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Fated Bliss (The Bliss Series Book 2)

Page 17

by Cassie Strickland

  “My head feels funny. It hurts, and it’s all fuzzy.”

  “You hit your head pretty good, but you’re okay. We’re gonna take great care of you.”

  As she tried to move her right arm, she let out a loud groan. “That hurts. Did someone put a hot poker in my arm?”

  “Open up, Samantha. I need to take a good look at you,” I coaxed.

  “How are you even here? You left me,” she grumbled, growing irritable. “You left me after makin’ promises. We said no promises.”

  Oh, fuck me.

  We couldn’t do this while my nurses and my son were here to witness it.

  “Samantha…come on. Open your eyes.”

  Her lids twitched a few times before she finally opened them. She winced again, the light hurting her eyes, and sucked in a breath through her teeth. After breathing through the pain, her gaze settled one me.

  God, it felt like the sun was shining on me to see those golden eyes again.

  A dopey smile tugged at Samantha’s lips. “Hey.” Her brows scrunched, and she flinched again. “The last time I saw you, you were a teenager. It was really weird, Ben.”

  “I know, Samantha.” I cracked a smile, imagining her reaction to Lincoln. “When you’re feeling better, I’ll explain it all to you. Right now, I need you to try and move your fingers.”

  “Okay,” she whispered, seemingly confused.

  She wiggled her fingers perfectly, and then I had her do a few more series of movements at my instruction. My earlier assumption was correct – the fork missed the muscle. Even if it nicked it slightly, she still had mobility which was promising.

  “Why am I in Dr. Melbourne’s clinic?” Samantha questioned, starting to work her way through the fog.

  Of course she knew Pops – she’d lived in Bliss all her life.

  The universe is laughing at me; I just know it.

  “You were in a bit of an accident,” I explained.

  “Wait.” She licked her lips, feeling the laceration. “What’s wrong with my face? It hurts…like everywhere.”

  “You were in an accident,” I repeated.

  “That included my face?” she snapped, then regretted it if the deep hitch in her breath was anything to go by.

  “Try to stay still. We’ve given you some pain meds already. Is it still pretty bad?” The last thing I’d ever want was her in pain.

  “Really? You’re just figurin’ that out? I’m not moanin’ and groanin’ and flinchin’ every second because I feel peachy, Ben.”

  I bit back a chuckle.

  There’s my fiery hellcat.

  “Joan, two more milligram IV push,” I called out.

  My only focus had been Samantha, so when I looked up, I was surprised to find Lily, Joan, and Lincoln watching Samantha and I with a wide arrange of expressions on their faces – amusement, shock, and suspicion.

  “Joan?” I questioned, irritated.

  “Right. Uh, sorry, Doctor,” she rushed, immediately moving.

  “Wait?” Samantha whispered, blinking repeatedly. She glanced around and then stared at me. “You’re really here?”

  I dipped my face down, getting closer to her, and smiled sadly. “Yeah, I’m here, sweetheart. We’ve got a lot to talk about, but we’ll do that after I get you bandaged up.”

  I did not expect the palm connecting with my cheek, rocking my head to the side with its force, nor did I expect to hear the sudden agonized scream that went along with it.

  I rolled my stool backward and jumped up, working my jaw back and forth as I placed both hands on Samantha’s shoulders to keep her from moving. A glance at her arm proved that I was too late – she tore the fork from her arm when she slapped me.

  “Damn it, Samantha! I know I deserve that, but you just hurt yourself even more!” I shouted, pissed. It was more at myself than anything.

  I grabbed some gauze and covered her arm, hoping to staunch the bleeding. “Now lie still and don’t move. I need to flush the wound and stitch you up.” I glanced at Joan, who had stopped with a syringe mid-air, dumfounded by my outburst. “Make that three milligrams.”

  “Ye…ye…yes, Doctor,” she stammered, whirling around.

  “You’re an asshole,” Samantha seethed through the pain.

  “I know. But I’m the asshole that’s trying to make you better, so work with me a little, okay?”

  “Get me another doctor,” she demanded, her teeth gritted.

