Book Read Free

Outside the Box

Page 23

by H. M. Montes

  I was hoping that once she was admitted to the Accounting department and would be going to school in the evenings for cosmetology that we would get more time together but it didn’t work out that way. I still only got to see her on Sundays.

  Dad had called to tell me he wanted to go out for lunch on the Sunday of Spencer’s birthday party. I decided to let Lexi have a little more time to get more rest instead of dragging her out with me. Lunch with dad and his girlfriend Camille dragged on, he was just now trying to be a dad by asking how school, sports, and my life was going. I thought about telling him if he would take the time to answer my phone calls he would know, or that if he hadn’t left mom for a younger woman he would know more about me. I chose to be nice and told him everything was going great.

  On the drive to Spencer’s house I placed my hand on Lexi’s thigh, she didn’t hold my hand and she seemed nervous. Probably because she was going to be meeting my brother and my dad, I told her she could relax, they knew I was bringing a friend with me. The look on her face when we pulled up to Spencer’s house was complete shock. I never did understand why he didn’t downsize after his divorce but he said he had invested too much time and labor into the house, so he was making changes to the inside to get rid of any trace of his ex-wife. There were cars lining both sides of his driveway but I found a spot closer to the house to park so we wouldn’t have to walk a mile. When we walked through the gate to the backyard the first person Lexi seen was Destiney so she went over to talk to her. I said hi to a few of the people I recognized from the weekend that Spencer and I had went clubbing together with Josh.

  Spencer found me shortly after I had found Lexi and Destiney, he looked less than pleased when he stared Lexi down but she didn’t flinch, most women would have cowered to the glare he gave her. She didn’t though, she stared him down until he walked away. I found dad and Spencer talking so I took Lexi over to meet dad, he didn’t believe me when I told him we were just friends. “Shit son I’m not stupid I know that look, it’s more than friends.” He had said, I sure as hell wasn’t going to tell him that he was right. She was gone for about twenty minutes so I wanted to go find her, hopefully she hadn’t got lost in his mansion of a house. I found her just as she was getting ready to come out of the bathroom, I laughed when she told me she had been standing in the bathroom admiring the massive sunken two-seater Jacuzzi bathtub. For the next couple of hours she and Destiney laid in the chaise lounge chairs and visited while tanning. I couldn’t stop staring at her body in that red bikini, I could see her skin getting pink from the sun so I climbed out of the pool and quietly walked over to her. Once the water from my hair landed against her skin she gasped and quickly sat up.

  “That’s COLD!” she gasped and wiped her hand across her toned stomach.

  I braced my hands on the arms of the chair, “You’re getting burnt from the sun, I think you should climb in the pool with me.” I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

  “I’m comfy right here though, I’ll get in after bit.” She said and smiled.

  I lowered my face so that our lips were almost touching, “I’m holding you to that, this is my Sunday and I haven’t gotten my cuddle time yet.”

  “Sorry, I promise.” She smiled again. I lowered my lips to her and kissed her, my tongue swept across her bottom lip but she held her lips closed not meeting me. Our lips stayed pressed together for a few more seconds until I pulled away. She swallowed hard and sat up straighter in the chair like she was nervous, I figured it was probably because I had just kissed her in front of everybody including some of my family. I ran my hand through my hair then walked away.

  Jocee one of my brother’s house employees was cooking the hamburgers, hot dogs, and vegetable shish kabobs. I was visiting with her since she had such a great sense of humor, I tried to grab a veggie but she slapped my hand away and started talking to me about Lexi.

  “Very pretty, I like how she has no fakeness to her.” She told me with a grin.

  “She is beautiful.” I said while staring at Lexi. I looked closer and Lexi was staring across the pool at somebody, I followed her line of vision to where Spencer was glaring at her. He was talking to a lady that had her hand resting on his forearm and was whispering something to him. I looked back at Lexi, she stood quickly, walked through a small crowd of people and into the house. Spencer watched her then turned to the lady that was standing beside him and had what appeared to be a small argument.

