The Laws of Attraction (Love is a Destination Book 2)
Page 13
“Ares, did I lose you?”
Ares ran a hand over his head. “No, sir. I’m here.”
“I shouldn’t have to remind you that in this instance since you’re doing this as a favor for me personally, I am your client and there is attorney/client privilege.”
“I’m well aware, sir.” It irritated him that Mr. Bird felt the need to remind him how the law worked. Sharing a client’s private information could get him disbarred. And in Mr. Bird’s case, Ares felt sure the man would go after him out of spite.
Jonathon went on. “Jane’s kids don’t want her to sell and I also know Pamela has been asking around. My daughter is not to know the truth about who her mother is, do you understand me? I will tell her myself when the time is right. If I find out she heard about it from you, you will be fired on the spot.”
Ares couldn’t deny that, but he hated to keep the secret from Birdy. She deserved to know the truth.
“Tell me you understand and that you will have the contract emailed to me my midnight tonight your time. Any later and I’ll consider it your resignation.”
“Yes, sir. I understand,” Ares checked his watch, his stomach twisted in knots. It was eight thirty. That didn’t give him a lot of wiggle room.
“Good. See you in a few days.” Mr. Bird hung up.
Ares shuddered out a breath. After that phone call, how was he going to face Birdy? The answer was, he couldn’t. He needed to talk to his team about finishing up the contract. Finding the number in his contacts, he dialed. Even though it was two thirty a.m. in New York, his associate answered immediately. “Hey, Freddy. Drop everything. I need the Pammy Socks contract buttoned up and sent over to me within the hour so I can review it. Mr. Bird wants it on his desk in three hours.”
“On it,” Freddy said.
“Good.” Ares hung up with Freddy and shoved his phone in his pocket. Mr. Bird had made it sound like Ares had no options, but he did. More than once since being part of Bird, Myers, and Childress he’d thought about quitting and opening up his own firm. He had the money saved, too. Enough to get started and make a go of it for at least five years. He knew he wanted to help veterans and he would take on bigger cases too as long as he could verify the defendant was truly innocent. But leaving the firm would mean leaving his team and that included Katie. If he left, he knew his team would probably be let go as well. And he didn’t want that for her. But if he explained the situation, he felt strongly that Katie would agree. If there was one thing he knew about Birdy’s best friend, it was that she had a big heart. Bigger even than his.
“Hey, everything all right?”
Ares felt his shoulders stiffen at the sound of Birdy’s voice. He took a deep breath. Whatever he decided, he wouldn’t tell her tonight. He figured it could wait until after the wedding. That way, she could focus on Katie and then deal with her father when she was back in New York. Drawing his military training, he compartmentalized the issue with Birdy’s dad, then took a deep breath. “Yes, fine. I just have a case that’s suddenly become urgent.”
“But we’re okay?” Birdy went to him, placing her hands on his chest.
His heart melted at her closeness. He’d told her he cared about her, but it went deeper than that. He loved her and he wasn’t afraid to admit that to himself, even if he knew she wasn’t ready to hear it. He could understand why she hesitated. She hadn’t experienced a lot of real love in her life. Before he came alone, Katie was the only person who probably truly loved her. She needed time to figure out her feelings and he could give that to her. She would need it too, especially if she found out who her real mother was. “Yes, we’re fine.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead.
Chapter Eighteen
There was something up with Ares, Birdy could sense it. But she didn’t know what and she didn’t want to pry. She and Katie had shared a room to sleep in after they finished the game. Meredith stayed with Georgie and Marcy and she’d told Josh to take the rest of the night off. Birdy could hardly believe it. When she and Katie were alone, and cameraman free, she opened up about what happened between her and Ares.
Katie finished pulling on her pajama top and fell onto the bed. “Birdy, that’s amazing,” she said, rolling on to her side.
Birdy flopped down next to her. “Yes, but I don’t know if I have the same feelings.” Tears pushed against her lashes, as those same inexplicable feelings tugged at her heart.
