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Something Wonderful

Page 11

by M. Clarke

  “So when do I get to meet your sister? She’s kind of hot; she looks a lot like you, but in a different way.”

  “No way,” I blurted before I could stop myself.

  “And why not? Are you trying to keep me all to yourself?” Matthew continued to walk backward.

  “Yes…NO…I mean….” This was not coming out right. “You’re bad for her.” I didn’t mean to say that either. Was I feeling jealous?

  “Bad? You don’t even really know me.”

  “I know your kind. You flirt with anything that doesn’t have a penis. You make a girl feel special, sleep with her, then crush her heart.”

  “Do you think that is what I’m trying to do to you?” His playful tone changed and he was watching me so closely, that he unknowingly headed straight for a tree. I thought he would have turned around, but didn’t.

  “Watch out, Matthew.” Simultaneously, we grabbed each other. With his body backed against the tree and nowhere to go, our bodies collided. Gazing into his eyes, I whispered, being too close for comfort, “Are you hurt?”

  He didn’t answer, but his eyes continued to pierce into mine, searching. There was something comforting, yet terrifying about the way he was connecting with me. His hurt look surprised me.

  “You must’ve dated some assholes, Becca,” he continued. “Sure, I’ll admit I flirt a lot, but it’s my way of coping. You don’t know what I’ve been through the past two years. I was completely dead inside. I watched as the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, died in the same hospital Jenna was in. For two fucking years, I blamed myself and swore I would never fall for anyone again. But you know what? Your heart has a mind of its own. I found out you don’t have a choice. Your heart makes those choices for you and no matter how hard you fight it, you can’t. Then you’re totally screwed.”

  My mouth dropped and my heart ached for him. I had no idea about what he’d been through, and I just accused him of being an ass. Wishing I could take back what I said, I closed my eyes and whispered softly, “I’m so sorry.”

  Matthew continued to look at me, but with a softer expression this time. I was waiting for him to curse at me, but instead he laced his fingers through my hair, searching my eyes again. Then his gaze shifted to my lips. His breathing grew faster and intense, fighting what he wanted to do. I wanted him to kiss me so badly, but it didn’t happen. After all, he thought I was seeing someone and being the gentleman he was, I knew he wouldn’t proceed. Sliding his hand around my back, he held me tenderly.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to dump all that on you,” he said gently. “I don’t want to ruin what we have. I enjoy your company so much, Becca. You make me forget the pain. You make me forget her,” he sighed softly against the tip of my ear. There was a lot of sadness in his tone. Tears began to blur my eyes. I felt the depth of his pain shooting through every part of my being, especially into my heart.

  Matthew held me longer than I had expected. When he finally released me, he was back to himself. Grabbing my hand, he started sprinting. “Come on, Becca. Let’s see how fast you can run.”

  “Matthew!” I yelled. Unable to release his tight grip, I had no choice but to run with him, but it made the awkward situation better, and it felt good to run like that. Yup, he was very smooth.

  A couple of days after Christmas, Max and I met my parents for dinner. My parents paid for dinner this time around. Like the last time, we had a fabulous time getting to know each other better. Max and my dad talked about sports, and of course, my mom probed with more questions. We also had dinner last night since they were leaving tomorrow morning. Max’s driver and I took them to the airport, and then I went straight to work.

  There were two more days until New Year’s Eve. I could already feel the excitement. This time around, I’ll have someone to kiss at midnight—my Max. I couldn’t wait. Not to mention spending a fun filled night with my closest friends.

  Gazing quickly around the room, I noticed everyone was busy at their desks. Matthew went to a meeting with Max regarding another department, so I was holding down the fort. Though there wasn’t much to worry about, since we were all working on the same project and Matthew had delegated the jobs before he left.

  Looking at my project on the screen, I started typing about the London fashion show that was coming soon, and all sorts of thoughts fluttered through me. I wondered if I would be invited to go. Since Matthew was back, would he be going instead of Max?