  “Who is that Spencer is talking to?” I asked Jocee.

  “I’m not sure, there are a few people I don’t recognize here. She’s very pretty too, maybe he’s found a nice lady to settle down with.”

  “HA, that’s funny, I don’t see that happening anytime soon.” I told her.

  “See what happening anytime soon?” Josh walked up to the grill and tried to take one of the shish kabobs, Jocee’s sister Victoria slapped his hand away and mutter something in Spanish at him.

  “I was just wondering who that is with Spencer, he was just giving Lexi the evil eye.”

  The drink of beer that Josh took spewed out of his mouth then he coughed until he cleared his throat, “Lexi is here?”

  I looked at him, “Well yeah, where the fuck have you been?”

  “Uhm…I haven’t been here long. Where’d she go?” he asked looking around the crowded area.

  Dad’s girlfriend Camille walked up to us and started talking to Josh about the house he had bought in Los Angeles. I wasn’t paying attention though I was looking for Lexi but she still hadn’t come back outside. I excused myself from Josh and Camille to go inside and see what Lexi was doing.

  I walked through the kitchen and started to walk up the stairs when I looked in the living room, there sat Lexi on the couch and Spencer on the ottoman. Neither of them noticed that I had walked in so I took another step closer to hear what they were saying. Spencer’s voice was so deep I couldn’t hear what he was saying, whatever he had said to Lexi caused her to look up at him quickly. “I’m not telling him here.” She hissed out at him. Spencer said something else, she shook her head, “I’m not going to do that with him and I’m not telling him…” Lexi looked like she was scared to death because of the death glare Spencer was giving her.

  “Telling me what?” I asked then walked into the living room. Lexi jumped when she heard my voice then looked up at me. She looked nervous and like she was about to start crying. I told her we could leave since she was obviously not comfortable with Spencer and he was being a total asshole. He told me we weren’t leaving but I sure as hell wasn’t going to stand back and let him treat my girlfriend like shit. When I called Lexi my girlfriend she quickly corrected me, it was like I had been kicked in the ribs and the wind knocked out of me.

  “You or me take your pick.” Spencer said to her.

  I wasn’t sure what his problem was but I knew he could tell that she wasn’t comfortable with the conversation he was trying to have with her or the looks he was shooting at her.

  The conversation that followed after that turned into a blur and my vision went red when I punched Spencer then tackled him to the ground and punch him again. I pounded my knee into his ribs twice before he flipped me off of him then punched me no doubt breaking my nose. I knew that his ribs were probably broke so I tried to roll him again but my dad’s booming voice echoed through the room then I was being pulled away. We both had blood running down our faces, each time Spencer tried to breath he winced from the pain, yep, I had definitely broke a rib or two. My blood was still boiling as I listened to Josh defend himself against Spencer that was yelling at him for even giving Lexi the postcards…the same postcards I had given to women to work at my brothers sex club. I was beyond pissed, with my head tilted back I stared at the ceiling waiting for my nose to quit bleeding. My blood thundered through my ears as I listened to Lexi ask Josh questions. But when Spencer said that he loves her, and that she loves him, I lunged for him again but was quickly stopped by William. Hearing her say she wasn’t my girlfriend
was nothing compared to hearing Spencer tell me she loves him…not me…him.

  It took a few minutes for Spencer to agree to let me talk to her without him being in the same room, but he finally went back outside.

  “What the fuck just happened?” I asked with my back turned to Lexi. I turned around and looked at her, she had tears in her eyes so she quickly wiped them away.

  “I’m so sorry Derrick, this is all my fault, I should have told you. I was going to today, I was going to tell you that we could still be friends but the benefits wouldn’t be the added bonus anymore.” She wiped a tear from her face.

  I shook my head, sat down on the ottoman and watched her as she paced, “Lexi sit the fuck down.” I told her.

