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Falling For A Hood King 4

Page 8

by Shvonne Latrice

  “Hey, sometimes you can’t find the right one,” I shrugged.

  “I see,” she chuckled and then grabbed her drink, which appeared on the bar. “Well, what are you looking for that you can’t seem to find?” she inquired.

  “I’m just looking for someone that’s down for me. Down to do whatever, and whenever,” I said in a low tone and I could tell she was feeling some type away.

  “Not too much to ask I guess,” she exhaled. “I would love to give you my number,” she half-smiled.

  She must’ve seen dollar signs because this was way too easy. Or, maybe she was doing this for her baby daddy. Whatever the reason was, I was smarter than they both were.

  “I'll take that,” I said as I pulled out my work phone.

  “Aren’t you gonna call me so I can store yours?” she frowned as I walked to grab my drink.

  “No, I’ll hit you when I need you, ma. Just be ready,” I winked and sipped my drink. To my surprise, the shit was bomb as fuck and I downed it during the ride home.

  Once I pulled into my driveway, I put my wedding band back on, and then called my brother so I could update him on this bitch. The only reason she was dodging these other niggas was because she didn’t think they had any coins. She was more than willing to throw that pussy my way because she knew I had money. She didn’t trip off me giving her my nickname because her groupie ass already knew who I was. I smiled at that because it was gonna be much easier now that I knew she was just like the rest of these money hungry hoes out here.

  “What up bro?” my brother smiled into the phone. What was he so happy about?

  “Man, Sonia is gonna be easier than Easy Mac nigga,” I joked and he laughed.

  “Word? I thought she was all uppity,” he said.

  “Me too man, but she pushed up on me way more than I did her,” I chuckled.

  “Hmm, maybe Brax told her to come for you if she met you.”

  “Maybe he did, but I’m one hundred steps ahead of the both of their asses already. That bitch about to be my slave,” I nodded.

  “How you gonna do that without giving her no dick?” he questioned.

  “Easy, I’ll figure something out. In the meantime, we just need to make sure he isn’t selling on our blocks. I’m giving him one more chance to shape up and if he doesn’t we taking him out.”

  “I feel you,” Rashad replied.

  I was tired of making threats. No more threats would be made from now on, not with Brax nor Skylar. The next thing that pops off, I’m killing one of them.

  Chapter 20: Natalia

  One month later

  I made my mother some lunch this afternoon, but she barely ate any of it. She was becoming so skinny, and for some reason, I felt that I could fatten her up by feeding her. She never really said much anymore and I was surprisingly missing her unkind words.

  River was doing a great job with her though. I was worried that maybe she was the reason my mother was deteriorating, but the doctor she goes to said otherwise. He told me River was actually doing the opposite to my mother’s condition. She may have been far worse off without her he said. Besides doing her job correctly, she wasn’t acting all strange and flirty like before. I felt bad about approaching her the night of my opening even more now.

  “River, I’m gonna go take a little nap,” I said as we walked past one another. She was coming in to check on my mother, and I was leaving.

  “Alright, have a good one,” she smiled and so did I.

  Lately, this baby had been making me more tired. My feet and back were starting to hurt badly too. I missed getting a massage from Julius, but as usual, he was over in Indianapolis handling business. He said he’d be back in two days though and I could not wait.

  I walked into Julius and my bedroom, dimmed the lights down low, and then changed into my nightgown. I wasn’t a person who could sleep in my street clothes, even if it was a nap. I climbed into the bed, and fell asleep almost as soon as I hit the pillow.

  I was half-asleep and I felt a sensation between my legs. I was caught off guard at first, but then a smile crept across my face. Julius was sucking gently on my clit and slurping up all my juices.

  “Mmmm,” I cooed with my eyes still closed.

  He must’ve told me he wasn’t gonna be home for two days so that he could surprise me. I loved when he did this.

  “Juuu,” I whimpered and balled the sheets into my hands.

