Book Read Free

Outside the Box

Page 21

by H. M. Montes

  “First you have to tell me how you met him, I mean, those kind of guys aren’t the kind you bump into everyday!”

  “I don’t think you want me to tell you, you’ll think differently of me.”

  “Nonsense…spill!” She waved her hand dismissively then waited for me to start talking.

  “Promise not to judge me?”

  She put her hands on her hips, “Woman if you knew some of the stupid things I’ve done, you wouldn’t even be asking that question.” She told me.

  “Well, (I cleared my throat) have you heard of a place called “The Box”?”

  She twisted her lips up as she was thinking, “Oh…ohhh that sex club down the street that way…no that way…no that…”

  “It’s that way.” I said and laughed.

  “You met him there, what room were you watching? I love Box one.”

  I swallowed hard, “Box…box one?” I stuttered out with a question.

  This time it was her that blushed, “Okay so my boyfriend and I are guilty of going, but you’ve seen what goes on in there. This one couple…”

  “When was the last time you went?” I was hoping it had been a while.

  “About a month ago.” She said.

  Nope there went my hopes that she hadn’t seen me in the box with Spencer.

  I plopped down in one of the chairs, “And you don’t recognize me?”

  “Uhhmmm, how could I?”

  “Because it was me and Spencer in the box together when you watched. I went by the name Ember he went by the name Jasper.”

  She stood there with her mouth open, then she closed it, “OH.MY.GOD! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT PEOPLE WERE SAYING ABOUT YOU?” she yelled.

  “I probably don’t want to.” I hid my face in my hands.

  She walked over and pulled my hands down, “They were saying how great of a couple you two made, how great it was that you could feel the passion and love from you two. Not to mention we couldn’t even get a private room the entire time when it was you two in there! His dick must be at least this big, (she held her hands apart about eight inches so I moved them apart a little more.) And..and his body he looks like that William guy!”

  “Prince William or Destiney’s boyfriend William?” I asked in confusion.

  “Oh my god, no…that … hang on. She held a finger up and typed something into her phone. “This William, William Levy!” on her screen was a guy that I had never seen before but his body really did look like Spencer’s.

  “Close, but Spencer’s abs are more defined.” I said with a laugh.

  She fanned her face some more, “Never mind I don’t need details. So you two are dating now?”

  I shook my head ‘no’ at her slowly, knowing she was going to yell at me.


  So, I explained everything to her and told her about everything that had been going on with Derrick.

  “Lexi, I’ll tell you what is bothering you about Spencer. You know he’s rich, handsome…no, let me rephrase that, he’s fucking HOT, and he’s got some power over people. You’re afraid that you aren’t good enough for him because you are in college and beauty school. But stop and think about this, he didn’t know that about you when you were in the box and you didn’t know that about him. So the feelings are genuine and the chemistry is real.”

  I thought about what she said, “I guess I didn’t think about it that way, I was thinking it was lust.”

  She shook her head, “You love him, I heard you tell him. So make sure you tell Derrick that it’s either just friends or nothing at all.”

  “I’m pretty sure that when I tell him my happy bubble is going to burst. I don’t like making people mad, I should have just told him about Spencer a long time ago.”

  “Of course he might get mad, you’re beautiful, smart, funny, and down to earth. If he truly loves you as a friend he’ll understand and be happy that you’ve found true love.” She said and smiled.

  We hung up the new signs in her shop I laughed at the one that said, “I’m a Beautician not a Magician!”

  On the drive back to my apartment Julie kept talking about how I shouldn’t waste any more time not being with Spencer, “He’s probably just as scared as you are. Just go with it, every couple will fight…it’s worth the make-up sex. I’d be picking fights with him all the time, he’d eventually catch on though.” We both laughed hard at that statement.

  I was dead tired when I got to the apartment, Derrick had tried to call me a few times during the week, but I was so busy I didn’t get a chance to call him back and we kept missing each other in the evening when I would get home from night classes.

