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Omega's Submission

Page 4

by Aspen Grey

“Cum for me!” he commanded.

  And I did. His hand circled my tip and my cock exploded, fountaining cum high into the air. The first stream hit his chest, leaving a milky white line across his pecs.

  “Shit!” I gasped, not only from pleasure but from shock. I’d never cum that much before. And it kept coming.

  More cum sprayed out of me, landing on both of us. And then he came too.

  The warm alpha nectar shot inside me like a warm jet, coating my insides, filling me with his seed. Seed that would breed me. Seed that would make me his.

  “Take it all,” he told me as his knot flexed and pumped me full of his cum. “You’re fucking mine now.”

  Yes, I am, I thought as we came together in the most insane moment of my entire life. I’m yours!


  I felt like I’d just shot my soul into Toby as I came. It was the most intense orgasm I’d ever experienced. My dick was knotted and tight within him, unmoving like a fist, keeping all my seed inside him. It wasn’t going anywhere. This was it.

  Toby was going to be pregnant. I’d bred him and he was mine. Soon, his body would swell beautifully and he would have my child in his belly. He was my mate now. Nothing was going to keep us apart.

  I inhaled his scent as I slumped down on top of him, our bodies slick with each other’s cum, and knew now what the rest of the members of my pack already knew: fated mates were real.

  There were a few couples among the wolves in my pack that had found their fated mates. Seeing them so blissfully happy together was what had made me question my life. Their happiness was overwhelming and spilled off of them onto everyone around them.

  Now I understand.

  “Who…who the Hell are you?” Toby stammered beneath me. I felt his heartbeat through his chest, pounding against mine. I smiled and lifted my head to look into his eyes. Gently, I brushed hair from his forehead.

  “I’m Kitchi,” I grinned. “Your alpha.”

  I could see he was going through something as I looked at him. This was new to both of us, and he wasn’t sure how to process it.

  “You don’t do this, do you?” I asked him. “Give up control.”

  He shook his head quickly. “Never.”

  “Just for me,” I mused, stroking his cheek. I willed my knot down, which was easier said than done, so I could get up and clean us off. We were an absolute mess.

  My dick twitched as I slid out of him. Ultra-sensitive.

  “Let’s take a shower,” I told him, turning on the light in the tiny bathroom. I reached into the shower and turned on the water, but I didn’t hear movement from the bedroom. When I came back out, I saw he was still lying on the bed, his eyes fixed on the ceiling. “Toby.”

  “One second,” he said quietly.

  This was a critical moment. We’d just shared something new together and he was processing. If I didn’t act quickly, he’d retreat back into his shell. I moved quickly back to him and kissed him deeply on the lips as I wrapped him in my arms.

  “It’s okay,” I told him. “I’ll never hurt you.”

  I lifted him and carried him into the shower, stepping into the warm water. As I set him down, I saw the look on his face and felt my heart break. He was letting me see the pain he’d experienced in his life. Whatever hurt, loneliness and struggle he’d gone through I didn’t know, but he was letting me see what it had done to him, and all I wanted to do was protect him.

  “My father used to beat me,” I said simply. It felt right. Not only did I want to share my past with him, but I wanted him to feel comfortable speaking to me about his. His face lit up slightly. “His name was Lorenzo. He was a real bastard. Smuggled drugs from Canada across the border. Beat my mother too.”

  The warm water sprayed down across my back and I lathered up my hands with the cheap motel soap and started to wash his chest.

  “I ran away when I was sixteen. He died a few years later. It was in the paper,” I continued. “Worked odd jobs. Bouncer. Doorman. Never really had anything in this world that felt like it was mine, ya know?”

  Toby nodded eagerly. The vulnerability in his eyes hurt me, but the only path to healing is through pain. And I wanted to be there for him. We just looked at each other for a long time as I washed his body. I knew he was going to speak, I Just had to wait. Finally, as I was rinsing his shoulders, he leaned in and pressed his forehead to mine.

  “I never knew my mother,” he told me. “My dad never wanted me. Neither of them did. Grew up in a trailer park. Dad was on welfare, never did anything. I started…working to get myself out of there.”

