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Rescuing His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

Page 13

by M. L. Briers

  It took everything she had to try to step back from him, and she couldn’t actually do more than sway backwards, only to find herself leaning further towards him when she took her mind off what she was doing. He didn’t move. He didn’t say anything with words. He just spoke to her with his eyes, waiting, watching to see what she would do, his only expression was curiosity.

  “You’d better tell me more.” She sighed, and not in a good way. She gave up the fight within her. In truth it had probably been a half hearted attempt in the first place. When your subconscious and your body conspired against you, what hope did you have?

  The sound of a loud roar swept through the kitchen and rattled more than the plates and glasses. Kerry had been so intent on listening to what Isaac was telling her about his life, about his pack that when the noise came rolling through like thunder she shot up out of the kitchen chair and stared wide eyed around her. Isaac reached out for her hand and pulled her towards him, when he pulled her down onto his lap she didn’t resist. It was safe there.

  “It’s just the bonding cry of Joel and Olivia mating…” Isaac had explained bonding, but she’d never expected Isaac would be making a damn sound like that. What the hell had happened between the mates? Was Olivia deaf? If something was amiss she was sure that Isaac wouldn’t be entertaining her on his lap.

  “Kind of takes you by surprise, right?” Tobin asked from the doorway as he grinned at her again. His eyes were on fire with amusement at her reaction to the sound of Joel doing what mating Lycans did…

  Kerry stared at him for a long moment. There were no words. At least none that she cared to repeat in their presence. Then her mate’s arms wrapped around her body and she felt calmer. But it did lead her to one question that popped out of her mouth before she’d even thought about it.

  “Would you make that sound?” She turned to look at an amused Alpha staring back at her. A small chuckle rolled through his chest as he tightened his arms around her body.

  “Most definitely.” There wasn’t a moment’s doubt within him. Was that sound a good thing then? Did it mean the bonding had gone well?

  “It’s the whole beast thing pushing forward that I told you about.” Isaac’s smile spread far and wide and she was sure, for just a moment, she saw a little fang in there somewhere, but when she stared at his teeth, it was gone.

  Isaac knew that she’d seen his fangs push down at just the mere thought of bonding with her. But he grabbed his beast firmly by the damn tail and pushed him away. Now wasn’t the time to entertain those ideas, she was still fragile. If she didn’t mention it he wasn’t going to bring it up. He had her back where he wanted her in his arms and he liked the feel of her there.

  “Oh.” She uttered and he knew that he could have said it was raining outside she’d given him the same level of emotion that would incur. “But Olivia’s ok?” She tried to keep her voice to an even keel, even if her heart was still thumping like a jackhammer.

  “She might be a bit sore tomorrow.” Tobin offered with the same level of amusement from his perch in the doorway. “Slightly bow legged…”

  “Really, Tobin? Anyone would think you a Fae the way you like to meddle.” Isaac shook his head at the Vampire, rebuking him with his glare, before he turned his attention back towards his mate who was trying to hide a widening grin under her hand. His eyes narrowed on her.

  “She thinks I’m funny.” Tobin crowed.

  “She doesn’t know you well enough to despise you yet.” Isaac was back to growling.

  “I’m a Vampire, it’s not like I’m cute and cuddly with those little puppy dog eyes that you guys do so well. She despises me well enough.” Tobin pushed off from the wall and over to the counter. He was in severe need of coffee. He may have been centuries old but he’d never learned patience when dealing with urgent matters such as a witch’s curse. His pack was in trouble and he was more than eager to go and sort it out. Waiting was killing him.

  Kerry was grinning even harder. If there was one thing that the Vampire was right about, it was Isaac’s eyes. She kind of wanted to see him as a wolf, but the thought also scared the hell out of her. Did he have control over the animal within him, or was it the other way around? Would she be safe with the beast when it appeared?

  “You find him amusing?” Isaac asked and Kerry wrinkled up her nose.

  “Annoyingly so.” She whispered.

