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Catching the Cowboy

Page 4

by Kennedy Fox

  A knock rings out on my door, and I roll over and check the time on my phone. It’s nearly nine in the morning, and I’ve been up for a while, just thinking about how strange life is at the moment.

  Another knock taps out. “Rowan?” my mother says from the other side.

  “I’m awake.”

  The door cracks open, and I sit up.

  “I made breakfast. Come eat before I put everything up.” She gives me a smile, and I nod, twisting my hair into a high bun.

  “You don’t have to tell me twice.” I put my feet on the floor and follow her into the kitchen. Mom doesn’t disappoint and has a whole spread of food on the table. I know she probably got up early and had breakfast with Dad, then made this for me. After I fill my plate with bacon, eggs, and a biscuit with a huge scoop of gravy, I smile.

  “You’ve outdone yourself, Ma,” I tell her around a mouthful.

  She shrugs. “I’m off work today, so I thought I’d spoil you a bit.” She works as a nurse at the hospital in San Angelo, and her shifts are typically long.

  Before I can say another word, Dad walks through the door. He goes straight to Mom and pulls her into his arms and kisses her. Their love is beautiful, and even though I’ve been burned, I hope one day I find what they have.

  “Okay, gross,” I say as the kiss deepens. “I don’t want breakfast and a show.”

  Dad laughs. “You do know how you were made, don’t you?”

  I put my fingers in my ears. “I was delivered by a stork.”

  The last thing I want to think about this morning is my parents doing it. That’s a visual I can live without for the rest of my life.

  Mom giggles, but I’ve known how babies were made since I was ten. Considering her job, she was determined to give Riley and me the sex talk as soon as puberty hit. Then we both proceeded to tell all the other kids at school, which got back to Grandma Bishop, who was ready to kick our asses. She was so embarrassed, but I’ve never seen Dad laugh so hard.

  Dad talks about the ranch and his daily duties as I finish eating. “You workin’ tonight?

  “Mm-hmm.” I finish chewing. “I’m supposed to meet Uncle John around five. I should be finished learning everything within the next month, and then he’s gonna let me loose.”

  “Oh lord,” Dad says. “Well just know if running the bar doesn’t work out, you can always help Maize in the kitchen at the B&B.” He grins.

  “Hard pass. I didn’t go to business school to cook. Not to mention, I’m horrible in the kitchen. Plus, Maize is a hard-ass perfectionist. One time, we made cupcakes, and she nearly had a hissy fit because of how I iced one. No thanks!”

  Dad chuckles and shrugs. “Don’t know where she would’ve gotten that trait from.”

  His sarcasm isn’t lost on me.

  “Not from Uncle John,” I say, and we both laugh because Maize’s exactly like him—meticulous to a T. He follows all the rules unlike his twin brother, Uncle Jackson. The two are complete opposites.

  Mom fills a mug full of coffee and blows on it before taking a sip. “What are your plans today?”

  I shrug. “Not much going on other than hoping Zoey has that baby before I have to go to work.”

  Mom and Dad both grin. We’ve been eager and waiting for Zach to be born, and after her last appointment, we were told it could happen at any moment. I’m just ready to become an aunt so I can spoil my nephew rotten. Grandma Bishop is growing impatient too because it’s her first great-grandchild.

  “Mama’s been praying about it all morning,” Dad says with a wink.

  “You know when Grandma sends messages to God, things happen.” I laugh, but I’m not wrong.

  Dad checks the time and tells us he has to get back to work before anyone notices he’s gone. We say our goodbyes, and I finish my bacon.

  Once I’m done eating, I help clean the kitchen. Afterward, I hop in the shower and get dressed, then go to the B&B to see what’s going on today. It’s weird being home, and it’ll take some getting used to after juggling a hectic schedule in college.

  When I walk inside, Uncle John is sitting behind the counter and Maize is leaned over talking to him. Her dark hair is pulled back into a bun, which is normally covered in a hair net when she’s in the kitchen. They’re chatting about something and laughing their asses off. When I clear my throat, she turns around, and I smirk. They have a special connection, especially considering Maize’s biological mother passed away soon after she was born, and he became a single dad overnight. John’s wife, Mila, raised Maize as her own, and most don’t know because they’re so close.

