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Unbind My Heart (Club Decadence)

Page 30

by Maddie Taylor

  Aware of their audience, Lexie bowed her head and whispered, “I’m a little out of sorts, I suppose.”

  His hand came up to her chin, and he lifted her face for his study. “You look a bit tired. I should have Kyle take you home. I can continue with Emily as my model.”

  “No!” Her emphatic denial surprised him and he raised a brow in question. “I’m fine, really. I think this actually might help me relax a bit. I’m rather tense.”

  His shrewd gaze searched hers and his brow furrowed. “I think it is something more, but you are right. A little rope space might just be the trick.” Leaning forward, he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead before ordering, “Strip to your panties. For what I have in mind, I need you free of obstruction.”

  Quickly, she obeyed, setting her clothes with her other belongings to the side and returning to him clad in only a skimpy pair of black lace panties. She felt the others’ eyes on her but didn’t meet anyone else’s gaze, keeping her eyes glued to her Sensei. She couldn’t help but wonder what they saw. She was pale and much thinner than before, actually finding her hipbones for the first time in years. Self-consciously, she folded her arms across her chest.

  “My dorei is quite beautiful, isn’t she class?” The class all murmured their agreement as he took her by the hands and turned her toward his students. Lexie knew Jonas had already identified that her self-doubts were resurfacing. He could read her so easily. “We thank you for all the flowers, cards and emails. She still has a bit to go but is expected to make a full recovery.”

  Michelle spoke up at that point. “You’re as beautiful as ever Lexie, but the stories of how you saved that little boy’s life have us in awe of your bravery. We all prayed for you and are so happy that you have returned to our little group.” She was kneeling before her husband, who was lending her his support with his hands gripping her shoulders and nodding his agreement. The others joined in with similar sentiments, and she was overwhelmed by their outpouring of kindness and well wishes.

  They didn’t seem to see the scarred Lexie, who laboriously rubbed Mederma on her scars twice a day. Instead, they were focused on their friend and group member, now a heroine of some notoriety. She was touched and felt tears well up. Fearing she’d turn into Lexie the watering pot as she had so often recently, she took a few deep breaths before murmuring her thanks.

  Once again, Jonas stepped in to rescue her as he wrapped a supportive arm around her waist and squeezed. “We both thank you. But it’s getting late, so let’s get on with our class.”

  He turned her so her back was to the students and bent to pick up a length of jute. When he stood, she was wiping tears from her cheeks.

  “I’ll always be here for you, Lexie, whether you’re afraid, insecure, angry or seething with jealousy.”

  She gasped, her misty eyes flying to his.

  “It’s that expressive face that gives you away every time.” Leaning forward he whispered in her ear, “Emily is a beautiful woman, Lex, but she doesn’t brighten up the room like sunshine. She doesn’t scent the air with sweetness. Her breasts don’t respond to my slightest touch nor do they rise and fall as her breath quickens when I’m near. I could have been tying a mannequin for all the excitement she brought me.”

  That brought a lift to her lips and she looked up at him. He brought her such happiness.

  She placed her hand flat against his chest and said earnestly, “I’m sorry, Jonas. When I came in, I was grumpy and irritable. When I saw you tying up another woman—a very beautiful woman—well, let’s just say you won’t have to worry about me being late again.”

  “You were jealous, that’s a very human response. Just remember, Sunshine that it’s you I love. You’re the one I want to bind with my ropes, and it’s you I want to create beauty with, like we did the other night. You believe that, don’t you?”

  “Yes, I was being silly. I love and trust you, always.”

  “Good, you are my dorei, no one else. Besides, no one gets my dick hard like you do, Sunshine.”

  Startled, she burst into laughter. “Jonas! They’ll hear you.”

  “I don’t care.” He kissed her deeply, giving her another squeeze. When he lifted his head, she surprised him by speaking in Japanese, loud enough for everyone to hear. “Nawatsuya, Sensei.”