  “Too bad. You’d better get used to me, I’m like…”

  “Fungus, if you don’t eradicate it straight away it grows on you.” Isaac put in against her ear and looked past her to where Tobin was now pouting.

  “You’d miss me if I wasn’t around…” Tobin assured him.

  “Why don’t you leave for a few decades and we’ll find out.” He felt his mate settle against his chest. She was becoming accustomed to having the Vampire around, which was helpful because Tobin came and went as he saw fit. He’d been a part of the family for as long as the Alpha could remember and he didn’t want to banish the man from the house.

  “A little harsh.” Tobin frowned hard. “When exactly are we going to sort out that other matter we spoke of?”

  Kerry tensed in his lap. He guessed she still felt as if the other shoe was going to drop, and she wasn’t really wrong. He hadn’t told her about the witch’s curse yet. He didn’t want to scare her. He’d been too bust telling her of the good things within pack life, and generally it was pretty smooth sailing for them. Being cut off from the mainland helped, not many came over to the Isle. His pack had certainly never been challenged by another pack. The odd Vampire had appeared over the centuries and either left of their own accord or was taken care of. Life was in the main, good.

  “In the morning…”

  “Look outside, Alpha. It’s getting light out.” Isaac turned his eyes towards the door. So it was. Another dawn was breaking and he’d spent the night talking with his mate. A new day, the first whole day with Kerry where she belonged. He felt a rush of contentment within him, marred only by the knowledge of the curse upon his pack.

  “Then soon. I don’t believe the witch would appreciate us turning up and dragging her from the warmth of her bed to answer some questions.” Isaac’s tone held a definite growl of anger, he just wasn’t sure that he was directing it at the right person yet. As Alpha he needed to be certain before another tragedy occurred.

  “Questions about what?” Kerry finally asked. She’d listened to their cryptic conversation and waited to find out the bones of what was happening, but she’d never been blessed with patience.

  “A curse that haunts the pack.” Tobin revelled in making it sound as creepy as possible.

  “A possible spell that the witch might have placed upon new mates, which may explain why you’re having a run of bad luck.” Isaac didn’t want to scare her. Tobin had no qualms at all about it.

  “Do you get much of that around here?” Kerry thought it was another good reason to be off the Island and back in the relative safety of the metropolis, where all she had to worry about were muggers, rapist, murders and drunk drivers. Somehow they seemed so benign compared to the supernatural unseen hand of spells and super beings. How wrong was that?

  “No.” Isaac assured her as he turned a warning glare onto Tobin. Tobin rolled his eyes and sighed.

  “Actually no. But now you’re here…” He grinned his amusement.

  “Not for long.” She felt Isaac’s muscles stiffen around her. She’d known when he was telling her of his life, of pack life, of what her life would be like, that there had been an ever growing hope within him that she’d stay, accept it all as her Fate, but this was all so fantastical that she still couldn’t get her head around it.

  Kerry kept her eyes on the Vampire and noted the way his brows dropped down into a deep frown as he became serious. Was a serious Vampire a good thing? She didn’t know..

  “Did Isaac tell you what would happen to him if you reject him as a mate?” Tobin’s eyes flicked towards the Alpha as he growled a de
ep warning. Kerry turned her eyes to Isaac then, but he kept his gaze centred on the Vampire.

  “No.” She left it as an opening for him to explain what the Vampire was talking about. When he made no effort to speak she turned her attention back towards Tobin. “And I guess that means you’re going to have to.”

  “Tobin.” Isaac growled a warning with a small shake of his head.

  Tobin took a long moment to consider it. His Alpha didn’t want to use her sympathy as leverage in gaining his mate. But to Tobin the whole story wasn’t complete unless she knew that her decision meant that there was no going back either way. If she stayed, she’d stay for life. If she left, it would probably mean the end of her mate’s life.