  “Hey, kiddo,” Uncle John greets me just as Kenzie bursts through the back door being her usual loud self. She’s majoring in education and is home for the summer. As soon as she has her degree, she’ll be here permanently, following in Aunt Mila’s footsteps—like mother, like daughter. She opened a daycare years ago, and it eventually transitioned to a private school. While our town isn’t big at all, many of her students are from the surrounding areas. When more teachers are hired, they can accept more kids off the waitlist, so it’s a big deal for Kenzie to get her degree.

  “I’m starving,” Kenzie says, glancing at her sister. “Did you make banana bread today?”

  Maize gives her an incredulous look, narrowing her blue eyes. “Yes, for the guests.”

  “I’m a guest all summer,” Kenzie quickly retorts.

  When I chuckle, Kenzie just shrugs, then goes to Maize and wraps her arms around her and squeezes. “Come on, sis. You love me soooooo much. You can’t deny my love for your banana bread.”

  Uncle John grins at his daughters the entire time. “She does have a point. It’s really good.”

  “Fine!” Maize says, knowing she won’t win.

  “Well, if you’re serving up slices, I want one too! And don’t be stingy,” I say.

  “Same!” Uncle John adds.

  Maize pretends to be annoyed, but I know how much she loves cooking and finds joy in us being obsessed with her food. Five minutes later, she’s walking into the main area carrying three small plates.

  “It’s still warm,” I say excitedly, noticing steam rising from the top. Kenzie doesn’t wait before she’s stuffing her mouth full. I take a bite, and it’s so delicious that I quickly devour it regardless of the big breakfast I just ate. Maize happily snickers.

  “So yummy and addicting. I think I need three more slices. How is this even legal?” I say, tempted to lick the crumbs from my plate. Kenzie and Uncle John nod in agreement.

  “Y’all are just saying that.”

  I roll my eyes because she knows better. “Not many people can cook as good as Grandma. So shut the hell up.”

  That makes her laugh. “I mean, I don’t wanna low-key brag or anything, but I know it’s delicious.”

  “Of course you do,” Uncle John says. “Good job!”

  A guest walks up, and we move out of the way. I follow Maize and Kenzie onto the back porch, giving the lady privacy to speak with Uncle John.

  “So, next weekend is your twenty-third birthday…” Kenzie glances at me. “We’re going out, right?”

  “I’m sure I have to work.” I walk to the edge of the porch and look out at the rolling hills.

  Maize interrupts my thoughts. “Nope. I’ll take care of Dad. We’re celebrating instead. I mean, when’s the last time the three of us got together?” She loops her arm in mine.

  Kenzie comes to the other side. “It’s been a while, Rowan. Let’s drink and dance the night away.”

  “I honestly forgot about it. I totally would if I can get off work.”

  Immediately, Kenzie walks inside, causing Maize to shake her head. She turns to me. “You doin’ okay with everything?”

  A ragged breath escapes me because I know she’s referring to the breakup. I texted her soon after it happened because while she’s my cousin, she’s also one of my best friends. Always has been. We’re close in age, only a year and a half apart, and grew up doing all sort
s of stuff together.

  “I’m making it.”

  “You’re better off without that douche in the long run. Seriously, I don’t know what you saw in that polo-wearing pretty boy anyway. You need a real man. A cowboy. Someone who can fit in with the fam.”

  I suck in a deep breath, chuckling at her description of Nick. She’s not wrong, though. “Sometimes love is blind.”

  “That’s what they say,” she sing-songs. Soon, Kenzie is bursting through the back door.

  “You’re off next weekend,” she states matter-of-factly.

  “Really?” I’m actually kinda shocked because I’ve only been home for a week.

  “Dad was cool with it. You only get to celebrate your birthday once a year,” she tells me. “I’m gonna get with Elle too and tell her to cancel all her plans next weekend and meet us. It’ll be just like old times with all of us girls together!”

