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Island in the Forest

Page 35

by Jeanne Hardt

  The priest lifted his hand from the Holy Scrolls. “This wedding has come about suddenly, and we have not had the opportunity to post notice on the Holy Door.”

  Olivia’s eyebrows dipped in. Sebastian lightly squeezed her hand to assure her all was well.

  “That being said,” the priest went on, “I ask those present. Does anyone have just cause why these two should not be bound to one another?”

  Sebastian glanced at his mother, who had her head bowed low.

  His heart pounded, and he prayed she kept silent.

  The priest stepped closer, then laid one hand on Sebastian’s head. “Being there is no protest, Sebastian, prince of Basilia, do you bind yourself to Olivia, princess of Padrida, from this day forward and forevermore?”

  “I do.”

  The priest moved to Olivia and placed his hand on her head. “Olivia, princess of Padrida, do you bind yourself to Sebastian, prince of Basilia, from this day forward and forevermore?”

  “I do.”

  He bowed and stepped back, then grasped the Holy Scrolls with both hands. “Today, these two souls have made their pledge before witnesses and most importantly in the eyes of the one true God. By law, only in death may their bond be broken. Have you a token to seal your vow?”

  “Yes.” Sebastian produced a gold band for Olivia’s finger.

  The stoic priest smiled. “Place it on the fourth finger of her left hand. There it shall remain forever.”

  Sebastian silently prayed it would fit. It had belonged to his grandmother, and he had been keeping it in a safe place for this day.

  Olivia held out a trembling hand. He stilled it in his own, then slid the gold band onto the appropriate finger. A perfect fit. And a wonderful omen.

  The priest set aside the scrolls. “Give me your left hands.” They set their hands in his, and the man stared straight into Sebastian’s eyes. “A time of trial will come. Do not forget the love you feel for your bride this day. You shall be tested beyond measure and you must stay strong and true.”

  “I will.” Sebastian had attended many weddings, yet no priest had ever spoken these words.

  He squeezed their hands. “Do you so easily vow it? I tell you, your heart will be wrenched from your chest. Will you stay true?” The man’s crazed eyes widened.

  “Of course. Why do you say such things?”

  Olivia’s entire being quivered beside him. “Sir, nothing shall sway our love.”

  The priest’s head snapped to the side, and he shifted his eyes to her. “Be wary. Prepare yourself for grievous heartache.”

  Sebastian’s father cleared his throat. “What is this? We asked for a priest, not a prophet.”

  Olivia’s eyes widened with fear. “He prophesies?”

  Sebastian drew her into his arms. “No. He is simply telling us to keep our love strong.” His sisters muttered to one another. They, too, looked frightened.

  Sebastian had heard enough. “Thank you, priest. You may go.”

  His father strode forward and firmly escorted the man from the room.

  Olivia buried her face against Sebastian’s chest. “Why could he not have stopped speaking after we pledged?”

  “I know not. He was odd. I am certain Father will delve further into his behavior.” He tucked his fingers under her chin and lifted her head. “Stop thinking about it. After all, he accomplished the most important deed. You and I are married.”

  He covered her lips with his own, and she melted against him.

  His mother wandered up beside him. “I promise, I shall acquire another priest for the celebration in two months.” She stroked Olivia’s hair. “I am sorry, my dear. Please, do as Sebastian requested and no longer pay mind to it.”

  Olivia timidly nodded.

  Sebastian caught Jonah’s eye, and he gave him a nod of his own. Jonah hastened from the hall.


  Something had gone as it should.

  As strange as the priest had behaved, Sebastian gained comfort knowing their union had been sanctified. At least now, they were free to become lovers.

  * * *

  Once again, Olivia found herself on the cushioned carriage seat. Yet, everything had changed.

  It had been almost impossible to set aside the words of the priest. Prepare yourself for heartache stood out the most. Why say those words on the happiest day of her life?

  She had legally become Sebastian’s wife, and they were on their way to the ocean to seal their love. If she wanted tonight to be as she had dreamed, she needed to push thoughts of the priest far away.