  Heavily focused on the layout screen, I jumped when my phone buzzed on my desk. I kept it on vibrate, so it rattled. It was from Max.

  Good morning, Ms. Mefferd. Missed you last night. My bed was cold and it felt so big without you.

  Sorry! Can’t have me every night. You would get bored with me.

  Never!!! You’re too sexy, gorgeous, and soft. Not to mention, you’ve stolen my heart, so it goes wherever you go.

  Awww…gushing…blushing. You’re so sweet, Max.

  Want me to make you blush even more?

  Aren’t you at your meeting?

  We took a break, but gotta go soon. Come over tonight. I promise you’ll be blushing all night.

  I’m coming, Max!

  That sounded dirty. You just made me hot all over. Need to take a cold shower. Love you, babe. Oh, by the way, I’ve ordered a sandwich for you from Café Express along with a special dessert. It’s in my office. Looks like we’re extending our meeting into lunch. I’ll miss my lunch buddy. TKLS

  Thank you! You’re too good to me. See you tonight. XO

  “TKLS,” I repeated, smiling, recalling what it meant. Yup! I needed a cold shower, too. Rereading his text, I remembered that Max has easily said the word “love” before, but I had a difficult time saying it back. I cared about him deeply, but I wasn’t ready to say the “L” word yet. I wasn’t sure if it was just easy for him to say or if he truly meant it. Did he truly know what it meant? Do I?

  Suddenly, another text appeared. It was from Luke. Texting you to let you know that I’m thinking of you. When you’re ready to meet with me, let me know. I’ll be waiting. Sooner or later, he’ll screw up and I’ll be there to catch you when you fall.

  Becky was right. I should change my phone number, but too many important connections had this number. Feeling extremely aggravated, I told my staff I was heading to the break room to get a cup of coffee. ‘When he screws up….’ Luke, you’re the one who screwed up. Actually, I was glad he did or else I wouldn’t have given Max a chance.

  Speedily walking down the hall, I could hear the rhythm of my own footsteps. In order to stop hearing the sound from my heels, I slowed my pace. I was just about to enter the break room when I heard laughter and voices.

  Leaning my back against the wall, my heart went into overdrive, thumping erratically. As I honed in on a conversation, I kept my eyes alert just in case others were headed this way. I wouldn’t want to be caught being nosy. Though this felt childish, I couldn’t help myself, especially when I realized the conversation was about Max.

  That is so sad.

  I know.

  It’s not right what she’s doing. She’s either taking all she can or trying to make him suffer.

  I’m just glad she doesn’t work here anymore. She was a total bitch. I have no idea what he saw in her.

  I agree, but I’m glad he’s going out with a nice girl now. I heard Jenna is a genuine, sweet person.

  I hope she doesn’t break his heart, but if she does, I will be more than happy to take her place.

  The ladies giggled; I couldn’t recognize their voices. As I stood there, I debated whether to go inside or leave, but knowing they were talking about me, I wanted to stay a little longer. They weren’t saying anything negative and with any luck, they weren’t spreading any rumors. I just wanted to be sure what they were saying wouldn’t get me wired up, so I stood there frozen and listened.

  You wouldn’t stand a chance.

  True, but I can dream.

  What do you think will ha

  I don’t know. I’m sure he didn’t do the things she’s accusing him of.

  Hell! I’d love to do the things he’s been accused of with him.

  I bet she kept him satisfied. Maybe that was the reason he kept their relationship that long.

  Maybe it was her? Maybe she manipulated him so he thought he needed her.

  Some men think with their dick. That’s why they cheat.

  Maybe, but how do you know?

  I’m good at judging people. You shouldn’t believe the rumors. There are always two sides to the story.

  Well have you heard the other rumor? The one about how she did the same thing to another man?

  I don’t know how she has the guts to do the things she’s done. I bet she’s done this to a bunch of men and they all paid her off.

