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Tormented (A Secret Salem Novel 4)

Page 11

by J. N. Colon

  An excited heartbeat sounded followed by the scent of human. I assumed it was MJ until the smell was completely male and mixed with pungent cologne. My head swiveled behind me, seeing a tall, solidly built man turn the corner. He was wearing dark jeans and a gray hoodie, his eyes and the top half of his face obscured by shadows. A stubbly chin and full lips were visible, those said lips curling into a dark, familiar smile.

  My hackles rose along with the hair on my nape. “Declan.”

  “Princess Rubi,” he crooned, shedding his hood to reveal tousled brown hair with golden highlights surrounding dark, impenetrable eyes that were slowly drinking me in.

  The hunter was apparently becoming obsessed with me—and not in an I-want-to-kill- you way. No, that would have been easier to deal with.

  I felt my eyes burn with silver and fangs descend. “What are you doing here.”

  Declan held his palms up in surrender. “Hey now, don’t go all bride of Dracula on me sweetness. I’m on your side.”

  My eyes narrowed. “You’re a hunter. You only have one side and it’s a bad.”

  His lips curled into a pout. “I helped you at Mossgrove. I gave you the code to the lab they took Demy to. Don’t I get some credit for that?”

  I reluctantly put my fangs up and crossed my arms against my chest. I suppose he was right about that. “How did you even get into Salem?”

  He winked and leaned against the shelf beside me. “I have my ways. Don’t worry. No other hunter knows about it.” His gaze lingered over me, especially my boobs that were squished together by my arms. “I’m here to warn you. You’re in danger.”

  I rolled my eyes and returned to dusting the items on the shelf in front of me. “I’m always in danger.” My finger lifted a bottle of some indiscernible liquid, wiping beneath it. “What do you care anyways? You’re the enemy, remember?”

  Declan clucked his teeth. “Not anymore. I’m on your team. I’m deep undercover.”

  I sighed. “Get to the point Declan.”

  “Oh. I love it when you say my name Rubi. Say it again please.”

  I shot him a glare, my patience running thin. I patted my pocket where my phone was. “You know I just have to press one button and guards—vampire and shifter—would be swarming this place.”

  “Okay, okay. I’ll get to the point.” He shoved his hands in his pocket and pierced me with a dark look. “Mac’s death wasn’t an accident.”

  “No shit,” I snarled. “Hunters tracked us and shot him with a poisonous arrow.” I went back to dusting, irritated he was bringing this up.

  “I know, but I mean there was another motive behind simply killing the prince.”

  My hand halted mid-wipe and I turned my head to gage his expression. There was no humor or even deception in it. “What do you mean?” I swallowed hard, afraid the really know the answer.

  “I mean something else is going on with this group of hunters. They have ulterior motives for the assassination.”

  Cold fear descended through my veins and I dropped the rag onto a shelf, giving Declan my full attention. “Like what?”

  “I can’t say exactly, but I just know they aren’t finished, whatever it is.” He leaned closer, the throb of his pulse clouding my brain momentarily. “These guys have gone completely nuts. They’re using some bat shit crazy tactics that are not only dangerous to vampires and shifter, but humans. They will kill anything or anyone that gets in their way.”

  “What are you saying?” My voice was barely audible over my own heartbeat pounding in my ears.

  “I’m saying they killed Mac for a reason. Someone specifically wanted him dead.”

  I sat on the couch in my room, staring down at my notebook for the past hour. I was creating a list entitled, Mac’s Enemies. The only things on it so far were hunters. Just for fun I made a list of my own. Um… it was a lot longer than his. Mine had hunters, Terra Murray, Laney Mossgrove, vengeful ghosts, and all three of the Svenssons. I was certain there were other vampires who disproved of me as their princess. I simply didn’t know their names.

  As an afterthought I added Paisley Collins with a question mark. While I doubted she’d kill me now, we had been enemies at one point and things could always change.

  Unfortunately I wasn’t the one murdered. If I was the royal family would probably be a lot better off with Mac.

  The thought left a bitter taste in my mouth.

