Welcome to Happytown (April Almighty Book 2)

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Welcome to Happytown (April Almighty Book 2) Page 1

by Tim Miller




  Tim Miller

  Tim Miller

  Welcome to Happytown

  © 2014, Tim Miller

  San Antonio, TX

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Cover photo provided by MadMaskMan

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27


  Also by Tim Miller

  About the Author

  Chapter 1

  April Kennedy sat in the car looking out the window. They had been on the road a little over an hour. She didn’t want to be on this trip; she wanted to be home. It had been almost eighteen months since she’d been abducted and tortured by a family of psycho rednecks. It was only by some miracle she had escaped. And it was a literal miracle.

  After watching those animals torture, rape, and mutilate several other people, she had attempted to escape. During her attempt, she fell into a dirty swamp that smelled and looked funny. It had a greenish glow to it. Once she emerged, she had the strangest ability she’d ever heard of. All her life she’d read in comics about super heroes who get super strength, flight, telekinesis, and other cool powers. Hers was making men ejaculate without touching them.

  That’s right; she can get guys off anytime she wants. At least she doesn’t have to touch them. Though an interesting side effect is once they get off, she can control their minds. She hadn’t used the ability at all since she escaped. Well, once. One of the killers and his cousin came after her at her home. She made them do horrible things to each other before they died. That was the last time.

  Since then, she’d become a bit of a recluse. She didn’t go online or even have a cell phone. All she did was sit around the house and read all day. Her friend Stacy decided it was finally time to get her out of the house.

  “You awake?” Stacy said from the seat next to her. She looked back toward her.

  “I’m fine. I came along didn’t I?” April said.

  “Yeah, but you haven’t said shit since we left.”

  “Sorry. Just not used to going out I guess.”

  “Yeah I know. You’re a fucking hermit. That’s why you’re coming with us to Dallas.”

  “Whatever. Dallas is overrated anyway,” April said.

  “Oh my God! How can you say that?” Kimberly said from the front passenger seat. She was one of Stacy’s friends, but April had hung out with her a few times. “I fucking love Dallas. So much more to do than San Antonio or Austin.”

  “Like what?”

  “You know. Lots of stuff.”

  “Come on. Stop being so emo,” Stacy said. “I’m gonna make you have fun dammit. Maybe even get you laid.”

  “Oh Jesus. Just what I need. A nameless drunk guy humping my shit.”

  “You make it sound so romantic,” Stacy said.

  “It’s just the truth,” April answered. Though she didn’t want to explain she could get the guy off without him having to hump anything. Before her incident, she had been a very sexual person. Since the incident however, she didn’t like being touched at all. While her assailants never did rape her, she watched them rape everyone else in horrible ways. That and just the fact she was naked and they had their hands on her at all. The mere thought of anyone touching her body at all made her want to scream.

  “Whatever we do, it’ll be fun.”

  “You know, if you have trouble getting laid, I can help you out with that?” Todd said. He was the driver and also Kimberly’s boyfriend. Kim smacked his arm. April never had trouble getting guys. She usually had the opposite problem; guys wouldn’t leave her alone. Todd had been flirting with her since the drive had started. She had often been told she could or should be a model, with her long black hair and bright blue eyes. Modeling wasn’t something she desired to do. Though anymore, she had no idea what she wanted to do with her life.

  One thing she didn’t miss about social media was the constant messages from guys trying to pick her up. She didn’t mind the “Hello beautiful” messages so much. It was the “Wow, you are so hot. I just want to lick your pussy until you cum all over my face,” messages that drove her crazy. Even though in public guys would occasionally act stupid.

  Todd was being the perfect example. She had just met him today, and this was at least the third time he’d referenced having sex with her. Kim was very pretty and seemed like a sweet girl. April couldn’t believe that he disrespects Kim to her face like that. She wondered what would happen if she used her power on him while he was driving.

  “Don’t take that shit from him Kim,” April said. “Cut his ass off.”

  “That’ll just make me work it even harder. She knows better,” Todd said as he smacked Kim’s thigh. “Don’tcha babe?”

  Kim brushed his hand away without saying anything. He laughed, looked back at April and winked. She just glared at him as Stacy gave him the finger.

  “Don’t mind him. He’s just messing around,” Stacy said.

  “Yeah, I know,” April said just trying to change the subject from anything other than Todd.

  “Fuck,” Todd said.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Look at this traffic. There’s an accident up ahead. Goddammit look at that!”

  April looked up ahead and saw cars in gridlock as far as she could see.

  “How far up is the wreck?” she asked.

  “I have no idea. Probably miles. Shit, this is gonna take hours,” he said hitting the steering wheel. “Fuck this.” He pulled off the shoulder and drove past the line of cars.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Kim screamed.

