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Captured by the Alien King: The Complete Series: A BBW SciFi Alien Serial Romance

Page 11

by Lisa Lace

  I looked over at Kenna. We had a problem.

  "When I left him, he wasn't dead. And he only got what was coming to him, Sean. He whipped you within an inch of your life, and you're still loyal to the bastard?" Jared said, incredulously.

  "I'm loyal to the cause, Jared. I just want to return humanity to its rightful place in the universe. I don't care about Healey." Though I could see that the name seemed to taste bad in his mouth.

  "I have a separate lock on all three of you," Sean said. His voice sounded menacing. "I'm transporting Shu'in to the prison. Unless you can explain yourselves, you two will reassemble somewhere out there..."

  He gestured out the view screen at the blackness of space.

  "...where you'll die within a second or two."

  "Sean." Jared held up his hands, conciliatory. "Give me a minute."

  Sean poised his hands above the console.

  "I already gave you one."

  Part 4: Secrets


  "Get talking, Jared. You have some explaining to do. And if you don't come up with something good, your atoms will be scattered all over this sector," Sean added.

  His hand twitched and I held my breath. One tap and Jared and I were dead.

  "Sean," Jared said, his hands coming down a bit but still staying open to show that he wasn't up to anything. "You know that the AEA isn't what we thought it would be. I know you've been disillusioned for a while now."

  Sean frowned.

  "There's nothing wrong with that. Lots of us have come to realize that the AEA isn't the organization that we thought it was. You know what I'm talking about."

  As Jared spoke, Sean's frown disappeared. He appeared to be considering Jared's words.

  "I know you're loyal, just like me, but the question is whether the AEA is still faithful to its principles. Are they interested in humanity's destiny in the stars or are they just concerned with their petty power struggles?"

  "The AEA has Earth's best interests at heart," Sean said, but we could see that he was making a half-hearted argument, and he didn't quite believe it.

  "You think so, Sean?" Jared said, dropping his hands to his sides. "How about I give you a history lesson."

  He paused for a moment as if waiting for an interruption. When none came, he continued.

  "The AEA was built on the remains of another famous organization in human history. A group from North America known as the Ku Klux Klan. This group has been resurrected three times, with the AEA being its fourth incarnation."

  Jared spoke with authority, and a higher level of language than he had displayed before, and I wondered what his background was. He sounded well-educated.

  "The Klan, otherwise known as the KKK, were self-proclaimed racists and supremacists. They beat and killed people who were different from themselves. They destroyed the lives of people who they consider to be others."

  "What?" Sean said.

  "You heard me," Jared replied. It seemed the two men had forgotten that we were here, so engrossed were they in their conversation. "The AEA was built on that foundation. Do you even know what AEA stands for?"

  Sean shook his head, all the bravado gone from his body. He looked wilted and beaten.

  "It stands for Anti-Extraterrestrial Association." He glanced over at Dar, who remained impassive. "When they first discovered there were creatures out there, they turned their hatred from different humans on the aliens."

  Dar did flinch when he used the word alien.

  "That's what the great vision is. That's what we've been loyal to, Sean. A bunch of racists and supremacist bullies, just trying to get their violent kicks when they can."

  "I don't believe it," Sean said, trying to gather the remains of his life around him, which Jared had just torn to shreds.

  That's when Jared brought out the big guns.

  "Healey was going to rape her, Sean. Right in front of us." Jared said this with his jaw tight and his mouth twisted. And I saw the pain in Sean's eyes when he heard this. "Just like he did to Sarah. Just like he did to Eileen."

  "You're lying," Sean said.

  "He's not lying," Dar said, his eyes intense as he remembered. My breathing sped up, and I tried to calm down. Trying not think about what had almost happened to me and how terrified I had been. "He was going to rape her, but I beat him to a pulp before he could. You clearly know what he's done before. Why would you deny it? And why would you continue to help and serve an organization that allows its members to commit such atrocities?"

  Sean, who was a small man, looked over at Dar's large form. He was clearly thinking about Healey being beaten to a pulp.

  Of course, he held all the cards since he could transport us into space at any moment and kill us. But I felt like Jared had turned the tide, and he wouldn't do that anymore.

  Jared had appealed to his humanity. He had reminded him of who he truly was, and once someone remembers their true nature, they can no longer commit random acts of violence.

  "Sean, please help us. You could come with us. Sarah and Eileen are..." He looked down at his hands, searching for some way of saying it that was not harsh and would soften the truth. "They're dead, Sean."


  "Yes. They killed all the prisoners. There's no reason for us to stay anymore. Let's get out of here. These are good people. We can leave together."

  Sean looked at all of us. He seemed disoriented and like he didn't know what to do. I decided we ought to capitalize on that, in case he changed his mind.

  "Where are the shuttles?" I said, then modified my question. "The ones that aren't pre-programmed."

  I looked at Dar, and he gave me a wry glance.

  "I know where they are," Jared said, not looking at Sean. "And they have hyperdrive capability so we'll be out of here in no time." Sean would come or he wouldn't. As long as he wouldn't stand in our way, that was what mattered now.

