Book Read Free

Brutal Retribution

Page 12

by Clive Barry

  ‘Why, what’s wrong with the way I look? You’re the only one complaining up to now our Paul.’

  ‘Well I mean, it’s not right is it? You look, you look too grown up that’s all.’

  ‘I’m probably older than some of the lasses you’s two take to bed on a weekend. I have two children and I’m twenty four years old. How old do I have to be to wear nice things?’

  ‘Well I know that Sal, it’s just, we never ever saw you lookin’ this way before, that’s all.’

  ‘Okay, well get used to it then lad’s cos this is who I am, not who I’m allowed to be, okay?’

  Sally walked up the path and unlocked the front door letting the brothers follow her in. She walked straight to the kitchen, filled the kettle and switched it on.

  ‘Right who wants what? Have you two eaten this morning or do yeh need me to make yeh summit?’

  ‘We already ate thanks Sal, tea for me, that’s all please.’

  It was the first time Mike had spoken, having taken a step back to watch his older brother dig a bigger and bigger verbal hole to bury himself in with his little sister.

  Paul was sat quietly sulking, trying his hardest to get his head around the fact that baby sister was actually a beautiful grown woman.

  ‘Tea for me too, please Sal.’

  Sally turned and realised the inner turmoil her older brother was having with his emotions and her heart melted. She walked up behind him wrapping her arms around his massive neck and kissed him on his cheek.

  ‘I love you our Paul and you Mikey. There’s no way I could ‘ave got through any of this without the pair of yeh by me side. Trouble is, now I gotta learn how to grow up and stand on me own two feet. I got two bairns to raise and I think I might go and try lookin’ for a job soon. Oh! and bye the bye, I think I might ‘ave got meself a new fella too.’

  The brothers looked at each other and smiled, it was Paul that said.

  ‘We aren’t gonna end up with a fuckin’ bobby in the family are we? Talk about bringin’ the tone of the fuckin’ neighbourhood down Sal.’

  ‘You just behave yourself our Paul, he’s lovely. We haven’t had much chance to talk properly yet, but he came round last night, and we spoke for a little while and funnily enough I saw him round the corner just now when I was comin’ home.’

  ‘Well you take it slow our kid. He seems like a decent lad and I’ve already had a quiet word wi’ him about treatin’ you right. I think he’s probably good for you after that fat, useless, idle twat you was married to.’

  ‘Well if you want my opinion,’ said Mike, ‘I think you both’ll make a great looking couple. Yeh both look well suited, hey what the fuck do I know. I remember he was a good footballer at school though.’

  ‘There’s just one word of advice Sal and you probably know, but I’m gonna have to say it anyway. Be careful what you say to Dave about Charlie leaving. Just remember he is still a cop okay?’

  ‘I know our Paul, I already thought of that and if he asks, I’m only gonna say I think he got into trouble with some bad lads and has dumped us and disappeared somewhere.’

  ‘Ya sweetheart, that sounds about right, just be careful.’

  As they all sat around the kitchen table, drinking tea, talking and making fun of Sally’s new look and her new found relationship with Her Majesty’s Constabulary there was a knock at the door. They all looked at each other but it was Sally who rose to answer.


  Bashkim Hamiti had sat watching patiently as Sally first talked, then waved goodbye to the young police officer as he drove away. There was no point in phoning Mr Demaci, there was nothing to report. Nothing that he had seen or heard, that would suggest that Charlie Oldham was at this address or that his wife had any idea as to his whereabouts. Based on the performance that had just unfold this morning, it seemed to somewhat suggest the pretty young wife didn’t really give a damn where he’d gone anyway.

  Hamiti sat in the car listening to the radio, contemplating what to do next. The reports from his man who’d been watching the brothers also suggested there was no evidence of any involvement on their behalf. Two brothers shared a house, went out for a drink with friends and brought two beautiful young women home, who then spent the night. What could possibly be wrong with that?

  After a while, Hamiti exited the Range Rover. Leaving it parked where it was and walked the short distance around the corner to the Oldham house, knocking hard several times.