  I was still half-asleep, but I was slowly waking up. I reached my hand down to caress his head just the way he liked, but it wasn’t his short curls down there, it was a head of long hair. I jumped slightly, and pinned my chin to my chest to see the person attacking my center so well. It was River. She looked up at me as she continued to feast, and pinned my wrists at my side.

  “River stooopp,” I whispered, trying to make my sleepy body move. She didn’t stop however, and soon enough I released into her mouth. She licked me clean, and then let my wrists go as she stood up.

  “What are you doing?” I frowned.

  “You didn’t like it?” she questioned as she wiped her mouth.

  “That’s not the point River, I’m married!” I spat as I sat up to look for my underwear.

  “Julius won’t mind. I’m not a guy,” she giggled.

  “I thought you said you didn’t have feelings for me.”

  “Well, now you know that I do,” she grinned.

  “Get out of my room River, before I fire you! Don’t ever come into my room again!” I shouted in a low tone.

  “I see why Julius is so head over heels for you. You taste so good Natalia,” she smirked and then walked out of my room.

  I hopped off the bed then rushed to lock the door. I darted to the bathroom within my bedroom and turned on the bathwater and Jacuzzi bubbles. Did she really just come up here and eat me out? I cheated on Julius, something I’d never done nor planned to do. But then again, I didn’t even know she was doing it. When I woke up, she was already down there doing her thing! And maybe River was right, she wasn’t even a man, so Julius may not even care. Guys liked the thought of women pleasing each other.

  I picked up the cordless phone next to the tub and quickly dialed Lucy. I knew she would tell me the best thing to do for myself.

  “Hello?” she answered.

  “Lucy, are you alone?” I asked.

  “Yeah, Rashad went with Julius this trip,” she exhaled.

  “Oh okay,” I said.

  “Why? What’s wrong?” she quizzed.

  “Well River, she-she gave me oral sex,” I replied and then held my breath.

  “What the fuck?” Lucy burst into laughter.

  “Lucy! What should I do? I wanna tell Julius.”

  “No Natalia! He’s gonna be mad as fuck,” she responded.

  “What? Why? It’s not like River is a guy,” I complained.

  “It doesn’t matter Nat. Only person he wants touching you in that way is him. Now if he was there, then he wouldn’t care,” she chuckled.

  “Yeah, I guess,” I huffed and sunk down under the bubbles some more.

  “Now I need some details, did she knock you unconscious like I predicted? Or did she seduce you with some Fiery Ron’s barbecue?” Lucy inquired and then cackled loudly.

  “I hate you,” I giggled. “But no, I was taking a nap and when I woke up she was going to town. I thought it was Julius so I didn’t move. Then when I reached down to touch his head, it was long hair!” I exclaimed as Lucy chuckled.

  “You don’t know the difference between Julius going down on you versus someone else?” she asked.

  “Yeah I do. He knows my spots a little better and he usually has his strong hands on my thighs,” I smiled as I reminisced.

  “Freak, I told you that hoe wanted you. Was it any good?”

  “Bye Lucy,” I laughed and quickly disconnected.

  Chapter 21: River York

  Later that night

  I’m not crazy. I’m just in love. Natalia was so beautiful. From t
he first day I met her, I knew she and I were meant to be. At first I wasn’t even gonna pursue her, but she was always flirting with me. She always told me how pretty I was, and even went as far as to tell me that I would find the one very soon. In other words, she meant that she was the one for me. I’d never even been with a girl and I knew she hadn’t either, but it was something about her that reeled me in.

  I was lying in my bed looking on her Instagram page. Her smile was so alluring, and her body was so perfect. She wasn’t thick per say, but her small frame still had a voluptuous shape to it. I was so upset that she woke up while I was eating her out, because I hadn’t even got to explore the rest of her body. As soon as I slid her panties down, I couldn’t help myself, I had to taste her. Julius was a lucky guy, but he didn’t deserve her. He worked too much and left her lonely a couple days out of the week. It worked in my favor though because the more he left her the closer she and I would become.