  Chuckling, his approval clearly evident, he turned back to his students who were murmuring with curiosity and clued them in. “My dorei has asked me to tie her up tonight. I am very happy to make her wish come true. That she said it in Japanese humbles me. That she asked it of me pleases me greatly. It conveys her trust and consent. Submissives, you may want to commit it to memory because it’s something your master will be pleased to hear from you as well.”

  As he began to tie her in the simple base Shinju, Lexie relaxed beneath his hands. In the background, she heard the women whispering the foreign word, their voices melding into a low buzzing noise. Soon all she heard was Jonas’ voice lowered to the deep tone she found so soothing. She responded readily to each low command, her movements purposeful although she barely noticed as she drifted toward the blissful state of euphoria that was becoming so familiar. Imagining the ropes as an extension of Jonas, hugging and caressing her skin, holding her tight, it was freeing but at the same time she felt utterly restricted and under his control.

  She heard his commands: bend, turn, wiggle your fingers. The words penetrated her mind, but did not detract from her intoxicated state. Distantly, she felt Jonas’ powerful hands lower her body to the floor and roll her to the side.

  “Open your eyes, dorei.”

  Obediently, she complied. She focused on the mirror across the way. The image reflected was of a woman clad only in black lace panties. Lying on her side, her top leg was bent backward until her heel touched her bottom and bound in undyed rope. Held up at an up angle from her body, she watched as her Master attached it to a length of rope hanging from the ceiling. Her lower leg was free of restraint and lay relaxed in a soft line. The asymmetrical pose was different, but still very beautiful. Her eyes drifted to the widespread V at the apex of her thighs. Black lace covered her and protected her modesty.

  She continued her lethargic perusal of the figure in the mirror, taking in the ropes encircling her waist and wrapping her chest in a figure eight, causing her breasts to round voluptuously. With her arms folded behind her back, her upper body tilted slightly forward, revealing twisted ropes connecting her at three points to another rope suspended from the ceiling.

  Her eyes rose to the face of the woman in bondage. Cheeks flushed, green eyes luminous in her aroused state, her lips were swollen and parted as she took in shallow breaths of air in her aroused state. Lexie knew it was her own reflection, but it was hard to take in. A tremor vibrated through her frame as she looked at the uninhibited expression on her face and finally accepted what Jonas had been saying for weeks. She was beautiful, and once bound and submitting wholly to the man she loved, she felt beautiful, too.

  “I can’t wait to find out what you’re thinking, baby.”

  A flood of heat and moisture surged through her core, and her already erect nipples tightened painfully in arousal as she became aware of Jonas’ hands on her. One methodically stroked her side, sliding around her waist and across her belly while the other hand gently brushed the tendrils of hair back from her cheek and forehead. Her eyes rose to meet his and she saw the intense arousal in his deep blue eyes. Without breaking eye contact, he lowered his head. She eagerly awaited a kiss; instead, his husky voice whispered in her ear, “You are exquisite in your submission to me. Thank you for the gift, my love.”

  The moment was so moving, the link between them so strong, it was as if they were connected by more than ropes and physical touch, as if the link encompassed their hearts and spirits, too. An electrical charge flowed from one to the other along an invisible tether, chaining them together. The links of the chain were like the finest gold, beautiful and delicate in its artistry, yet as strong as high-tensil
e steel.

  Distantly, she heard soft voices around her, some feminine, others deep and masculine. She felt Jonas rise to his knees behind her, his hands maintaining their physical connection, while attending to his class.

  “Is her reaction usual?” a woman asked openly. “It’s like she goes into a trance when you tie her.”

  “Not many practitioners enjoy this level of euphoria when tied. Lexie is one of those fortunate enough to fly easily within the ropes. Her body responds with a flood of natural chemicals. It’s an intoxicating feeling. Her relaxed state is accompanied by a decreased response to pain and stress, often heightened sexual response, and a feeling of exhilaration.”

  “She is stunning. I’ve never seen anything quite like it,” another woman gushed.