  After my shower I text him that I was sorry and hadn’t been avoiding him.

  D: Don’t forget about Sunday ;)

  L: I know, I’m going to get some rest and be lazy all day tomorrow. I’m actually nervous to meet your brother!

  D: Why? He’s cool, if he’s a dick to you just tell him to fuck off. LOL.

  L: LOL, night.

  D: Night beautiful.

  “Oh Derrick, I sure hope you still think that on Sunday.” I said then rolled over and went to sleep.

  Saturday I didn’t wake up until almost noon, Frank was pretty sure she was going to die of starvation by the time I showered and fed her. Destiney and William sat around and watched movies with me, Destiney panicked when Frank jumped on her lap then curled up on Williams. “Don’t move whatever you do, it’s a trap. I bet she is plotting her attack on me.” She told William. Throughout the movie she kept glancing down at Frank checking to make sure she was still sleeping.

  William cooked us supper that night, they said they had a party to go to the following day so they wouldn’t be around in the afternoon. We didn’t talk about Spencer or Derrick, instead we talked about school, work, and William told me all about their trip to the Cayman Islands they had planned for two weeks over spring break. They offered to get me a ticket but I told them I would be fine staying here for two weeks. Destiney knew that I hated flying and that trip would be a complete disaster for me.

  I went to bed about ten thirty that night, I was stressing out about talking with Derrick on Sunday but I knew that it had to be done.

  Derrick called me at nine the next morning to tell me his dad was in town so he would have to cancel our morning cuddle time, “I’ll be back here around two thirty to get you, I’m sorry I don’t get to see you this morning.”

  I yawned, “It’s okay, what do I need to wear to the party?”

  “Just comfy clothes, he’s got a huge pool we’ll all end up in anyways.”

  “Wait your dad’s going to be there? Derrick this sure sounds like I’m getting introduced to your whole family!”

  He laughed, “I told them we are just friends, it won’t be all my family. There will be a bunch of his co-workers and friends there too.”

  I blew out a breath, “Okay I’ll see you when you get back, just call me and I’ll meet you downstairs.”

  “Will do, later.”

  I called Julie to see if I could come in to get waxed since I had missed my other appointment the previous week and the razor I had was barely sharp enough to shave my legs.

  “So did you tell Derrick?” she asked then ripped some wax off of me.

  I hissed through my teeth, “No, he’s out with his dad. I guess we’ll have a talk later after we leave his brothers place.”

  Another strip of wax ripped off, “I’m sure he’ll be understanding. I’m one hundred percent sure that Spencer is going to love this wax job.” She said with a laugh.

  I got back to my apartment, found my red bikini, I put it on then wore my denim mini skirt and Harley Davidson tank top that mom had bought for me last year for my birthday. I made a sandwich and had just finished it when Derrick called to tell me he was on his way to get me.

  I walked out of the building and there he sat in a silver Hummer, he opened the door for me and helped me climb in. Then he ran around the front and got
in to the driver seat.

  “You look smokin’ hot Lexi.” He said and put his hand on my leg.

  “Thank you, how did your day go with your dad?”

  “Eh, like usual. He flaunted his younger my aged girlfriend in front of everybody and let her paw at him in front of everybody, like usual.”

  He asked me how my day had went and if I had gotten enough rest since my week had been so busy. “I think so, that test wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. Professor German wants me to help tutor some of the other student.”

  “Don’t put too much on your plate, you are busier now than what you were when you babysat at night.” He said and squeezed my leg, he left it there the entire drive to his brother’s house.

  “Holy shit! He lives here?!” I asked as he punched the code into a keypad at the gate.

  Derrick Laughed, “Yeah, I told him to sale the place since it’s just him but he won’t.”

  “What does he do for a living? This place is a huge!”

  “He owns his own business.”

  “Must be nice, holy hell. I wouldn’t know what to do with a house that big!”

