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Not in Your Lifetime: The Defining Book on the J.F.K. Assassination

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by Anthony Summers

  Randle, Linnie Mae, 345

  Rankin, Lee, 141, 172, 360, 397, 399

  Rather, Dan, 44, 54, 169–170

  “Red Cross,” 155, 156

  Redlich, Norman, 158

  REDWOOD, 176

  Reibe, Floyd, 23

  Reid, Ed, 235

  Reily, William, 272

  Rest home, Marina Oswald and, 159


  Ruby’s, 121, 412

  Smith & Wesson, 71, 76, 101, 103, 107, 188, 190

  RFK. See Kennedy, Robert F.

  Rhodes, Charles, 130, 142

  Rifle. See Mannlicher-Carcano rifle

  Right-wing extremists

  Banister, 268, 272–284, 286, 289–290, 309, 423

  John Birch Society, 6, 7, 189, 211, 273, 370, 412

  Kohly, Mario, Jr., and, 206, 396

  Nixon and, 203

  Roberts, Delphine (mother), 276–279, 280, 283, 287

  Walker, 157, 188–192, 194–196, 197, 354

  Riley, Joseph, 54

  Roberts, Delphine (daughter), 279

  Roberts, Delphine (mother), 276–279, 280, 283, 287

  Roberts, Earlene, 101–102, 103, 108–109

  Roberts, Ray, 43

  Robertson, William “Rip,” 430

  Robinson, Thomas, 20, 21, 53

  Rocca, Raymond, 197, 330, 331

  Rockefeller Commission panel, 17

  Rodríguez, Ernesto, 271–272, 294

  Roman, Jane, 339–340

  Roppolo, Carl, 234, 235

  Rorke, Alexander, 305

  Rose, Earl, 14

  Rose Hill Cemetery, 445

  Roselli, John, 215, 225, 384, 419, 422–423, 430

  Rositzke, Harry, 161

  Rotterdam, 171, 172–173

  Rowland, Arnold, 59–60, 62, 93–94, 95–96

  Rubenstein, Jacob, 401

  Ruby, Jack, 398–420

  Assassinations Committee and, 400, 409

  Baker, “Barney,” and, 224, 407, 413

  Chicago and, 401–402, 445

  death of, 420

  Dorfman and, 224

  early life, 401–403

  Howard, Tom, and, 406, 414, 415

  as Jacob Rubenstein, 401

  McWillie and, 404–405

  Oswald killing, 121–122

  Pecora, Nofia, and, 292–293, 408

  Trafficante and, 403, 404, 405–406, 407, 433

  Warren and, 389–399, 401

  Warren Commission and, 401–402

  weekend of killings, 409–420

  Ruiz, Guillermo, 395

  Ruiz-Williams, Enrique, 376, 377

  Rusk, Dean, 298, 299, 364, 368

  Russell, Patrick, 181

  Russell, Richard, 49, 117–118, 138, 157–158

  Russia. See Soviet Union

  Russian Cyrillic script, 193

  Russian language proficiency, Oswald, 140–141, 154

  Russophilia, 135, 144

  Saia, Sam, 292, 424

  Saint Petersburg, 156

  Salerno, Ralph, 226

  San Antonio, Texas, 6, 74

  Sanchez, Nestor, 367, 376

  San Román, Pepe, 205–206, 298

  San Román, Roberto, 298

  Sapp, Charles, 210, 372–373

  Schlesinger, Arthur, 369, 370, 373, 378

  Schweiker, Richard, 126, 238, 243–244, 293

  Sciambra, Andrew, 275

  Scott, Michael, 342

  Scott, Winston, 328, 330, 338, 341, 342

  Scott-Bryant Hotel, 229

  Scripps-Howard chain, 118

  Secretary of State Dean Rusk, 298, 299, 364, 368

  “Secret” clearance, 143, 144

  Secret Service agents

  bogus, in grassy knoll area, 57–58

  in car, 8, 18, 25, 31–33, 37

  Greer, 32, 34, 36

  Hill, 18

  Kellerman, 20, 32–33, 34, 36

  Landis, 37

  Parkland Hospital issue and, 14–15

  right-wing extremist and, 7

  Sorrels, 37, 416

  vial (with brain) and, 23

  “Secret Service man” sighting, 58–59

  Security justification, 10, 115–117, 378, 439

  Seeger, Alan, 5

  Sehrt, Clem, 291

  Semichastny, Vladimir, 163–164

  Senate Intelligence Committee, Oswald with rifle (photograph), 79–80

  Senate Subcommittee on Investigations, 221

  September 11, 2001, 445

  Sere, Raoul, 291

  Serial number, Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, 68–69

  Seven Days in May (film), 197

  Seymour, William, 360

  Shanklin, Gordon, 75, 76–77, 335, 348–349, 350

  Shaw, Robert, 48–49

  Shelley, Bill, 91

  Shell Oil refinery, 304

  Sheridan, Walter, 378

  Shirokova, Rimma, 154

  Shots fired, number and direction, 31–55. See also Bullets/bullet fragments; Mannlicher-Carcano rifle; Revolvers

