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The Camper: First Contact and the Planet Tamer (The Stellar Universe Book 0)

Page 19

by Richard C Holmes

  He got up slowly, oh so damnably slowly, he felt like he creaked it was so painful and slow. Finally making it to his feet he walked toward the camp fire with the intention of kicking it into life when he realized that Kate's chair was still here. He didn't remember her taking it, now that he thought about it. That then raised the question; should he leave it here or take it with him? Normally he would take it but she could come here so quickly and easily that maybe leaving it in the privacy of the bush was the best option?

  He walked up to the fire pit then jumped slightly as he realized that Kate was in fact still in the chair. She had drawn her legs up under herself, she'd wrapped a blanket around herself and had just her nose sticking out into the cool morning air. She was so little, this feat of personal contortion was easily possible. He could not even think about doing it himself at his age.

  As he was standing thinking that she stirred, the blanket fell down from her head when she turned a fully alert face toward him. "Hiya handsome," she said with a wicked smile. "Been years since I slept in the bush. I quite enjoyed it. Let me get the fire going."

  He was chuckling, "Kate, good to see you again. How long have you been there?"

  As he watched she got up, collected a few large logs then put them onto the dead coals of the fire. It was clear she had little idea about building a fire though, there was not even any smoke and what coals there were, were never going to set the logs alight.

  "About four hours I think. I got a nap at home then popped back here to watch the dawn in the bush then promptly fell asleep. It was rather nice in the peace and quiet."

  He saw her stack the large logs into a reasonable framework but there was no kindling. It would be difficult to light unless there were a lot of hot coals and by the absence of smoke he could see that was not the case, the fire was dead. He would have to pull it apart then load it up with some leaves, twigs then some small sticks to get it going.

  As he was thinking that he saw Kate concentrate hard for a moment then he saw a small spark in among the logs. It was pin-prick small yet it looked fiercely bright. Seconds later there was smoke then another spark and another end on end till there must have been twenty of them shining in among the logs. In seconds the smoke was billowing out then it suddenly caught fire, the flames licking up, driving the smoke away.

  Kate smiled, "There," she said, "I just knew that trick would be useful one day." She was beaming as she watched the flames licking the logs suddenly warming them both.

  He was staggered, "Kate, how on earth did you do that?" Probably, as he thought about it a little, it was a demonstration of something that made his mind almost stop. It was staggering. He looked closely at her, had she really done that.

  She shrugged. "Mike it's all part of the same thing, interacting with space time and how we're anchored within it. I can control a small area that allows me to travel instantly, allows me limited control of gravity and a limited ability to generate matter breakdown into energy. Fusion I suppose you'd call it. I just make a few atoms degenerate then feed the reaction very carefully. Too much and it gets exciting. Done just right, the logs get hot, past ignition temperature, then light and we have flames. It works better than I thought." She was smiling happily.

  He just shook his head from side to side. "Is this where we are going as a race? One day would that be within the reach for most or all humans?"

  Kate was nodding slowly, "Give us a few thousand years and yes, I believe so. The whole thing is remarkably difficult and delightfully simple both at once. The only problem is that getting it wrong could destroy me or a good piece of real-estate. Converting a few ounces of matter to energy would destroy a continent or even the planet. It's not something to take lightly."

  As he thought about it the more dangerous it felt. "How did you contain the reaction and what about radiation, X-rays and gamma rays, hard ionizing radiation?"

  Kate shrugged, "Mike, if you do it perfectly and channel the energy just right then there is no radiation, just raw heat. Limiting the reaction to a few atoms at a time is actually the easiest thing, you just make the containment very weak. As energy is released it floods out of the containment and that pushes other matter away so it involves just a few atoms at a time. As the energy is released, more matter is sucked in and it's a vicious circle. When I relax the containment it all falls apart."

  This was all a bit serious and far too early without his morning coffee. Coffee was looking more and more important because his brain was just not coping at all well.

  Half an hour later he’d made his coffee then cooked his scrambled eggs on toast. Kate had said "Yes please, I’d love scrambled eggs on dry toast if you wouldn’t mind."

  He chuckled, she was certainly careful of what she ate. Sitting in their chairs they ate with the plates in their laps, fire gazing, just drifting. Him with his coffee, her with a long glass of ice and water and lemon.

  Finally Kate broke the spell, "Mike, it's time to make up your mind, last chance. I'll help you pack your SUV and watch you drive off then cry a bit. Or, you can stay a few extra days as you recover from the treatment I give you. Your choice."

  He sat quietly as the words rattled round in his head. It was difficult to think about logically.

  On the one hand he was so damn tired of life. It really had lost its appeal. Nothing had held any interest until last night. He had been captivated by what he'd been shown and the way they’d done it.

  He felt wonder at the universe and the way it was put together. He’d never thought about it before, it was just something he’d accepted.

  He gave that a moment of thought; Kate had set it up completely for his benefit. That seemed most likely.