  She walked over to the couch and sat down, “I’m so sorry, I swear Derrick I didn’t do anything to purposely hurt you.”

  “Did you ever have feelings for me? Or was I really just a friend with benefits to you?”

  “You were a friend first, the benefits were as you put it, an added bonus.”

  I shook my head and laughed, “You can honestly tell me that we would have never been more than friends? Until, as you put it, one of us met somebody else, then we would have no choice but to be friends? Has this been going on since I was in Texas for that tournament?”

  “Yes.” She answered softly.

  “Yes to what? Give me a little something to work with Lexi. Do you actually love my brother? Because I can’t honestly say that I’m a hundred percent sure he loves you, not since his ex-wife did what she did.”

  “Yes to all of it, it’s so complicated Derrick. I’ve been trying for days to figure out how this could happen. I’ve tried to make excuses for myself, I tried to get my heart to believe that it wasn’t real love that it was just lust. I can’t, I love him and it scares the hell out of me. Derrick I don’t think the feelings you have for me are love, what you feel for me is lust, I love you too. (she held her hand up to keep me from interrupting her) I love you and care about you in a friendship but with Spencer it’s…well it’s, I can’t explain it. I didn’t mean to hurt you, you have every right to hate me and call me whatever you want.”

  “Lexi…” I tried to interrupt her.

  “I feel so stupid, how the hell did I not put two a two together that you and him are brothers. He was my professor for a week, last name Scott, same as yours.”

  “Hey in your defense there are about eighteen other Scott’s at the campus we aren’t related to.” I told her.

  “I’m so so sorry.” She kept apologizing.

  “Lexi just shut up okay. Listen to me, (I cupped her face in my hands) hearing you talk about lust and love really makes this a little easier. I think, like you, the love I feel for you is more a friendship love. I did enjoy the times we spent together, you are an amazing woman, I don’t ever want to hear you call yourself a slut again because you are far from it. I just hope that he doesn’t hurt you, if he breaks your heart I’m not going to be held accountable for my actions. I’ve noticed a change in him, hell he’s even been talking to mom, so I think you’re good for him and he’s good for you.”

  She sat there blinking at me, silence filled the room then she launched herself at me and hugged me. “I don’t want you to hate me, promise you don’t. Promise me we can still be friends, that things won’t be overly weird between us.”

  I laughed and rubbed her back, “I can’t say it won’t be weird between us for a while but I’ll get over it. I’m not giving that asshole my Sundays though.”

  She pulled away from the hug, “I’m not sure he’ll take to kindly to what we use to do on Sundays.” She said and wrinkled her nose up.

  I tapped the end of her nose, “The added bonus won’t be there but if he can’t handle us watching a movie together and us talking I’ll break more of his ribs.” I gave her a wink, then stood up and so did she.

  “I can’t believe that Josh knew and never told you or Spencer. I think I know now what he was getting at that day he caught me at the fitness center.”

  “Yeah, he should have been able to tell one of us. I’m not mad at him, he was just doing his job. He did say that he tried to tell Spencer but got interrupted. Things will work out just promise you won’t change who you are.”

  “Nope, what you see is what you get.” She smiled when she said it.

  “Okay, there my mind just went to the gutter, (I winked), I’ll go out and talk to him. If his pussy ass wants to go to the hospital for those ribs make sure the driver hits every bump he can.”

  “Now that’s just cruel.” She laughed.

  I shrugged a shoulder and laughed when she slapped my arm. I hugged her again then walked out of the house.



  “I’m fully capable of walking you know.” I told Spencer as he carried me, wrapped around him, up the massive granite staircase.

  “Mmm but I like feeling your heat against me.” He told me then opened his bedroom door.

  With me still wrapped around him he winced when he laid me down on the bed, “Spencer you shouldn’t have carried me, I’ll probably hurt you worse.”