  Once I was ninety-six weeks into her page, I decided to exit out of the app. I had much better footage of her that I wanted to partake in. I reached into my purse and retrieved the Flipcam that I put into her room every morning before my shift. You see, every day that I came, she would be in her mother’s room. While she was, I would go set my camera up in the TV stand and then go to her mom’s room to start work. I knew she was always in her mom’s room in the morning because she wanted to run into me.

  Anyway, I plugged my camera into my computer, and loaded on the videos. They were videos of her dressing, sleeping, and my favorite -putting lotion on. I laid back with the computer in my lap, and reached my hand down into my underwear. I toyed with my clit, as I watched Natalia spread mango body butter all over her body. She wore it every day. I loved the scent of it, and how every time she walked by or came near me it filled my nostrils.

  “Oooh,” I purred as I came all over my fingers from seeing her rub the lotion onto her semi-flat stomach. The baby she was carrying was starting show.

  I sat and watched the rest of the video, admiring her blue undergarments against her honey colored complexion. She put her long brown hair into a braid, and then slipped into some shorts and a top. Once she left the room, I cut the recording off. This had become a routine for me. I would come home and watch the video I’d recorded, and then go to sleep dreaming about her. Tonight was no different.


  One week later

  I arrived to the Tate residence, ready to start my shift. Taking care of Dalia was starting to bother me, because she wasn’t getting any better. I could tell that she was embarrassed every time she couldn’t hold her bowel movements, or when a new plug of hair would come out. I prayed for her every night, but it didn’t seem to be working.

  “Good morning Natalia,” I smiled at my boss as I entered Dalia’s room. I’d just come from placing my camera upstairs, and was ready to get to work.

  “Good morning River,” she half-smiled and stood to her feet.

  She was wearing skinny jeans and a beige layered top. Her long hair was braided into two braids like Pocahontas. I loved her so much.

  “You look beautiful today,” I commented. “Doesn’t she Ms. Dalia?” I asked her mother.

  “She looks the same as she always does,” Dalia spat. I hated when she was mean to Natalia. It was so hard watching someone berate and insult the person that you loved.

  “I’m gonna go get my babies together, and then help Winnie with breakfast,” Natalia exhaled and then quickly left the room.

  “Why do you hate Natalia so much?” I asked Dalia.

  “I don’t hate her. I love her. She just annoys the shit out of me,” she turned her lip up.

  “But why? She’s so sweet,” I frowned. I was confused. How could anyone hate someone like Natalia?

  “Because, she ruined my life. I thought when I got pregnant by her father that it would solidify us as a family. At first, it did, but then it all went downhill because of her. One night her father went to buy her some pampers and formula. We were only fifteen, and he was using his last. He would do anything for Natalia; he loved her so much. Anyway, the store got robbed and he was caught in the crossfire. I’d lost him forever, and I was suddenly a single mother! Ever since then, I treated her like a little sister instead of a daughter, because I’d lost that connection to her,” she said and then started to cough.

  “Wow, what was his name?” I inquired as I patted her frail back.

  “Nate Thomas. We combined our names to come up with Natalia. It was so perfect,” she whispered as she stared at the ceiling.

  “I’m sorry to hear about him. True love is hard to come by,” I shook my head.

  “You seem to be in love, you’re glowing,” Dalia half-smiled.

  “Maybe I am,” I nodded.

  “Who is the lucky guy?” she raised a brow.

  “You’ll just have to wait and see Ms. Dalia. Now I’m gonna go make you that special tea, and I will be right back,” I kissed her forehead and then exited the room.

  After making Dalia’s tea, I quickly delivered it to her. I told her that I was going to use the bathroom, and then went to find Natalia. I heard her in the laundry room with Winnie, so I waited until I saw Winnie leave with a basket in hand. I quickly slipped into the room and then closed and locked the door behind me.

  “Wow Winnie- What are you doing?” Natalia turned to look at me.

  “I came for seconds,” I smirked and walked closer to her.

  “Seconds? River no,” she put her hand out to stop me from coming closer, as she backed into the dryer.

