” Eddie let go of her and fished his phone out of his pocket.

  Marcus made to follow him as he went outside.

  “Would you help me set the table?” April called after him. She guessed Eddie wanted that to be a private conversation.

  Marcus came back and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Do you think he’ll take us fishing again?”

  She nodded. She didn’t doubt it.

  ~ ~ ~

  Eddie dialed his dad’s number and waited.

  “Hey, Eddie. It’s good to hear from you.”

  “Hey, Dad.” Eddie wondered what he should say.

  “Are you guys going to come back this weekend?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Great. I can’t wait to see you again.”

  “Actually, I wondered if April and Marcus could come stay with you for a little while.”

  “Of course, they can. I’d love that!”

  Eddie was grateful that he went straight for the yes first, but he knew that the why was coming.

  “Is everything okay?”

; “It’s going to be. We’re just having a little trouble with her ex. I’d rather she wasn’t around here while we figure out how to deal with it.”

  “Okay. They can stay as long as they like.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “I don’t know yet.” Eddie wondered whether there might be. “I’ll let you know. I think I’m going to need all the help I can get on this one.”

  “Anything, son. Anything at all, you let me know.”

  “I will. Just as soon as I figure it out.”

  “Do you want to tell me what’s going on? Maybe I can help you figure it out?”

  Eddie thought about that. “I can’t right now.” He knew Marcus had wanted to come after him, and he didn’t want him overhearing too much. “I’ll give you a call again when I can.”

  “Okay. When do they want to come?”

  “Friday?” Eddie thought they should probably go when Marcus got off school on Friday afternoon. They should be gone before the weekend—just like Guy had said. Let the bastard think he was winning. That should buy them some time at least.

  “Okay. I’ll have David on standby.”

  “Thanks, Dad. I’ll call you again soon.”

  “I’ll be waiting.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  On Friday afternoon April looked at their bags piled by the front door. It was almost time to go, and she felt as if they really were leaving. They’d decided it should look like they were. She had no clue if Guy really had someone watching them, but she didn’t want to take any chances.

  Neither did Eddie. She was so grateful to him. He’d let her stand on her own two feet as much as she wanted, but when she’d turned to him, he’d stepped up and taken control. She was still worried about Guy, but Eddie made her feel safe. He was so smart; he’d thought of everything. He’d told her to pack as they would if she were going to take off. He wanted it to look real. He’d asked Ben to come and pick her and Marcus up and drive them out to the bus station. That was how she would have left town, after all.

  But she and Marcus wouldn’t be taking a bus. David, Ted’s pilot, would be waiting there with a car to take them to the airport. It seemed a little elaborate, but she’d rather they went overboard with their pretense than have Guy somehow find out what was really going on.

  Eddie came and closed his arm around her. “I’m going to miss you.”

  She clung to him. “I’m going to miss you, too, but it won’t be for long.”

  “Not long at all. I just need a bit of time to make sure he leaves us alone for good.”

  April nodded. He hadn’t told her what he had in mind yet. He said he wanted to be sure of the details first. She had no clue what those details might be, but she trusted him.

  “Is it time to go yet?” asked Marcus.

  “Nearly,” said Eddie. “Did you pack the PlayStation?”

  Marcus’s face lit up. “I can take it?”

  “Of course you can. Go get it quick; Ben’s going to be here any minute.”

  “You’re so good to him.”

  Eddie smiled. “I love him.”

  She knew he did. “And I love you.”

  “Enough to make me a happy man when we’re out the other side of this?”

  “What?” she looked up into his eyes. Was he asking…

  At that moment the doorbell rang.

  Eddie took a deep breath. “This is it.” He let go of her and went to let Ben in.

  “Hey guys, are we ready?”

  April nodded. “Come on, Marcus.”

  Marcus appeared and stuffed the PlayStation into his backpack. He went and hugged Eddie. “We’ll see you soon.”

  “Real soon.”

  “Can you help me with the bags, Marcus?” asked Ben.

  April gave him a grateful smile as the two of them started carrying bags out to the car. She turned back to Eddie.

  He kissed her softly. “It’s going to be okay. It’s all going to be okay.”

  She nodded. She knew it would. She didn’t know how, but she believed him. She believed in him and in them. “I know.”

  Eddie kissed her again and then reluctantly let go of her when Marcus and Ben came back in. “Okay, have fun guys.”

  “See you soon.”

  “Are you okay?” asked Ben as they pulled away.

  April nodded. She was looking around wildly, wondering if someone was watching and reporting back to Guy. It seemed so far-fetched, but then so did the thought of someone breaking into her house to deliver divorce papers—and threats!

  They arrived at the bus station all too quickly. “Thanks, Ben,” said April as he helped her unload the bags.

