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A New Threat: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

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by Andrew Wood


  Book One: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

  Copyright© Andrew G. Wood




  All Rights Reserved.

  This book follows on some years after

  'Prince of Magic' - Chronicles of Elemental Magic-

  Thanks to:

  Claire Kinrade for her help.


  Over sixteen years had passed since the young Prince Luken of Corlan had so selflessly given his own life. Sacrificing himself, so his country, and more importantly, loved ones, could lead a peaceful life. Since that time, the nation he left behind had rebuilt and flourished, and people's lives had eventually returned to a more normal existence.

  The land still bore the scars of the conflict for those who knew where to look. Ditches that had been dug in hastily made defences could still be seen around those towns and villages that had undergone rebuilding. A few however, lay as empty as the day they had been attacked and burned; a constant reminder of what had taken place.

  Many of the towns and villages in Corlan that had undergone refurbishment had been done so with defence in mind. The country had barely held back the onslaught that had ravaged and pillaged the lands. This was not something the current ruler was willing to let happen again. Many of the larger towns not only had defensive walls now surrounding them, but also garrisons of troops based within them.

  The capital city of Corlan had seen the greatest transformation. Before Luken had succumbed to his heroic death, he and his brother Caldar had started the complete rebuild. The nation's previous capital of Hamalin had been completely destroyed by the magical forces of Darekia. New Easton had been rebuilt from the remnants of a long dead city that had once been known simply as Easton. Utilising the vast stone walls that had stood in place for hundreds of years, the people of Corlan had held a defiant stand south of the River Fivan, against the marauding hordes.

  Having fended off Armies of men and creatures summoned from the very depths of hell, they had eventually turned their fortunes around. With the help of their neighbouring countries, Besemia and Murati, the allied forces had pushed the invaders back to the nation from which they had originated. The then leader of Darekia, Lord Fenlor as a last stand, sacrificed his own life to summon forth one of the guardians of the underworld. With the help of the wizard known as Sandred, the young Prince Luken had made the ultimate sacrifice to defeat the demonic beast and sent it back, before it could reap its destruction upon the earth.

  Luken had left behind his young wife, who had been expecting their child. He had never got to see his son, nor the vibrant city he had helped rebuild. Despite grieving for a time, his wife Sarena had eventually remarried. Lord Darak had remained at her side through thick and thin, and the over time, the two had fallen in love. The young lord had taken on the job of bringing up Luken's son Luca, as well as the boy called Taylor, and girl called Hope whom they had adopted.

  The defeated nation of Darekia, had endured much since that time. A system of government had been implemented to see if it could restore some form of order. Though over the years, those residing there had seen their lifestyles improve, all knew those in charge were little more than pawns. They were aware the real power lay with their conquerors. Not only that, but the nation was still paying gold in compensation to the countries of Besemia and Corlan for the destruction it had caused. With this crippling debt, it was clear Darekia would never become a prosperous nation anytime soon, always lagging far behind the fortunes of its neighbours.

  To ensure Darekia did not pose any further threats, Corlan and Besemia had ensured strict rules on the government. It could have no more than a few hundred soldiers, and these were only to be deployed to keep peace within its own borders. More importantly, any person found delving in Magic was charged without trial. The sentence for such a charge was death, by beheading. This rule, though deemed necessary, had led to a number of skirmishes, as people wrongly accused had been slaughtered. What those in Corlan and Besemia did not realise, was that all these strict rules made the Darekian people angry. It would only need somebody to step forward at the right moment to ignite the spark, and all the troubles of the past could arise once more.

  Chapter 1.

  The large sailing ship 'Victor' pulled to a halt as the dropped anchor hit the seabed. The vessel was too large to be manoeuvred alongside the small dock. Before them was the Isle of Kelan, once the home to the most powerful wizard alive. That had ended when the man had crossed the barrier sustaining his immortality, and joined up with Prince Luken in defeating the Guardian from the underworld.