  “What can we do to even come close to this level, Sensei?”

  “First, there must be a bond of trust. Once established, the dorei must give over control and surrender into the ropes and the hands of her master. Beyond that, we’ll have to ask Lexie about her thoughts and sensations.”

  “I imagine you have worked together for years to achieve this level of trust.”

  Lexie’s voice was husky, and her words were slightly slurred. “Five times, isn’t it Master?”

  The students’ eyes flew to Jonas for confirmation.

  “That is my count as well, dorei.”

  “Damn!” one of the men exclaimed, awestruck by the powerful scene before him.

  “The risk of this state is that your submissive might not recognize that the bindings are too tight and are acutally pinching, compressing on nerves, or restricting blood flow.” Jonas the teacher had returned. He continued to stroke Lexie as he spoke yet again about safety and how to identify and prevent problems. “Any impact play, like flogging, canes and whips, while in this state must be done with extreme caution because it can lead to deep play. The bottom might inadvertently encourage more than they can take, resulting in injury. It’s up to the master to control the scene. Wiggle your fingers, Lexie.”

  After she complied, he continued, “Anything numbness or tingling?”

  “No Master, it’s all wonderful.”

  “What other sensations are you feeling?”

  “Like I need to come.”

  He hummed softly, “That is good to know, Sunshine, but I meant discomfort or loss of sensation.”

  “No, none of that.”

  “A few more minutes of questions, class. Then I will need to untie her and walk you through after care.”

  Lexie went back to soaring, letting the drone of voices melting into the background. It seemed only moments passed before Jonas started untying her. She whimpered in disappointment.

  “Dorei, I control the scene always and decide how long you are bound, unless you use your safeword.”

  “Of course, you are the Master.”

  He lowered her leg and untied the ropes in seconds. Once free, he massaged her skin and gently moved her knee and hip joint through a full range of motion. The nurse in her thought he would have made an excellent physical therapist. Check that, she thought as he worked his fingers into her thigh muscles. His hands were magical, and he’d missed his calling as a massage therapist. As he moved up to rub her bottom, a blissful sigh rolled from her body.

  A few moments later, he released her bound arms and continued the massage, including her shoulders and upper back. Again, his voice comforted and soothed her, lulling her back into a relaxed state of deep tranquility. She believed she could actually fall asleep beneath his caring attentions, while the class continued.

  “Aftercare is as important…” Lexie zoned out as Jonas continued his lecture. Eventually, he finished and gathered her languid body into his arms, wrapping her in a soft blanket and holding a bottle of water against her dry lips. “Drink,” he urged as he wrapped her limp hand around the plastic bottle. When she took a scant sip, he pushed it back toward her mouth. “Drink at least half.”

  This time she emptied the bottle. More alert now as she relaxed into him again, her eyes swept over his students, seeing the other six men following his lead and catering to the needs of their women. She noticed they all had the same relaxed and happy looks on their faces. Why didn’t more people know about this? It was heaven.

  Lexie curled against Jonas like a kitten, practically purring with contentment. She glanced up at him when he settled her more firmly against him, hiding the evidence of his arousal. He enjoyed this, too; no wonder he’d become a master.


  Looking down upon her face, a soft smile gracing her features, he felt his cock ache as it throbbed against her soft bottom. If they’d been alone or at The Club, he would have fucked her while bound. He’d barely resisted the urge to rip the lacy panties away and drive into her—it would have been so simple in her side lying position. All he’d have to do was straddle her lower leg and take her, bringing their scene to the ultimate level of intimacy and completion. Despite the temptation, he kept his composure. Now he was ready to dismiss them and see to Lexie’s other physical needs—and his own.

  “Times up, class. Any questions before we call it a night?”

  Jonas’ question seemed to go unnoticed. Most of the couples were cuddling, kissing or whispering softly, lost in each other. When no questions were asked, he dismissed the class, reminding them of the chapters that were assigned and adding, “Next week, we’ll build on the breast tie and practice what I demonstrated tonight. I will also bring some accessories for you to experiment with.”