  He pulled into a space behind the cars that line the driveway, “Looks like they’ve started without us.” He shut the vehicle off then came around and helped me out. He grabbed my hand as we walked up the driveway, around the side of the house, and through the privacy fence gate.

  There were what seemed like hundreds of people standing around, the first person I spotted was Destiney.

  “Destiney, what are you doing here?”

  “I told you we had a party to go to, what are you doing here?” she asked.

  “This is Derrick’s brother’s birthday party.”

  Derrick walked back over to me and put his hand on my waist, “Glad to see you guys got invited, have you seen the big dick head anywhere?” he asked and laughed.

  “I have no clue we were mailed an invite…”

  “Hey little man it’s about god damn time you showed up.” Spencer’s voice boomed from behind me and Derrick.

  I closed my eyes, “Please don’t let it be Spencer, Please don’t let it be him.” I chanted over and over in my head. I turned around with Derrick and there he was, in a pair of board shorts, flip flops and no shirt.

  “What’s up jackass?” Derrick pulled him into a one armed hug but never let go of my hand. My eyes locked with Spencer’s, he looked down at Derrick and I’s hands and his eyes snapped back up to mine. His eyes flared with anger and his jaw muscle tensed.

  “Uh. Who’s your friend?” he asked Derrick.

  “This is Lexi, Lexi this is my brother Spencer. Spencer this is Lexi.” Spencer looked down at our hands again then looked at Derrick. He said nothing to me instead he walked past me and started talking to a group of people that were standing behind us.

  “I told you he’s a dick head, I’m going to go find the drinks, do you want something?”

  Pepto Bismol sounded pretty good at the moment since I felt like I was going to puke right there on the pool deck. “Just a water please.”

  Once he was gone I walked back over to Destiney and William, “Huge problem…HUUGE problem.” I said and started shaking.

  “What’s wrong?” Destiney asked me.

  “How did you guys get invited here?”

  “Because we are club VIP members.” William said. “What’s wrong, you look like you’re about to puke.”

  “Um, well, that guy that you see us talking to is Spencer, Derrick’s brother.”

  “WHAT?!” Destiney whispered. “Like THE Spencer? Your Spencer? Jasper?”

  I couldn’t talk so I nodded my head ‘yes’.

  “What…how…it’s okay, we’ll figure something out. Just relax.” Destiney stuttered out.

  Derrick came back, “I’m going to steal her for a few minutes.” He told them and grabbed my hand. He weaved us through the crowd of people until I, once again, found myself standing in front of Spencer. He was talking to an older guy that looked like both him and Derrick.

  “Dad this is Lexi, Lexi this is my dad Randy.”

  His dad smiled at me, “Pleasure to meet you Lexi, Derrick told me all about you this morning.”

  A tall skinny woman with long silky black hair, wearing a white bikini walked over to Randy and wrapped her arms around his waist, “Aww, she’s adorable Derrick, you must be Lexi? I’m Camille.” She stuck her hand out so I shook it. I couldn’t look at Spencer but I could feel his eyes boring into me.

  “It’s nice to meet you too.” I finally found my voice to talk.

  “Looks like the pool is starting to see some action, Lexi lets dive in.” Derrick smiled down at me then led me over to a lounge chair.

  “I need to use the restroom first can you show me where it’s at?” I asked.

  “Just go through those big glass double doors, through the kitchen. Use the one upstairs second door on the right. I’m going to see if they have the grill fired up.”

  I nodded my head then turned and hurried through the crowd of people and tried to spot Destiney or William but I couldn’t find them. When I finally found the bathroom I was in aww at the size of it. Nothing could settle my nerves though. I sat down on the small bench next to a massive two seat Jacuzzi tub that was built into the floor. With my face resting in my hands I tried to gather my thoughts and not start to panic.

  The bathroom door opened then slammed shut, “Are you fucking serious? My little brother is who you’ve been fucking?!” Spencer yelled.