  Maize squeals, and we’re all giddy with excitement. I would love for Elizabeth to join us. Elle’s in her last year of veterinary school and is interning at a local office, but she’s been so busy with work this week, I’ve barely gotten to see her. Our schedules are completely opposite these days, but I hope that changes now that I’m here for good. Before I can say another word, my phone rings with a call from Riley.

  “Zoey’s going into labor!” he shouts, not even giving me a chance to say hello.

  “OH MY GOD! Right now?” I yell.

  “Yep, her water broke. No baby yet, but Zach will be here soon! We’re going to the hospital. Gotta go. Calling everyone else.”

  He immediately hangs up, not waiting for a response. Maize and Kenzie impatiently wait for me to explain.

  “I’m gonna be an aunt today! Oh my God! I gotta go.” I give them both hugs.

  “Should we come with you?” Kenzie asks.

  “Only if you want to sit in the waiting room for hours,” I say.

  Kenzie laughs. “How about you tell us when Zoey starts pushing and then we’ll come up?”

  “Sounds great!” I’m overjoyed as I tell them goodbye.

  I rush through the back door, letting Uncle John know the good news on my way out. He’s just as ecstatic about it as I am. “I’ll be up there later! Don’t worry about going to work tonight. I’ll get Ethan to cover for you.”

  “Okay! Thank you!” I yell through the common area and hurry home where I know Mom and Dad are eagerly waiting for me.

  “Let’s go!” Dad rushes as soon as I walk in. We’re giddy as can be as we drive to the hospital in San Angelo. The hour drive feels like an eternity. By the time we make it into the parking lot, I’m ready to hop out before Dad parks the truck. Once we’re inside, Mom leads the way to the delivery floor, and her co-workers congratulate her as we pass them.

  “You’re gonna be a grandma, River! Feelin’ old yet?” Amelia asks.

  They’ve been friends since Mom started working at the hospital after Riley was born. Mom laughs and tells me and Dad to stay in the waiting area as she checks on Riley and Zoey. We sit, and the anticipation nearly kills me. Dad’s a bundle of nerves too.

  Moments later, Mom returns. “They’re checking to see how dilated she is. She’s having some intense contractions already, so it shouldn’t be too long.”

  I let out a sigh. “She needs to hurry up and push that baby out already.”

  “Rowan, it’s barely been two hours since her water broke. They’re not going to pull the baby out by his head. He’ll come when he’s ready.”

  Patience isn’t one of my strong suits. I try to busy myself and play on my phone, and text Riley every twenty minutes until he tells me to stop bothering him. Instead of listening, I keep up my annoying little sister act that I’ve perfected over the years, but he straight up ignores me. It’s deserved, though, because I’m sure he’s helping Zoey with whatever she needs.

  More family members arrive until the entire waiting room is full of Bishops. All I know is I’m going in and seeing my nephew first or I’ll be throwing fists. After four hours, Riley comes out, and he’s grinning wide. Pretty sure he’s shedding some tears too. He tells us everything went great, and they’ve moved Zoey into a regular room so we can visit now.

  I quickly text my cousins and let them know the baby is here. Riley’s bombarded by everyone, but I hurry and follow my parents through the hall to see Zoey while he explains that all went perfect with no complications.

  When we enter the room, she’s nothing but smiles as she holds her little bundle of joy. I rush over to her, and my emotions get the best of me when I see Zach for the first time.

  “Oh, Zoey,” I whisper. “He’s beautiful.”

  She sees my eyes well with tears and chuckles. When she looks down at his sweet little face, it’s obvious how much love she already has for him. “Do you want to hold him?”

  Mom and Dad stand behind me, and we all admire this adorable tiny human in my arms.

  “Hey, buddy,” I say. “I’m your aunt Rowan, and I’m going to spoil you so much.”

  Though I want to be greedy with him all day, I eventually pass him to Dad. Riley enters, and we’re all beaming. Considering there are so many family members here, I give my brother a congratulatory hug, then tell Zoey and Zach how much I love them before leaving so others can visit. As soon as I make it to the waiting room, Grandma and Grandpa excuse themselves to go in next.