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered, wrapping my arms around him. He shrugged, trying not to show me just how much pain he was in.

  “I never let anyone in,” he went on. “It just – it didn’t make any sense. Who would want to be with someone like me?”

  “I would,” I replied instantly, lifting his chin so I could look him in the eyes. “I don’t care about your past, Toby. Only about our future.”

  “You mean that?” he asked me. “Because I never let anyone in. This is a big, big deal for me.”

  “There’s one thing you’ll learn about me, Toby,” I told him. “I never lie.”

  I kissed him and felt a bond solidify between us, more than the physical one we’d just experienced together as fated mates. This was the icing on the cake – no, it was more than that. This was the foundation of our entire relationship and it had to be strong.

  He leaned against me, and that was all I needed. He was accepting me – at least trying his best to. I shut off the water, found a towel and wrapped him in it, then dried myself off. We stepped into the bedroom together and collapsed onto the bed. I wrapped him in my arms and closed my eyes, feeling more happy than I’d ever felt in my life.

  But just as I was starting to drift off to sleep, someone knocked on the door.

  Instantly, I was on high alert, my fox stirring as my fangs lengthened in my mouth.

  Toby sat up quickly beside me, his eyes on me.

  “Who…who is it?” he asked. I sniffed the air, searching for a sign. I heard movement outside, and got to my feet. I was on high alert. No one should be knocking on that door. No one knew we were here.

  “Probably a junkie,” Toby muttered from behind me. I stalked forward to the eyehole, but before I got there, I caught a scent and I knew who it was on the other side.

  “It’s Thatcher,” I growled. Toby sat up behind me as I reached for the doorknob.

  “Don’t open it!” he said, sounding scared.

  “Don’t worry,” I told him. “He tries anything, and he’s going to regret it.”

  Ready for anything, I opened the door.


  Thatcher wasn’t happy. That much was clear from the look on his face. But then again, neither was Kitchi – and that’s what worried me.

  I belonged to him now. That much was clear. And he wasn’t going to react too kindly to Thatcher coming here trying to act like he owned me. This could go sideways really quickly.

  “You tracked us here?” Kitchi asked. The answer was obvious, but he wasn’t happy about it.

  “One of my boys runs off – I gotta check it out, don’t I?” Thatcher asked.

  “He didn’t run off,” Kitchi replied. “I took him. He’s mine now. You can give his room to another boy.”

  Kitchi tried to close the door, but Thatcher blocked it with his foot. I saw the tense muscles in Kitchi’s back flex. He was ready for anything.

  “You just gonna take my property?”

  “He’s not your property,” Kitchi snarled. “He worked for you. But no longer. Now get lost.”

  “You expect me to walk away?” Thatcher asked.

  “Are you nuts?” Kitchi asked. “You’re a beta. Do you see what I am?”

  “You think I run my brothel by myself?” Thatcher asked threateningly. I knew what he was talking about, but Kitchi didn’t, of course. Thatcher had a small group of alphas, rough bastards, on his payro
ll for when problems would crop up. Part of me wanted to say something, but Kitchi didn’t want my help right now – he didn’t need it.

  “I don’t take kindly to threats,” Kitchi said simply. “I also have friends. More than you, I’m sure. I wouldn’t escalate this if I were you.”

  Thatcher’s little power play hadn’t worked, and I could see he was pretty pissed. He looked past Kitchi at me, but Kitchi stepped in front of him, blocking his eye-line.

  “Don’t worry about him,” Kitchi told him firmly. “He’s mine now. Not yours. He was never yours. As far as you’re concerned now, he never existed. Understand?”

  Kitchi was one second from shifting and tearing Thatcher to pieces. As much as I didn’t like the man, I didn’t want that to happen. There was no need for things to reach that level, so quickly, I threw my ass out of bed and stepped up behind him.

  “Kitchi,” I whispered, stroking his arm gently, trying to calm him down. “It’s okay. Just let him walk away.”