  I looked up at him, “I’m sorry but I sure as hell had no fucking clue that you two are brothers!” I yelled back.

  He shook his head, “This is un fucking believable.” He ran his hand through his hair.

  “I think I’ll just go back to the apartment, I can’t do this. My nerves are shot already.”

  “You are not fucking leaving!”

  “I’m not staying!” I told him.

  “Lexi, are you in there?” Derrick asked and tapped lightly on the door.

  I shook my head and glared at Spencer, he stepped out of the way, just before I reached the door he grabbed my wrist. “Welcome to my fucking house LEXI!” he whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. I yanked my hand out of his grasp and pulled the door open.

  “You okay?” Derrick asked.

  “I’m fine, I was just admiring the bathroom, I love that bathtub.”

  “He’s got more money than he knows what to do with I swear.” He said as we walked down the short wide hallway. I looked back over my shoulder before I followed Derrick down the massive staircase, Spencer had come out of the bathroom and was staring at me with his arms crossed over is chest.

  When we got back outside, the music was turned up and people were jumping in the pool to play a game of volleyball. Derrick asked if I wanted to play but I declined, I had to think of a way to get out of here and back to the apartment without Spencer stopping me or all hell breaking loose.

  I sent Julie a text and asked if she could come get me, but, she was out of town and wouldn’t be back until later in the evening. I sighed and sat down on the lounge chair, Destiney came over and sat on the one next to me.

  “How in the hell did this happen?” she asked.

  “I have no clue, neither of them ever said who the brother was. I can’t believe this. See this is a sign we can’t be together…I didn’t even ask his brothers name!” I pushed my face into my hands.

  “Okay, here’s what we are going to do. Just relax and act like everything is fine, as soon as William is ready to leave, you can leave with us.”

  “Act like everything is fine? Sure, because that’s so easy to do now that Spencer knows who I was talking about the other night. This is going to lead to a disaster, I can feel it.”

  “Just chill, let’s catch some sun and relax.” Destiney said as she stripped her shirt and shorts off. I pulled my shirt and denim skirt off and laid back in the chair. With my sunglasses on I blocked everything out and trie
d to relax to the music.



  The party was in full swing, people were having fun, drinking beer, visiting, and Jocee was cooking some kind of bacon wrapped popper on the grill with Victoria supervising. Numerous VIP’s from the club had been invited, Patricia and her girlfriend were here, dad and his girlfriend had arrived earlier in the day, but my brother was running late as usual. Jocee shooed me away from the grill and told me I needed to go be sociable. I made my way through the crowd when I heard my brother’s voice I weaved around people until I was standing behind him. His hand was resting on the hip of a woman wearing a frayed denim skirt, a tank top and a red bikini. When they both turned around there I stood staring at Alexia…with my brother’s arm wrapped around her waist and his hand resting on her hip. My blood instantly started to boil, Alexia looked like she was about to be sick. Surely the “friend with benefits” she had told me about wasn’t Derrick. I replayed our conversation over in my head, Not one time could I remember her saying Derrick’s name, the one time Derrick had started to tell me about the woman he had been spending time with he was interrupted and never got to finish telling me about her. Her friends she was talking to were invited because they were VIP’s at my club. Derrick never took his hands off of her, he was constantly touching her lower back, her hips, or running his hand down her back, I was ready to break my brothers fucking hands.

  When I confronted her in the bathroom she said she was going to leave so there wouldn’t be any problems. No way in hell was I going to let her leave, we were going to set things straight so Derrick wouldn’t keep putting his hands all over my woman or fucking her on Sundays for that matter.

  Alexia and Destiney were both lounging on the chaise lounge chairs, I stared at her from across the pool. Her bikini bottoms had strings that tied just below each hip bone, the top was red and had a tie behind her neck and the middle of her back.

  “She’s pretty hot huh?” Patricia asked from beside.

  “You don’t even want to know what I think of her.” I replied and took a long drink of my beer.


  I turned and looked down at her, “That’s…”


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