  backward motion of JFK, 8, 25, 44, 45

  cartridge cases, 14, 31, 33, 68, 71, 86–88

  Connally, John, and, 8, 9, 14, 32, 33, 34, 35–36, 46, 47–48, 49–50, 51, 88

  Dictabelt recording, 26–27, 28–29, 33–34

  four shots, 33, 34, 41, 45, 46, 50

  Kellerman and, 20, 32–33, 34, 36

  magic-bullet theory, 47–51, 71

  178 witnesses, 31, 35

  opinions of fifteen people in immediate area, 35–37

  sequence of, 50

  sound barrier, 32, 34

  three cartridge cases, 33, 71, 86

  three shots, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 71, 86

  witnesses, 31–32, 35–36, 40, 42–43

  X-ray evidence, 17, 20, 23–24, 45, 53–54, 55

  Sibert, James, 20


  Castro’s, 214–215

  ploy, intelligence community, 143

  Signal message, 373, 374

  Six options. See Assassination theories

  Sixth floor. See Texas School Book Depository

  Slawson, David, 337–338, 359, 360

  Sleeper agents, 151, 161

  Slidell, Louisiana, 353

  Small wound, back of skull, 16, 17, 22, 53

  Smathers, George, 217, 219

  Smith, Howard K., 383

  Smith, Joe, 43, 57–58

  Smith, Joseph B., 255

  Smith Act ‘victims,’ 114

  Smith & Wesson revolver, 71, 76, 101, 103, 107, 188, 190

  Snyder, Richard, 136, 149, 166

  Socarrás, Carlos Prío, 213


  The Militant (newspaper), 82, 187, 258

  Oswald and, 127, 128, 133, 139, 187, 287, 310

  Socialist Party of America, 127

  Socialist Workers’ Party, 82, 187, 255

  Somoza, Luis, 390–391

  Sorrels, Forrest, 37, 416

  Sound barrier, 32, 34

  Soviet Consul, Helsinki, 136

  Soviet Embassy

  Mexico City, 318–320, 327–329, 331–336, 347, 349, 350

  Stockholm, 136

  Washington, D.C., 187, 249, 319, 338, 349

  Soviet intelligence. See also KGB

  Marina Oswald as agent, 117–118

  Nosenko and, 126, 160–161, 162

  Soviet–involvement theory, 163–164, 239–240

  Soviet Union. See also Moscow

  Cuban Missile Crisis, 6, 119, 208, 209, 295, 296, 305, 321, 379

shchev and, 187, 208, 301, 371, 375, 379

  Leningrad, 156, 159

  Minsk, 126, 155–161, 163, 164, 167–168, 169, 176, 173

  MVD, 155, 159

  Nosenko defection, 126, 160–161, 162

  nuclear war scenario, 295–296, 379–380

  Oswald defection, 66, 117, 118, 136–137, 151, 152, 156

  Oswald’s return to U.S., 165–166, 170–175

  Oswald’s stay in, 66, 113, 126, 155

  Oswald’s tourist visa, 136

  Sverdlovsk, 162

  U-2 plane crash, 162

  Women tourists’ photographs, Soviet Union, 167–169

  Space program, 6

  Special Affairs Staff, 340

  Special Group on Cuba, 218–219, 297, 298, 368

  Sporting Goods Company, Klein’s, 68–69

  SS Maasdam, 173

  State Department

  de Mohrenschildt, George, and, 180–181

  loan, to Oswald, 194

  Passport Office, 166, 307

  study, on defectors, 152

  Steele, Charles, 251

  Stevenson, Adlai, 364, 365

  Stockholm, Sweden, 136

  Stolen Georgia plates, 59

  Stone, Oliver, 9

  Strategic Services, Office of, 180, 213

  Stretcher, with bullet, 14, 46, 47, 48, 50

  Strokes, of Marcello, 428

  Stuckey, William, 259–260, 261

  Sturgis, Frank, 305

  Suicide attempt, Oswald, 153–155

  Sullivan, William, 147, 349

  Summers, Malcolm, 58

  Surrey, Robert, 195, 197

  Sverdlovsk, 162

  Sweden, Stockholm, 136

  Szulc, Tad, 217

  Taiwan, 132, 142

  Tape recordings, Oswald, 334–337, 341–343, 349

  Taylor, Gary, 184

  Teamsters (International Brotherhood of Teamsters), 222–223, 224, 228, 230, 407. See also Hoffa

