Dream Like Nothing's Impossible

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Dream Like Nothing's Impossible Page 21

by S. J. McCoy

  “But,” Missy continued. “The big one Chance said to tell you is that he thinks the bank is about to foreclose on the ranch.”

  “What? I thought it was some great big multi-million-dollar ranch that had been in the family for generations.”

  “Apparently, it is, but Guy has been borrowing against it for years. And from what Chance said the ranching business was hit hard when the economy went down and has never bounced back. He reckons Guy borrowed a lot of money, and now he’s not making enough to pay it back.”

  Eddie nodded. He knew this had to help him, but he didn’t know how. He looked at Missy.

  She shrugged. “I wish I had a magic solution, but I don’t know what to do. I thought it’d help you to know, but I don’t know what you can do with any of it.”

  Eddie nodded. “Me neither, but there’s got to be something.”

  Missy smiled. “I had a feeling you’d say that. Anyways, I need to get going. You’ve got my number, call me if I can do anything, okay?”

  “Thanks, Missy. You’re the best!”

  She grinned. “I’m glad you noticed. See ya.”

  He smiled to himself as he watched her go. To him Missy was Summer Lake personified, she was warm and friendly, she looked out for the people she cared about, and she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind.

  His smile faded as he thought about what she’d told him. Guy might be going to prison. That’d be good news—but how long would it take? And Guy’s ranch was about to be foreclosed. That didn’t make sense. Why had he been so insistent that April should sign away her rights to anything he owned when it sounded like he was going to lose it all anyway?

  He shook his head as he mulled it all over. Then a thought occurred to him, and he picked his phone up.

  “Hey, Dad.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, they got out of here fine, and her ex believed that she left town.”

  “Thank God!”


  “They can stay as long as they want, you know. I wish you could come, too.”

  “I’ll be there soon. I wanted to stay here and look normal for a couple of days.”

  “Don’t look too normal, will you? You should be devastated that your beautiful young lady just upped and left you.”


  “What is it, son? There’s still something on your mind, I can tell.”

  “What happens when a bank forecloses on a property loan?”


  Eddie explained everything that Missy had just told him about Guy’s situation.

  “That’s fantastic news!” his dad cried when he finished.

  “It is? How?”

  “Do you trust me?”

  Eddie thought about that. It only took him a second to realize that yes, he did. “Absolutely.”

  “Then leave this with me. His name is Guy Preston, and he’s in Paradise Valley?”

  “Yep, but why Dad, what are you thinking?”

  “I’m thinking I can help.”

  Eddie smiled. “Then, thank you.” Part of him wanted to ask more questions, but another part of him didn’t. He did trust him.

  “I’ll call you as soon as I have anything.”

  “Thanks. And, Dad?”


  “Take good care of them for me?”

  “You know it, son. I want them to be my family just as much as you want them to be yours.”

  Eddie smiled. “Good, then we’re in this together.”

  “And I love it!”

  Eddie felt the tears prick behind his eyes. He was going to say something he knew his dad had hoped to hear ever since they’d found each other again. “And I love you, Dad.”

  “Eddie.” One tear spilled out as he heard his dad’s voice crack. “I love you, too, son.”

  ~ ~ ~

  April smiled at Ted as they watched Marcus splash in the pool. “Thank you so much for letting us come here.”

  “It’s my pleasure. I love having you here, and I’ll be honest, I love being able to do something that helps Eddie.”

  April nodded. She could see that. “I hope we won’t be here too long. I mean, it’s wonderful and everything, but I’ve taken Marcus out of school, I’ve taken time off work.” She smiled. “And I miss Eddie.”

  Ted smiled. “I have a feeling we’re going to be able to resolve all this much faster than you think.”

  April hoped so. After her initial relief when she’d received Guy’s text, she’d started to worry again. It was all well and good that they’d fooled him about leaving town, but what was he going to do when he found out they’d returned? She realized Ted was still smiling at her.

  “You’re still scared, aren’t you?”

  She nodded. “I don’t want to be; Eddie says we’re going to find a way to stop Guy, to make him leave us alone once and for all, but…” She shrugged. “I guess I lived with Guy long enough to know that he doesn’t quit, especially when he’s out for vengeance.”

  Ted nodded. “I understand how you must feel, but hang in there. It’s all going to be okay.”

  His smile made her imagine how Eddie would look when he was older. It made her feel good. She wanted to believe that she’d still be with him by the time he looked like his dad.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  By Sunday night Eddie had had enough. He missed April and Marcus more than he’d realized it was possible to miss anyone. He wanted to go be with them. He’d gone about his business as usual for the weekend, but he was thinking about calling his dad in the morning and asking him to send David to come get him. He had to smile. How cool was that? Somewhere in the middle of all this mess, his dad had become a part of his life again in a real way. And so much so that his first thought was to call and ask for his help.

  “What are you smirking at?” asked Chase as he grasped his shoulder. “That’s the first time I’ve seen you crack a smile since April left.”

  “I’m smiling at the thought of going down there to see her tomorrow. And I’m also smiling that my dad is a part of this.”