  With a sigh I slumped against the couch, at loss. Who would want Mac dead besides hunters? What could they possibly gain other than hurting the vampire world?

  A dark shadow on the balcony in front of me caught my attention. A black paw suddenly hit the handle, swinging the door open and a sleek panther with purple eyes slinked in.

  “Hey Demy,” I said.

  He made a sound before hopping up on the couch, jostling me and laying his head in my lap. He huffed and nudged the notebook.

  “It’s nothing.” I rubbed the top of his head and down between his eyes, a deep purring stirring within him. Her fur was soft and warm, making me wish I had a blanket just like it.

  His piercing violet eyes stared up at me expectantly, waiting on an explanation.

  I shot him a pointed look. “This is weird. I can’t have a conversation with you in animal form.”

  He puffed before rearing up and dragging his hot, rough tongue across my cheek.

  “Ugh! Demy.” I shoved him off and wiped his drool from my face. Moments later his deep, human laughter echoed from the side of the couch.

  “Don’t lie Rubi. I know you like it.” He settled in next to me and kissed the top of my head.

  I playfully shoved him. “Please. I like it like I like a big steaming pile of vegetables.” I stuck my finger in my mouth, pretending to gag.

  He flicked the notebook. “What’s this about?”

  I shrugged noncommittally. “Nothing.” I didn’t want him to know I had a visit from Declan. I could see it now, him running off to Whitmore and then me ending up on house arrest.

  Skepticism shimmered in his gaze. “There must be some reason you’re trying to think of Mac’s enemies.”

  Damn. From the stubborn look on his face I could tell he wasn’t going to let this go. I supposed I could play dirty and distract him.

  Yeah, you’re just looking to distract him Rubi, my inner voice said.

  I ignored it and leaned forward, slowly kissing his neck. Demy’s body tensed in surprise before loosening while a low hum vibrated through his chest.

  “Are you trying to distract me Rubi?”

  If I was being honest with myself I’d have to admit I’d been thinking about the intense moment we had in the secret underground room at Highland before Dana’s ghost interrupted. I’d been wondering what would have happened if she never did.

  My fingers trailed up his chest, feeling the hard muscles beneath his shirt. “Is it working?” I murmured.


  I nibbled on his neck, my fangs tearing a shallow scratched that released a tiny taste of blood. He gasped and wrapped his arm around my waist, holding me as if I might run away. “How about now?” I asked, my tongue flicking over the nick.

  “You’re such a tease,” he growled playfully.

  I slipped out of his grasp and yanked my shirt over my head, tossing it on the ground behind me. “How’s this for teasing?”

  Demy’s violet eyes widened, taking in my silk purple bra and bare skin. He licked his lips, his cheeks flushing a deep shade of scarlet. “I think you can go a little further than that.” Desire thickened his voice, turning it husky and he arched that studded brow in challenge, daring me.

  Without thinking about it because I knew I’d chicken out I moved lightning fast and laid down on the couch, looking up at him unabashedly. “You owe me some blood shifter.”

  The corners of his lips twitched, threatening a smile, but those entrancing violet eyes screamed trouble. “Your wish is my command princess.” Demy tossed his shirt off and laid his body on t
op of mine, my arms encircling him.

  My fingers trailed into his soft, inky hair, guiding his neck toward my mouth. His pulse jumped erratically in anticipation. He groaned when I bit down, his body igniting in flames against my bare skin. Buttery, briny blood dropped into my mouth, coating my taste buds.

  Demy’s hands roamed over my body, grabbing my curves and moving his hips. Electric tingles shot between us, pulling a harsh, rasping moan from me. I released his neck and he pulled away, sitting up and staring down at me with a dark, dangerous look on his face.

  “Rubi, you really shouldn’t provoke a wild animal.” His voice was a growl and eyes taking on an unnatural sheen.


  Demy slowly trailed one finger from my throat, down between my breasts, passed my belly button, to the button of my jeans. He stopped there and cocked his head to the side, silently questioning me. Or maybe daring me again.