  “Nope. Not happening. If anyone is touching your beautiful body, it’s me.”

  My bedside manner was gone, out the proverbial window.

  “There isn’t another doctor,” Lily interjected.

  I shot her a glare.

  “Well…shit,” Samantha muttered. “This blows.”

  My sentiments exactly.

  Chapter 16


  What did he expect? Was I supposed to give him googly eyes and breathe, ‘oh, Benny-boo, I’ve missed you so, so much’?

  Not happening.

  I was beyond livid with him – he’s in Bliss! – but the pain was too horrible to do much about it.

  At least I got in one good smack.

  Ben’s face had a perfect pink handprint on it, giving me a great sense of satisfaction.

  “Are you going to keep your cool so I can start the stitches?” Ben questioned, rubbing his sore cheek.

  “Asshole,” I growled.

  “Samantha…” he drawled, growing impatient.

  Another thought struck me.

  “Was this all some sick game to you? Was Lyric in on it?”

  “Lyric?” His brows shot up, but he blanked his face quickly. “Samantha, now is not the time.”

  I hated when he wiped his face of all emotion. It made me think he was hiding something.

  Well, he had been. He never told me he lived in Bliss!


  “Dad?” I heard questioned from behind Ben. The voice was identical to Ben’s, which was bizarre.

  Ben pinched the bridge of his nose, then shifted and turned around.

  My jaw dropped.

  Ben’s twin was standing there.

  I hadn’t been hallucinating earlier. There really was a younger version of him.




  A brother, maybe?

  “Is she gonna be okay?” Ben’s twin asked, his face ashen. “Dad…the blood…”


  Utterly floored, my eyes pinged between them. There was no doubt about it – that was Ben’s kid. Okay, so they weren’t identical, but the similarities were astounding.

  Ben’s a father?

  Was that possible?

  If Ben was honest with me, which I highly doubted now, he said he was thirty-two. That kid had to be at least sixteen or seventeen. All of that meant Ben had to be the same age when his son was born.




  When I assumed Ben had secrets, I would have never guessed this.

  “She’ll be fine, Linc,” Ben told him. “Why don’t you wait in my office or the waiting room? I’ll get you when we’re finished.”

  The kid gestured at me. “Is she mad at me? Is that why she slapped you?”

  “No, Linc. She’s not upset about that. She’s mad at me,” Ben assured him, his tone gentle, concerned. He obviously loved his son deeply.

  Linc still appeared confused and frightened, but he nodded and swiveled to leave. Before he walked out, he pointed sad eyes at me and said, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for that,” he motioned at my face and arm, “to happen. It was an accident.”

  I softened towards him. The poor kid was beating himself up.

  “I know you didn’t mean it. I shouldn’t have snuck up on you,” I soothed him. “We’re cool.”


  Am I slurring?

  I noticed a syringe in the nurse’s hand as she walked away. Pain meds, I reminded myself, feeling a whole lot loopi
er than I had a moment ago. But at least the pain was gone.

  Thank God for small favors.

  A smile brightened Linc’s face suddenly, capturing my full attention.

  He was definitely his father’s kid.


  “Cool,” Linc repeated, then left the room.

  “You are in so much trouble,” I slurred to Ben.

  “I know, sweetheart,” Ben whispered, sighing in frustration. “I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

  “No.” I pointed at the door. “Him. You’re gonna have girls knockin’ on your door at all hours once they see him. They’ll be comin’ out of the woodwork. You two are dangerous to Bliss.”

  Ben chuckled lowly, the sound causing a slight tremor to roll through me.

  Yep, he still has a crazy power over me.

  Continuing to chuckle, Ben sat back down on his stool and rolled it around to my right arm, growing nearer. He swept some hair from my face, pushing it behind my ear. His hands and face were comforting and so damn tender, reminding me of our night together. He did that then, and it had a profound effect on me.

  You’re mad at him, Sam.



  But he’s so cute.

  A grin tugged at Ben’s lips. “I don’t think I’ve ever been described as cute before. And I’m glad I have power over you, sweetheart. You’ve been driving me mad since I first saw you.”

