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Fated Bliss (The Bliss Series Book 2)

Page 27

by Cassie Strickland

  “I wouldn’t have to resort to touchin’ myself if you would have done it,” I fired back, breathing fire. I was so turned on, I ached everywhere.

  That wild gleam of his returned, the same one I saw in London right before he spanked me. “Is that so?”

  Uh oh.

  I had a feeling I was in for it.

  “Ben,” I whispered hesitantly.

  “Hold on to the headboard and don’t let go,” Ben instructed, slinking down my body.

  I glanced between my slatted headboard and Ben. “What?”

  Ben tugged my legs over his shoulders. “Do as I said. If you let go, I’ll punish you.” As he awaited my compliancy, Ben kissed my inner knee. “Come on, baby girl. We don’t have all night.” Smirking, he corrected himself. “Well, I do, but I don’t think you’d like that very much.”

  Scowling, I promised, “You’re gonna get it for this.”

  “Samantha,” he warned, his voice brooking no argument.

  Quickly, my hands found the slats and wrapped around them with a solid grip.

  After another flash of white teeth, Ben’s gaze scanned down my body and rested between my legs. A lone delicate finger parted my nether lips, tearing a heavy breath from my lungs.

  That felt amazing, but I needed more.

  With a finger poised at my entrance, Ben confessed, “I missed this…us being together like this.” His voice was filled with something I hadn’t heard from him before.

  Unconsciously, I released a slat and rested a hand on his chest. “I missed this, too.”

  Blazing eyes pinned me in place.

  He rumbled darkly, “What did I say?”

  “I…uh…?” Words evaded me.

  “That’s two.”

  “Two what?” I questioned.

  “You’ll see.”

  “If you spank me again, we’re gonna have problems.”

  Okay, so maybe that was a small fib. It just so happened that that particular memory had kept me warm and extremely satisfied at night.

  Ben’s chuckle was low and dangerous. “Oh, baby girl, you’re lying.”

  I shrugged. “Maybe.”

  A finger slipped inside me.

  “Yes,” I moaned, thrusting upward, and lodged his finger deeper. “Please, honey.”

  “Hands on to the slats,” he demanded.

  I slapped them back into place, waiting with abated breath. “More, honey. Now.”

  “Have I told you how much I like you calling me that?” Ben questioned and withdrew his finger, bringing it up to coat my clit with its wetness. His finger began in slow, delicate circles.

  My breath hitched as my lids fluttered closed.

  “Is this what you want?”

  “Yes,” I murmured.

  Two fingers plunged inside me as he continued to toy with my clit. They curled upward, dragging against my inner walls with steady strokes.

  “Ben,” I groaned, struggling to breathe. “God, Ben!”

  There was an intent and enamored look fixed on Ben’s face as he watched, ramping my pleasure higher. I adored that he enjoyed giving as much as receiving.

  My ex wasn’t anything like that. Patrick was a taker. Most of the time, I had to wait for him to roll over and fall asleep so I could finish myself off.

  I shoved thoughts of Patrick aside – now definitely wasn’t the time – and closed my eyes again, relishing in Ben’s touch.

  He took the tender bundle of nerves between two fingers and proceeded to pinch and release it several times rapidly. I shook and trembled, sweat coating my skin. The build was slow but unruly, the orgasm most definitely worth the wait.

  Another finger joined the two already inside of me, and as it did, Ben rubbed my clit back and forth quickly, hurtling me into oblivion.

  “Ahhh!” I screamed. My back bowed off the bed, and my head pushed against the pillow as the first wave destroyed me. Ecstasy enveloped my every molecule. I let bliss overtake me and lost myself in the moment.

  Some time later – there was no telling how long because that one was a doozy – I came to. As I did, I realized that in my incoherent state Ben had maneuvered himself so that his stomach was to the mattress and his head was right between my legs.

  “Hi, handsome,” I whispered, surprised with his placement. “What are you doin’ still down there? Come here.”

  Smug, he stated, “That’s one.”