  Hearing enough of the conversation, and not sure what they meant by ‘what do you think will happen’ I backed away slowly, so as not to make a sound. Max had assured me Crystal had taken the money. Thinking that perhaps they were hearing old rumors, I dismissed it. I had planned on leaving, since I was not the confrontational type, but I couldn’t help the heat of anger burning my face. The fact that they were talking about Max that way fired me up even more. I wanted to walk in on them and let them know how I felt, but I couldn’t. Instead, I came up with a better plan.

  When I had backed far enough away, I started walking my normal speed and let my heels click away to warn them someone was coming. Sure enough, their voices stopped. Our bodies almost collided as the two women I didn’t recognize exited just as I entered.

  “I’m so sorry!” one squealed, looking at me. She almost spilled her coffee on me. Thank goodness I jumped back just in time. The girl with blonde hair ran back in to get some paper towels and started to wipe the floor. “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “I’m fine. It’s my fault,” I replied. “I should have been more careful. I’m fairly new. Which department do you work for?”

  “Oh, we used to work in customer service a while back, but we were moved to the sales department,” the brunette answered.

  “Actually, we asked to be transferred when Crystal was our boss,” the blonde happily explained.

  “Crystal?” I pretended not to know as I studied their expressions.

  “If you’ve never heard of Crystal, then you must have started VERY recently,” the brunette said, looking amused.

  “I started working here a couple of months ago. My name is Jeanella Mefferd.” I extended my hand. Each took it without hesitation, both with a warm smile.

  “It’s nice to meet you. My name is Kendra and this is Susan.”

  Susan, the blonde, shook my hand. “Some people call me Susie.”

  This was a perfect opportunity to drop the bomb on them. With a cunning smile, I released my hand and said, “Some people call me Jenna.”

  Both of their mouths dropped and their eyes were wide as their lips slightly trembled into a nervous smile. They both suddenly turned pink with embarrassment and they quickly took their eyes off me.

  “Uh…well…see you around. We’re late for a meeting,” Kendra said abruptly, tugging Susan down the hall.

  “Uh, yeah. We’re really late,” Susan mumbled.

  I figured either they thought I might have been eavesdropping on their conversation, or they felt guilty for talking about me. Either way, I could understand their situation. Had I been in their shoes, I would have blushed, too. However, I wouldn’t be talking like that at work. It served them right, and it almost felt good embarrassing them.

  I had a few questions pop up in my mind again, questions I had dismissed before. Due to my insecurities, I began to wonder if I was right to bring them up again. It didn’t do any good seeing that text from Luke—‘Sooner or later, he’ll screw up.’ Neither did overhearing the nonsense from those ladies who had no idea what was going on. No matter how many times I told myself Max was different, my self-doubt was getting the better of me.

  After making a cup of coffee, since that was the reason why I came here in the first place, I made a quick stop at Max’s office to pick up my sandwich and a heart-shaped Rice Krispie treat. Then I headed back to my department, this time with my heels clicking as loud as they wanted.

  Having a confusing day with Matthew, I tried not to think about what it all meant. Obviously, Matthew had some issues he needed to deal with and if I could be a friend, albeit a flirting friend, I certainly didn’t mind that. He was great company and really fun to hang out with. Knowing for sure we could only be friends, I knew our limitations so it would be easier to just move on.

  It had been about four days since I had seen Matthew, but to my surprise, he texted me a couple of times. They were short and to the point, asking me how I was, but that was it. It was definitely friend-to-friend texting.

  Just as I finished making dinner, Jenna walked through the door. I was confused about what day it was, since Jenna was always at Max’s place on Friday nights.

  “Hey, Jenna. This is a wonderful surprise,” I said, waving my spatula. You want some curry?”

  “You made your special curry?” Jenna looked happy.

  “Yup. Almost done.”

  “I would love some. Let me go change and I’ll be right back.” She was gone for just a few minutes. It didn’t take her long to change and put her hair up.

  “No Max tonight?”

  “I told him that I’d like to stay home and spend some time with you, since I’m seeing him tomorrow night. What can I help you with?”