  “You know you liked it Natalia. Julius will never know, and I’m sure he won’t care,” I cheesed.

  “No River! I said to stop! Get out of here right now!” she yelled and pointed towards the laundry room door.

  “Fine Natalia, but it’ll only be a matter of time,” I exhaled heavily and then rushed out of the room.

  I knew she was gonna crack soon, and when she did, my tongue would be ready. I couldn’t wait until we became closer. I wanted to taste her all the time and hopefully, she would soon divorce Julius. However, I didn’t mind being her dirty little secret for as long as she needed me to.

  Chapter 22: Julius

  I’d finally bought a nice ass yacht, and tonight I planned to take my wife on a very romantic date. I knew I’d been working a lot, but it was all for good reason.

  It was around 12pm, and I’d just landed in my private jet around thirty minutes ago. I’d stopped and picked up the flowers I ordered for my wife, along with a blueberry diamond ring. I crept into the house and went straight to the bedroom. Natalia wasn’t in there, so I stopped by my kids’ rooms to check on them.

  “Hey beautiful,” I whispered as I approached my daughter Harmony’s crib.

  She was sleeping so peacefully and she was so pretty just like her mother. I was prepared to have to pull my AK out on any little niggas that tried to come within ten feet of her. I kissed her fat cheek and then gently rubbed her back before leaving. I walked into my son Jackson’s room, and saw him playing with his toys in his playpen. I chuckled because he was concentrating hard on one of the toys.

  “What you doing man?” I knelt down and he looked at me.

  He looked just like me, and I knew he would have these hoes eating out the palm of his hand when he got older. I rubbed his head and he giggled. I kissed his cheek and then picked him up to hug him tightly.

  “You wanna do something nice for your mommy?” I asked him as he talked his gibberish.

  I placed the diamond ring box in his chunky hands, and I held the bouquet of roses in my free hand. We walked downstairs, and I saw Winnie walking towards the kitchen.

  “Winnie, where is Nat?” I quizzed.

  “Oh Mr. Tate! When did you get here?” she beamed and hugged me.

  “Just now,” I chuckled.

  “Welcome home and Natalia is in the back by the pool,” she nodded and then turned on her heels after pinching Jackson’s cheek.

d that gift tight buddy,” I told Jackson as I adjusted him on my side.

  We walked towards the back of the house, and as I got closer, I saw River standing by the glass sliding doors. She seemed to be captivated by something, and I was wondering what it was. I moved a little closer, and I saw Natalia coming out of the pool. She had on a simple white two-piece bathing suit, and her long hair was hanging down her back. Although her stomach was bulging slightly, she still looked extremely sexy.

  “Good afternoon River,” I said and she jumped. “You like what you see?” I raised a brow.

  “Oh no. I was gonna tell her something, but I forgot what it was so I was standing here trying to remember,” she lied horribly.

  “Right,” I laughed and then walked past her outside.

  “Julius!” Natalia squealed and ran to me. I handed her the flowers and before I could speak, she got on her tiptoes and pressed her lips against mine. “And what is this cutie?” she said to Jackson as she took the box from his hands. “Julius,” she whispered as she admired the blueberry diamond ring. I handed Jackson to her, and pulled the ring out of the box. I slid it onto her finger, and then kissed her full lips.

  “You like it?” I asked.

  “Yes Ju, of course,” she replied in a low tone as her eyes stayed locked on it.

  “Good, and tonight we’re going on a little date,” I winked and she blushed.

  “I can’t wait. I’ve missed you,” she smiled and leaned her head back for a kiss.

  I took Jackson back from her, kissed his cheek, and then grabbed her hand to lead her inside the house. My dick was begging to be inside her right now.


  “You cold babe?” I asked Natalia as we drove to the docking area.

  “A little,” she nodded. I turned the heat on and rubbed her exposed thigh.

  We were gonna have a nice romantic date on the new yacht. I wanted to do something nice for her, because I’d been leaving her alone a lot, which I hated to do. Therefore, whenever I came back, I wanted to remind her why she was with me.


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