  My eyes widen. “Did I just say that out loud?” I whispered, horrified.

  His grin spread into a full smile. “Yeah. The morphine’s starting to really kick in. It happens. How’s the pain?”

  I stared at those plump lips of his, dreamily murmuring, “Hmm, pain…? What pain?”

  Ben bit one of his luscious lips to keep from laughing, luring me in deeper. “Good.”

  I would have probably done something illicit if someone hadn’t snarled, “Holy shit!”

  I glanced over and saw Grey and Adam standing in the doorway, staring at me in horror. “Hey, you!” I gave them a finger wave. “What are you doin’ here?”

  “She’s higher than a kite,” Adam stated, somewhat amused and shocked.

  “I am?!” I breathed and glanced around. “No, I’m not. I’m lying…” I looked at the thing under me. “I’m lying on a gurney…?” My voice went up a higher octave in shock.

  How did I get on this thing?

  “She’s had a good amount of morphine,” Ben educated him.

  “What happened?” Grey questioned, far from happy. “Your son didn’t say much, other than she was hurt.”

  “She stepped on a rake in your parent’s yard,” Ben informed him, opening sterile packages and setting tools on the table next to us.

  That’s one big needle.

  Ben glanced at me and winked. “You’ll be fine. I’ll give you a local to get it good and numb in case the morphine doesn’t work. You won’t feel a thing.”

  “Did I say that out loud again?” I whispered, my eyes huge.

  “Yes,” he answered humorously.

  “Hold on,” Grey interjected, his voice dark and disturbing. “A rake?”

  Ben looked over his shoulder and elaborated, “She stepped on it, and it smacked her in the face. She stumbled and fell on a garden fork next. She was lucky it only got her arm.”

  Grey and Adam walked around the side of Ben and stared down at my arm. “Holy shit,” Adam whispered, a tad green. “That’s a lot of blood.”

  “It is,” Ben agreed. “But I’ll have her stitched up in no time.”

  Adam shook his head and met my eyes. “A rake? Seriously, Sam?”

  “A rake did that to her face?” Grey asked again, pissed and disbelieving.

  “Uh oh,” I whispered to Adam and Ben. “He’s goin’ into big brother mode. Watch out! No one’s safe! Everyone, take cover!”

  Adam gave me a lopsided grin. “It’s okay, sweet cheeks. I’ve got you.”

  I wasn’t sure or not, but I thought I heard Ben whisper, “Sweet cheeks?” under his breath.

  Adam shot Ben a quizzical look, so I assumed I hadn’t imagined it.

  Oh! I needed to tell Adam! Adam knows why I’m mad at Ben.

  I checked to make sure I didn’t speak aloud again, but no one was looking at me strangely.

  I was good to go.

  “Adam?” I beckoned him closer with a finger. Ben rolled backwards a little, giving Adam space to bend down. I tried to keep my voice really, really low when I told him, “That’s him,” and pointed at Ben.

  I wasn’t as quiet as I would have liked, because Ben warned, “Samantha…”

  “Him?” Adam questioned, confused.

  “Yeah, remember…? London. Crazy monkey sex. So many orgasms it blew my mind. The guy disappearing. It’s Ben.”

  I heard a growl, a deep, long sigh, and two distinct giggles.


  Is that me giggling?


  No giggling here.

  “What in the everlovin’ fuck is she talkin’ about?” Grey barked.

  “Oops,” I murmured, staring into Adam’s blue eyes. “I think they heard me.”

  Adam ogled me strangely. “Really? Just figurin’ that out, Sam? You practically yelled it.”

  “I did?”

  “Yeah, sweet cheeks.”

  I bit my lip and winced, groaning, “Ow, that hurt.” I touched my mouth and found it swollen and split. “And stop callin’ me sweet cheeks!”

  Ignoring me, Adam glared at Ben and straightened, squaring his shoulders in aggression. “That was you?”

  Ben closed his eyes and hung his head. “Dear Lord, this day can’t get any weirder.”

  Grey was done being ignored. “What is she talkin’ about, Adam?”