  Jared headed down a corridor, and we followed him. I looked back once at Sean and saw that he was sitting down, his face in his hands, lost in his grief.


  Once I programmed the shuttle for a course to Susohn, I felt like collapsing. Recent events had caught up to me. I couldn't process them all.

  Kenna had already showered and gone to bed, so I said goodnight to Jared and went to find rest for myself. I showered, changed, and was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

  When I woke up, the lights were still dimmed in my room. I sat up and felt disoriented. Then I remembered everything. The commander about to rape Kenna. The crazy feeling of rage that had overwhelmed me. The satisfaction I had felt in hurting him.

  I felt sick to my stomach. I had enjoyed hurting another being. It went against everything I had learned about peace and harmony at my mother's knee. Our culture believed in non-violence. We believed that there was always another solution. We believed that there was good in everyone.

  Oh, The Three save me. What I had done was so wrong on so many levels.

  How could I look my mother in the eye again?

  And that I knew I loved Kenna, I was no longer worthy of her. I shook my head as I considered the irony.

  I reacted violently to save her. And, yes, of course, I had saved her because it was the right thing to do. But part of me had also saved her because I wanted her. Now, because of the way I had gone about it, I didn't deserve to have her anymore.

  Frustration welled up in me, and I had to let it out. I roared out my pain in one long yell. Then I lay back on the bed and put my hands over my face. I lay there until I erupted in another loud sound of despair before I got myself under control.

  A light tapping on my door came a minute later. Oh great. Now my screaming I had disturbed someone. These people couldn't even sleep in peace, without me bothering everyone?

  When I didn't answer, the door opened and then closed again quietly. I could smell her the moment she stepped through the door. Kenna. But what did she want? I couldn't even look myself in the face. I didn't want to see h

  "Dar?" she whispered across the darkened room.

  I didn't answer, just lay perfectly still. Maybe she would go away.


  She turned to go out. I heard her mutter something about having imagined it. Then I coughed, and she froze. Shit. Now she knew I was awake.

  She didn't say anything else and just came over to the bed. She stood there for a long minute, and I ignored her. The pain in my heart was too much. I didn't want to burden her with it.

  "If you want me to go, tell me now," she said softly.

  I couldn't speak. I didn't want her to go. I wanted her to comfort me. I wanted her to forgive me. I wanted to forgive myself.

  When I didn't answer, she slipped into bed beside me. I was still lying on my back, and she curled up to me. She kissed me on my cheek that was rough with stubble and then laid her head on my shoulder. I didn't move to hold her, but I appreciated her touching me. The contact did comfort me a little.

  "Dar?" she said, finally. "What's wrong?"

  Well, that was easy.

  "Me," I said.

  "What do you mean?" she said, lifting her head. "We escaped. We're free. You're going home. You saved me."

  "By nearly killing a man."

  "You had to," she said, confused.

  "Did I?" I knew my tone was bitter, but I couldn't help it. "There are always other choices than violence, Kenna. Always. Even if we don't want to make them."

  "But, I don't..."

  "Susohnnan believe that all life is sacred. The foundation of our entire culture is the principle of honoring the living. Violence is the greatest of crimes. Harming another is the greatest of all sins. But I enjoyed it. I gained satisfaction from it, Kenna. That is what disgusts me the most about my actions."

  "There wasn't any other choice. Would you have let him rape me?" she said.

  "No," I said strongly. "No. But there were other ways. And I could have stopped long before I did."

  "That's true. Why didn't you stop? I had to pull you back from some weird place you had gone to."

  I nodded.

  "My rational mind and my conscience disappeared when the rage came up and took over. That's why I was barely able to stop. Allowing the fury to control me was a grave mistake and makes me wonder who I am."

  "Dar," Kenna said, propping herself up on her elbow. There was no artificial light in the room, but the faint light of the stars from the viewscreen allowed me to see her silhouette. "I get that you come from a peaceful culture. I understand that you hold yourself to a very high standard, especially as the king. But listen to me. You are also just a Susohnnan, not a god. You're fallible, as we all are. You cannot destroy yourself about one mistake."

  I winced at her phrasing.

  "But to nearly take another being's life on purpose?"

  "That would have been wrong. But you didn't. You stopped. You made the right choice."

  "Only because you brought me back," I whispered.

  "That's what...That's what friends do," she said. "They're there for each other."

  "Friends?" I said, feeling a stab of pain in my guts.

  "Aren't we?" she said.

  "I had hoped we were more," I said, turning so that my back was to her. "But I understand. I hate myself. I don't blame you for doing the same."

  "Dar, that's not what I meant. I didn't...Oh, now I've gone and put my foot in my mouth," she said, sighing deeply.

  "You didn't really, did you?" I said, a little grossed out at the thought. I stretched my feet out and touched hers, confirming that they were nowhere near her mouth. "That's just an expression, right?"

  She laughed.

  "Yeah, it's just an expression, Dar. Sometimes it means that someone said something they shouldn't have that got them into trouble. This time, it means I screwed up my words and didn't say what I meant to say. Will you give me a chance to say them over?"

  I just lay there, the heavy despair settling into my bones making it impossible for me to move.