  However, there was no way around it, above all else, the real problem was he felt so damnably old. Old and creaky. Old and crotchety. Without Kate's help he feared it would take all day to pack the vehicle and driving out of the bush at night was risky let alone exhausting after a full day packing.

  Then he thought about Kate's prediction of him not lasting the day and his acceptance of her ability to predict that. She'd said that the effort of packing the car might do him in? If not that then unpacking when he got home probably would and he felt the truth in her words. Maybe add the near terminal ennui he'd been feeling for months if not years and suddenly death was looking attractive.

  A release from sadness did appeal.

  One thing did occur to him when he thought of the events of the previous night and his enjoyment of it. "Kate," he said as he thought about it, "Is it possible to just try it then stop or go back?"

  He saw Kate smile ever so slightly like she was secretly amused, "Mike, sure. You'll need at least half a dozen treatments. Stop half way through and it all regresses in twelve months to how you now are. Not a problem. I should warn you though, I've never had anyone not want to continue."

  He chuckled, he just knew she was ahead of him some way, predicting what he felt, what he would say and setting everything up. "You never thought I'd say no did you? You set it all up, you knew what to do to get me to say yes."

  Kate laughed then stood up. "Of course. It's what I do."

  Then she turned serious, "Mike sit back, give me your hands, I'll do the rest," she said as she stood in front of him with her hands out looking down at him in his chair.

  He looked at her hands with suspicion. Her bare hands? Nothing more? They were small hands he thought, small feminine hands, normal, no long fingernails or nail polish. Standard so what was she going to do?

  Accepting her words, he put his hands up and out to her, felt her take a hand in each of hers. They felt slightly warm to his touch but very soft.

  "Be brave," she said as she looked into his eyes.

  He started to chuckle wondering if all this was a hoax then the world exploded in color and pain, endless pain and bright blinding swirling colors. All he saw was a montage of red, purple, yellow, all the colors of the rainbow as what felt like the ground fell away, his points of reference gone b
ut replaced with pain. Endless pain. Endless anguish. His mouth opened in a silent scream, his eyes bulging, every muscle in his body straining, aching, pulsing in a pain that engulfed him.

  It lasted for seconds, for an hour, for an eternity, then it stopped. He had no idea of the real duration, maybe it was only a few seconds but it still felt like an eternity in its intensity. His mouth closed slightly, his muscles started to relax then he closed his eyes as he wondered what had hit him, how she had done it.

  When Kate dropped his hands, his arms fell loosely down into his lap, unable to summon the strength or the care to do otherwise.

  Eventually when he was able to open his eyes he saw Kate was sitting in her chair with her eyes also closed. "Mike, I promise you that I felt and still feel every instant of that," and her tired voice sounded like it was true.

  The silence lingered for a few minutes, "Kate you did say it was painful but you didn't say just how painful. Are all the treatments like that? How did you do it with just your bare hands."

  Still with her eyes closed, "No, each is less painful, each just tops you up after this one kick starts the process. Nothing is like that." She sighed as she lay back in the chair clearly exhausted, "I slept soundly for hours before doing that and still it hits me hard."

  She sighed slowly, "Mike, what I did is so draining and it can be dangerous in some people who are close to death. Some cancers, when they’re advanced can really fight me but it works. I promise it works. What I do is coil my energy up like a spring. It takes a few minutes as it builds up then when I release it, I ride it and slam it into your body like a flood. I exert myself within myself as I release it into you wrapping myself round you and for a moment I become you and you become me in the transference. Immersing your cells like that in my energy and making them react with it, taking the energy in makes them think you are young again. When I release, the effect lasts days or weeks until I do it, again and again, until it becomes permanent."

  He sat in his chair trying to catch his breath feeling suddenly exhausted, battered and bruised. "Kate this really works? I've never heard of such a thing."

  She nodded gently, her eyes closed as she lay back with her head far back. "Absolutely guaranteed and it is just me who can do it. Resident also I suppose. I don't know how many times I can do it because it really is draining."

  They sat together for an hour he guessed. He was just plain exhausted and she looked tired also. "Kate would you mind if I shut my eyes for a few hours?" He could feel himself slipping away.

  She waved her hand, "Mike, sleep, sleep long and deep. I'll pop out for a while, I like my own bed, but I'll be back at lunch time with a special treat."

  He liked the sound of that, a treat, a snooze would be good and not having to cook food sounded even better.

  All he could say was, "Thank," then after a second he just managed the, "you." He let his eyes droop and his body sag into the chair. Sleep came very quickly.

  When he woke it was well past midday he saw from the position of the sun, it was most likely mid afternoon. He looked around for a moment wondering where Kate was, there was no sign of her. He sat back in the chair looking at the smoldering fire, almost dead, just a wisp of smoke curling upward.


  He had stayed a few extra days at the camp, rationing his food which he now found he needed, or at least wanted, far less of. Also and most strangely, his eating and drinking tastes had changed dramatically.

  To his chagrin, he could not drink alcohol at all and coffee felt completely nauseous to him so he didn't even try. By contrast the water from the small creek was delicious and he drank that exclusively.