  With the wizard, known as Sandred, gone, the majestic castle that had once been his home for centuries had succumbed to the rigours of time. With the magical force keeping him alive gone, the building had aged at an accelerated rate, and crumbled and collapsed to the pile of rubble and dust that still lay there to this day.

  From aboard the ship, two smaller craft were lowered down to the water's surface for a landing party. Men with tattooed faces made up the members of the group descending into the boats as well as fresh clean-faced soldiers, the exception being two others. One was a small, cloaked figure, the other a huge hulking beast. The last surviving Orlac from a bygone war, stood nearly eight feet in height, and covered in a reddish brown hair. The creature summoned with a blood magic sacrifice, remained standing, its large bear like head glancing left and right looking for any sign of danger. Occasionally it lifted it large head skywards, sniffing at the air, as a dog might do to detect any potential dangers.

  The oars from the boats moved in time, as the smaller crafts approached the small landing area. The only sound was that of the waters splashing about them, until the first vessel bumped into the sidings. Two men jumped up onto the timber walkway, which inevitably was now showing signs of decay. One tied a rope whilst the other stood poised and alert, hand over the hilt of his sword. Others clambered up and positioned themselves on the dockside, checking the rest of the timbers were safe for their cargo to come ashore.

  The large Orlac made the short step up onto the dock, before lowering a large clawed hand down. The small-cloaked figure took the offer and lifted a small pale hand up. Despite the size, the beast showed an out of character tenderness, as it gently aided the cloaked figure upwards and onto the dock beside it. "Thank you Silas," came a soft voice from beneath the hood. The Orlac made a throaty sound, as a sign of verbal acknowledgement.

  The figure threw back the large hood, revealing a pale-skinned young girl. With eyes black as jet, she looked up at the huge creature at her side, and smiled. She turned her attention to the soldiers spread out along the dock area. "I assume we are safe to continue forward Captain?" she asked in a soft voice. A tattooed faced officer stepped nearer, bowing his head slightly. "My men have checked the area my Lady, and it is clear."

  The group had barely moved forward a few paces, when the giant Orlac sniffed the air, turning its head from left to right. It placed a large protective hand in front of the young lady and grunted. "Captain, Silas tells me, there are some people hiding behind those bushes over there. I thought you said the area was clear." The officer bowed again, and quickly gestured for two of his men to examine the area in question.

  The two soldiers returned, with two young boys cusped about the neck and being forcibly dragged towards the young lady. As they neared the Orlac, they cringed away, and the younger of the two started crying in fear. "Don't be afraid. My name is Dalia," she said stepping forward. "Silas, step back a little, you appear to be frightening
them." The beast obeyed without question and took a few large steps backwards.

  Dalia, a petite young woman of only sixteen years cast the two boys a friendly look. "There, now approach and let us have a closer look at you." The two boys were nudged forward until they both stood before her. "Kneel before her," the Captain snapped, shoving the elder of the two lads to the ground. "Captain," Dalia hissed, "Leave them be." The humbled soldier bowed his head once more and stepped back.

  Dalia held out her small hand, helping the lad to his feet. "I apologise for the behaviour of my Captain. I shall deal with him later. Now let me have a look..." Dalia ran a finger across the cheek of the older boy. The youth flinched slightly at her touch. She continued by running her hand through the lads thick dark hair. "Tell me your name," she said abruptly. The youth opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. "Well? You do have a name I assume?" she added. The boy nodded, "It's Dawid," he uttered timidly.

  Dalia smiled and paced around the two boys, like a wolf circling its prey. "Well Dawid, perhaps you could answer a few questions for me and my friends here." The youngster nodded, and cast a glance at his younger brother beside him who was sobbing and had tears rolling down his dirt stained face. "Do you live on this island?" Dawid nodded, "With my Ma and Pa, in the village on the north side of the island."