  Since my head was still stuck on cloud nine, I asked, “What?”

  Instead of answering, Ben lapped at my sex.

  I squealed, the sensations flooding my system unbearable almost. “No! No, I can’t!”

  “I said that was one.” he clarified, wiggling the fingers that were still nestled inside me. “This is the second one.”

  Not possible.

  “Come inside. We can count that one as the second one.” My breathing picked up again when he pumped his fingers in and out, sinking in farther than before. “Ben, if you do it like that, you’ll break me.”

  “It’ll be a good break,” was the only warning I had before he drew my oversensitive flesh into his mouth and sucked.


  Feral sounds came from deep within Ben’s chest as he licked, sucked, and nibbled at me. There was no slow build anywhere near this round; Ben was going at it like a man possessed, ruthless in his quest to get me off again.

  And I loved every single second of it.

  My toes curled, my lids squeezed shut. I pulled at his hair, wanting to pull him away but at the same time needing him closer. He was hurtling me towards the edge of madness. It hurt, but it was a good hurt.

  When Ben’s fingers disappeared, I thought he was giving me a small reprieve.

  I needed a small reprieve.

  I was dead wrong.

  A tongue replaced his fingers, and he fucked me with it, deep and pitilessly.

  “Oh, my God,” I breathed, my limbs thrashing. Even my thighs quivered violently against Ben’s head. I couldn’t stop if I tried.

  Ben’s thumb joined the mix as he pressed against my clit and swirled hard. He was going to kill me. And I wouldn’t complain after it was done. Incendiary and explosive, this had to be the most astounding moment of my life, and I’d go into the light willingly.

  Two fingers joined his tongue, blowing my mind further. What I thought was amazing before didn’t hold a candle to this. It was vast and enormous, whatever was taking control of my body.

  “Argh!” I garbled intelligibly. Inundated, tears spilled from the corners of my eyes at the magnitude.

  Was this what an out of body experience felt like?

  “Come,” Ben demanded.

  If I could, I would have, but my body was protesting, not understanding what was happening.

  “Ben,” I panted, crying at the ferocious onslaught of sensations.

  “Come for me, baby girl. You’ve got it in you,” Ben coaxed.

  He worked me harder, adding another finger, sinking deeper. He licked up and down my sex, concentrating around my opening. His manipulations on my clit never quit, switching between massaging and tugging.

  “Shit. Oh, holy shit!”

  “That’s it, baby girl. It’s starting.”

  Ben’s words were gibberish because something inside me started to happen, something life changing. It was as if a band inside me was slowly contracting, beginning with my clit and extending all the way inside to wrap around my g-spot.

  How is this possible?

  Was this normal?

  It pulsated slowly at first, to the point that darkness crept around the edges of my vision, and then exploded outward, far more complex and intense than a regular orgasm. It was as if an atom bomb detonated inside of my core and obliterated everything in its wake.

  Screams ripped from my chest, deep and guttural ones. There were no coherent thoughts, no sense of time or surroundings. I was a slave to whatever the hell this thing was, and it lasted for what seemed like a lifetime.

  Once the last deep and
intense wave – there were a lot of them, and they were long – tapered off, I could only lay there and attempt to gain control of myself. Every inch of my being trembled and sweat saturated my hair and the sheets under me. The cool air in the room blew against my damp skin, chilling me, and I shivered more.

  “Shhh,” Ben whispered softly. “I’ve got you.”

  Somehow he was on the bed next to me instead of between my legs. Belatedly, I realized that my cheek was pressed against his chest and his hands were making slow loops over my back to comfort me.

  “Ben?” I croaked, not understanding anything that’d happened.

  “I’ve got you,” he continued to murmur and tugged the sheets over us. The warmth was appreciated. “Just lay still, sweetheart. You’re okay.”

  I didn’t have any energy left to do anything else but do as he said. But once I recovered, I wanted to know what in the hell that was and how soon we could do it again.