“I can tell by the way you’re reacting that you do know. You just don’t want to admit it.” Katie tucked her hands under her cheek.
“But it’s only been five days. That’s crazy.” She thought about it a moment. “Isn’t it?”
“Sure, it’s been five days since you’ve allowed yourself to feel what Max and I have seen happening between you and Ares for months.”
Birdy had to admit that she’d enjoyed their time together on the island of Maui. Before, she’d never let herself think of Ares as anything more than a lawyer at her father’s firm and a man her best friends wanted her to date. As soon as they started spending time together here, her heart had known that there was something between them. They’d been able to talk about anything. She’d been able to be herself. They’d joked and shared stories. “I guess you’re right,” she said.
“When you’re around him, do you feel like you could run six miles, yet you feel at peace?”
Birdy had sat up, surprised her friend understood how she felt so exactly. “Yes. How did you know?”
“You and I had a similar conversation when I realized I’d fallen in love with Max,” Katie said, laughing quietly.
“You think what I’m feeling is love?” She thought about that, but that just increased her anxiety over the situation.
“Without a doubt, Birdy.”
She’d let Katie go to sleep after that, but Birdy hadn’t been able to. Her mind kept going over all the months she and Ares gone to dinner with Katie and Max. Then she thought about how easy she and Ares had fallen into step with each other in Maui. She wanted to spend every moment with him. By the time the sun rose, she felt just as Katie said, like she could run forever and yet completely at peace. If that was love, then she did love him. It was strange and unbelievable, but the biggest truth she’d experience in her life, ever. She finally fell asleep with that knowledge beating against her ribs.
When she saw Ares the next morning, she wanted to tell him everything right away, but he was distracted, and haggard, as though he hadn’t slept the night before either. While they ate breakfast by the pool, she bided her time until they could have a moment alone, making conversation with Marcy, Katie, Georgie, and the others. As well as falling in love during this trip, she’d developed some good friends. The people around the table were decent and cool and she realized she wanted them in her life even after the wedding.
She finished her eggs when Thea texted her. Still no news. You?
No. Ares says he’s looking into it, but he hasn’t found anything yet.
K. Keep me posted. Toby and I will be back in time for the wedding.
Not the rehearsal?
No, sorry. It’ll be late tonight.
All right. Text me in the morning.
I will. And Birdy, thanks for everything.
I haven’t been any help, Birdy said.
But you’ve tried. Toby and I really appreciate it.
“Who are you talking to?” Ares asked.
“Thea,” Birdy admitted.
“Did she have any news?”
Birdy shook her head. “No, nothing yet.” She faced him. “Did you want to do something before the rehearsal dinner?”
Ares took her hand. “I’d love to, but,” he looked away, his eyes dark. “I need to check on a case I’m working on that should’ve been completed last night. But…” He let his voice trail off a moment before continuing. “If I get done early, can I text you?”
“I’d like that.” She was disappointed, but she understood.
Her father could be demanding.
Birdy rushed out the door, hurrying to Katie’s room. After they returned to shore, she’d spent some time in her room, sulking and binge-watching Mad About You with Georgie until it was time to get ready for the wedding rehearsal. In the end, it’d been a good thing. She’d been able to relax and laugh and gain confidence about the love she felt for Ares.
The rehearsal dinner was being catered at Katie’s suite, which totaled seventy-two hundred square feet, including nearly two thousand square feet of outdoor living. Birdy wore a long white sarong covered in orange and yellow island flowers and a matching orange top. Her feet were healing up nicely so she’d donned a pair of orange wedge heels. Her hair was pulled back behind one ear and she’d tucked a flower behind it in true island fashion. Around her neck hung the necklace Ares had given her. She felt pretty and hoped he thought so too since she’d dressed with him in mind. Tonight, she would tell him how she felt. At the prospect, her stomach shook like half a dozen hula dancers swinging their hips.