  Telephone calls

  Harrison and unknown caller, 418

  Hensen and Soviet Embassy, 327–328

  Leopoldo and Silvia Odio, 357–358

  Oswald and Slidell, Louisiana, 353

  Oswald and Soviet Embassy, 333–334

  Partin and Hoffa, 228–229

  RFK and Monroe, 225

  Ruby and Nofia Pecora, 292–293

  Rusk and McCone, 298

  Television debate, Oswald, 260

  Television interview, Oswald, 322–323

  Termine, Sam, 291

  Texas School Book Depository

  book cartons, 68, 89

  cartridge cases, 14, 31, 33, 68, 71, 86–88

  domino room, 90, 91

  far left-hand window, 59

  Mannlicher–Carcano rifle in, 9

  Oswald’s job at, 67

  right-hand window, 60

  shots from, witnesses, 35, 37

  sixth floor, Oswald and, 88–100

  Texas Theater, 65, 431

  Thornley, Kerry, 133, 139, 144

  Tilson, Tom, 58–59

  Tilton, John, 310

  Time magazine, 187, 392, 393

  Times-Herald, 412

  Tippit, J. D., 64

  Tippit murder

  Alexander and, 101, 108

  charging of Oswald for, 71

  citizen’s notification of, 64, 103

  Clemons’ testimony, 105–106

  housekeeper’s account (Earlene Roberts), 101–102, 103, 108–109

  Markham’s testimony, 104–105

  Myers and, 106–107

  Oswald’s denial of, 66

  police car visit to Oswald’s address, 101–103

  possible accomplices and, 101, 105–106, 107

  Purdy on, 109

  questions on, 108–110

  Smith & Wesson revolver, 71, 76, 101, 103, 107, 188, 190

  Warren Report summary of, 103–104

  Titovets, Ernst, 158, 160

  Todd, Jack, 406

  Tokyo, 129, 131, 137

  Town and Country Motel, 289

  Trafficante, Santo

  Alemán and, 229–231, 235

  alias (Joe Pecora), 216

  Assassinations Committee and, 236, 405–406, 421–422

  background on, 216

  in detention camp, 305, 362, 405, 433

  Giancana and, 229

  Hall, Loran, and, 305, 360, 361, 362, 363

  Hoffa and, 229, 230

  JFK assassination and, 221, 229–231, 236, 422, 423

  Marcello and, 422, 427

  Martino, John, and, 429–432

  in mausoleum, 445

  RFK and, 224

  Ruby and, 403, 404, 405–406, 407, 433

  Traveler’s Aid Society, 174

  Trescornia detention camp, 305, 362, 405, 433

  Trotskyite Socialist Workers’ Party, 82

  Tunheim, John, 439

  Turncoats, 151. See also Traitors

  Tutoring, of Oswald, 137

  201 file, Oswald, 148–149, 177

  Two-gunmen theory

  acoustics findings and, 27–28, 29–30

  Ford and, 35

  magic-bullet theory and, 47–51, 71

  Martino, John, and, 430

  Rowland and, 59–60

  witness accounts of second man, 59–64

  U-2 spy planes, 129–130, 131, 143, 160, 162, 185

  United Nations Cuban mission, 320, 321, 328, 331–332, 369

  United States. See also Castro-U.S. secret dialogue

  Cuban Missile Crisis, 6, 119, 208, 209, 295, 296, 305, 321, 379

  nuclear war scenario, 295–296, 379–380

  Oswald’s return from Soviet Union, 165–166, 170–175

  U.S. Embassy. See American Embassy

  U.S. intelligence. See Intelligence community

  USS Wasp, 249

  Vallee, Thomas, 371

  Vallejo, Rene, 366, 369, 374