  He covered my mouth with his ignoring what I had just said. “I think something else is hurting worse, this little fucking bikini is coming off.” His hands grabbed the ties on each side of the bottoms and slowly he pulled the strings then lifted my hips and slid the fabric out from under me. He picked my foot up, kissed the inside of my ankle and ran his finger down the middle of my foot. It should have tickled but his touch was so light it felt like he was using a feather against my skin as he continued to move his finger up the back of my leg. With my foot resting on his shoulder he kissed up my leg but pulled back and started at my other ankle. “I fucking love your goose bumps, I can practically feel your body humming with anticipation of what I’m going to do to you next.”

  My eyes rolled back and I closed them, when I felt the heat of his breath against my pussy. He didn’t touch me though, his kissed above it then made his way up my stomach and to my chest, I arched my back so he could reach the ties on the back. My skin was so hot and feverish but I couldn’t stop the goose bumps that covered me when he kissed my shoulder. I tried to reach forward and take his board shorts off but he pushed his hips away from me.

  “Not yet, if you touch me now…you’ll think I’m a maniac because I want to be inside you so bad.”

  “Please?” I whispered and closed my eyes when he rolled my nipples between his fingers.

  “I’m going to take my time with you Alexia, I want to kiss you, touch you, and make love to you. I want you to feel my lips everywhere on your body when we aren’t together. When you’re in school I want you to feel my lips here.” He slowly circled one of my hardened nipples with his tongue this put his lips around it. “And here.” He moved to my other breast and did the same thing. My blood was starting to tingle through my veins with each kiss, each nibble, each word.

  He kissed a trail down my stomach, circled my belly button with his tongue, “Watch what I do to you Alexia. Watch how much your body needs me.” He told me. I watched each sensual kiss as he moved lower then spread my legs with his broad shoulder and positioned his head between my thighs. “I want you to feel my lips and my tongue here…” he spread my pussy lips apart and so slowly licked from my wet opening up to my clit. “I want you to know that it’s always going to be my lips, my kiss, my tongue…only me that can do this to your body.” One of his flingers slid inside of me, then he pushed another inside. “Grab the headboard baby.” He told me. I wrapped my hands around the black wooden pillars of his headboard. His fingers pumped in and out of me slowly but he pushed them deep each thrust back inside. With his other hand he spread my lips apart, and circled my clit with the tip of his tongue. He pulled his fingers out slid wetness down my crease to my rear entrance. “I want this too, not yet though.” He said as he pressed against the taught hole. My blood was now burning its way through me and straight to my core. With his two fingers eas
ed back inside of me, and his tongue flicking against my clit, he pushed his pinky against my rear hole. “Relax.” He told me, “Trust me Alexia, you’re so fucking wet.” When his pinky slid inside of me he started moving his hand faster but was careful not to make me uncomfortable.

  “Spencer, oh…I’m going to…”I was shaking from the orgasm that was setting my body on fire.

  “Cum for me Alexia.” Our eyes locked on each other’s and my orgasm blasted through my body. He sucked on my clit causing my body to jerk with each contraction of my pussy muscles.

  My body was covered in thin layer of sweat as he moved back up my body until we were face to face. “That was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever watched.” I pulled his face to mine and kissed him. My juices covered his lips, mixed with his taste I couldn’t pull away. He moved to the side and quickly took his shorts off. I could feel the heat of his length against my thigh, when he rolled back on top of me didn’t move to push inside of me. We laid there staring at each other, “I mean it Alexia, I love you. You’ve got the power to break me, I’ll do anything I can to make you happy and make you realize we are meant to be together.”

  “I love you.” I told him. Then he pushed inside of me, while my body adjusted to his girth and length. He grasped my hands and pressed them against the bed as our bodies moved together. We took our time not moving fast, we were making love, sharing our bodies, our hearts beating together, and our breaths caressing each other’s faces. We never stopped staring into each other’s eyes, every whispered ‘I love you’ was followed by a soul assuring kiss that we would be together. That I was his and he was mine. His cock grew harder, he stilled, “I love you Alexia.” He said then kissed me as he cum inside of me.


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