  I peered up at Ben, puzzled. We’d been laying here for some time, unspeaking, and after everything that happened, that was the last thing I thought he’d say.

  Silly man.

  “Food?” I questioned.

  “Yes. You need food.” His stomach rumbled. “And, as you can tell, so do I.”

  “I don’t think I can move. Bring it in here,” I told him and rolled over, planting my face in the pillow, the thought of getting out of this bed too great.

  Ben laughed and took a big handful of my ass, giving it a firm squeeze. “What’s that, sweetheart?”

  “Shut up,” I grumbled, not playing into his ego.

  “You sure you want Chinese in bed?”

  “Mmmm. You brought Chinese?”

  Ben placed a kiss to the center of my bare back and rolled over. “I’ll warm it up.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I grumbled, exhausted. “Grab some beers from the fridge.”

  “Sure, baby girl,” he murmured and sat on the edge of the bed. He tugged on his shorts and stood. His heavy footsteps sounded on my hardwood floor as he exited the room. I breathed a sigh of relief, needing a quiet moment to myself to get my head on straight.

  What in the everloving hell did he do to me?

  I still couldn’t wrap my head around it. That was something otherworldly. Was he a magician?

  And to think my body could do that?

  I needed to Google it to see if that was normal. Because Patrick was all I had to go on, I didn’t know if it was my inexperience shining through or if other men could actually accomplish what Ben had done.

  Was it because Ben was a doctor, or had he had enough partners to figure it out? You needed a lot of experience to have that kind of knowledge. He’d been unhappily married for fifteen years; had he cheated on her to gain that kind of repertoire?

  That thought curled my stomach. I hadn’t even thought of it before now.

  He wasn’t the man for me if that was the case. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t chance it after everything Patrick put me through. In my opinion, once a cheater, always a cheater.

  There’s extenuating circumstances, Sam.

  Okay. So that was true to an extent. After everything he told me, his ex-wife was a she-devil from the darkest pits of hell, and if I were on the outside of this, having no ties to Ben, I would probably say good for him. I couldn’t imagine sinking a part of my physical self into a woman that’d wrecked my life on a daily basis. And Ben was a man with needs, primal needs that couldn’t be ignored – he’d have to find that release somewhere.

  No…I still couldn’t do it. Marriage was sacred, a promise made in the sanctity of church right in front of God. If he swayed from a vow of that enormity, why wouldn’t he do it again?

  Having said that, divorce was a legal thing, not a Godly thing. But the times had changed. If you’re in an unhappy marriage, I believe God wouldn’t want you to stay. Therefore, in my eyes, God understood divorce, making what Ben and I had done tonight not adulterous.

  Cool your jets, Sam.

  I took a deep breath and released it. I was freaking myself out for no reason, looking into this too intently. It would take a simple question to clear this up.

  Nevertheless, a simple question set him off only days ago.

  But he promised.

  Maybe this was a way of testing the boundaries we put in place. I wasn’t the type to test limits with my significant other. Well, not in that way. Sexually, like we did tonight, sure. Important things, things of significance, not so much. It was a dirty ploy.


  I was at an impasse with myself.

  Who knew that could happen?!

  “Chinese, coming right up,” Ben hollered as he walked down the hall, breaking me from my confusing thoughts.


  I sat up, not caring about my nudity, and waited for him. If he hadn’t have rung me dry so efficiently, I would have felt bad for not returning the favor and leaving him hanging. Still, he’d deal for a little while, enjoy all that I had to offer on display until I could gain enough stamina for more.

  “You’re moving, I see,” he joked, a wide smile gracing his lips. “Good.”

  “You, mister, are trouble,” I bantered, fighting a laugh.

  “You loved it.”

  He only stated the truth, so I shrugged.

  Ben passed me a plate full of lo mein, wontons, sesame chicken, something else that I couldn’t make out, and fried rice. From the pockets of his shorts, he produced two bottles of beer and a bottle opener, and then opened them.

  I laughed. “Do you have anythin’ else hidin’ in there?”