  “Look,” Ben grumbled. “Right now is not the time for any of this. I will happily answer everyone’s questions later, when Samantha’s better.” His hand circled my wrist as he rolled closer again.

  “Get a different doctor,” Grey barked. “Get your hands off her!”

  “I asked for a different doctor after I slapped him,” I informed him, then heard another giggle. I glanced over my shoulder and found Lily and Joan watching us in fascination. “Hi!” I called out and gave them a finger wave. “I forgot you were back there.”

  “I didn’t,” Ben muttered, then explained to Grey, “I’m the only one here qualified to do her stitches.”

  “I could do it in a pinch,” Lily offered.

  I always loved Lily. She was the best Sunday school teacher.

  “I’m glad you think so,” she told me, winking.

  I pouted. “I said that out loud again, didn’t I?”

  “You’re not helping, Lily,” Ben snarled and shot an I’m in charge look at Grey. “No one but me is doing the stitches. Now, if you two don’t shut up and let me help my patient, I’ll have to ask you to leave.”

  “You’re kind a’ sexy when you’re bossy,” I voiced. “Who am I kiddin’ – you’re always hot. Those eyes alone sealed the deal. But when you’re talkin’ dirty and-”

  Grey growled again.

  “Oops,” I repeated.

  “You’re not helping either, Samantha,” Ben informed me, back to being amused again.

  “Right. Got it.” I made a motion with my good hand like I was zipping up my lips. “I’ll shut up now.”

  “Good,” he murmured and pulled the gauze from my arm. Grey and Adam inhaled harshly, snagging my attention.

  I followed their gazes to my arm, and my stomach roiled. “Oh, God,” I groaned between gags.

  “Grab the trashcan!” Ben shouted, just in time, too.

  I leaned over the gurney as a trashcan was thrust in front of my face and vomited. I proceeded to lay back down again and promptly pass out.

  I shouldn’t have looked.

  Chapter 17


  Adam and Grey remained quiet as I stitched Samantha’s arm, who was still unconscious, but the air in the room was thick wi
th hostility. It was only a matter of time before the third degree began.

  “Take her back and get an X-ray of her cheek and nose,” I told Lily as I slipped off my gloves and threw them away. “The swelling looks bad enough that I suspect a hairline fracture.”

  “Sure thing,” she assured me and walked to the end of Samantha’s gurney.

  Adam was kind enough to hold the door for Joan and Lily as they wheeled Samantha out of the room, but that kindness was about to end.




  “What in the hell happened in London?” Adam demanded.

  “I was wonderin’ the same thing,” Grey added, shooting lava at Adam and me with his eyes.

  “That isn’t something I owe you two.” I leveled them with my best back off glare. “If Samantha decides to relay my explanation after I speak with her, that’s her decision.”

  “I don’t think so,” Grey objected. “You’re not gettin’ anywhere near her.”

  I tilted my head to the side, not intimidated in the least. “Are you her brother or her keeper?” I let that resonate for a moment. “Samantha isn’t the type of woman that lets her big brother, or any man for that matter, order her around. She can make her choice for herself.”

  I didn’t add that if she didn’t want to talk to me, I’d hound her until she finally caved. Samantha needed to hear me out. However, if the scene she made in here earlier was anything to go by, I wasn’t going to have too much trouble. I would have gotten a little more enjoyment out of the whole scenario if her brother wasn’t in the room.

  Talk about uncomfortable.

  “He’s got you there,” Adam allowed, assessing me with shrewd eyes. “It is up to Sam, though you’ve got an uphill battle. She’s not very happy with you.”

  “No kidding?” I drawled and pointed at my face. “She made that perfectly clear when she came to and smacked me across the face.”

  “Serves you right,” Grey grumbled, folding his arms over his chest.

  “Yes, it does,” I agreed. “I deserved it.”

  That broke the ice somewhat, and both men deflated.

  “Is she gonna be okay?” Grey questioned, unable to hide his worry.

  “She’ll be fine.”

  “Wait. She passed out. Does she have a concussion or something?” Adam asked, his agitation mounting.


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