  Dalia paused for thought, and then turned to her Captain. "We head for the village, somebody there must know of the wizard and his castle," she ordered. Turning her attention back to Dawid and his brother, "But what to do with you?" She grinned, an evil smile. "I will keep you as my pet. Captain fetch me something to use as a leash." Without further instruction, Dalia pulled a small flask from her pocket. Using a pin from her cloak, she pricked her finger, and let a single drop of her blood fall into the flask. "This little potion will make you much more obedient Dawid. The only thing is you must drink it willingly," she added thrusting the small container of liquid and blood towards him. The youngster tried to back away, but he was stopped by the soldier holding him firmly in place.

  "Drink it please Dawid," she said politely holding the small flask outwards. The youngster kept his mouth firmly closed and shook his head. Dalia smiled, "I could force you to drink it, but for some reason that makes the magic have unwanted side effects." She offered the potion again, but still the boy refused. "Silas," she shouted gesturing a hand for the huge Orlac to step back near her side. "If Dawid does not take this and drink it in the next five seconds, you may feast on his little brat of a brother."

  The Orlac took a huge stride and positioned its body so it towered over the two boys. The youngest started crying louder and screaming in fear, as the beast slowly lowered a massive clawed hand towards him. Dawid visibly shook with fear and started crying himself. His hand slowly moved towards that of Dalia's. He took the vial and placed it gingerly up to his lips. "Go on Dawid, the sooner you drink, the sooner we can all move on." With a quick action, Dawid tipped the liquid into his mouth and swallowed.

  The youngsters body slumped to the floor, and started convulsing, causing his young brother to scream once more. "You're killing him... stop it... please." Dalia laughed, "Oh do be quiet, take him away from my sight; he really is annoying me." She turned to the Orlac at her side, "Sorry Silas, it appears there is no early lunch for you. Although if he keeps squealing I may yet change my mind," she shouted the boy's direction as he was dragged away.

  Dalia knelt down, and looped a thin rope around Dawid's neck, as the youngsters eyes flickered back open. His once brown eyes were now completely black and his complexion had turned a pale deathly appearance. "Now how is my little pet," she said stroking his hair. The boy smiled up at her as he lavished the attention. Dawid sat himself down at the feet of Dalia, oblivious to the screams and cries of his younger brother being dragged away.

  "Come along," Dalia said, giving a little pull on the rope. Her new pet quickly got to his feet, and obediently stood and walked silently beside her. The Orlac known as Silas, stepped up behind her. The group split, as a handful of soldiers remained with the boats, and their young captive, whilst the others ventured further inland. After a brief talk, Dalia's new pet pointed the direction they needed to travel.

  The group approached a small fishing village, and as they neared, Dalia ordered her Captain to send the troops with her, to round the occupants up. The homes were simple wooden huts, all different shapes and sizes. Some of them appeared, as they would topple over at the merest of touches. Several large nets were hung out, indicating that fishing played a large part of the villager's lives. Shrugging her shoulders, she thought this would have to suffice for now. After all, staying in one of these homes could be no worse than the cramped conditions of a ships cabin.

  Shouting and screams filled the air, as the Darekian soldiers forcibly shoved and pushed the frightened villagers into a small pen, normally used for animals. "Dawid" came the distraught cry of his mother as she noticed her son. The woman attempted to force her way through to get to him, but a tattooed face man barred her way.

  Dalia smiled at the sight of the woman crying, as her new pet stood obediently at her side. "What have you done to my son?" came the vain cries. "Dawid, where is your brother...?" she added noticing her younger son was not with his sibling. Dalia gave a slight tug on the rope, and both she and her pet turned away from the despairing woman. Dawid's father attempted to break free to grab his son, but was quickly and efficiently knocked down, before being dumped with the others.

