Book Read Free

Dangerous Days

Page 1

by C. L. Quinn

  Dangerous Days


  Blak Kat Publishing

  December 2017

  All rights reserved


  Another alarm interrupted Dani’s hard-won sleep. Gods in all the heavens knew she didn’t get enough. This alarm, though, she couldn’t ignore; it meant trouble of the urgent variety. Again. Nothing new in her life, just another nine to five day, only nine to five for her was 9 pm to 5 am.

  Fully accustomed to her job’s requirements, she slipped into the clothes always lying ready beside her wonderfully comfortable bed that she rarely got to spend a night in, zipped up custom-fitted boots that carried several tools for her trade, and palmed her baby. Sweet little zapper, an electric shock pellet gun that stopped…she grinned as she popped it into its holster…that stopped just about anything.

  Dressed in seconds, she lifted her keyfob and ID, speeding out of the house, and slipped a leg over her state-of-the-art jetbike, specially designed with an almost silent engine. Stealth was essential for a hunter; could mean the difference between making it home or being eaten.

  Her quarry…vampires. Bad ones, not the kind, loving earth-protecting vampires she’d been introduced to two years ago, but assholes who tore their way through innocents unaware that vampires existed. It was her job to protect those innocents, bound by honor and promise to use her unique skills in service to those who couldn’t protect themselves.

  It still shocked her that she’d become a warrior kitted out with weaponry that would have scared the shit out of her back in New Orleans where she and her twin brother prepared to enter university for their doctorates in science.

  University, studies, a career in multidisciplinary sciences and geology, that was a ship long sailed. No time for ruminations or regrets.

  “Focus, girl,” she told herself, aware that she was failing her promise to stop talking to herself so much.

  It makes you sound cra-a-z-z-y, she reminded herself in that sing-songy way that annoyed the shit out of her closest associates and friends. Which is one reason she did it.

  Traveling through country roads far too fast on the jetbike, she cornered the empty streets expertly, aware that she should slow down but damn, she loved the ease at which her skill carried her effortlessly around a ninety degree turn. Grinning into the wind, she admitted that, while science was her first love, riding the edge of danger in this unexpected career had turned out to be her calling.

  Good thing she worked mostly at night. When she got into town, light traffic allowed her to blow through stoplights with little concern for collisions or cops. Right now, it mattered more to get to her destination; her team needed her as soon as possible. Dani made the thirty minute drive in eighteen.

  Moving slower down the alley behind a club she’d visited more often than she’d ever like to admit, the engine on her bike nearly silent, she slipped into a space near the old brick wall behind Blessed Nights. Less than nice, but better than some, the bar specialized in serving those who drank to forget and those who drank to forget the hook-up they were there to make.

  Dani would have to tune in to those patrons with both desires. There were times it hurt her soul and others when it turned her stomach. There were moments she hated her job of four months, but mostly, she loved what she did now and the incredible hunters she shared that job with.

  “Dani, you near?”

  The voice in her coms was soft, melodic, and always made her heart smile. “Hey, Eva. In the alley. I’ll come through the back.”

  “Thank God. We’re pretty sure we have a nest, girl.”

  “Shit. Jack here with you?”

  “Not yet, but he’s on his way.”


  “Yeah, by my side, as always.”

  “You two stay put.”

  “Not moving without serious backup. Kwano’s enroute too.”

  “Now you’re talking.”

  Dani keyed in a code to open a door that led to the storage room of Blessed Nights. The hunters had saved numerous guests of the establishment, having long ago enlisted the aid of the owner as a watcher. He was well aware that, while the hunting teams were being shut down, vampires who killed still had to be stopped, but by teams that included vampires.

  After navigating various guests hanging out in the hallway leading to the restrooms, Dani scanned the busy club and saw her two associates turned close friends at a table a few rows away from an old-fashioned LCD-lit dance floor. Once she weaved through the filled tables between her and San and Eva, she dropped into the spare chair.