  “So?” Kenzie prompts as Maize stands next to her. “How are they doing?”

  “They’re great! But I don’t know how my brother made such a cute baby.” I chuckle. “Newborns typically look weird, but not Zach. He’s absolute perfection,” I tell her. “Where’s Elle?” I look around.

  “She said she got stuck at work and would be here as soon as she could,” Kenzie explains.

  “You got baby fever yet?” Maize pops an eyebrow.

  “You kinda need a partner to have baby fever,” I retort.

  “That is true,” I hear a husky deep voice say over my shoulder. Turning, I see Diesel’s wide grin. I give him my well-practiced groan and go to hell look.

  “Mind your own business,” I mutter and ignore him. Maize tilts her head as Diesel moves closer to us, forcing himself into our conversation. I turn and look at him. “What?” I challenge, needing him to go away.

  He shrugs and tilts his cowboy hat toward me. “If you really want a baby…I can help you with that. Big D is at your service.”

  I look at him like he’s lost his mind, then roll my eyes. “What’s wrong with you? Do you have brain damage or something? Eat too many paint chips as a kid?”

  Kenzie snickers. “It’s all the cow shit he’s sniffed over the years. Affected his critical thinking skills.”

  Diesel arches a brow, smirking. “Man, are all the Bishop women this quick on their feet? Hopefully that means the same under the sheets.” His eyes pierce through me, and I’m ready to clock him right in the jaw as a blush hits my cheeks.

  Uncle John walks up, and my other uncles Evan and Jackson are behind him with their wives. Usually, when all the Bishop brothers are together, it means trouble or a celebration. Thankfully, this time, it’s the latter. As soon as he sees all of my uncles, I see the fear of God in Diesel’s eyes as he wonders if they overheard him or not. He quickly leaves and sits in a chair against the wall on the other side. It takes everything I have not to laugh at how quickly he cowered. My uncles are mighty intimidating, especially Uncle Evan, but I think it’s because he’s a doctor and has an arrogant air about him.

  Kenzie and Maize go with their parents to see the new addition to our family, and I pull out my phone and sit, trying to busy myself while everyone takes their turn visiting. Diesel gets up and moves close to me, taking a seat next to mine. I ignore him the best I can, but it’s nearly impossible when I can smell the fresh scent of his body wash and cologne. I’ve always enjoyed how he smells, even when I was teenager, but I’ll deny it till the day I die. I try my damnedest to breathe in the other direction, but it’s so obvious, he notices

  He clears his throat, trying to get my attention. Some things never change. I scroll through my social media to tune him out, but it’s no use. Diesel’s being so obnoxious as he shakes his leg and taps his foot. I turn my head and glare at him.

  “What do you want?” I look into his green eyes.

  He pops an eyebrow. His gaze meets mine, then trails down to my lips, my breast, and further before he shrugs.

  “You’re an animal.”

  When he leans over, his lips are mere inches from my ear, and his warm breath brushes against my skin. “Only in the bedroom. Care to find out for yourself?”

  My mouth falls open, but I quickly close it. Swallowing, I try to force the images of him out of my head. Diesel is undeniably attractive and has muscles for days, but I also know his history. He’s known for banging women’s brains out and then not calling them the next day. While there have been times in my life when I may have gone for something like that, I don’t find that appealing anymore.

  After my heart was used and abused by a cheating bastard, I need something more than to be dicked down by a manwhore. I need someone I can trust and who will treat me right. I have more respect for myself than a one-night stand with someone like Diesel, who I’ll have to see every day for the rest of my life. Plus, there’s no doubt Riley would murder him. The thought makes me grin, and he notices.

  “What?” he asks.

  “Oh nothing,” I sing-song and lean further back in my seat.

  Seeing baby Zach, and my brother so happy with his family, I’ve realized that’s what’s really missing in my life. I want a forever relationship, not one that’s just temporary, but after Nick smashed those dreams, I’m starting to think it’s not in my future.


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