  Tilting his head, he handed me a beer. “Do you want to check and see?”

  I pointed a finger at him and replied, “Later, you. Much later,” and then guzzled half the beer.

  His eyes heated. “Yes…later.”

  I patted the bed next to me and set my beer on the nightstand. “Come on, you savant.”

  Once he relaxed against the bed next to me, he quirked his lips and leveled me with an intrigued look. “Savant?”

  “Yes.” I took a big bite and continued to speak, too starved to care about manners. “I think you deserve that name after all the sexcapades you performed tonight.”

  If you couldn’t find humor in something, what was the use?

  Ben’s deep laughed boomed.

  I love that sound.

  “Oh, yeah,” I began after a few minutes, stuffing my face some more. “What was that?”

  Ben eyed me strangely as he took a bite. “What was what?”

  It seemed he didn’t care about manners either. Well, we had worked up quite an appetite.

  “What you did to me.” I swallowed and pointed my fork at him. “That was mean, by the way. Not touchin’ me for so long – I thought I was gonna lose my mind.”

  That self-satisfied look of his came back with a vengeance. He loved that comment.

  “Out with it. That last orgasm you gave me…what in the hell was it?”

  “You don’t know?” he questioned, surprised.

  I pursed my lips. “Would I be askin’?”

  Ben grimaced. “God, your ex was a douche bag.”

  “We’ve already covered that. Come on…tell me. Does that happen all the time?”

  He scratched the side of his head, uncertain. “I’m not sure.”

  Puzzled, I asked, “Then why would you call Patrick a douche bag if even you haven’t done it before?”

  Ben took a moment to consider my question and continued to eat.

  Was this another line I shouldn’t cross with him?

  I let the question hang and finished off my plate. When I was done, Ben took it and sat them on the nightstand. We settled back against the headboard, both of us sipping our beers.

  This was taking entirely too long.

  “Forget I asked,” I grumbled, annoyed, and finished off my beer.

  All he had to do was say next question, and I would have let it roll o
ff my back. The silent treatment was uncalled for. To discuss anything with him was like dodging bullets.

  “No,” Ben said, his face jerking my way with surprise. He took the beer bottle from me and placed them next to our empty plates. “I wanted to finish eating before I talked about it. It has to do with Gwen, and everything about her kills my appetite. I was hungry.”

  It was my turn to laugh. That was just too freaking funny not to.

  Ben waited for my humor to die down to state, “I’m glad one of us finds it funny.”

  “Sorry,” I told him, trying to keep a straight face. “It was the way you said it, so straightforward.”

  “It’s the truth. That woman is… Well, you know.”

  That killed all humor.

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “A real buzzkill.”

  “Yes. That and more.”

  “So,” I prompted him.

  “No, I never did that with Gwen. Our sex life was…dull.” His face soured. “How our marriage began tainted sex for me. Well, to have sex with her, I mean. The first few years, I went without. Being a teenager at the time, I thought I’d die. But I grew accustomed to it.”

  “That had to blow,” I commented.

  Amused, he winked. “I would have killed for one of those back then.”

  I slapped his arm. “Shut up. Be serious for a moment.”

  He chuckled, but then it tapered off and he traced the pattern of my quilt. “I’m being very serious. Yours was the first I’ve had since I was sixteen.”

  “Really? She didn’t do that for you?” I questioned, floored by his confession.

  Ben curled his lip in distaste. “She’s unhinged and had teeth – and she got angry at the drop of a hat. No way in hell I was letting her mouth anywhere near my dick. There was no telling the damage she could’ve done.”

  It took everything in me to keep a straight face. I couldn’t laugh again after seeing how serious he was. At the same time, I felt awful for him.

  Unaware of my internal struggles, Ben continued, “Once Gwen and I decided to work things through, she thought sex would bring us closer. By that point, I was so sexually frustrated I would have said yes to anything.” He shrugged, unashamed. “That was a bad idea. It was like making love to a bag of bones.”


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