  “What are you saying over there?” Thatcher called out at me. Kitchi’s body tensed up. He was ready for action, and that was bad friggin’ news for Thatcher.

  “Thatcher!” I blurted out, wrapping my hands around Kitchi’s bicep. If he moved, there was no way I’d be able to hold him back, but maybe I could keep him calm and stop him from lashing out. “Just get out of here, will you? Are you fucking stupid or something?”

  Get the message! I was screaming out inside, giving him the eye to let him know he should get the fuck out. It was funny how I used to be afraid of Thatcher. The chubby wolf shifter with the tacky leather jacket and the air of a pimp. Even though he was a beta, he always seemed to be in command and have his shit together. But now, standing in front of Kitchi, he just looked like a cheap, wannabe mobster in a tacky outfit.

  “You know what?” he finally growled. “It ain’t worth it. Boys like you are a dime a dozen. I could find ten of you at any trailer park in the country.”

  “Well, you go and do that then!” I replied quickly.

  Thatcher nodded, obviously pretty pissed off, and chewed his lower lip. It was all bullshit. Fake bravado. He was gonna back off, but he had to puff out his chest first.

  “Silly cooze,” he scoffed, turning away. But before he could, Kitchi moved. He was fast. His hand was a blur and it wasn’t until after I heard the slap that I knew what had happened.

  Thatcher gasped and stumbled under the force of the blow. Blood dripped from his lip to the concrete at his feet, and he looked up at Kitchi like he couldn’t believe what had just happened.

  “That’s a warning,” Kitchi growled. “It’s the only one you’ll get.”

  Thatcher’s eyes flicked to me, almost like he was expecting me to intervene somehow. But, fuck – what was I going to do? So I shrugged, letting him know he was on his own. I’d done as much as I could. Kitchi was going to protect what was his, and right now, that was me.

  “Whatever,” Thatcher finally replied, fixing the collar on his jacket. “Not even worth it. Enjoy your time together.”

  Kitchi didn’t reply as Thatcher finally turned his back on us and walked away beneath the pink neon glow of the motel sign. Kitchi stared after him the entire length of the parking lot, and I only felt his body start to relax when Thatcher was out of sight.

  “It’s okay, big boy,” I smiled, kissing his left earlobe. “He’s gone.”

  “I should have—”

  “You did exactly what you should have done,” I said, turning him around to face me and closing the door behind him. “He’s the one that’s not even worth it.”

  Slowly, I saw the warmth come back into Kitchi’s face as he looked at me. It felt strange looking down at him. Being taller than him was not what I would have imagined if I dreamed up my perfect alpha, but despite his size, Kitchi was the most ferocious fucking guy I’d ever run into.

  “It kills me,” he said slowly.

  “What does?” I asked.

  “What you’ve gone through,” he replied, stroking my cheek. “I wish I could have met you sooner. I could have been there for you.”

  “That’s not important now,” I told him, leaning against his neck and inhaling his intoxicating scent. “All that matters is we found each other. Now.”

  Kitchi took a deep breath and sighed. He was calming down, and I took his hand in mine. “Come to bed with me.”

  His hand tightened around mine, and I felt his lips smile against my cheek. Before I knew it, he was lifting me into his arms like I weighed nothing, and setting me down on the bed. I dropped my towel and slid under the sheets as he lay down beside me, taking me into his arms.

  It wasn’t long before I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

  Goddamn, I thought with a smile. What a friggin’ day!


  A sliver of sunshine poked through a crack in the blinds like a sword sticking me right in the goddamn eye. I grumbled and slapped my forearm over my face to block it out.

  “Shitty ass motel blinds,” I groaned, licking my lips and untangling my feet from the sheets. I’d slept like an absolute baby beside Kitchi, and it was the first time in a long while that I’d woken up not dreading another day of being alive.

  But as I stretched and opened my eyes, I was shocked to find myself alone in bed. I sat up quickly and looked around the room to see if he was still there. But I could see with one glance that I was alone.

  “Kitchi!?” I shouted at the bathroom door. It was closed, so he might have been in there taking a shower. But there was no reply.

