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United (The United Trilogy Book 1)

Page 20

by Wheeler, Jaci

  If Tash said no I was stuck, but I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t. “Anything, shoot.”

  “I’m going to be straight with you, I told the guys they had to take a few days off. It was a very hard few weeks and they worked much harder than I did, especially Masters. I threatened if he did show up I would stick him with a babysitter, and well of course he shows up thinking it was an empty threat. As President, I feel it is my duty to follow through to make it a point for my team to know I say what I mean.”

  Tash is laughing full out right now. “Oh Roz, I never would have guessed you’d be putting me through so much, dance parties, running departments, now babysitting huh?” She said it with laughter in her voice so I’m pretty sure I had her.

  “You know I wouldn’t ask if it’s going to put you behind or add more work. I know you are building your department, but he really could use a break Tash, and to be honest so could you.”

  She was silent for a few moments and then said, “What did you have in mind?” Score!

  “Well I was thinking just to get him out and about, maybe some hiking or canoeing, fishing, something to relax you both, and the rain was hardly a drizzle when I left. Heck you can even hole up at my place and watch movies and eat junk food if you want, I don’t care. I just really want a fresh team, and this is the only way I know how…forced vacations.”

  She laughed at me again. “Oh Roz, you are the best thing that’s happened to this place. Operation Forced Vacation is now in effect. What do you need me to do?” This is why I loved Natasha, no matter what I threw at her she was always on board.

  “Why don’t you get whatever you need and meet me in my office in about an hour? You can stop at my house there is plenty of clothes in my closet on the 2nd floor, you can’t miss which room is mine, it’d be the huge one. Help yourself to whatever you need to wear and plenty of snacks.”

  “Sounds good to me Miss President, I will see you soon.” She hung up, I had a little victory dance, then jumped back into work. I stop by the offices of all of my staff to get a personal update and tell them how grateful I am for all of their help. People seem to have taken to me much better than before, in fact I have everyone calling me Roz now but Bob and Judy; that in itself is a win. They had gotten much further than I ever imagined they would, which means I wouldn’t be half as stressed going into this week as I thought I would! I made it a note to ask Molly tonight if she’d like to bake some cookies with me for the floor as a thank you. I made it back to my office just in time for Tasha to come through the door.

  She looked absolutely amazing! She was wearing a red dress and had her blonde hair curled and bright red lipstick on. I’ve never seen her with much make up, she was beautiful before but now she is stunning. She threw me a wink and spun in a circle with her arms out. “You like? I figure if we were going to do this it better be done right.”

  “You, Miss, are brilliant! You look fantastic!” she smiled wide.

  “Well as luck would have it I was already wearing the dress. It just took a few minutes to pull out the emergency curlers and lipstick.”

  “Well, let’s not keep our boy waiting, shall we?”

  Tash laughed hard. “Calling Masters a boy is like calling a Rottweiler a puppy isn’t it?”

  This made me bust up laughing. “Yes, I guess you are right. How about let’s go tame the beast?”

  She laughed again, “Oh yes, that is much better.”

  We made our way down to the depths of the Defense department. I scanned us in and we made our way through the training room. Everything came to an immediate halt. It’s not every day the President and a beautiful blonde come walking through the place like they own it. One man who looked like a trainer of some sort walked up to us. “May I help you President Thatcher?”

  I could tell Masters put him on alert to detour me, which wasn’t going to happen. “Only, if you can tell me where Masters is. Before you open your mouth to lie to me because I know he told you to keep me off his tail, let me tell you that if I find out, and I will find out if you weren’t 100% forthcoming with me I will have you transferred to janitorial in a heartbeat. So yes, you can help me by showing me to Masters please.”

  His mouth, as well as Tash’s hit the floor in an instant. But he nodded and said “he is hiding away in the office Miss.”

  I smiled wide, “Excellent! Thank you so much for your help.” I turned and walked in that direction.

  Tash, catching up to me teases, “Wow, prison has made you hard.” We both burst out laughing.

  “Doing time changes you.” She gave me her little impish smile at that comment.

  “Well here we are, let’s do this.” I open the door and charge in with Tash on my heels. The look on Masters face was priceless. He looked like a little boy getting caught stealing a cookie.

  “Roz.” He said trying to mask his shock, “How can I help you?” He kept looking from Natasha to me. It took everything in me not to burst out laughing at the expression on his face. He wasn’t doing as good of a job masking it as he thought he was.

  “I thought you learned by now that I don’t make empty threats Kevin Masters. Natasha here has graciously volunteered to babysit you today.” Natasha shot him a brilliant smile.

  “Oh you’ve got to be kidding! Rosaline, you know very well there’s no way I can take any time off. I’m here for the same reason you are, there is far too much to do. In case you are forgetting I run the department in which you are making major changes. There is no way I can leave all this work un-done.”

  I softened my features. “Yes Masters, you can. We still have several days’ worth of paper work to do before we can start implementing all of this. You don’t have to take the full week, or even three days, but today and tomorrow is non-negotiable. A day and half, that’s not asking too much. Natasha needs the time off just as badly as you do, so please I’m asking you even though you know I can make it a direct order.”

