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Brother-In-Law to Love

Page 4

by MK Moore

  Once we get back home from our Vegas trip. The first thing I do is get my name changed. I now know that I couldn’t change it before because it wasn’t real. Derek has taken to calling Mrs. Spencer every chance he gets. A couple of days later, we go to our first doctor’s appointment, where we hear our baby’s heartbeat. I cry for what seems like the millionth time in just a few days. Armed with sonogram pictures we tell our family. Everyone is so happy for us but I can’t help but feel like the other shoe is about to drop. The paparazzi haven’t left us alone since I posted our wedding pictures to all my social media pages. They have hounded us everywhere. Throwing the questions, I had been dreading. Blake still hasn’t come out, but he and Jason got married in a private courthouse ceremony a few weeks ago.

  “What kind of woman goes from one brother to the other?” A random reporter tosses my way as we leave the doctor’s office. I have been doing my best to ignore them, but Derek spoke up for me.

  “Listen up guys, because I am only going to say this once. She is my wife now. My brother has also remarried, so we are just trying to get back to some normalcy in our lives. We have a baby on the way and we don’t need this added stress.”

  “How you can you even be sure it’s your baby? She has recently been seen with your brother six weeks ago at a charity ball. They appeared to be all over each other.” Another shouted. I remember that ball, we just stood next to each other. He never touched me. I have had enough of this shit though.

  “So, what if I was? You don’t have all the facts. I appreciate that this is your job, and I am not going to have my husband beat you up or break your cameras. However, you should really go fact checking before throwing this in my face. This isn’t LA. My ex-husband runs a film company so I get why we are deemed newsworthy, but that isn’t my life anymore. I just want to be left alone.” We move past them and Derek helps me into his car. I wish this wasn’t the way that it is. I have been waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  Chapter Sixteen


  When Brooke didn’t come home from work at the usual time, I called her several times. I know she left the office at six. Jarrett called and said he lost her in her favorite coffee shop. I just know something is wrong. I can feel it. Pacing is getting me nowhere fast. Finally, my phone rings and it’s Brooke, but the sinking feeling I have, tells me it’s not going to be her when I answer. I look over to Jarrett and nod. He starts working the tracer program on Brooke’s phone. Grant calls the cops and relays all the info we have.

  “Hello, Lover.” Regina breathes into the phone in what I am sure she thinks sounds seductive.

  “Regina, where is my wife?” I ask as calmly as I can manage.

  “Oh, don’t worry about her. Soon she will be out of the way and we can start our lives.”

  I have two options here: I can tell her to fuck off and never see My Sweet B again or I can play this out.

  “Regina, you have to know that I miss you. Tell me where you are so I can come get you and we can be together.”

  “How stupid do you think I am Derek? I am calling the shots. I am going to kill your ugly wife and then I am coming for what should have been mine. Talk again soon babe” She says hanging up.

  I walk over to Jarrett. “Did you get it?”

  “Yeah, Boss. I got it. She is in a house that is for sale over at Remington Place.”

  What a crazy bitch. She is two streets over from here. I take off out the front door and run over to where my girl is being held. When I arrive, the cops are already there.

  Chapter Seventeen Brooke

  I groggily open my eyes. More darkness. Great. I have no idea where I am and I hate not being able to see. The last thing I remember is being in line at a coffee shop. Jarrett was waiting by the door. A big haired woman was behind me. She was crowding me. I have no idea how I got here. As I am contemplating this, a burst of light comes from a doorway.

  “Oh good, you are awake.”

  “I am. Who the fuck are you?” I decide that anger may not be the best approach but this bitch has really pissed me off.

  “I am Regina. Your husband’s next wife.”

  “Lovely.” I have no idea how to approach this kind of psycho.

  “That’s all you have to say.”

  “What would you like me to say?”

  “You could get angry, fight me on that?”

  “I am not going to do that. I’m sorry. I know my husband loves me and anything I say to you is going to make you mad so I’ll just shut my mouth.”

  “That could make me mad too. In fact, your existence makes me mad.”

  “It could, but I am beyond caring. I have shit to do so could we maybe speed this up. What exactly are you hoping to accomplish with all of this? I mean Derek isn’t just going to marry you, Regina. There isn’t much I can do about my existence.”

  “Oh, he will. I know it. I mean look at the differences between us. I am a 10 and you are barely a 2. I am being really generous. I could end you now, and comfort Derek when he finds your lifeless body.”