  It was the young wife who answered the door and the transformation from the dowdy woman of the day before was immense.

  ‘Good morning Mrs Oldham. I mentioned to you yesterday that I would return to ask if there had been any developments and if your husband Charlie Oldham had been in touch.’

  Sally was being cautious and keeping well back from the door. Both Paul and Mike had walked up behind her and were stood either side, still protective of their sister, irrespective of the damage incurred to the three of them from Hamiti the previous day.

  ‘Mr Hamiti, as I said to you yesterday, I really have had no contact with me husband since Thursday last week and I’m so sorry if you and Mr Oggy have suffered as a result of his actions, but you gotta understand this has nowt whatsoever to do with either me or me bairns.’

  The young woman was being respectful and appeared to be telling the truth. There was nothing more to be said or done, but leave and report the loss to Mr Demaci.

  Hamiti nodded in acknowledgement of the statement Sally had just given and turned to walk back down the broken path to his car parked around the corner.

  There are times when there is no possible explanation for the actions of a person and if asked ‘why on earth did you do that,’ they would quite often shrug their shoulders and say, ‘I don’t know.’

  The following was one of those occasions and must be attributed to, youthful exuberance, stupidity, bravado, whatever the reason. Michael Vickers came flying out of the house grabbing Bashkim Hamiti by the shirt collar, spinning him around and landed a resoundingly headbutt to his nose, breaking cartilage and laying the nose at a very odd angle in the middle of Hamiti’s face.

  By the time Paul had reacted to go after his younger sibling, several more two handed punches had been landed to the face and Hamiti was on his knees. This didn’t stop Mike and several kicks were also issued to leave imprints on Hamiti’s appearance. It had all taken less than fifteen seconds for Paul to wrap his massive arms around his baby brother and pull him away.

  ‘That’s for yesterday yeh Albanian twat, now fuck off back to where yeh came from and tell yer faggot Albanian friends they’re not fuckin’ welcome around here either.’

  Paul in the end pushed his impulsive younger brother back inside the house. He then helped Hamiti back to his feet apologising in no uncertain terms for the actions of his younger sibling.

  It did no good. Bashkim Hamiti walked away holding his broken face, shaking his head to control his blurred vision, with blood pouring between his fingers from his somewhat lopsided nose.

  ‘This will not be forgotten, there will be a heavy penalty to pay for this, you stupid, stupid, people,’

  ‘What the fuck ‘ave you just gone and done yeh stupid little twat? He was fuckin’ walkin’ away man. Sally had cracked it, he believed her and he was fuckin’ leavin’, this is really gonna end in fuckin’ tears now.’

  ‘I don’t know do I, I just saw ‘im walkin’ away after what he did to us yesterday and I saw red. Who the fuck does that Albanian nowt think he is comin’ ‘round ‘ere like he fuckin’ owns the place and treatin’ us the way he did?’

  ‘Well my little bro’, I ‘ave an ‘orrible feeling we’re about to find out exactly who he thinks he is and what he’s fuckin’ capable of.’

  Sally was shocked, she didn’t know what to say, she knew Paul was right, Hamiti had been going to walk away and it felt as though he was finished with them. He seemed to have accepted what she’d said to him. Oh Mike, she thought, what the fuck have
you just gone and done.

  They all sat around the little kitchen table talking and trying to decide the best course of action.

  ‘I don’t think anyone’s gonna do owt tonight do you?’ Paul was talking while trying to get into the mind of an assassin.

  ‘Hamiti’s gonna go home and clean himself off. He’s not gonna do owt while he’s fuckin angry, I think he’s too professional for that. In fact he’s probably gonna go and ask Demaci’s permission to do summit or at least check on whatever he’s gonna be allowed to do, cos this is now very personal and nowt to do with his boss’s business anymore. There’s no way Demaci is gonna wanna draw any unwelcome attention to his business, is there?’

  ‘Do yeh think he’s gonna come after us then our lad?’

  ‘I don’t know. He’s gonna wanna fuckin’ hurt you really bad though and I mean really, really bad.’