  Chase nodded. “I’m happy for you. I remember when you first wanted to look for him. I thought you’d be better to leave it alone; I’m glad I was wrong.”

  “Me too. It’s awesome to feel like I have a family again.”

  Chase nodded. “You still haven’t heard anything from your mom?”

  “No, and I don’t expect to. She lied to me about everything. I put up with her asshole of a husband for all those years and then she went and lied to me.” He shrugged. “I wouldn’t turn her away if she got in touch now, but I don’t think she will. I’m no use to her anymore.”

  “You’re well shot of her, if you ask me. And now you’ve got your dad instead.”

  “And I hope he’s going to be able to help me out, too.”

  Chase raised an eyebrow. “You know I told you I got a bunch of dirt on the scumbag ex?”


  “Well, one of the things was that the bank is about to foreclose on his ranch.”

  Chase grinned. “I guess your dad would know all about that kind of thing.”

  Eddie nodded. “Yep, but I don’t know how it helps us.”

  Chase shook his head. “You’re kidding me, right?”

  Eddie shook his head. He didn’t. “Why, what do you think?”

  Chase laughed. “If you don’t know, then I don’t want to steal your dad’s thunder, but when this is all over, ask me if I’m surprised?”

  Eddie chuckled. “Okay, I will.”

  Ben came over to where they were hanging out on the edge of the deck. They had all the gear set up and still had a few minutes before they needed to get up on stage.

  “How’s it going?”

  Eddie nodded. “April and Marcus are loving spending time with my dad, but not as much as he’s enjoying having them over.”

  Ben smiled. “That’s good.”

  “It is. And I’m sick of hanging around here try
ing to out wait her ex. So I’m going to go down there tomorrow.”

  “Good for you. Give them both a hug for me.”

  “I will. Hopefully, I’ll be bringing them back soon enough, and you can hug them yourself.”

  “Oh, you will,” said Chase with a grin. “No doubt about it.”

  Eddie hoped he was right.

  ~ ~ ~

  April couldn’t wait for him to arrive, she kept checking her watch. He’d called when they’d landed and it should only take them twenty minutes to get here from the airport.

  Ted came out onto the patio. “Would it be okay if Elena takes Marcus inside with her to bake some cookies once Eddie arrives?”

  April gave him a puzzled look. “You want him out of the way?”

  “I just don’t want him hearing some of the things I have to say.” He smiled his kind smile and April knew he had Marcus’s best interests in mind.

  She nodded. “I should probably get him out of the pool and dried off then. They’ll be here soon.”

  “May I?”

  “Of course.”

  Ted smiled and turned to call to Marcus. “Hey, little fella. Would you come out now, please?”

  Marcus swam across to them. “Do I have to?”

  April was thrilled that he already felt confident enough with Ted to question it. He’d spent the first ten years of his life obeying his father’s orders quickly and without question.

  “You don’t have to,” said Ted, “but Elena just went into the kitchen, and she’s about to bake some of the best cookies you’ve ever tasted. She said if you’re quick you can help her.”

  April laughed at the way Marcus vaulted out of the pool and ran for his towel.

  Ted winked at her as they watched him dry himself down and then head inside.

  His timing was perfect. A few moments later, Eddie came out onto the patio. Her heart leaped into her mouth. It’d only been a couple of days since she’d seen him, but she’d forgotten just how gorgeous he was. He held his arms out to her, and she got up and ran to him. She laughed as he lifted her off her feet and twirled her around. When he set her down, he kissed her thoroughly, leaving her in no doubt that he’d missed her.

  “I missed you, too,” she said when he finally let her come up for air.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t go another minute without kissing you.”

  How had she gotten so lucky to meet this guy—and for them to fall in love with each other?

  Ted cleared his throat, and they both turned to look at him. He looked embarrassed. “You can have a few minutes if you like, but I want to talk to you both.”

  Eddie wrapped his arm around her shoulders and walked her to Ted.

  "It's okay. I want to hear what you have to say."

  Ted led them over to the big wicker sofas where they all sat down. He smiled at April. "Do you have any idea the kind of trouble Guy is in?"

  She shook her head. "Not really."

  Ted looked at Eddie. "Do you want to tell her?

  She turned to look at him.

  "I did some digging. It seems the police are closing in on him regarding Beau's accident."

  She nodded. She did know that much.

  "And a couple of other incidents, too. And then, he's in financial trouble."

  She shook her head. "He's loaded. He spends money like it’s going out of fashion. His family is very wealthy."

  Eddie smiled. "And that’s how he got himself in trouble. He's always had family money, and he's always spent it. His income has dried up, and his outgoings haven't slowed down. He remortgaged the ranch."

  She stared at him. "Really? When?"

  "Three years ago."

  She couldn't believe it! She'd had no idea.

  "And now the bank is about to foreclose."

  "So he's going to lose the place?"

  "That depends." It was Ted who spoke.

  Eddie looked at him. "On what?"

  "On you, April, and what you decide."

  She stared at him, not understanding what he could mean. How could she have any say? Eddie was staring at his dad, too. It seemed he was no wiser than she was.