  “Wow. That’s nice. You are so modest, Regina. You’ll have killed me so I am thinking he’ll want nothing to do with you. Why are you so hung up on him anyway?”

  “Well, I have the gun so I can be as modest as I want to be. He’ll get over it. I know he loved me. We were together physically for just a few times, but neither of us moved on. I took that as a sign. Then he was with you so suddenly. His brother’s ex-wife. I mean how does that even happen? You are not even the least bit pretty. All fat, big teeth, and big hair.”

  “Looks are not everything Regina. You are a self-proclaimed 10 and if I didn’t just have this conversation with you, I’d be able to agree with you, but I hate to be the one to break it to you but crazy isn’t hot. You are really delusional.” I just need this to end. One way or another. She keeps waving the gun around as she mumbles to herself, her free hand is pulling at her super blonde hair. Suddenly, she drops the gun to the floor and takes a huge hunting type knife from her boot. I have no time to react before she starts stabbing and slicing the shit out of the meatiest part of my calf, leaving the knife in the wound. I scream out and tears stream down my face. She pulls the knife from my calf and keeps cutting into me. My left calf, my left arm, the left side of my face. My belly. My mind turns to my baby. I think they are superficial cuts except for my calf, but I dread losing my baby, and what the fuck did she drug me with? Finally, she seems to have tired herself out as she drops the knife and slides down the wall into a heap on the floor. There is so much blood. I am losing consciousness when I see police officers had swarmed into the room. I wake up several hours later in the hospital.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I get to that house and swear I age 20 years. My beautiful wife is on a gurney her leg is wrapped. Regina is in cuffs in a back of police cruiser. Where she fucking belongs. I haul myself up into the ambulance and ride along to the hospital. Brooke is so pale.

  “She’s pregnant. Is she going to be ok?”

  “Sir, let’s just get her to the hospital.”

  Well, that did nothing to ease my worry.

  We get to the emergency room and I am asked to wait in the hallway. The hallway. That’s my fucking wife. They have exactly 30 seconds to give me some information.

  “My wife, Brooke Spencer. Can you tell me anything?”

  “The doctor will be out momentarily Mr. Spencer.”

  I do the only thing I can do. I sit my ass down in the hard plastic seat and wait. After an hour or so, an older doctor comes up to me.

  “Mr. Spencer, I am Dr. Evans. Your wife is going to be just fine. Her leg required 137 stitches, her arm another 20, her face just one, and none on her belly, but your baby is just fine. She is awake and asking for you.

  “Thank you, Doctor.” I shook his hand and let him lead me back to Brooke. I enter the room she’s in and rush over to her bedside.

  “Derek! Oh my God! I love you.” She forcefully pulls me
down to her level. She kisses me like it’s our last and our first all rolled into one.

  “Sweet B. I about lost my damn mind. I love you too. I was prepared to break down the door at that house but the cops beat me to it. I can’t lose you. I refuse. You are my whole life. You and our baby.” I place my hand gently on her stomach. There are silent tears streaming down her face. “Don’t cry, Wife. Everything is going to be ok.”

  “I know. I don’t want to lose you either. I can’t. We can’t. I want to go home.”

  “I’ll see what I can do Sweet B.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  Going home was bittersweet. I called my OB/GYN to schedule an appointment immediately. The doctor quelled my fears said we were on track for our December baby. Getting back on track was harder. I stepped down from the charity’s day to day operations. I still sit on the board but spending time at home as become more important to me. Grant and Jarrett aren’t with us anymore. It just me and Derek. It is how we prefer it. Our family trickles in and out all the time. Being just a few blocks away, Lucy comes over every day. She is helping me decide on furniture for the nursery. Robby has retired from the Army and brought home a wife. Salenah is really nice, but I don’t know her that well yet. I sense there is a deeper story there, but they haven’t shared it. She has a recent scar from her eye to her lip on one side of her face. It doesn’t distract from her beauty though. Robby was surprised that I am with Derek, to say the least, but Blake being gay didn’t surprise him at all. This family, I swear! They didn’t even try to stop us, even though they knew. I chuckle at this. The months fly by and it’s December before we know it. The nursery is done. We are just waiting on our baby. We decided to wait to know the gender. Real old school, I know. Just as I got out of bed on December 23rd, I felt my water broke.

  “Derek. Derek. Wake up! The baby is coming.” I say frantically. He bolts up and starts to dart around the room. My bag is already in the car. He has to help me get dressed. We slip a dress over my head. He takes a minute to grab my face and pull me to him. Kissing me, he tells me he loves me. We rush out of the house and head to the hospital. I am so ready to be a mommy.