  He stared at me for a moment then looked over at how gorgeous Natasha looked; really it was a no- brainer here. He sighed loudly. “I can’t believe you actually came through on that ridiculous threat.”

  Natasha walked over and thread her arm though his. “Yes but now you get the pleasure of spending the day in my company.” She gave him her 1000 watt smile and he couldn’t help but smile back. Well, well this was going even better than I thought.

  “Well then, looks like my work here is done. You two better get going, while I get back to work! I will see you both at my dinner party Saturday.” I didn’t wait around for him to come up with any excuses; I high tailed it out of there and back to my office as fast as I could.

  The week flew by. We were able to get the Act approved and started making the changes. Molly had been working her butt off doing research and trying to find good job fits for the Convicts Making Amends Act. I had to give it to her, she was amazing. What amazed me even more was somehow Natasha was able to talk Masters into showing up for the dance party to celebrate the Act on Friday. He didn’t exactly look happy to be there, more like he wished he could be anywhere else, but she got him dancing so I couldn’t be happier. The dinner party also went off without a hitch. Miriam and Payton had transformed the house into a beautiful and eloquent party. There were red and white roses everywhere and candles everywhere you looked. I made sure Miriam stayed and even Tom showed up for the occasion. The food was out of this world and the outcome was wonderful. Every head of the department showed, some with spouses and significant others. I couldn’t have asked for a more successful party, and it definitely helped build and strengthen my relationships with the staff.

  Chapter Nineteen

  It was now Monday morning and after the last three completely chaotic weeks, I was happy for the little lull. My staff had been beyond amazing, working their butts off the last two weeks so I told everyone to take a half day off today. People were starting to pack up and head home so I decided I was going to take advantage of the down time to study the maps to get a better idea
of exactly how far out territories go and start mapping out which places I should visit next. I use the intercom to page Judy. “Judy, do you have President Vaughn’s old maps? I’d like you to bring me whatever you can find please, and I’m especially interested in the different territories.”

  “No problem Miss, I know right where they are and will have them for you shortly.”

  “Thank you Judy, you are a gem.” She really was too. I don’t know what I would do without her help these last few weeks! It makes me so grateful that the outgoing President doesn’t take his staff with him or I would have been completely lost. And on queue in walks Judy with her arms full of maps.

  “Here you go Miss, I brought everything I could find. I’m sure there is a map or two on territories for you. Would there be anything else I can help you with?”

  “Oh no Judy, this is wonderful, thank you so much you have been such a life saver these past few weeks, I’m not sure what I would do without you.” she beamed at the compliment making me wonder how often she was thanked for her hard work.

  “Oh it’s nothing, just doing my job Miss.”

  “Please Judy, I keep asking you to call me Roz.”

  “I know it just doesn’t feel proper.” I sigh, and keep telling myself to give it time, it’s still new.

  “Thank you Judy, that’s all I will be needing for today, I’m going to hole up in here and pour over these maps, you are free to head out early.” She looked uncertain, even though I know she’d love to I could tell she didn’t want to slack off, even though in my opinion she does the work of four people and most everyone else had already left.

  “I don’t mind waiting around for you Miss Roz, I’m sure I have plenty to keep busy.”

  She used Roz so that’s a step in the right direction. “Oh nonsense Judy, really go home and relax you more than earned it. I will see you in the morning.” She smiled that Grandmotherly smile at me and said good night before leaving me alone with my maps.

  After sorting through them all, I finally found what I was looking for, a map with the breakdown of our country’s boundaries and all the zones. Vaughn was efficient I will give him that. Everything was color- coded and broken down and labeled, it made everything much easier to find. Scanning the map, I ran across something that threw me for a loop. I recognized everything on the map but one thing. All it said was O.C. I racked my brain trying to come up with something it could stand for and I couldn’t think of anything from all of my history knowledge or from anything the Council had informed me. Unfortunately, I just sent home the one person who could probably help me. Wait a minute, that’s not true. Masters is in charge of all defenses and patrolling, he would have to know what this is. Not giving myself time to back out I quickly make the call. It was picked up on the first ring, sometimes it pays to be President.

  Miss President how can I help you this afternoon?” So formal and respectful, I could get used to this phone version of him, without his menacing features he wasn’t half bad.

  “Actually Masters I am going over some maps here of the zones and our territories, and I noticed one labeled O.C. I can’t place it, you wouldn’t happen to know what that stands for would you?” Silence, Dead silence is all that I get in response. “Masters?” Did he just hang up on me?

  “I’m here.”

  “And I’m waiting.”

  After waiting another beat, he said, “I will be there shortly.” Just like that, he hung up. Well my goodness, what on earth is this about? My suspicions instantly heighten. If this is such a big deal that it has to be discussed in private why wasn’t I aware of this until now? Just then my office door flew open scaring the life out of me. Geez this man is freaky. I much prefer his phone silence than the scowling silence before me.

  “I see you are as cheerful as ever Masters. Why are you being so cryptic? You must have broken the sound barrier getting here that quickly.”

  Not even responding to me he stood there studying me for a moment. He does this often and it’s always off putting. “Do you really not know?” he asked still studying me skeptically.