  Ted smiled at them both. “I did some digging of my own over the weekend. I have some clients in the Paradise Valley. I called in some favors and…”

  From the way he looked at Eddie, April knew he was worried about how he might react.

  “I bought the loan.”

  “What does that mean?” April didn’t get it.

  “The bank who held the mortgage knew they weren’t going to be able to recoup their money. Even if they foreclosed and sold the property, they wouldn’t get back as much as Guy owes them. I made them an offer to buy the loan from them. They accepted.”

  “So, Guy owes you the money now?”

  Ted shrugged. “The bank.”

  “Your bank?” asked April.

  He nodded.

  “I don’t understand what it means.”

  “It means that Marcus doesn’t have to lose his legacy,” said Ted.

  She couldn’t process this. “But I can’t afford to buy it!”

  “I know.” Ted wasn’t looking at her, he was looking at Eddie, still waiting for his reaction.

  Eddie nodded slowly. “I could.”

  “But! How? And even if you could, you don’t need or even want to own a ranch in Montana!”

  He turned to look at her. “But Marcus does.”

  She shook her head. “He’s already said he never wants to go back there.”

  Eddie smiled at his dad. “But that may change. I know the things you say that you’ll never do when you’re a kid can turn into being things you’re very happy to do when you’re older.”

  She knew he was talking to his dad, not her. She knew they were having another special moment, but she was still lost.

  Ted turned and smiled at her. “Eddie could take over the mortgage.”

  She shook her head. “Guy would never allow that.”

  “I didn’t think so, but we could still foreclose the loan, then Guy won’t have any say whatsoever.”

  April shuddered. “He’d kill me!”

  “He’d never know,” said Eddie.

  “I don’t know. I need time to think about all this. I can’t let you buy a place you don’t want.”

  “I thought about that, too,” said Ted. “We could offer the place for lease, for ten or fifteen years. That should bring in enough to cover the payments. The place would pay for itself until Marcus is older.”

  She nodded. That sounded more reasonable. Though everything she’d heard in the last few minutes sounded totally crazy to her. Guy was broke? Ted had bought the ranch? Eddie might buy it and keep it for Marcus? She shook her head in an attempt to clear it.

  Ted smiled at her. “You need some time. I know.”

  She nodded and looked up at Eddie who still had his arm around her shoulders.

  “The only part that really matters is that it’s all going to be okay.”

  She leaned her head against his shoulder. “Just like you said it would.” She stopped, and her blood ran cold. “But what’s to stop him still coming after Marcus?”

  “How could he? It’s not going to help him and if he does face charges…”

  April shook her head. “No! You don’t get it. If he loses everything, he’ll lash out. I know he will.”

  Ted held her gaze. “From what I can gather, it sounds like he’s going to be in jail.”

  “Yes, but what might he do in the meantime?”

  Eddie tightened his arm around her shoulders. “Nothing, not if he thinks it’d cost him the ranch.”

  “But… I don’t understand.”

  “I think I need to talk to him. I need to tell him who now owns his loan, and what will happen if he ever messes with you or Marcus again.”

  She stared at him.

  “Do you think that’d be enough to stop him?” asked Ted. “The original bank was about to foreclose anyway, he must know he’s going to lose the
place one way or another.”

  “No.” April knew Guy would do anything, anything at all rather than lose his family’s ranch. “If he thinks there’s the tiniest chance he can save the place, he’ll do anything.”

  Eddie smiled at her. “So you think I should call him? Tell him how things are going to be from now on?”

  She nodded. “Yes.” She was still too numb to process it all. It was over! And it was Eddie—and his dad, who’d made it possible.

  She stared at them both and tears began to roll down her cheeks. Eddie looked worried.

  “Relief,” she managed to say. “It’s just sheer relief.”

  Ted smiled at them. “I’m going to go see how the little fella is getting on with those cookies.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Eddie looked around at all their friends. He was glad they’d all come out to their house tonight. He’d wanted his dad to meet them. Wanted him to get a glimpse into his life. He’d obviously been surprised by the house when he first arrived. He must have thought that Eddie would have splurged on something fancy, but that wasn’t who he was. Money was great to have—as the events of the last week had proved, but he didn’t see the point in spending it on stuff that wasn’t important. Maybe down the line if April wanted a nicer house they’d buy one, but for now, he loved this place, and he knew she did, too.

  April came to stand beside him. “This is wonderful.”

  He nodded. “Isn’t it? I love the way this all worked out.”

  “Not as much as I do. Thank you.”

  He leaned down to peck her lips. “Thank you for letting me help. I wasn’t sure at first whether I should do anything at all, but I love you too much. I saw a way I could help, and I had to.”

  “And I love it. You let me stand on my own two feet, but you wouldn’t let anything knock me down. You knew when and how to take control, and I love you all the more for it.”

  Ted came over and put an arm around each of their shoulders. “I’m so happy right now.”

  Eddie hugged him. “Me too, Dad.”

  Marcus appeared from his bedroom where he’d been playing with Ethan while the adults talked. “I’m the happiest one of all of us,” he said with a grin.

  Ted winked at him, and he winked back. Eddie smiled; apparently, they had something up their sleeve. “Do you think these two are going to do something that’d make us even happier?”


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