  He nodded. “No problem at all. I’m glad I can help. And don’t you worry while you’re gone. It sounds like Eddie’s got a handle on it.”

  “Why? What’s he said?”

  Ben shrugged. “Nothing much, but he seems pretty confident he can pull it off.”

  “Pull what off?”

  “April?” She turned to see David the pilot behind her. “I’ve got the car parked around the other side. I can bring the bags over there for you if you want me to. I just didn’t know how careful we want to be.”

  “Yeah, we should probably bring them ourselves, just to be on the safe side. We’ll see you over there.”


  As she watched him walk away, April felt like they were in some spy movie or something. They had to be careful in case they were being followed. She smiled at Ben and gave him a quick hug. “See you soon.”

  “Yep. See you.” He turned and ruffled Marcus’s hair. “Have fun, little buddy.”

  “We will!” Marcus was already picking up his bag. “Bye.”

  April grabbed the big bags and set off after him. She couldn’t help looking around her as she walked, still wondering if someone was watching and reporting back to Guy. She hoped not as they made their way out the other side of the building and David piled them into the car he had waiting.

  Not half an hour later they were seated in the plane as it taxied for takeoff.

  “This is fun, isn’t it, Mom?” Marcus looked so happy and relaxed. She was glad he had no clue what was going on.

  She nodded. It didn’t feel much like fun right now, but she hoped that someday they’d all be able to look back and laugh about this crazy day. That would only happen if it worked—and if they could find a way to make Guy leave them alone for good this time.

  She grabbed her phone when it buzzed; she’d told Eddie she’d text him before they took off.

  It wasn’t him.

  You made the right choice.

  Goodbye, April.

  She stared at those words. Guy must have had someone watching! But not too closely. Her heart hammered in her chest, hoping that this might really be the end of it all.

  Goodbye, Guy.

  ~ ~ ~

  Eddie looked through all the notes he’d made. There must be something there he could use against Guy. He’d never thought he’d be the kind to go for blackmail—not that he’d given the subject much thought at all until the last week—but now he was looking for something, anything at all that he could use to make Guy leave them alone once and for all.

  He grabbed his phone when it beeped, hoping that April and Marcus had gotten off without a hitch.

  We’re taking off now.

  He bought it.

  He texted to say I made the right choice.

  And Goodbye!

  Eddie grinned. He’d wondered if he was nuts setting up all those steps to make it look like April was leaving town on a bus, but it had worked! He was relieved.

  Great! Love you xxx

  He stood there smiling at his phone for a minute, then remembered he still had work to do. It wasn’t over yet. They might have fooled Guy about her leaving, but he didn’t want her coming back until he’d found some way to make Guy leave her alone for good.

  He started at the sound of a knock on
the front door.

  For a moment he looked around wildly wondering who it could be. It couldn’t be Guy or one of his henchmen, could it? He got a grip. That was unlikely, to say the least. He’d just texted April to tell her she’d made the right choice.

  He went to open it and was relieved to see Missy standing there. “Hey, hon.”

  “Hi, Missy. What can I do for you?”

  “Actually, it’s what I can do for you.”

  Eddie smiled as she walked past him and came in without waiting to be invited. He liked Missy; she was a little spitfire. He didn’t know what she was up to, but he was eager to hear.

  “You know my brother, Chance, is the one who brought April here?”

  He nodded.

  “Well, he’s hated Guy for a long time. There’s been bad blood between them for years. When he heard that Guy had found out where April was, he was pissed. He was already pissed at Guy for an accident he made happen.”

  Eddie nodded. “April told me about that. Beau, is that his name? Guy had someone ram his car.”

  “That’s right. Well, Chance is not happy, and he’s been looking for a way to take Guy down.”

  “Him and me both,” said Eddie. “I’ve come up with all sorts of dirt on him, but I don’t know what I can do with any of it.”

  “I talked to Chance just now.” She wrinkled her nose. “Right after I made Ben tell me why he’d just helped April leave town.”

  Eddie smiled. He couldn’t be mad at Ben for not keeping the secret, not from Missy. She’d make anyone talk if she wanted to.

  “Yeah, you’ll learn I’m not too good at keeping my nose out or my mouth shut when I care. And I care about April. So, anyway, Chance has been doing some digging of his own, and he reckons that Guy is going under, financially.”

  Eddie looked up in surprise. “How did he find that out?”

  Missy shrugged. “I learned a long time ago not to ask my brother questions I wouldn’t like the answer to. The point is, he’s in all kinds of trouble with money, and by the sounds of it, with the law too. There have been a few accidents other than Beau’s that are looking a lot like Guy’s work.”

  Eddie nodded, wondering how he could use any of this. If Guy was about to be locked up he could hardly go for custody, could he? But how long might that take? Longer than Eddie wanted, no doubt.


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