  “Hey, ladies. Need some help with a few troublesome fangs?”

  San leaned close and tugged on the barely concealed dagger at Dani’s side, whispering into her ear. “Naw, we could handle it. We just needed a hot wing-girl tonight.”

  “You do make a gal feel welcome. So, uh.”

  Dani let her eyes slide over the tables around the one they’d chosen. She zoned in immediately to her left to where three large men seated at a table with many empty glasses searched the dance floor. Bingo.

  “Ah, hot-blooded boys watching the take-out menu you mentioned. Yes, your instincts were right, they’re fangs.”

  Sanquinetta leaned close so she didn’t have to speak too loudly. Vamps could hear individual conversations if they focused on them. “My special senses were tingling the minute we saw them. All the right shit in the right places.”

  “I’d say. Burt clue you in?”

  “Yeah. It’s a good thing we didn’t purge him. He owns the most popular club in a hundred miles. If any vamps are hunting, this is likely first on their list.”

  “Doubtless. Look at the eye candy. Drunk, dancing, and ripe for plucking. I hope our own fangs get here soon.”

  “They should. We just need to relax, drink, carefully, and enjoy each other’s company.” To illustrate her point, San picked up a glass of dark cherry wine and took a long sip. “Umm. They’re behaving so far.”

  “It would be nice if they keep that up. When are the boys due?” Dani followed her friend’s example and took a sip from Sanquinetta’s glass. “Ooh, that is good. I should get some.”

  Dani laughed when Sanquinetta gave her a long sideways glance of admonishment.

  “Huh. Yeah, your own. They were about thirty minutes by lift-car. They’re coming from checking out a situation in Carmel.”

  “Okay, then I have time for a trip to the lady’s room.”

  Evaleigh nodded. “I’ll order another round.”

  “I’ll take one of San’s cherry wines.”

  Her eyes averted from the table of vampires so not to draw attention, Dani weaved her way through the crowd between her and a doorway beyond the dance floor marked by brightly lit signs for Ladies and Gents. While all three of the hunters at her table were capable of defending themselves, they were also all aware that humans only take on multiples of vampires with vampire aid or in the gravest of emergencies.

  They would wait until Jack and Kwano arrived. Right now, her full bladder demanded attention. Swinging through the door of what was actually a clean, well decorated women’s restroom, she did her business, washed her hands, checked her face (she wasn’t sure if there was ever a woman who didn’t), and opened the door to rejoin her friends.

  As soon as the door opened, her empathic senses soared. Vampire. Near. Where?

  A woman blocked the exit, trying to push past Dani, who’d stopped in her tracks.

  “Sorry,” Dani apologized, her attention split as she glared down the hallway searching for one of the vampires they had been watching. She realized her mistake instantly the second she looked up at the woman and realized she was vampire.

  The woman smiled. “Gotcha. Stay still. Don’t speak.”

ortunately, the vampire had no clue that as an earth warrior, Dani could not be compelled. Feigning compliance, she stayed still until she could choose her best course of action. While stronger than most humans, she couldn’t easily best a vampire, so strategy was her best defense now.

  Dani hadn’t sensed another vampire in the club. The woman must have come through the rear entrance. Ready to make her move, she stopped when the woman called over her shoulder to someone who had just entered the hallway.

  “Barringer, she’s yours.”

  From behind the hallway entrance, one of the male vampires they had been watching revealed himself. He walked directly in front of Dani, his smile serpent-like.

  “Indeed she is. Look what I got here. A little human vampire hunter just in time for second meal. Miranda, take her home. I’ll bring the others shortly.”

  Nodding, Miranda’s eyes returned to Dani’s as he disappeared back into the club. This was her opportunity.

  “Oh, you are in for a ride, dearie. Those men have enormous dicks and they stay hard. Your pussy won’t get much rest tonight, but if they like you, they’ll keep you around. You better hope they like you.”