  ‘So Bashkim, you are saying that it looks as though this Charlie character has left the area with no sign of our goods, there is definitely no sign of him anywhere?’

  ‘That’s correct Mr Demaci, we’ve checked all his usual haunts and the people he knows and nobody has a clue where he might be. He has, to all intents and purposes dropped off the face of the earth.’

  ‘Okay, we have already spent far too much time and effort on this, we must put it aside and prepare for the big shipment delivery at the end of the week.’

  ‘There is just one small thing sir, I feel I should bring to your attention.’

  ‘Of course, Bashkim, what is it?’

  ‘Well when I was at the house, the younger brother brought, let’s say embarrassment and disrespect to me and I feel punishment is due.’

  ‘Okay, but the problem I have with that Bashkim, is that these people are civilians and have no loyalty to our organization. Civilians have a totally different set of rules, so punishing them if they have done something, is rather a very private and personal matter and may bring the wrath of the law down upon us. I will leave this up to you to do as you see fit. But Bashkim, keep me and my business out of it, is that understood?’

  ‘Yes, I understand Mr Demaci, thank you and I will speak to you tomorrow.’

  With that Bashkim Hamiti hung up and went into the bathroom of his small flat to straighten his nose and release the swelling around his eyes which had already discoloured into black.

  Hamiti had already decided upon retribution. It would be swift and it would be extremely violent. The young upstart will forever regret the day he laid a finger on Bashkim Hamiti, the Albanian twat.


  The lads finished their last cup of tea and decided there was nothing to be gained in hanging around at Sally’s house. There was a bit more painting to be done on the Bonny Doris to bring her up to pristine condition, so they both kissed their sister goodbye and told her they would be in touch later in the day sometime.

  Sally had just finished washing the remaining dishes from the kid’s breakfast and the numerous cups from the tea and coffee they’d consumed when there was a light knock at the front door.

  Sally wondered if there would ever be a time in the future that her stomach didn’t do somersaults when someone came to her house. She worried needlessly on this occasion, stood at the doorstep in his off duty clothes was her favourite policeman, with a big bunch of flowers.

  ‘Away in Dave, I didn’t expect yeh so early.’

  As the young officer stepped into the small passage Sally came closer, put her arms around his neck and snogged him. It wasn’t a fast lip crushing passionate snog. It was more of a soft welcome to my life type of kiss that was really meant to show him that this is what she wanted as well. When they drew apart for air it was Dave’s turn to be surprised.

  ‘That was nice, what did I do to deserve that then?’

  ‘You knocked on me front door, what am I supposed to do?’

  ‘What? Do you kiss every man that comes to your front door like that?’

  ‘Only the one’s I really like. You just happen to be the first one up ‘til now.’

  ‘Aye and I better be the last as well, I’m not sharing you with anybody.’

  ‘Treat me nicely mister and you’ll never need to.’

  ‘Well, I brought you these, so is that a good start?’

  ‘It could very well be. But now I’m embarrassed cos I don’t have a vase. No one’s ever bought me flowers before.’

  ‘Oh! I never thought of that, sorry.’

  ‘No need, it’s not your fault you’re the first one to ever buy me flowers. Come on let’s get this over with, we’re goin for a walk.’

  ‘Where to?’

  ‘Me Mam’ll have one. Let’s go meet me Mam and Dad. Think of it as a baptism by fire.’

  With that Sally gave Dave another kiss and they both stepped outside hand in hand. It was Dave’s turn to have butterflies in his stomach as they walked together the short distance to Mam and Dads house.

  Sally gave a quick knock on the door and walked in. Mam was in the kitchen making a brew and Dad in his armchair watching the horse racing.

  ‘Away in pet, hey George it’s our Sally. Oh! She seems to have a strange young man holding her hand.’

  ‘Hya Mam,’ Sally walked over and gave her mam a kiss on the cheek, ‘this is Dave and we’re seein’ each other, so be nice.’