  My heart slammed into my ribcage in a violent staccato and my breathing was heavy, making my chest visibly rise and fall. I had only meant to distract him, but now he’s got me trembling beneath him. Lust and hunger was running rampant through my body, telling me to grab hold of him and take what I wanted.

  I wasn’t cheating on Mac, I told myself. I wasn’t.

  Demy took my silence as a yes and flicked opened the button. Then he crawled back over me, looking ever like the predator he was. And I was his pray. His hot tongue flicked out and licked my top lip. “You will not be disappointed princess.” His deep, throaty voice sent shivers through my body.

  I didn’t doubt that.

  His head slanted, brushing his lips against mine when the door to the hall exploded open, crashing loudly into the wall.

  Demy sat up, his wide eyes taking in the cause for ruckus. From above I watched the color drain from his face and lips, the flush from our passionate moment completely stolen. Panic flooded my bloodstream, competing with familiar electric tingles across my spine. The opposing sensations forced my body up to peek over the couch. The sight before me slammed hard into my chest, stealing every ounce of air from my lungs.

  “Mac!” My lids blinked frantically, assuring he wouldn’t disappear. A feeling of euphoria and longing swept over, clouding my brain and jerking my senses away. I gripped Demy’s arm. “It’s Mac’s ghost.”

  Mac stood in the entrance to my room, his appearance familiar yet altered. His stance was aggressive, his legs spread apart and arms up while his fingers curled in like claws. A vicious snarl morphed his handsome face, curling his lips back from his teeth.

  Demy grabbed my arm before I could get up. “That’s not Mac’s ghost.”

  My expression turned incredulous. “Of course it is.”

  “Then why can I see him?” Demy hissed.

  It took a moment for his words to finally sink in. If Demy could see him too then that meant…

  “You’re alive!” I shook Demy off and threw my shirt on, scrambling off the couch with vampire speed to stand in front of my not-so-dead mate. “Mac.”

  If I wasn’t so shocked and full of joy I would have noticed the wrongness in the situation that should have been screaming warning bells in my head. Like for instance he was wearing the clothes he was buried in, the black suit ripped and covered in dirt. His hair was in wild tangles while smudges of dirt marred his pale face and visible skin. It looked as if he crawled right out of his grave.

  I also should have noticed the crimson flecks in his eyes, glistening like drops of blood within his jade irises instead of silver.

  But I didn’t. All I could think was that he was alive, standing right in front of me.

  I jumped in his arms and grabbed his face, pulling it down toward mine. He followed and I thought he was going to kiss me. What else would he do?

  Instead Mac’s hands painfully dug into my waist as his fangs savagely ripped open my neck.

  Chapter 12

  Blinding agony stole through my body and I screamed, a mixture of pain and confusion overcoming me. A snarl filled the room and moments later I was yanked away from Mac as Demy in panther form jumped on him, knocking him to the ground.

  Rufus and Daedalus crashed through the room, the shock on their faces evident as they saw the cause of the commotion. It was Mac. But not Mac.

  Only a moment passed for them to collect themselves and dive for him just as he flung Demy into a wall and attempted to charge me. They yanked him back, one on each arm, struggling. There was no recognition in Mac’s face, only a deep, vicious hunger glimmering in his crimson spotted eyes.

  “Mac,” I cried, my voice choking.

  He snarled and lunged forward, dragging Rufus and Daedalus a few steps before they reined him in again.

  “Rubi, get back,” Daedalus warned.

  Of course I didn’t listen. My eyes turned watery, blurring Mac’s form as I stepped toward him.

  Mac’s nostrils flared, catching the scent of my blood. It was enough to set him off. He flung the royals guards away as if they were annoying gnats and grabbed my shoulders in an unrelenting iron gasps. His mouth found the bleeding wound, fangs driving in again.

  Pain erupted through me—and part of me didn’t care.

  Screams and snarls echoed as the room tilted and I felt the ground rise up beneath us. The last thing I remembered was tasting my salty tears and the bittersweet feel of Mac above me. Killing me.


  The sensation of gentle finger running through my hair lulled me back to consciousness. My lids fluttered open to find a stunning pair of violet eyes gazing down at me, shaded by a deep worry.