As she hurried down the hall, Josh running backward with his camera several steps in front of her, she thought about the wedding rehearsal. It’d been held in Katie’s suite earlier in the day. Everyone except Toby and Thea were there, including Max’s dad and his latest lady friend, and Katie’s parents. Things had been a little tense at first, especially since the woman Max’s dad brought appeared to be around the same age as Max. But things settled down after a while. Birdy had tried to find a moment alone with Ares. He seemed genuinely happy to see her, but the wedding coordinator never gave them a moment’s peace. She had them all practicing and standing and doing what needed to be done so that nothing would go wrong at the actual wedding the next day. It took an hour to run through the details. Once they were done, she’d hoped to catch Ares, but he’d left right away to deal with work stuff. Saddened by the disconnect between them, she’d asked to be excused. Not having slept much the night before, she was exhausted. At her room, her head had hit the pillow, and she’d fallen asleep immediately.
Birdy hoped tonight would be pleasant for Katie. She’d looked a bit tense dealing with Max’s dad while Marcy and Max’s brothers were all in the same vicinity. Max had stayed close to Katie’s side, but kept his distance from his dad unless absolutely necessary. They all understood why Max had invited him. It was the honorable thing to do. Weddings were less about the bride and groom and more about their families. But that didn’t mean Max wanted to associate with him any more than he had to.
Dean let her in after she knocked. “Hey, Birdy. Don’t you look well rested.” He eyed her kindly.
“Thanks.” She glanced around him searching for Ares. “Have you seen Ares?”
“Sure. He’s out at the fire pit. The pig’s been roasting all day and it’s about ready.”
“So that’s the amazing aroma I’m smelling.”
“Sure is, but it could be me.” He leaned in, giving me a whiff of his cologne.”
“You smell good too,” Birdy admitted, glancing over his shoulder and outside. Tiki torches had been put up all around the sitting area. A large table was off to the left and had been set beautifully with china while flower arrangements lined the center.
“Dean, back off the lovely lady,” Ares said, his voice gruff. “She needs room to breathe.”
Birdy stepped around Dean and into Ares’ outstretched arms. “I need to talk to you,” she said, enjoying the feel of him.
“Sure.” Ares searched her face. “Is it good news?”
“Definitely,” she said, taking his hand and pulling him outside. She wanted to find a private spot and tell him how she felt.
As soon as Birdy stepped through the door, she was presented with a lei. “Thank you,” she said.
“Aloha,” the woman replied. Ares already had a lei around his neck.
Several men and women dressed in authentic Hawaiian clothing milled around the group. Four were gathered around what Birdy could only guess was the fire pit. Birdy said hello to everyone she saw, including Katie, who clung to Max. Her best friend waved her over, but Birdy held up a finger telling her to wait a moment. Birdy needed to get out what she had to say to Ares now, or she might chicken out.
They headed toward a space off to the left that had been landscaped to perfection, complete with a water feature.
When she and Ares were alone (except for Josh), she took his other hand. “Hi.”
“Hi,” Ares replied. “What’s up?” he asked, shaking her hands lightly.
Josh zoomed the camera lens in on them. What Birdy said and how Ares responded would be recorded for all of TV Land to see. The thought of that gave her a moment’s pause. But after another moment, she realized she didn’t care. Whatever the outcome, she would accept it.
“It’s about last night. What you said.” She swallowed. Her heart raced, beating so loud, she could hear it over even the ocean. “I wasn’t sure of my feelings then, but I am now.”
“Oh?” Ares studied her intently.
She looked away, taking several deep breaths to calm down. “I’ve never felt like this before. And now I know that…” She paused a beat and returned her eyes to his. They were filled with love, so much love, she thought she could fall into them and remain there contentedly forever. “I love you, Ares.”
He fell back a step, but kept hold of her hands. A smile formed on his lips. “You mean it?”