  On his last night at camp, Kate returned and again brought a meal for him. It was the same meal of rice, vegetables and a thin sweet sauce that he was completely unable to resist. He'd always liked vegetables in moderation, but now he wanted them with his heart and soul.

  "Mike," said Kate slowly as they sat watching the fire after their dinner, "you've noticed the changes. I can feel that. There are a few other things I didn't tell you that, well, you might want to know."


  Third Interlude

  Time passed. A year fled by quicker and more happily than he thought possible.

  For the first six months Kate had 'popped in' for a half hour to give him a treatment each month. Initially they have been awful, shocking his system so deeply he'd had to have a lay down then sleep for much of the following day. Finally after all the treatments were over he'd found himself so changed his life was more like that of another man.

  Initially he'd felt 'pretty good' after the first treatment. He'd found the aches and pains that had been the bane of his life were gradually banished. Then as the days and weeks passed he forgot them and found himself living a different life. His alcohol consumption was the thing he noticed the most. The first time he took a sip he vomited it straight up right onto his lap. The feeling of revulsion and disgust left him shaking and angry with himself. Then 'she didn't mention that' was the next thought.

  They'd talked about what would happen, she'd given him a lot of information and he'd not really believed it. In 'these modern times' the reality of life never lived up to the advertising.

  With Kate it was different. She had been precise and correct.

  His second treatment gave him an opportunity to ask about it and all he got was a laugh then, "Mike, imagine all the money you'll save. Your new body rejects things that are damaging and alcohol is one of them. Had a coffee lately?"

  He shook his head, "I know, you don't have to tell me. I hoped it was transient but that too?"

  She nodded slowly, "Sure is. You can feel it though. You're eating better, looking better, lost a lot of weight and getting more exercise. I can feel the vitality in you without even touching you. I presume you want to continue?"

  He nodded slowly, "Cost me a fortune in throwing things out of the pantry and fridge. Then more money in purchasing vegetables and fruits I've never eaten before. Always thought they were for yuppies and trendy young people but they really called out to me."

  He had stopped for a moment, "I'm actually dreading going to see my doctor. He'll notice it in a flash. I have no idea what I'm going to say."


  From then each successive treatment had produced an improvement.

  He found himself taking an early morning walk at the beach, a short drive away.

  Each morning come rain, hail or sleet he'd driven down, put on wet weather gear if needed, then taken a two hour stroll - an hour to the rocks at the end of the beach then an hour walking back.

  Then he'd joined a gym and taken up weights and some aerobic exercise and even some swimming in their lap pool. His body tone surprising even to himself.

  After taking a shower he noticed he looked so much younger, maybe in his forties at a pinch was his thought. ‘Damn but you’re a handsome man’ he said to himself bringing a huge smile to his face.

  Life, for a change, really was good.


  The Usual Suspects

  Drought and a lack of preparation were seen as the usual causes for the proliferation of camps, starvation and human misery spread across regions. Those horsemen of misery plagued humanity and found easy pickings. Regularly.

  Saying those were the causes was completely myopic. It ignored the complete lack of planning, the endemic corruption and graft, and flowing through all that was the sheer incompetence of so many.

  Worse, with populations living at the edge of survival and when avarice is factored in, the worst of human nature becomes the norm and particularly for governments such as they exist.


  Three terribly poor drought stricken countries were in dire need of aid, their borders saturated with refugees in camps seeking shelter, food and water.

  Aid was being provided by the United Nations, Medicines Sans Frontiers, and a large US task force off the coast was providing first aid and area secu

  A fourth country, richer, aggressive and without scruples was eyeing off the other three, looking at them as an easy target for acquisition. The prospect of increased natural resources, better access to trade routes and a ready workforce made them valuable even in their poverty.


  A Punishment Beating

  They played it hard in this part of the world. If one country could destabilize another or a few countries, then later with less effort take them over, claim their resources and get away with it, that was fair game.

  Two man raiding teams were ideal for a quick 'punishment' or a small sabotage run. They would get in, do their damage, then exit quickly.

  Five man teams were ideal for larger sabotage. They could put explosives on a railroad, on infrastructure, maybe cause collateral damage to civilians with assault weapons then be gone quickly.

  However the ten man teams were perfect to surround a village and either wipe it out with small arms fire then set it alight, or steal everything of value and kidnap the most attractive of the younger women, then kill everyone else. Because of the promise of loot and women, ten man teams were the 'pick' of the tasks and some nights three or more were dispatched across the boarder.

  Their country was larger and this ongoing softening up of the neighbor helped bring in much needed food, goods and best of all it softened the target countries up for an eventual take over.

  The takeover was going to happen soon and the raiding would cease after the takeover. The target countries could not sustain the current level of famine and continual raids were now reaching the outskirts of the capital cities. With the ongoing sabotage, fuel reserves were almost exhausted and electricity was seldom available at night and people were leaving for the camps.

  The only thing that had happened of any note in the proceeding months had been the arrival of the aircraft carrier and the support ships off the coast. They provided aid, but the only question was for how long, and it wasn’t enough.


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