  “Demy?” My voice came out in a croak while pain shot through my neck, making me wince.

  “Hey, take it easy princess,” he whispered.

  My hand reached up and felt a gauzy bandage on my neck. “What…?” Memories slammed into me like a train, the most important one was Mac. I bolted up and immediately grabbed my head to stop the room from spinning. “Mac,” I gasped, my body coming alive again with tiny pin pricks of pain. “Is he alive? Or Is he one of those things?”

  Demy gripped my shoulders, holding me in place. “H-He’s better now Rubi.” There was a hidden meaning in his evasive tone.

  My eyes watered. “But he’s alive?”

  He nodded.

  A choked sob clawed up my throat, making it ache even more. “How?”

  He rubbed my back gently, trying to sooth me. “We don’t know yet.”

  “Does he have red eyes?” I was terrified of the answer yet needed to know good or bad.

  “No. Not anymore.” His face was a mask, but those expressive violet eyes were full of secrets. Dark ones.

  I jumped up, my knees buckling as dizziness swarmed me.

  “Careful Rubi.” Demy helped me sit back on the bed. “You lost a lot of blood.”

  I fingered the bandage. “Why am I not healing?”

  “You’ve been out for a day without consuming any blood.”

  “Oh.” The terrifying image of Mac ripping into my throat flickered through my mind. I quickly shook my head, shattering the nightmare. “I need to see him.”

  Demy put a hand on my shoulder, preventing me from standing. “You need blood first.”

  I shook my head. “No Demy. I need Mac first.”

  He averted his eyes and swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. “There’s something you should know.”

  Panic fluttered deep within me and I clutched his forearm in a death grip. “You said he was okay—that he wasn’t like those creatures.” An edge of hysteria was creeping through my voice.

  “That’s not it princess.” He bit his bottom lip, stalling. “He, he doesn’t remember.”

  I blinked confusedly. “Remember what? Biting me?”

  He shook his head, throwing his inky hair in his face. “He doesn’t remember anything.”

  I stared at him, trying to decipher his words. “I don’t understand,” I whispered, cold dread opening a hole in my gut.

  “He doesn’t
remember who he is or anything else.”

  My heart twisted painfully as if a fist had reached inside my chest cavity in an attempt to rip it clean out. “You mean he doesn’t remember me?”

  Sympathy registered over his face, already giving me my answer. “No. He doesn’t.”

  My fingers grabbed for Mac’s royal ring, fighting the urge to press it into my chest to take away the emotional pain. My own mate couldn’t remember me.

  I licked my dry lips, swallowing the heartache and panic that wanted to swallow me up.

  Mac was alive. That was the important thing—all that mattered.

  We didn’t remember meeting when we were five and still we were both drawn to each other.

  “Take me to him now Demy.” When he began to protest I cut him off. “Now.”

  We entered Mac’s room, my pulse thudding erratically in my ears while electricity played my spine like piano keys. Mac was on the couch looking normal again if not a little more tame than usual. Miranda and Whitmore were standing by the fireplace, uneasy expression morphing their faces when they saw me.

  I would have hit the ground if Demy hadn’t been holding me up. Mac’s head turned, eyeing me with a completely blank, unemotional expression.

  Without meaning to I stumbled into him, wrapping my arms around him and burying my face in his chest. His wild forest scent swam over me, bringing tears to my eyes. It was really him. “Mac,” I choked out. “You’re alive.”

  His body was rigid beneath mine, unwelcoming to my presence. His hands gripped my upper arms, abruptly forcing me away. “I thought someone was supposed to tell her I don’t remember.” His voice was so cold it left my insides freezing.

  His actions alone would have had me doing a double take, but the tone he used and the way he looked right through me had my hackles raised and confusion shading any joy I felt.

  “I did,” Demy growled, pulling me to him as he shot daggers at his best friend. “She wanted to see you anyways.”

  “McCollum, you have to understand this is going to be difficult on Rubi as well,” Whitmore said, running his fingers through his hair, looking more like Mac than Mac did. “She’s your mate son. She can’t just push that aside. It’s her natural instinct to be with you.”


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