  “What kind of accessories?” This was asked simultaneously by several of the women, the group laughing softly at the enthusiasm in their voices.

  “Accessories enhance the experience and can help the sub reach the desired state of euphoria. For example, clamps and vibrators can help if the bottom needs more stimulation. A blindfold can help if the bottom is distracted or over-stimulated.”

  Jonas felt Lexie stiffen in his arms. Glancing down at her, she appeared relaxed, her eyes still closed. If he hadn’t been holding her, he would have missed it. Something he’d said had bothered her. As he replayed his words, the group started dispersing and distracted him, even though they were calling their goodbyes softly as they left.

  “Time to come back to me, Sunshine.”

  Her eyes shifted to his, and she smiled.

  “You enjoyed yourself tonight.”

  Her smile turned into a grin as her eyes drifted shut again and she stretched languorously against him. “Mm, hm… I could get used to this.”

  “I don’t think so. My intent is to keep you on your toes. Wouldn’t want you to get bored.”


  “Speaking of keeping you on your toes, something I said about next week’s session bothered you. What was it?”

  The frown returned, marring her serene expression. “I don’t like the idea of a blindfold or a gag.” Her eyes were troubled as she looked up at him. “It reminds me of that night with Derek.”

  “I know your limits, Sunshine. Both are often used in Shibari, however. There are even rope blindfolds, although I’ve never liked them. I’m not fond of gags either, but I have imagined you with a bright yellow scarf covering your eyes.” He ran his fingers through her hair and her body shivered in response. He pressed his lips to her forehead and whispered, “I wouldn’t have to use an actual blindfold, Lexie. I could simply order you to shut your eyes and you’d obey me, wouldn’t you?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “Think about it. Decreasing one sense often heightens the others. Take away sight, and hearing becomes more acute. Loss of sight also engages the mind. You wouldn’t be able to see me, or my reaction. You’d have no clue what was coming next. It requires trust.”

  “I already trust you completely, so why is it that important?”

  “Because it would deepen your submission, heighten the experience for us both, and because it’s fun and sexy as hell.” Lifting her face up to his, he kissed her gently. His dick was still
rock hard and confined within the restrictive material of his tight pants, a perpetual state when around her. He needed her badly and soon, but he wanted to make his point first. “Imagine being tied again, with only my voice to guide you. Your hearing would be acute, and your sense of touch would be intensified. Envision the exhilaration of being suspended three feet off the floor, held tightly in my rope’s snug embrace, awaiting my next move.”

  His lips grazed hers as he spoke, his words conjuring up the images until she could almost feel each sensation he described.

  “Now think of the brush of my fingertips over your shoulder, my lips against your hard nipples. Imagine floating, waiting and wondering, eagerly anticipating what I’ll do to you. Then you hear the whoosh of my deerskin flogger as it cuts through the air. Before it brushes across your luscious bottom, your nerve endings crackle in expectation. Then, as the falls land, your skin explodes with sensation. Think if I followed that with my tongue or a vibe against your clit.”

  By the time he finished, her breathing was erratic and shallow, and she couldn’t suppress the low groan that erupted from deep with her. She lifted her mouth to press against his teasing lips. “I’d go off like a rocket on a launch pad.”

  “Will you try for me, Lex? We could work up to it slowly.”

  She thought about it for a moment.

  “I’d like you to try and maybe we can put this fear behind you for good.”

  Breathlessly, she agreed. “I will try for you, Master.”

  “Thank you, Sunshine. Trust me to make it good for you. Remember, this is supposed to be fun, as well as relaxing, beautiful and freakin’ hot. You always have your safeword, and if you don’t like it after trying it, we can move on to something else. There are hundreds of ties to explore and accessories and toys to keep it fresh and steamy.”

  “Please, I’m steamy now.”

  “I need to lock up. Can you hold off until we get home to our comfortable bed?”

  “I don’t know if I can make it that long, but I’ll try.”


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