  “Of course I don’t know, why I would ask you if I knew?! Will you just come out with it already?”

  “I’m sorry Rosaline, I thought for sure they would have told you, I’m shocked is all. The O.C. stands for outcasts.”

  “Outcasts?” I roll this around in my mind trying to remember if this was ever mentioned to me. I’m sure I would have remembered something like that. No, nothing was mentioned I’m sure of it, and judging by his tense shoulders and the way he was grinding his teeth this wasn’t going to be fun. “Alright Masters, out with it, will ya, what exactly do you mean by out casts?”

  “They are exactly what they sound like Roz. They are people who are cast out of society. They have chosen not to live under the rules of the Ministry.” What?! There is no way! This floored me. For one, I am pissed I wasn’t told; I’m actually livid I had to find out this way, not to mention why are there people who are living without rules? I didn’t think that was even an option. I took a deep breath trying to calm down.

  “I’m doing my best not to take this out on you, I know it isn’t your fault but someone better start explaining to me about this and fast and since you are the only someone in the room, I suggest you get to it.” I don’t think he has ever heard me this angry, or my voice so low and controlled. He immediately got down to it.

  “I’m sorry, I will do my best to tell you what I know, but if you are wanting details and history, you know there is only one place you will find it and it isn’t with me.” He is right. The Council is the only place I’m going to find true answers. “Give me one second, will you. I’ll be with you in a moment.” He nodded and walked out of my office and shut the door behind him. I dial Aspen as soon as the door shuts.

  “Aspen, I need a meeting with the Council and I need it yesterday.” She seems a bit taken back by my rash greeting, but ever the professional, she hardly lets it show.

  “Hi Roz, sorry I’m under strict orders that they are unavailable for the next two days, huge important meeting you understand.”

  “Normally I would Aspen, and I’m sorry but this can’t wait another minute, I need to meet with them now.” I don’t think I’ve ever been forceful or demanding in my life, but I’m pretty sure both of those were maxed out at the moment. I could tell she was uncomfortable and not sure how to handle the situation. You don’t question the Council and you don’t disturb them at all.

  “I’m sorry Roz, truly I am. I wish I could help you but my hands are completely tied. They have gone silent and I don’t have security access to get in the room even if I wanted to.”

  “Don’t I? I’ll just come up now. Don’t worry I won’t let you take any blame.”

  “No Roz, you don’t. The only people who have 24/7 access is the Council. You have to be put into the system ahead of time which is why you need an appointment. The scan will deny you if you try.” She sounded really sorry and I could tell this was upsetting her so I tried to relax my voice, even though I felt anything but.

  “Well it looks like I’m being enlightened on all kinds of things today. I’m sorry to put you in this position Aspen.”

  “That’s alright, I understand Roz. I would help if I could.”

  “I know you would. There’s one more thing you can do for me.”

  “Name it and it’s done.” Oh bless her she is so sweet even when I’m being a maniac.

  “I need you to send Annabelle a message. I know you can. I’ve seen you send her things on her watch. I need you tell her that I must see the Council now. That it can’t wait and I need answers NOW! Can you do that for me?”

  “Sure Roz, I can do that, but I know she won’t respond to it. She never does when they go silent like this.”

  “But do you think she will read it?” I ask. If she won’t read it what is even the point?

  “I can’t say 100%, but I’m pretty sure she does.”

  “Thanks Aspen, really, I m
ean it. Please send it, oh and tell her they have ten minutes to send for me or I’m going to find the answers on my own.”

  “Ok Roz, I don’t even know what you are talking about nor do I want to, but they will not take a threat like that well.”

  “Good. Then they will know how I feel about being lied to.” Her intake of breath was my warning that I was saying too much. I needed to end this call and do what I knew was going to put me in hot water with the Council, but at this point I could care less. “Thank you Aspen please call back as soon as you get a response.”

  “You’re welcome Roz, but don’t expect too much.” She hung up and I leaned back into my chair. What on earth is going on here? I had to get control of my feelings and emotions before I let Masters back in, but that felt like an impossible task at the moment. The Council kept this from me. This is huge I can feel it. People without laws or rules, living on our land, the land I am in charge of, and nobody thought it would be beneficial for me to know? Just then I had another question so I got up and went to get Masters. He was standing in the hall away from my door so he couldn’t over hear my conversation. Good man.

  “Come in Masters, sorry to keep you waiting.” He nodded and came in. “Please have a seat, this might take a while…at least ten minutes.” He raised an eyebrow at this but kept quiet.

  “How many people know about these outcasts?”

  “On record, seventeen.” he said with confidence. Only seventeen, I wonder why so few?

  “Who are the other five besides the Council and us?”

  “Four of my men who patrol and guard the area, and President Vaughn know.” So the President did know.

  “You know for a fact that the President was aware of the outcasts?” The feeling of dread was pooling in my stomach. If Vaughn was told there was no reason why the Council couldn’t tell me. Masters started to look uncomfortable again.

  “Yes Roz, he knew for sure. He is the one who came up with the ban.” WHAT?! Calming myself down as best I can I stay silent until I can make sure I don’t go crazy on him.


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