  Instead, she focused her mind on the ocean and what she expected to see there. Those thoughts turned to others involving Sebastian’s hands on her bare skin. Her body tingled.

  Before leaving the castle, she had changed into comfortable traveling clothes. She chose a pink gown with a womanly bodice. It exposed more flesh than she normally permitted, but she wanted to appear desirable, hoping to accelerate Sebastian’s passion.

  Considering his expression upon seeing it, she had accomplished that very thing.

  He brushed a finger along her jawline. “It is good I sent Jonah ahead to set up camp. He would have had difficulty seeing you in this dress.” Sebastian had also changed and was wearing the forest green tunic she loved so much.

  She cuddled into him and pressed her ear to his chest. His heart beat strong against her cheek. “I wore it for you. Do you approve?”

  “I cannot take my eyes from you.” He shifted his body enough to kiss her. “We may not reach the ocean fast enough.”

  “Does it mean so much to you?” She glided her fingers over his chest. “To have me?”

  “Yes. But, I desire more than the physical act. I want to be as close to you as I possibly can. To feel every part of you in exchange for all of me.”

  “Mmm . . . As close as humanly possible.”

  “Exactly.” His lips brushed across her forehead.

  “Rosalie told me, with Dane, it was as though their souls united.”

  His mouth moved to her neck. She closed her eyes and savored the sensation.

  If he continued, she could very well give herself to him here. Not a wise thing to do. It would likely be uncomfortable, and not how she envisioned their first coupling.

  “And then . . .” Sebastian took a breath. “They created a child.” His lips roamed farther down. He glided them across the bare skin above her bodice, then nestled into her bosom.


  He plagued her memory. The vision of him with Justine could not be erased. And when she thought of Donovan’s hand moving over her breast, while the tip of his knife nicked her throat, she whimpered before she could suppress it.

  Sebastian jerked upright. “Forgive me. I shan’t do anything you do not want.” The hurt in his eyes caused her more pain than the memory.

  “It is not you. Memories of what Donovan did, haunt me, and I hate him for it.” Unwanted tears came. Even more reason for her to despise him. He ruined an almost perfect day.

  “He will not hurt you again. I swear it.”

  An odd thing to say. “Being dead, he should not harm me in any fashion. If only I could free myself from his memory.”

  Sebastian caressed her cheek. “We shall make pleasant new ones to replace it. I want to erase every part of him from your life.”

  He drew her in close, no longer passionate. He had become her protector and his strong arms held her firm.

  She prayed she could release the horrible reminders of the man who loved nothing more than himself and give Sebastian the pleasure he longed for. After all, she had already provoked his desires by the manner in which she dressed. Pushing him away would be sinful.

  They rode in silence, and she clung to him.

  As evening approached, the scent in the air changed. She loudly sniffed, prompting a chuckle from Sebastian.

  “You smell the sea air. Is it not wonderful?”

  “Sea air?” She sat fully upright and peered out the w
indow. “We are close?”

  “Yes. Any nearer, and we shall be in the water.”

  The carriage halted.

  “We have arrived, Your Highness,” the driver called out.

  She had not been told his name. He was a different driver than the one who had brought them to Basilia. This man was a young, strong, and no doubt able court guard. It seemed odd to have such protection. After all, Jonah would be waiting. He was more than capable of looking out for them.

  Besides, peace thrived throughout the land. Why would anyone challenge them?

  It could be that the priest’s words bothered Sebastian more than he had let on.

  Sebastian opened the door. “The ocean waits.”

  Her heart fluttered. She had been longing for this moment.

  Before stepping out, she closed her eyes and listened. A shrill cry of birds accompanied a swishing sound.

  Waves on the shore?

  “Olivia.” Sebastian laughed. “Come and see it with your eyes open.”

  She set her hand in his and stepped onto soft ground. It pushed against her feet and gave way with every step.

  “Sand,” he said, obviously noticing her inquisitive expression.