“You know I do,” she said, nervously. “I don’t know where my life is going, but I do know that I want you in it.” She took a step toward him and waited. “I love you so very much, Ares Alexander Devereux.”
Ares closed the gap between them and kissed her, deeply and lovingly, until she thought she might drown in his adoration. Her heart soared with joy. And Birdy knew in that moment he felt the same about her.
“Hey, you two. We’re going to get started. Get over here,” August called.
Birdy and Ares broke apart, but only for a moment before he kissed her again. Then he smiled and kissed her cheek. “Is it a crime for the best man to be so happy at his friend’s wedding?” Ares asked, tugging her toward the table. Everyone else had already sat down.
“I’m so happy too,” Birdy admitted. She couldn’t stop smiling. Every time she tried, it only grew.
Ares held out her chair for her before sitting to the left of her and taking her hand. Katie was seated on her right. Her best friend reached out and squeezed her free hand. Birdy glanced at her.
“You told him,” Katie mouthed.
Birdy nodded, her smile getting bigger.
“It looked like it went well. Good.”
“It did. I’ll tell you later.”
“You better.”
Birdy couldn’t stop smiling. Not even when several men removed giant banana leaves from the pit and presented the pig to the wedding party. They told them a story about the kalua pig. Then it was time to eat. Birdy tried a little of everything, including the kalua pig, salmon, other fish, and poi. There was also fresh fruit, rice, salad, and more. Ares grinned at her when he saw the pile of food heaped on her plate but wisely didn’t comment. Instead, he ducked his head and dug into his own mountain of food. Everything tasted amazing. When the main course was finished, the food was cleared and the staff brought out haupia, a Hawaiian pudding made from coconut and topped with fresh fruit. By the time they finished, Birdy and Ares were both so full they were groaning.
After dinner, they watched several hula dances as one woman explained the stories behind them. Then several men did a fire dance that left the audience gasping. It was incredible. At around nine, when the shows had wrapped up, Birdy helped Katie present a gift to her mom and dad: a cruise to Alaska. That was followed by a gift for Max’s dad, which included a box of cigars. Then Max presented a gift of a gorgeous watch to Ares and cuff links to each of his brothers. Katie gave Birdy a watch with a note that said: You’re my dearest friend, my sister, and confidante. I love you. PS: Use this to help you make i
t to my wedding on time.
Birdy laughed and cried at Katie’s thoughtfulness.
Their entire party stayed, laughing and socializing until around midnight, when everyone finally headed back to their rooms. Katie’s mom and dad were staying with her in her suite, which had two rooms with king sized beds.
“I’ll see you in the morning,” Birdy said, kissing Katie on the cheek.
Katie wiped her eyes. “This is it. By this time tomorrow, I’ll be married.”
“Yep. And I know you’re going to love it,” Birdy said, hugging her.
“You think so?” Katie sniffed as her eyes began to tear up.
“I know so,” Birdy said.
“I’m glad you’re so convinced.” She hugged Birdy again. “What if we get married and he figures out he can’t stand me?”
“That will not happen. Trust me, I know. I’ve lived with you a decade and still adore you.”
Katie wiped her eyes. “True.”
“Come on, get some sleep. You don’t want to have bags under your eyes for your wedding pictures, not to mention, you’re gonna be on TV.”
“I will,” Katie said.
Birdy eyed her in mock severity.
Katie laughed. “I’m going to bed right now.”
Ares was still reeling from Birdy’s declaration. She’d told him she loved him. He hadn’t been so happy in a long time. A small flicker of sadness coursed through him as well. He had the woman of his dreams but couldn’t share the news with his parents. He waited for Birdy to finish talking to Katie before he asked, “Did you want to go to sleep or are you up for a walk on the beach?”
She beamed at him. “I’d like that.”
They went to Birdy’s room so she could change and then walked out onto the beach. Near the water Birdy removed her shoes and carried them in one hand while he held the other.