  “He dies without you.” Tobin knew that the Alpha wasn’t going to thank him for the full disclosure, and the angry growl that rumbled through the air confirmed that suspicion. But he’d sworn to Isaac’s father that he would always look out for the siblings, for the pack, and it hadn’t been long after that the Alpha and his wife had been taken in an accident. If the Alpha didn’t want to tell his mate about rejected mates and rogues, then he’d do it to honour his word.

  Kerry didn’t just hear the words, she damn well felt them. The thought of Isaac dead sent a chill down her spine and a pain within her heart. If just the idea of that happening made her feel bereft than what would the real thing do to her?

  “Why? How?” Kerry both heard and felt another low growl come from him and she reached for his chin, cupping his face she brought his eyes to hers. She could see the anger that sat there; behind his gaze was something else, caution perhaps?

  “It’s not important, and it may not even be a reality…” Isaac assured her. He’d damn well woo his mate because she wanted him, not because she felt sorry for him. His pride had reared its ugly head and he would cut his nose off to spite his face if he had to.

  “How many Alphas do you know that didn’t go rogue after losing a mate?” Tobin injected. The man was an idiot. He should be using whatever he had in his arsenal to keep her by his side. Once she accepted him and stayed he’d make her happy. It wasn’t as if she would be miserable and pinning for something else for the rest of her life. But she would if she left him.

  “Shut up, Tobin. This is between me and my mate…” Isaac turned angry eyes on his friend. He wouldn’t let her be blackmailed into staying.

  “Then don’t you think you should tell me everything?” Kerry’s voice was soft and low and it made both men stop and turn their attention towards her. Tobin grinned inwardly, while Isaac sighed.

  “No. Some things are best left unsaid.” Isaac assured her, but she wasn’t assured.

  “If you’re not telling me the whole truth about this, then how do I know you’re not misinforming me about anything else?” Kerry offered back to him. This time Tobin allowed his smile to show. Clever, manipulative little wench, he thought.

  “I assure you…” Isaac started but she stopped him with a slow shake of her head.

  “Perhaps the Vampire should tell me about pack life and mates. I don’t think he’ll leave out the worst bits.” Kerry was going for broke. The Vampire was really all she had to wager with and she was betting that Isaac wouldn’t be best pleased with Tobin taking his place.

  Isaac blew a long burst of air down his nose and shifted her on his lap for want of something to do. He felt the pang of jealousy run through him, deep and wide, an irrational thought considering who it was she was electing to spend time with. He’d trust Tobin with his life. He’d trust him with her life, hell, he’d trust the damn bloodsucker with his pups, and yet the thought of his mate cosying down around the table for a chat with him now seemed like the end of the world.

  “Perhaps the Vampire would like to feel the sharp end of something pointy.” Isaac bit out between clenched teeth.


  Kerry snorted a laugh. The big bad wolf guy was actually pouting. He turned his eyes up to hers and saw the amusement there, mischief at its worst and gave her a small gentle warning growl of her very own.

  “Tell her, Isaac, or I will.” Tobin assured him. Grabbing his mug from the side and strolling out of the room.

  “Yes, Mr Pouty, tell me, or I’ll go after the Vampire and…” His arms came around her like a gentle vice. She stood no chance of getting out of his tender grip, she knew it and he knew it. But he sighed again.

  “You will not go after the bloodsucker.” He assured her. Kerry turned her upper body towards his. Her hands palmed his chest and her fingertips stroked downwards.

  “Then tell me what he meant.” Her voice was small, but what her touch was doing to his libido wasn’t, and he was pretty sure that she knew it.

  “Rejected Lycan mates can…”He emphasized the word, although in his heart he knew it would be his Fate if he lost her. “Turn rogue. They turn into their wolf and become a danger to the community. They act on purely animal instincts and kill at will. Their humanity is lost as they stay in their wolf form and the pack has to intervene and end their lives for the safety of everyone.” He watched the emotions roll across her face. He could feel them coming from her in waves.