  When she raised her eyes and beheld the water, her knees buckled and he had to catch her.

  Just as he had described it. Waves of water went on endlessly. Like a mesmerizing dance, the waves crested and instantly crashed down again. The sound lulled her.

  Overhead, large white birds with gray bellies flew high, then swooped toward the shore.

  “Gulls,” Sebastian whispered, following her gaze.

  Jonah appeared out of nowhere. “Your tent is ready. “He grinned at her, then quickly averted his eyes.

  “Thank you, Jonah.” Sebastian grasped her hand. “I believe we shall walk first. Olivia, you might as well remove your shoes. You will want to feel the water on your bare feet.”

  She loved the idea. She eased out of the soft slippers, and the warm sand worked its way between her toes.

  They walked hand-in-hand along the shoreline. Just as she had imagined, but so much more. Her mind's eye had not included the smells or the sounds of birds.

  A glimmer of white on the ground caught her eye, and she bent to pick it up. She turned the spiraled item over in her palm. “What is this?”

  “A seashell. It was once the home of a sea creature.”

  “May I keep it?”

  “Of course.” He laughed again. “There are many more. You will not lack for them.”

  She sniffed it. It smelled like the ocean. Truthfully, it was a bit rank—much like a dead fish. “I shall leave it here, since they are so abundant.” She dropped it onto the sand.

  A light breeze fluttered her dress and she shivered.

  Sebastian wrapped his arms around her. “We should return to the camp. It has an embankment, where we can watch the sun set.”

  Smiling, she nodded her approval.

  They sat on the comfortable grass ridge and dangled their feet into the sand below.

  She glanced behind her. The sun lay low, almost out of sight.

  When she returned her eyes to the water, the sun’s dazzling light glistened across it and cast shadows that moved with the curling, crashing waves. As if by magic, the colors in the sky above the water transformed. First, brilliant orange and yellow, then they softened into pink and lavender.

  She squeezed Sebastian’s hand. “It is incredible. Exactly as you described it.”

  The wind brushing her skin grew cooler as the sun dipped farther and the sky darkened. Sebastian drew her closer, and she took advantage of his warmth.

  When she looked into his face, his eyes were not on the sunset. They rested on her. Their gaze locked, then their lips met. It started simply, but the kiss grew and her hunger surged. She cast aside every fear of Donovan and his threats, as well as the concerns the priest had created, and clung to Sebastian.

  The rest of the world melted away. Only he mattered. “I am ready,” she breathed in his ear, then kissed him again.

  He arose and lifted her to her feet. Hand in hand, they walked silently to the tent.

  Jonah stood at the entrance. Upon seeing them, he pulled aside the canvas flap, and she walked through.

  * * *

  Jonah placed his hand on Sebastian’s arm and stopped him from following Olivia.

  Sebastian eyed him quizzically. “Is something wrong?”

  “No, Your Highness. No one is about. Your driver chose to sleep in the carriage, and I will stand watch all night. I rested this afternoon.”

  “Then, why did you stop me?”

  Jonah guided him a short distance from the tent. “Are you pleased with my preparations?”

  His need for approval had extremely poor timing. “Yes, though I have not yet seen the interior of the tent.” He widened his eyes and took a step in that direction.

  Again, Jonah stopped him. “Before you enter, do you have any questions? Need counsel? After all, I have a wealth of knowledge regarding your upcoming activities.”

  Sebastian frowned and shook his head. “Is nothing sacred?”

  “Of course. I just—”

  “I know. You have concern about my performance and whether or not I shall please such a fine woman.” He feared he had sounded spiteful, but his patience had worn thin.

  Jonah’s shoulders dropped. “Forgive me, Highness. As your friend, I care. I merely want you to know I am here for you.” He stood erect. “I shall not let anything or anyone disturb you.”

  “Thank you.” Sebastian headed for the tent.