  I was getting all anxious as I got to my feet and ran to the door. I tugged it open, but all I saw was a couple of towels, a sink, a toilet and a bathtub. No Kitchi.

  “Kitchi…” I whined to myself as the thrill of the morning was suddenly gone. I felt like someone had just sucked the life out of me. “Where are you?”

  I knew it was stupid. I knew I was being silly, but I went back into the bedroom and checked for him one more time. There was really nowhere he could have been hiding, even if he was playing a prank on me and was ready to jump out and scare me.

  That could be it! I thought. Maybe Kitchi had a goofball side and was just messing around with me and trying to get me to jump. But he sure as Hell wasn’t in the room. Sliding into my boxers and pants, I went over to the door and checked the eyehole.

  There were a couple of folks in the parking lot, getting into their cars or doing the walk of shame back to town, but I didn’t see Kitchi. Still, he could be sitting outside out of my view, so I tugged the door open and stepped outside.

  It was a warm day and the sun was blinding. I shielded my eyes and looked to my left, then to my right – but he was nowhere to be found.

  “Looking for someone?” I heard a voice ask me. A man was lounging against the hood of his old sports car, smoking a cigarette like he was an old film star.

  “I’m – I’m fine,” I told him. As I headed back inside, I heard him chuckle.

  “Yes, you are.”

  “Dickhead,” I grumbled under my breath as I stepped back inside and slammed the door behind me. “Shit!”

  I punched the door and slid down onto the floor as I burst into tears.

  “I should have fucking known,” I sobbed as the tears poured out of me. I’d completely fallen for it. A total rookie mistake. What a fucking idiot I was. “Son of a bitch!”

  I was absolutely heartbroken, and at the same time, felt like the world’s biggest sucker. Kitchi was an absolute pro. He’d played me from the moment he met me. He’d even managed to fool Thatcher into thinking he gave a shit about me. I’d fallen asleep naked, in his arms, thinking my life had finally changed for the better, and then like every night of my life, had woken up alone.

  What was I thinking?

  You’re a fucking whore! I screamed at myself. No one actually wants you! No one can love you!

  I was a blubbering mess as I got to my feet and found my shirt on the floor. Kitchi’s scent was thick in the room
and I had to get out. The worst part about it, was that no matter how much I hated him, his scent still cut right to my core and filled me with those same feelings I’d felt when we met.

  “Fuck you!” I shouted into the air, as if somehow Kitchi could hear me. I stepped into my shoes, tore the door open and raced outside.

  “Where you going?” The man with the cigarette asked me.

  “Get fucked!” I snapped as I passed him.

  “Whoa, take it easy, sweet thing!”

  I gave him the bird, but my foot hit something and I tripped, landing right on my ass in the dusty parking lot. The man burst out laughing, smoke billowing out his nostrils like some drugged-out dragon.

  Great, now I’m fucking embarrassed, I thought as I got to my feet.

  I had to get out of there. Just being at the motel and smelling Kitchi’s scent was giving me an anxiety attack.

  He’d triggered something inside me, and all the terrible emotions and pain I’d managed to put aside were floating to the surface like the rotten corpses of dead fish.

  I crossed the motel lot and was on my way across the tracks when I realized Kitchi’s scent was still on my shirt.

  “Fuck!” I snarled, ripping the thing in half to get it off me. I threw the scraps on the rocks beside the tracks as I stepped over them. I could still smell him on my pants, but I wasn’t about to run around naked in broad daylight. But when I got back to Thatcher’s, I was going to take them out back and burn them in the fire pit.

  Thatcher would take me back. He was a businessman. And even if he thought I’d betrayed him, I’d just make up some shit about how Kitchi had kidnapped me and was this dangerous psychotic.

  But I couldn’t take it. Kitchi’s scent seemed to be getting stronger as I walked, so I just fucking went for it and kicked off my pants. So I was running around in my underwear – worse things had happened in this part of town.

  But still, Kitchi’s scent just seemed to grow stronger.

  What is this!?

  And that’s when I heard it. “Toby.”


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