  Chapter Twenty


  Our son was born on Christmas Eve Eve, as Brooke call it, at 11am. Her labor was relatively quick for a firstborn and Ace Dante is such a blessing. We don’t remember sleep. Sleep is for pussies anyway. At least that’s how we are looking at it for now. Brooke has just come back into the room from a late-night feeding. The last six weeks have flown by and I am ready to be inside my wife again.

  “Wife, you should come to bed. I find that I miss you.”

  “Aww Derek, I think you are just horny.” She says laughing.

  “Come on Sweet B. Give me that pussy. You know you miss me.”

  “I do.” She says as she slides her pajama bottoms down her legs. She rips her shirt off and then my goddess is standing before me. She has gotten a little thicker since Ace, but I love it. I just love her period. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She lays on the bed and I am already hard. I put my face between her legs and she lets out a moan that is so loud, I have to shush her. I am dying to be inside her. I scoot up her body and inch my way into her.

  “Baby, you are so tight. I’ve missed this pussy.” I know I am not going to last so I think of anything I can to make this last longer for her. I am pounding into her slowly. She wrapped her legs around my waist and started thrusting back to meet me.

  “Derek, this is so fucking good. I am so close. Harder. Give it to me harder.”

  I can’t say no to my girl and give her everything she needs.

  Everything is right with the world.



  This past year has been crazy, being kidnapped by that psycho was just a small blip. My baby boy, Ace, keeps me grounded and the love of my husband keeps me going. We have been married for two years and I have loved almost every minute of this journey. Our little family is also about to grow by one. Derek doesn’t know it yet, but I am expecting again. I know he will be just as happy as he was with Ace. Every day is better than the last. If Derek had cared about the bro code, we wouldn’t be here and I wouldn’t be the happiest I have ever been. I head into his office and sit on the edge of this desk.

  “Hey B.” He says without looking up from his drawing. I love how he just knows it’s me.

  “Babe, I have some news.” It had taken a long time to get pregnant again. No birth control and constant sex didn’t work as quickly this time.

  “What’s up.” He sets his marker down and looks at me. I have a t-shirt on that says, “Mama in the Making” with a downward facing arrow. He glances at the shirt quickly but doesn’t say anything.

  “We are finally having another baby. Hence, this super cool shirt Ronnie got me.” I say gesturing to my chest. He jumps up and kisses me. I wrap my legs around his waist. He slides my skirt up and my panties to the side. One quick opening of his pants and they slide down. He pounds into me and my heart swells to its fullest. This is the life I was meant to live. Falling in love with my brother-in-law wasn’t supposed to happen, but I am so glad that it did.

  The End


  I can’t believe my first book is finally out there! I have written and rewritten several but this is the first one I’ve finished. I am so glad you’ve read it!

  It would never have been possible to write this book without the love and support of my husband, Daryl. Everyday our love grows stronger and I couldn’t be happier about that. I love you so much! #Forever

  I would also like to thank my Mama, Kathy. She is the strongest woman I’ve ever met and she taught me how to get shit done and still have time to do all things I’ve dreamt of. Thank you, Mama! #MamaKnowsBest

  I would also like to thank my seester, Erin. Your early feedback has helped immensely. Thanks for getting me to change the name of this book! #BrutallyHonestErnie

  The rest of my family (my dad, Patrick, John, Joe, Aryn, Alex, and Leslie) have also been very supportive on my journey. Thanks guys!

  I would also like to thank my book buddies for all the support they’ve given me on my journey:

  KL Donn-Has infinite support for other others trying to crack their way into the Indie world. You have been invaluable to me! The #MenageQueen gives really good advice.

  Mina S. Love-Has always encouraged me to get my words out there. You have become a close friend and I love taking this journey alongside you. Thanks for everything! #BookBabes

  Katrina Miller/Annabeth Johnson-You have given so much feedback on my characters as well as several other projects. I love that we found each other! #BestBookFriend

  SansaK-You are the most generous person I’ve had the pleasure to get to know! I can never repay you for all the help you’ve given me with Brother-In-Law to Love. #SansaIsCool #SansaMadeTeasersAreSexyAF

  And finally, to all my readers, I could never do this without you guys! Thank you so much for taking a chance on me! If you want to hang out with me on Facebook and get first dibs on arcs and exclusive content and giveaways, I can be found at I look forward to connecting with everyone!




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