  “So your pack would kill you?” Kerry reached for his face and cupped his cheeks, ensuring that he kept his gaze firmly on hers. Her fingers absently brushed over the dark stubble and somewhere in the mix of emotions within her, there was that need, that desire for him, but it was being overwhelmed by the thought that if she rejected him he would die. She thought he was sugar coating it for her benefit, she didn’t think Tobin would feel the need to overplay his hand.

  “They would. Although in truth it would probably be Tobin that would end me.” Isaac knew his friend. He would expect no less from the Vampire than to take him down for the good of the pack. It would be what he hoped would happen.

  “How could he…?” Her brows crowded over her eyes. Her face contorted into disgust. Just the thought of the Vampire killing her mate was repugnant to her.

  “I’d be a monster. I’d turn on my own as quickly as the human community on the Isle. I’d have no conscience.” Isaac wanted her to know the difference between his beast and a rogue. “My wolf would never hurt you, not with his humanity intact. But without it…” He shook his head as his beast whined within him. It wasn’t the beasts fault; it was just how it would be.

  “So I can’t leave you.” Kerry saw the big picture. There was no choice here for her. She wouldn’t allow that vision that clouded her mind of her mate dead at the hands of the Vampire to come to fruition. She couldn’t. She might not believe in Fate, or Destiny, or even luck, sometimes, but it was clear that for whatever reason, a Lycan would die without his mate.

  “I want you to stay with me, above all else, but you can’t decide to stay with regret in your heart. You have to stay because it’s what you want and not because what may happen if you don’t.” Isaac saw just the slightest of nods as she considered his words.

  What would I really be giving up to stay with him? The city, smelly and dirty, noisy and overcrowded… but it’s all I’ve ever known. Three days here and I was questioning my sanity… but I hadn’t met him then. Now it felt like I’d known him forever, even without really knowing him at all. Putting aside the whole damn super being thing, and that took a little effort, he felt like…home.

  The more time I spend with him, the more time I wanted to spend with him. The more I thought about going back to the mainland the more empty I feel. Was I adamant that I was going to leave just because it was the way I should have been feeling? Because it felt normal to want to feel that way? But what was normal? He wasn’t. This whole thing was surreal beyond expectation. If I decided to leave, would I really be able to do it?

  Kerry sighed to herself as she leaned in towards him and rested her head on his shoulder. His arms tightened around her and when he dipped his head and nuzzled against her neck she could feel the heat of his breath as well as the heat of his body warming her, exciting her, not just sexually, but em
otionally. If she knew what love felt like, not having experienced it, she’d feel a lot better about pinning that tail on this particular wolf. But from what she’d read, and she’d read a lot, wasn’t this how being in love was supposed to feel?

  How can you love someone you’ve only just met? How can you love somebody that wasn’t even human? He wasn’t an alien, not the spaceship landing type anyway, but he wasn’t like me. But others have done it before me. Humans and Lycans had mated. What makes me so different from them?

  “I want you to stay with Tobin and Olivia while I go to see the witch…” Isaac wouldn’t leave her unprotected, not now, not ever. If something happened he trusted Tobin to save her life, even if he had to use his blood to do it.

  “Whoa now, Alpha…” Olivia’s soft tones emanated from the doorway of the kitchen and when he lifted his head he found her standing there with his brother. “I’m the last person that you want to leave behind on this little road trip.” She assured him and heard her mate sigh beside her.

  “It’s not safe…” Isaac started but she lifted her hand and motioned over her shoulder with her index finger. Her brows were high on her forehead as she questioned him.

  “I had a tree thrown at me through a window. Do we really want to go down the ‘it’s not safe path?” Olivia saw the reasoned expression that came over the Alpha’s face as he considered her words.

  “When you put it like that I suppose…”

  “Yep. Good to know you can be reasoned with.” Olivia turned a victorious expression with a hint of mischief up towards her mate who stood there frowning down at her. With a slight shake of his head Joel rolled his eyes.

  “I’m definitely going to have to watch out for you, aren’t I?” Joel mused, considering all the ways she was going to impact his life.


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