  Dalia waited patiently until all the villagers were penned in. She then walked slowly past the dwellings these people called homes. "I will have that one," she said to her Captain, pointing to the largest house. "Make sure it is cleaned and prepared for me...oh and have a little bedding put on the floor for Dawid." The Captain bowed his head, and instructed two of his men to carry out the orders. It had not been much of a choice, this one house was clearly much newer than most of the others. The timbers looked clean and sturdy, and despite it being no palace, would have to suffice for now.

  "How many do we have Captain?" Dalia asked. "About forty my Lady, but only about ten of whom would be any good for our purpose" he replied. She paused for a moment, and ran a hand across her new pet's hair, who looked up and smiled at the gesture. "Very well, tie the men and boys up, and I will sort them out. Any younger boys send back to the boat, the rest we will use to search the ruins." Once more, the Captain bowed his head in complete obedience, "As you wish my Lady."

  After returning from a short walk, with Dawid and Silas at her side, Dalia stepped into the house she had selected. The Orlac had to stoop and turn as it struggled to get its huge muscular bulk through the opening. Once through the door it opened into what was a spacious living area. The floor was boarded and a stone fireplace was situated against one wall. The walls were timber panelling, though a couple of poor quality tapestries had been hung in an attempt to brighten the place up.

  Dalia looked around, surmising the room, before nodding her head. "It will do for now. Dawid go sit in the corner," she ordered, pointing her hand in the direction she wanted him to go. The young boy looked up with a look of disappointment at the fact he was being ordered from her side. Dalia smiled and ruffled his hair, "Go on," she added softly, "I have things to do."

  Silas positioned himself besides the door opening, but had to squat down as the ceiling height was not sufficient for him to stand fully upright. Dalia stepped up to a table that had been positioned in the centre of the room. It was a rather poor piece of furniture, which showed clearly, the years of wear. A large ceramic bowl had been placed upon it, and she immediately started work. Taking two small vials from the pocket in her cloak, she tipped a couple of drops of each into the bowl. She once more used the pin to prick her finger, and counted three drops of her blood in to the mix.

  "Silas I need the heart of one of the villagers. One of the women should suffice..." she paused as she had a thought. "Bring me Dawid's mother. I will show her where her son's loyalties now lie
," she added with a smirk. The Orlac showed his teeth in an attempt of a grin, and disappeared back out through the door. "Dawid come here," she snapped at the young lad sat quietly in the corner. The boy stood and without question or for knowing what reason, did as was instructed.

  Dalia grinned as she could hear the screams and shouts from outside getting nearer. The door burst open and Silas squeezed in through the gap with a woman clutched in one of his huge clawed hands. As if she were no more than a rag doll, the beast threw her to the floor.

  The woman silenced as she looked up to see her son looking at her. "Dawid, my boy, come to me..." she pleaded, holding her arms out in vain. Dawid did not move nor make any sign he even knew who she was. Dalia grinned once more, "Dawid is mine now, aren't you," she said ruffling the boy's hair. Dalia pulled a dagger from her belt. It had a bejewelled handle, and curved blade that glistened in the light coming through the small window. She offered the weapon to her new pet, "Now Dawid," she said, "I want you to slit that woman's throat. Do you understand?" The boy looked up at her, nodded, and took the dagger.

  His mother pleaded, and begged as she was held firmly by Silas, who pulled back her head. Without as much as a moments doubt, the youngster ran the blade across his mother's throat. Her cries and plea's became little more than a gurgling sound, as the deep red blood gushed out of the wound. "Good boy Dawid, now pass the blade back to me," Dalia said, clearly pleased at the boy's obedience. "Silas rip her heart out and place it in there," she added pointing to the bowl on the table.

  The large beast dragged the dripping corpse back out of the building and discarded it across the narrow dirt track separating the houses. There were shocks and cries as those still penned in watched the spectacle, and the trail of blood and gore left behind. Silas gave them a look, turning his huge head and let out a deafening roar as a show of his power, as he tossed the corpse to the dusty ground.


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