  “I’m getting us out of this traffic. There has to be a way around.” After a quarter mile they reached an exit ramp where he pulled off.

  “Where are we going?” Stacy asked.

  “I’m trying to get around all this shit.”

  As they drove, the access road was closed off to construction. April took a deep breath. This is why she hated road trips, especially to Dallas. There was always an accident or construction, or both. Todd turned off on a side road.

  “I’m taking this detour. Fuck this traffic and shit. They were working on this last summer when I came out this way. Fuckers,” Todd grumbled.

  “So do you know where we’re going?�
�� April asked.

  “Yes I know. We’re fine. This road loops right around and back onto the interstate.”

  April looked back out the window. Todd was a douchebag and she had a feeling he had no clue where he was going. After almost an hour when they passed a sign that said “Welcome to Happytown” that feeling was confirmed.

  Chapter 2

  “What the fuck is Happytown?” April asked.

  “Fuck if I know,” Todd said. “Some shitty ass town it looks like. I need to get gas so hopefully there’s a gas station here.”

  They slowly rolled through the street. There was a bank on one corner and a post office next to it. All of the buildings were old, like something you’d see in a Wild West movie. An old man rode a bicycle across the street. A group of kids were playing catch in a parking lot behind one of the stores. Though as they drove by, they all stopped and stared at them. April looked away when one of them stared right at her.

  “Ok, that’s not creepy at all,” she said.

  “Maybe they don’t like strangers,” Stacy said.

  They continued past more stores and some houses before they reached the gas station. It was an older style station, but had a sign out front that listed gas at $3.15 a gallon. At least the gas prices were modern. Todd pulled in at one of the pumps. Once he stopped, they all climbed out of the car. April stretched and let out a long yawn. She was stiff from sitting in the car so long.

  “I’m going to use the bathroom and grab a drink,” April said.

  “I’ll come along,” Kim said. “I’m thirsty.”

  Todd was banging on the lever of the gas pump.

  “Stupid pump isn’t on and they don’t take cards. I guess I’ll go in too and pre-pay. Shitty old town.”

  Stacy ran along behind them as they all headed inside. The inside was small. There was a single cooler with a few drinks in it. The girls each grabbed one and headed to the counter where Todd was arguing with the attendant. The attendant wore a cowboy hat and work shirt and looked way too old to be working at a gas station unless he was the owner.

  “What do you mean you can’t sell me gas?” Todd said.

  “What I just said. I can’t sell you nothin’ until you visit the Funhouse,” the man said.

  “The what? The Funhouse? What the fuck is the Funhouse?” Todd asked.

  “Mind yer language son. I don’t tolerate that in my place a business. Now you wanna buy gas, drinks or anything else in this town? You visit the Funhouse. Them’s the rules.”

  “What’s going on?” April asked.

  “This douchebag says he can’t sell us gas or anything unless we visit some Funhouse first,” Todd explained.

  “What Funhouse?”

  “Look. I can tell by the way you all are dressed you’re city kids. We have our own ways out here. In this town, everyone who comes to visit hasta visit the fun house. It’s how it’s always been,” the man said.

  “Says who?” April asked.

  “Says everyone! Them’s the rules I said. Now, I got a business to run. I can’t help ya until you go visit the Funhouse. Go there then come back here. And don’t try to sneak back here sayin’ you went ‘cause I’ll know if you went or not. Go on now,” he said and went back to doing his crossword puzzle.

  The four looked at each other before going outside. Once outside Todd kicked the gas pump.

  “That’s fuckin’ bullshit! I should go in there and beat his ass!”

  “Todd, calm down babe,” Kim said.

  “Fuck that. That stupid hick is too good to help us? ‘Oh I can’t help you, go visit the Funhouse’,” he mocked in a fake accent.

  “We’ll just keep going. Maybe there’s another gas station in town,” Kim said.

  “I hope so. We won’t make it much further and there isn’t another place to stop for a while.” Todd said. “I don’t want to get stranded in Bum Fuck, Texas but this is fucking bullshit.”

  “Just calm down,” April said. “Let’s go through town and see what else there is. Maybe this guy is just a kook.”

  They climbed back into the car and drove back down the street. There were more houses and people walking around. It was a Saturday afternoon, but the heat was triple digits. April was amazed anyone was outside at all. There was a café down the street.

  “Maybe we can stop there and ask if there’s another gas station somewhere.” April said. “Can’t hurt. Besides, I have to pee.”

  “So do I,” Stacy said.

  “All right, all right” Todd said. “We’ll stop.” He pulled over and they filed into the café. There were maybe a dozen people sitting around eating, all of which stopped and stared at them as they walked in. The townspeople were all dressed in work clothes; jeans, boots, work shirts. The four of them had on shorts, t-shirts, tank tops, and flip flops.