  “Awww, that’s so sweet, but one day, you’ll get married and you’ll have to leave me. I might as well get used to it.”

  Jenna started to scoop rice on the plates. “How do you know I’ll be getting married first? Besides, Max isn’t…I mean…we’ve never even discussed marriage. It’s way too soon.”

  Jenna swung two plates around to me. With a ladle, I dumped two scoops of curry on each plate. “You just never know. Max has been moving fast. That’s bound to be the next step.”

  “Could we not talk about this subject?” Jenna asked softly. She looked so drained.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Could you bring the water?” she requested, ignoring my question as she headed to the dining table.

  Already seated, she had a slight smile on her face and she looked ready to eat. “Nothing’s wrong, Becky. I just don’t see the point of discussing something that won’t happen in the near future.”

  After I put the glasses of water down, I sat down and took a bite. Studying Jenna from across the table, she looked agitated. “Come on, Jenna, something is up. I can see it in your face. Did you and Max have a fight?”

  Jenna took a sip of water, closed her eyes, and then peered up at me. “No, honestly, we didn’t have a fight,” she shook her head.

  “Jenna, I’m like your other half, though recently my spot has been taken over by Max.” I got a small smile out of her. “I know when something is bothering you, even when you think you’re fine.”

  With one elbow on the table, she let out a soft sigh and looked over at me as if to gather her thoughts. After she swallowed some more curry, she started letting go of her worries.

  She told me about Luke’s latest text, an incident with some women at work, and even how she was worried she might not be good enough, sexually, for Max.

  “I think you’re overthinking. You’re letting Luke, and some conversation that happened in the break room get to your head.”

  Jenna nodded, trying to convince herself that I was right. “I know, I know. I feel awful for thinking this, but I have a bad feeling that Max is keeping something from me.”

  “From what I can see, whatever Max does, he does in your best interest. I don’t think he’s hiding anything from you, but rather protecting you…if what you’re imagining could be true.”

  Twirling her spoon around, she looked like she was a world away. “Earth to Jenna…Jenna…Jenna!” My tone got louder every time I called her na
me. She looked up, finally coming out of her daze.

  “Do guys like to experiment? I mean…you know…like play with sex toys or role play?” Jenna’s cheeks flushed when she asked me that question.

  We rarely talked about sex, since she was uncomfortable with it, so hearing this question came off as a surprise. “To tell you the truth, most of the guys I’ve slept with were selfish in bed. However, I did have a long term relationship with this one guy and we played around with some toys.”

  “You did?” She sounded astounded. “Do you think…could you show me?”

  I laughed aloud. “I’ll show you a few things you can buy on the Internet.”

  Jenna giggled, blushed, and covered her eyes with her hand. “I don’t want to buy yet. I just want to look. I mean…I don’t really want to look, but…” She shoved a spoonful of curry in her mouth on purpose so she couldn’t continue and I did the same.

  “Jenna, look at me.” She did, blushing even more. “Hey, it’s okay. You’d be surprised how many people buy these things. It will open your eyes.”


  In my eyes, Jenna was the sweetest, most naïve friend anyone could have. I loved her innocent virtue and her big heart. I couldn’t wait to show her the things that will rock Max’s world even more. Though I was sure he’d already experienced it, if Jenna initiated something steamy, it would drive him crazy.

  “Do you have a dress for tomorrow night?” I asked, changing the subject to a more comfortable one, so her cheeks could turn back to their normal color.

  “I was just going to wear something from my closet. I don’t have time to go shopping.”

  “No, no, no,” I shook my head and my index finger, knowing what kind of dresses she had. “I have something you can wear. Not only will it drive Max crazy, seeing other guys undress you with their eyes will send him over the edge.”

  “Becky, you know what type of dress I like to wear.”

  “Exactly; but it’s New Year’s Eve. Dress to impress. Be a little daring. It’s not like you’re doing something terrible.”

  “Okay,” she agreed. “And by the way, please don’t tell Nicole and Kate about our little conversation.”


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