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Court Wizard: Book Eight Of The Spellmonger Series

Page 106

by Terry Mancour

  “I cannot argue with that,” Rondal agreed. “And after everything we’ve seen – Pratt the Rat, poor Estasia, and what those bastards did to our friends in the Land of Scars – I’m more than eager to hold them accountable.”

  “First things first,” Tyndal reminded him. “We’re here for Ruderal, not revenge. Not yet. Our mission is to rescue him and his mom, not just kill Rats.”

  “Oh, I know. We seem to have found where they might be lurking,” he said, nodding to the warehouse across the street. “What do you propose we should do?”

  Tyndal looked guiltily at his drink. “I’ve been thinking about this a lot, Ron. Honestly? I think you should be calling the shots on this mission. I’m . . . I’m worried I’ll screw it up. And then Ruderal will end up dead, because I wasn’t smart or subtle enough.”

  “Oh, that’s bullshit!” Rondal exclaimed. “You’re every bit as smart as I am!”

  “And as subtle as a three-breasted whore,” snorted Tyndal. “Look, I understand my limitations. There is a time for kicking doors in, and there’s a time for subtlety. I trust your subtlety more than I trust my ego so . . . I want you to take the lead on this. There’s too much at stake for us to send it into the chamberpot.”

  Rondal was stunned. It was the most frank and honest admission of his egotistical friend’s limitations he’d ever heard Tyndal utter, and the fact that he recognized them as such was astonishing.

  “Well, close your mouth – especially around here,” Tyndal counseled, quietly but in an irritated voice. “You do not want a fly from here anywhere near your mouth. Don’t say anything,” he added. “Just accept that I’m following your leadership on this mission and keep the wise-ass comments to yourself. Or would you prefer to argue over every little detail, as usual?”

  “I . . . all right,” Rondal said, simply, understanding that any outpouring of emotion at Tyndal’s incredible admission would sour the effect. “All right, I’ll lead this time. You can lead next time, when we’re just interested in rampant destruction. For this, we are going to require subtlety,” he began, hoping that Tyndal was earnest in his declaration.

  “Agreed,” Tyndal nodded, sipping his punch.

  “We’ve tracked that rascal Skrup to his lair, where he probably has Ruderal and his mother prisoner. Even if he doesn’t, he’ll know who does, and where they’re being kept. So our first order of business will be to determine just who is inside, where they are, and what security the place has. From there, I’ll form a plan for an effective rescue,” he added, in a businesslike tone.

  “And I’ll get us some real drinks while you do that,” Tyndal said, rising, with a sour expression on his face. “I don’t know what that sausage vendor was talking about. This punch is revolting!”





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