  Mam wiped her hands on a tea towel and shook Dave’s, he in turn kissed her on the cheek bringing an immediate blush and smile to Mams face. They both then did a U-turn and walked into the living room to meet Dad. Dave walked over and shook Dads hand.

  ‘Dad this is Dave, Dave this is me dad and I love him to big bits.’

  ‘Hello sir, pleased to meet you.’

  ‘Whoa there son! They aven’t knighted me yet, so Im either Dad, or George, you decide. I don’t mind one way or the other, but before we go any farther, can you both sit yourselves down and explain to your mam and me what the bloody hell’s goin on and who this young Dave person here is?’

  Mam walked in with a tray full of mugs and a big pot of fresh tea with biscuits. Placing it all on the small coffee table in the middle of the neat little room, while between Sally and Dave they brought her parents up to date with everything.

  ‘Well you two, I’m bowled over. I have to say though, I can’t remember ever seeing my little lass looking so beautiful and if I must thank you for that young Dave lad, then I do from the bottom of me heart.’

  Dad had gone all misty eyed, but everyone could see how happy and proud he was of his beautiful daughter.

  Mam was equally as pleased and even more surprised that Dave had met both Sally’s brothers and not only managed to survive the ordeal, but had got on well with them. Nobody mentioned at this point that Dave was a policeman. One serious shock per day to the system was a reasonable tolerance.


  ‘I’ll go get the paint out the back of the car and you get the brushes out of the turps in the standing shelter our kid.’

  Paul had calmed down during the drive to the boatyard, but Mike could see he was far from happy and his mind was ticking over like a time bomb ready to explode.

  Very few people ever see Paul when he’s angry, mainly because they don’t know. It’s not a loud aggressive thing, on the contrary it’s a very quiet, calm determination to seek vengeance for whatever the hurt might be. Mike had figured it must stem from his military training.

  Paul very rarely, if ever, spoke about his time in the Marines, always saying there was nothing to talk about, but you don’t live your life as a kid brother and then as a best mate without knowing when things aren’t right, and Mike had always known, the Paul that came home was not the same Paul that went out there.

  ‘Do you want me to start up at the bow, starboard side and work me way back?’

  ‘Aye go on then young’un, I’ll start portside aft and meet yeh somewhere in the middle for a cup of tea.’

  Mike could hear Paul was trying his ha
rdest to control the fear of the unknown. Mike had put himself into massive danger with the Albanians and Paul was worrying about the consequences and the possibility of his kid brother getting seriously hurt.

  Paul had already been on his mobile half a dozen times since leaving Sally’s house, but Mike had no idea who he’d been talking to, or what he’d been talking about. It had seemed to be light hearted enough though, with a lot of laughing and joking so Mike was not too perturbed. Paul would tell him when he was good and ready but not before. Big brother could be a stubborn ox about sharing information, best to just wait.

  ‘Bro where have yeh put the scrapers?’

  ‘No idea mate, have you checked in the cover?’

  ‘Yep, not there.’

  ‘Check under the washboard, or failing that the engine box.’

  Mike searched everywhere for the scrapers, then opened the lid of the engine box cover finding a Marks and Spencer’s carrier bag. He lifted it out with the expectancy of finding the long lost scrapers in the bottom and allowing him to get some work on the boat started.

  ‘Big bro, I need you to look at summit rather important.’

  ‘Away man I’m tryin’ to get summit done ‘ere.’

  ‘That’s nice, but yeh really need to see this our kid. I shit you not, when I say this might be summit really important.’

  ‘Okay, what the fuck is it?’

  Of all the things that were on the important shelf in Pauls overworked and tired brain, the contents of an M and S carrier bag were not included and the shock of those contents made big Paul speechless.

  ‘Where the fuck was that?’

  ‘Right there on the top.’

  ‘So, who could ‘ave put it there?’

  ‘Maybe you just missed it bro.’

  ‘Not a fuckin’ chance. I turned that engine compartment inside out and found nothing, besides it was in that shoulder bag when I put it in there. Who do you know that can afford to shop at M and fuckin’ S, cos it’s nobody I fuckin’ know, that’s for sure?’


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