  She pushed a loose strand of Dani’s hair behind her ear. “Your skin is flawless for a human. I love that rich brown. You’re seriously hot, girl, I think I’ll take a turn too. We all play well together. I guess I better get you out of here before your friends come looking for you.”

  Pulling the shock gun from her side, Dani fired into the female vampire’s side, rendering her unconscious, and headed toward the end of the hallway to rejoin her team when the male vampire came back through the door, quickly sizing up the situation.

  “Stop,” he commanded.

  Dani smiled. “I don’t think so.”

  He glanced at Miranda, crumpled on the floor, then back to Dani. “You can’t be compelled.”

  “Bingo, asshole. Get out of my way. You can’t stop me.”

  “Really?” He held up his fone. “What if I tell you that within a split second, I can have my guys snap your friend’s necks?”

  Fuck, no! “I’ll kill you if you touch them.”

  “Then you better play nice. You might somehow be able to beat compulsion, but you don’t want those women to die, that I know. I saw the three of you sisterly sweet together at your table. Hand over the stun gun or they die.”

  Stalemate, but only if she was willing to risk San and Eva’s lives, and she wasn’t. She would give hers for them any day. While she considered her options, the vampire spoke into his fone.

  “Stand by to…”

  “Stop. Okay. Here. But if you hurt them, I swear to you, I’ll slice you into pieces so slowly you’ll beg for sunlight.”


  Using her weapon, he fired the electric current at Dani and she went down. “Yeah, I don’t think so.”

  Music faded from a rapid driving beat to a slow tune as couples gathered on the dance floor.

  Having paid for a new round of drinks, Evaleigh lifted her eyes to the vampires when she noticed that one had risen, heading for the restrooms. She put a hand on Sanquinetta’s arm, who looked up and followed Evaleigh’s gaze.

  “Shit,” San whispered.

  “Dani,” Evaleigh said.

  “I’ll check on her.”

  “Good thing. We’ll both go.”

  As they stood, the vampire returned to his table.

  Pausing, Evaleigh touched Sanquinetta again. “He wasn’t gone long enough to have done something to her.”

  “No, but let’s check on her anyway.”

  Winding past tightly wrapped couples and through the entrance to the restrooms, down the hallway, they pushed in the door marked Ladies in gold lettering.

  Two women were parked in front of the row of sinks staring into the mirror as Sanquinetta checked the stalls.

  “Empty.” She exchanged a worried glance with Evaleigh as she called out, “Dani? Dani, are you in here?” even though they could see that she wasn’t.

  “The fangs,” Evaleigh snapped, pulling her stun gun out as the door closed behind the two women leaving.

  Sanquinetta nodded and pulled hers out too as they raced from the hallway and back into the club’s main room, the loud melody bouncing off the walls.

  Sanquinetta’s heart stopped when she looked at the table where three vampire males had been drinking since they arrived tonight.

  “They’re gone.” Searching the dance floor and spiraling outward, Evaleigh’s eyes moved rapidly from one figure to the next, aware Sanquinetta would be doing the same. She didn’t see them anywhere.

  “Yeah,” Sanquinetta sighed. “They’re gone.”

  Twenty minutes earlier

  Even though he was vampire, Jack still felt uneasy in a lift-car. Although a crash wouldn’t kill him now, his distrust remained and he couldn’t stop squirming while he watched Kwano expertly drive the car.

  “Man, I hate flying.”

  Kwano shot him an amused look. “Get used to it. In a vampire’s life, you’ll travel a great deal. These lift-cars are a godsend. You really can’t fly one?”

  “Nope. Don’t plan to learn.”

  Annoying chinging interrupted their conversation, so Jack looked at the screen of his fone and smiled.

  “Hey, it’s Saul.” He held the fone out. “Accept. Speaker.”

  The fone automatically accepted the call and opened the speaker.

  “Saul, hey there. How are you doing?”

  Saul’s voice was almost as clear as if he were there.

  “Hey. Good. Actually, I’m back at HQ. Where is everyone?”

  “You’re back? You staying?”