  “You folks lost?” a waitress said. Her nametag said “Debi.”

  “Is there another gas station around town?” Todd asked. “That one down here wouldn’t help us. We have money.”

  “And can I use your bathroom?” April asked.

  Debi looked them each over as if she were sizing them up for a fight.

  “Y’all ain’t been to the Funhouse have ya?” Debi asked.

  “What the fuck is the Funhouse? Why is it so important we go there? We just need some gas, something to drink, and a bathroom and we’ll be out of your hair. Shit, I’ll give you a hundred dollars to use the fucking bathroom,” Todd said.

  “Don’t matter. You could have a million dollars. No Funhouse, no gas, no bathroom.”

  “Fuck this,” Todd said pushing his way past Debi. As he did, several men in the café stood and drew guns, pointing it at the group.

  “Do you assholes speak English?” one of the older men pointing a gun said. “The lady said no bathroom until you go to the goddamn Funhouse. How hard is that to understand?”

  The group took a few steps back, but more men came up behind them.

  “Now, you all had the chance to go. So Coy here is gonna make sure you all get there,” the man said.

  They turned and a tall redneck with a cowboy hat stood behind them, holding a gun and smiling.

  “Howdy. I’m Coy. My truck is outside. You all hop in the back. The Funhouse is just down yonder.”

  “What is with the Funhouse? Why won’t you tell us?” Stacy asked.

  “Shut yer mouth and get in the truck,” Coy said waving the gun. They went outside and for the first time noticed there was nothing but pickup trucks parked along the street.

  “Mine’s the gray one right there,” Coy pointed. They climbed in the back as Coy started the engine and pulled into the street. They drove for a few blocks and made a few turns when they saw it. It was a huge building that may have once been a factory. Now it was colored red and white with streamers hanging from the roof.

  They pulled up to the front which was a giant clown head with its mouth open. There was a door inside the mouth. The truck stopped and Coy hopped out.

  “Here we are. Get on out now,” he said pointing the gun at them. “Go on in there.”

  Todd and the girls looked at each other. April just shrugged.

  “Let’s just go through the stupid fucking Funhouse so we can get some gas already,” she said. “You gonna wait for us?”

  “Nope,” Coy said. “Someone will take ya back when yer done. Don’t you worry.”

  “Is the place even open?” April asked. “There’s no one here it looks like.”

  “Oh it’s open all right. Just go on in that door. They’ll get ya started,” Coy said before he got back in the truck and drove off.

  They walked together toward the door. Kim squeezed Todd’s arm tightly as they walked. Stacy squeezed April’s arm.

  “What’s wrong with you?” April asked.

  “I’m scared. This is fucking weird,” Stacy said.

  “I know. It’s just stupid. Let’s just get it over with.”

  They reached the door and Todd pulled it open. They jumped
as loud circus music began playing over a nearby speaker. Stacy screamed at the noise as her nails dug into April’s arm. The door slammed shut behind them with a bang that echoed through the room. There was a long hallway with a counter in front of them.

  From the hallway, there was a silhouette moving toward them. When it stepped into the light, they saw that it was a clown. He was medium height, with green poofy hair on the sides, no hair on top and the usual white face with a big red smile painted on his face, although it looked off. It was almost too big, almost touching his ears. April couldn’t tell if the man was really smiling or not. Besides, she hated clowns.

  “Hey kids!” the clown said. “Welcome to the Funhouse! I’m Uncle Monkey. This is my place! Welcome!”

  Chapter 3

  “Uncle Monkey?” Todd said. “So do you like to spank the monkey? Haha!”

  Uncle Monkey looked at the four of them before busting out in sarcastic laughter.

  “Hohoho! Hahaha! That is hilarious kid! Never heard that one before! I don’t need to spank the monkey though. I’m sure one of these fine pieces of ass would be more than happy to,” Uncle Monkey said winking at the girls. April for no reason she could think of, crossed her arms as if she were covering herself.

  “What the fuck? I’m gonna beat you’re ass bitch!” Todd yelled.

  “Oh now. Not so fast. I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Uncle Monkey said, putting his hand up. “You all need to go through here before you can get out of town, so I suggest you do. Now, enough of your dick waving. Let’s get down to business.” He picked up a bell and rang it three times. Another clown emerged from the back. This one was short and hunched over.

  He was bald with the usual white face paint, but his mouth was painted into a frown and he had a big red ball on his nose. He had a small pirate hat on and was wearing a black and yellow jumpsuit.

  “This is Crazy Koko. Look out for him. He’s a wild one!”

  “Hello folks,” he said in a low voice that almost sounded like Chumley the Walrus. “Ready to get started?”

  “How is he crazy?” April asked.

  “Awww, he looks so sad,” Kim said.

  “It’s just his makeup. I’m sure he’s fine,” April said.


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