  Van Laningham, Jack, 425, 427, 428

  Vaughn, Roy, 415

  Veciana, Antonio, 301–303, 304, 394–396, 440–442

  Vidal, Gore, 365, 377

  Vietnam, 213, 240, 365, 371, 397

  Voebel, Edward, 284, 287, 290

  Walker, Edwin, 157, 188–192, 194–196, 197, 354

  Wall, Breck, 413

  Walsh, Kevin, 443

  Walther, Carolyn, 60–61, 96

  Ward, Theran, 14–15

  Warren, Earl

  Johnson, Lyndon, and, 379

  national security justification, 10, 115–116

  Pearson and, 383

  Ruby and, 398–399, 401

  Warren Commission

  “curtain rods” story, 84–85

  Dallas Morning News workers and, 40

  Ford and, 35

  Heindel-Oswald association, 73–74

  JFK assassination files, 117

  magic-bullet theory, 47–51, 71

  Mexico City visit, of Oswald, 320

  Millican and, 41

  Oswald at Oak Cliff rooming house, 101–103

  Oswald-intelligence community relations, 120

  Oswald marriage, 156–157

  Oswald on sixth floor of Book Depository, 89–90, 97

  Oswald’s brother, Robert, 111–112

  Oswald’s marksmanship, 88

  Rankin and, 141, 172, 360, 397, 399

  real “Hidell” and, 73

  rejection of testimonies on two gunmen, 60–62

  Ruby and, 401–402

  Russian language proficiency of Oswald, 141

  Schweiker on, 243r />
  Soviet-involvement theory and, 240

  three cartridge cases, 33

  Tippit murder, 103–104, 108

  Washington, D.C.

  Bethesda Naval Hospital, 15, 20, 21, 23, 24, 52

  Cuban Embassy, 134

  JFK inaugural address, 165

  Soviet Embassy, 187, 249, 319, 338, 349

  Washington Evening Star, 167, 331

  Washington Post, 148, 229, 245, 331, 334

  Wasp, USS, 249

  Watergate, 26, 120, 202, 203, 305

  WDSU station, 251, 259

  Webster, Robert, 175–176

  Weinberg, Jimmy, 402

  Weiner, Irwin, 407

  Weisburg, Willie, 226–227

  Weiss, Mark, 27, 35

  Wells, H. G., 187

  West Berlin, 171, 172

  Western Union, 414

  West Germany, 151, 171, 189

  White, Mrs. Roscoe, 79

  White, Roscoe, 79

  Williams, Bonnie Ray, 90

  Willis, Rosemary, 56

  Wilson, John, 405

  Winston, Patricia, 315–316

  Witnesses. See also Shots fired

  Bethesda Hospital, 21

  Parkland Hospital, 21

  Tippit murder, 101–106

  “Witting Collaborator 01 code A1,” 167

  Wofford, Harris, 378

  Woodward, Mary, 40

  The Worker (newspaper), 82, 187, 248, 262, 346

  Worrell, James, 63

  Wright, Frank, 106

  Wrist wound, 47, 49–50

  X-ray evidence, 17, 20, 23–24, 45, 53–54, 55

  Yarborough, Ralph, 40, 43

  Zapruder, Abraham, 24–25, 41

  Zapruder film, 24–26, 33, 41, 44, 45, 47, 49, 53

  Zenith Technological Services, 207

  All rights reserved, including without limitation the right to reproduce this book or any portion thereof in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of the publisher.

  Copyright © 1980, 1981, 1989, 1998 by Anthony Summers

  Cover design by Andrea C. Uva


  This edition published in 2013 by Open Road Integrated Media, Inc.

  345 Hudson Street

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