  “I plan to. Don’t tell anyone, but I’ve really missed working with you half-wits.”

  Kwano rolled his eyes. “From one half-wit to another, welcome back.”

  “Thank you. Where are you guys? Are you on a mission?”

  “We’re on our way to Blessed Nights. Why don’t you join us? The girls are there keeping an eye on some vamp activity.”

  “I’d love to. I’ve got a new lift-car that flies faster than any you’ve ever been in.”

  “Great. Won’t be flying with you in that thing, but I look forward to seeing you again. Hey, you’ll get to meet Dani.”

  “San’s told me about her. All right. I’ll see all of you soon.”

  Saul rang off. Setting his fone on the console, Jack grinned. “So my sire has returned. Did he really become first blood?”

  Shaking his head, Kwano prepared to lower the car.

  “You don’t become first blood. He was born first blood, but he hadn’t connected to his heritage or his spirit amulet. Now that he has, he should be full-blooded and have access to his talents.”

  “He’ll look different, won’t he? Bigger, like you and Xavier.”

  “He will. Bigger, more powerful, he’ll have special skills that will now manifest. He’ll still be the same man you know, though, Jack.”

  “Yeah, I get that. I’ve pitched any pre-judgement of supernaturals, Kwano. We were deeply mistaken, and for that, I will bear a stain of guilt forever.”

  “It isn’t your cross to bear. It was all you knew, how you were raised. You couldn’t have done anything different.”

  “I still feel culpable. So, Saul’s back. It’ll be nice to see him again. We worked well together.”

  “Admit it, you like the guy.”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “I do too. We’ll be six strong then. An unbeatable force.”

  “Go six.”

  The rest of the journey was quiet, Jack’s mind on the changing dynamics of their odd cobbled-together little hunter slash vampire group of soldiers sanctioned to right the wrongs of the past century.

  He couldn’t believe how exceptional his life had become just because he’d taken San’s suggestion and braved a walk down to the beach to meet a woman who would change his life. Not only his life, but hundreds, perhaps thousands, more.

Since he’d met Ife, they’d closed down dozens of hunter’s groups whose missions were to kill vampires on sight, going by the long-mistaken belief that all were blood-sucking murderers of innocent humans.

  Nothing could be further from the truth. The love and support, the incomparable serenity of the vampire world, had transformed him. A stunning woman he loved more than his own life had shown him a world where he could live for centuries and beyond; young, healthy, able to accomplish more than any man could do in the breadth of a single human lifetime.

  Jack felt humbled and grateful every night when he woke that Ife had been on that beach, naked, that incredible vampire body exposed to him, and he’d fallen in love; mind, body, heart, soul.

  Saul may have made him vampire, but Ife had made him whole.

  “We’re going in, Jack. Big drop in altitude coming.”

  Ugh. Landing was at once Jack’s most and least favorite part of a lift-car drive. That sudden belly flutter when the car dropped from elevation to ground level was, for most people, a tickling, pleasurable sensation.

  For Jack, it was a “wait to see if you’re going to die” sensation.

  Tonight, Kwano landed the lift-car smoothly with very little touchdown bump.

  Blowing up his cheeks, Jack released a long puff of breath. “Thank you, buddy.”

  “You’re welcome. Someday, I’m going to get you behind these controls.”

  “Good luck with that.” Jack hopped out, belaying the desire to fall to his knees and thank the ground for being safe, sound, and stable.


  Kwano lifted his head, and Jack followed his gaze to see a sleek lift-car hovering beside theirs as it lowered and landed in the alley.

  The door slid open and Saul came out, forgoing the step-down and dropping right to the ground.

  Jack’s first impression was “damn!” and then he saw Saul’s smile. The same old smile that used to make them all feel kinship with the first vampire on their team months ago.

  Moving toward them, Saul shook Jack and Kwano’s hands. Not accustomed to physical touch with other men unless it was a punch, Jack felt odd, but he lingered on the grasp.


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