  Jonah hurried ahead of him and lifted the flap. “I will try my best not to listen,” he whispered. “It could be difficult, because I doubt you want me to stray far. I may not be able to avoid hearing, should you or she be loud.”

  “Cover your ears.” Sebastian rubbed his temples. The last thing he needed tonight was a headache.

  “If I do that, sire, I shan’t be alerted to danger.”

  Sebastian sighed. “Then selectively listen.”

  “Yes, Your Highness.” He grinned, then nudged Sebastian into the tent.

  Sebastian refused to worry over whether or not Jonah heard them. He needed a guard and trusted Jonah more than anyone. So, he accepted the situation. Olivia wanted to be here, and he had granted her wish.

  After stepping through the entry flap, the tall tent allowed him to stand fully upright. Atop a small wooden table, a single candle flickered in the corner of the shelter and cast eerie shadows across Olivia. She had taken a seat on the bedding.

  She pressed her hand into the mattress. “It has been filled with down and is quite comfortable. Her eyes slowly blinked, and she curled a single finger, beckoning him near.

  Something in the way the candlelight pulsed against the sides of the tent set a sensual mood and added to her seduction. He hastened to her.

  * * *

  Olivia held out her arms, and Sebastian nearly dove into them. His presence alone sped the rate of her heart, which already beat out of control, simply knowing what they were about to do. Her ache would finally be satisfied—soothed by the touch of a prince.

  He lay her back against the silky bedding. “My love,” he whispered against her cheek.

  She kissed him with greater intensity than she had on the beach. Somehow, she had to prove fear had left her, and she wanted and needed him more than the air she breathed.

  Their lips parted, and they stared at one another. With an unspoken understanding, he sat up, and she followed suit. In the stillness that followed, they silently undressed, then cast aside their clothing and faced each other.

  His heavy breathing rose scarcely above the sound of her own. Louder yet was the never-ending crash of waves on the shore. Beautiful and powerful.

  Her eyes remained locked with his as she reached for his hand and drew it to her lips. Once she had kissed each finger, she moved it lower and placed his open palm to her breast.

  Slowly, she lay b
ack against the soft silk, and he followed her. His touch lingered and moved ever-so-slightly, feeling her as though he feared her delicacy.

  She covered his hand with her own and firmly pressed. “I will not break,” she whispered.

  She had craved his loving touch. Her words no doubt gave him courage, and he intensified it.

  Quivering, her breath came out in rapid bursts.

  His strong, firm body pushed against her side—flesh against flesh—warming her to the core. “I love you,” he rasped in her ear, then brushed his lips over her skin. They crossed her face and continued down her neck—kissing with feather softness. All the while, his fingers glided along her body and explored every part of her.

  She whimpered with pleasure and shut her eyes tight, while she writhed to meet his touch.

  She had been so caught up in the sensations he created, she had nearly forgotten she had hands of her own. He deserved the same intense pleasure.

  She playfully wound her fingers through the hair on his chest, then placed her palm flat against it. His heart thumped hard.

  Her own wildly beating heart could very well take flight, but she relished the sensation. Never had she felt so alive. His muscular form begged for her touch. She fanned her hands over his chest and worked her way to his back, then lightly raked her nails along his skin.

  He released a deep moan and shuddered. The sensual sound prompted her to yank him atop her. She could not wait a moment longer.

  From then on, time became nonexistent.

  A sea of sensations flooded her mind. She cast aside any possibility of discomfort in the act—believing nothing so desired could be painful—and fearlessly opened to him. She grasped his hips and their bodies joined as easily as they had fallen in love.

  He paused, then bent low and penetrated her mouth with a deep, hungering kiss. His eyes searched hers. She pursed her lips, then smiled her approval.

  His arms briefly trembled as he pushed himself up. The slight display of nervousness charmed her, and she blinked slowly, waiting . . .

  He cast a smile like no other—warm, loving, and burning with passion—and his movement started. Like the waves, she arched to meet him, and the sounds of the ocean kept their rhythm. Between gasps and moans of pleasure, their lips searched for each other.


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