  She got up, and I felt like crying. She was going to leave. And I knew that if she left, she wouldn't ever come back to me.

  But all she did was turn the lights up just enough so that I could make out her face in the dimness. I still felt covered and protected by the near-darkness.

  She came back to the bed and lay down again on the other side this time, so she was facing me.

  "We started out as lovers," she said, tracing her finger gently down my cheek. "Then we were prisoners together. Then partners, escaping. We've each saved the other more times than I can remember. And we are friends, Dar. I have fun just talking and laughing with you. But..."

  She stopped then, and I held my breath.

  "You're right." She searched my eyes. "There is more."

  She bit her lip.

  "Honestly, I don't know what I mean, Dar. I'm not very good at this kind of thing."

  I dropped my eyes.

  "But this I know for sure. I want to be with you. All the time. Until you feel like sending my sorry ass back to where I came from, I want to wake up with you and make love to you. And face whatever comes at us. Together."

  "Really?" I said, feeling a little breathless. "Even after what I did?"

  She hadn't said it, but what she had said was close enough. She wanted to be with me.

  "Really. Look, I know you want me to say that other thing but I just..."

  I put my finger over her sweet lips, and she stopped talking.

  "Enough," I said. "No more words."

  I pulled her to me, rolling so that I was on top of her and pinning her to the bed.

  "Oh," she said, a little breathless.

  "Show me how you feel, Kenna."


  Something had woken me. And thank god for that. I had been having a nightmare. Someone had me pinned on my upper body and was pulling down my pants. When I awoke, I was covered in sweat, and my nightgown was soaked through. I reached for the lights.

  I shut my eyes when the brightness hit them, but I didn't care. I needed to chase the nightmare away. I hoped this was a one-time thing. I had heard of people being plagued by bad dreams after experiencing trauma, and I didn't want to be one of them.

  My heart was still pounding. I sucked in a deep breath and let it out again slowly. I contemplated going to Dar, but he had looked beat when I had said goodnight to him. He had enough troubles and didn't need me adding mine to the pile.

  My mind told myself again that I was safe, that I was far away from the danger, that Dar and Jared would protect me, if necessary. But my nervous system wasn't listening. My body still felt revved up and full of adrenaline and fear.

  That was when I heard it. A sound of extreme emotional pain.

  Was that Dar?

  I got up immediately. My only thought was to go to him, to comfort him and to do something to help. Then I realized I was still wearing the sweaty nightgown. Gross. I took the old one off and threw it in the laundry, pulling a new one over my head. Then I let myself out of my room and went and knocked on Dar's door.

  There was no answer.

  I waited. He doesn't want to see me. That's why he isn't answering. I turned away, feeling sorrow in my chest. He didn't want me. He didn't need me. Just like everyone else. I was drowning in self-pity when I remembered the sound that I had heard. He was hurting. And maybe he THOUGHT he didn't want me around. But that didn't mean that he didn't NEED me around.

  I would go in and ask. If he kicked me out, I'd go back to bed. I pressed the button on the wall, and the doors slid silently open. I stepped through and closed the door behind me. It was very dark, and there was no sound from the bed.

  "Dar?" I whispered.

  No answer.

  "Dar?" I tried again.

  I waited a moment longer.

  Maybe I just imagined it, I thought to myself, turning to leave.

  Then he coughed. So he wasn't asleep after all.

  I padded over to the bed in my bare feet and
stood silently. Would he say anything? I waited a moment longer. Nope.

  "If you want me to go, tell me now."

  He didn't speak.

  Good. That meant he didn't want me to go.

  I smiled and climbed into bed with him. I inhaled the smell of his clean pajamas and his scent. It all smelled like comfort to me. I pressed myself up against him, loving the feel of his body against mine.

  I kissed his stubble-covered cheek and nestled my head down on his chest. I sighed, feeling better already. He has such a peaceful effect on me, I thought. I remembered how he had calmed me down when I had been flipping out (with good reason, as it turned out) about arriving at the space station.

  Wasn't there a reason I was in here?

  Eventually, I asked him about what was bothering him and like I had expected, it was about him beating up that good-for-nothing commander. I thought he was crazy to worry about that, but when I saw it through his eyes, it all made sense. In his culture, what he had done was equivalent to me killing the commander in self-defense.

  If I had killed a man, I know that I would be all torn up and feeling guilty. It wouldn't matter that I HAD to do it. It wouldn't matter that he was an asshole that didn't deserve to live. I would be devastated.

  For Dar, what he had done was the same as killing someone because the intent was there. Maybe if I hadn't stopped him, he would have killed him. Who knows? He had been really out of it. And that's what was troubling him. The fact that he had wanted to kill.

  "To nearly take another being's life on purpose," he said.

  "Would have been wrong. But you didn't. You stopped. You made the right choice," I reminded him.

  "Only because you brought me back," he whispered.

  "That's what..." I searched for the right word to describe our relationship. Finding nothing appropriate, I used the closest thing I could think of that made sense. "That's what friends do. They're there for each other."

  That didn't come out right.

  "Friends?" His voice was full of pain again, but this time caused by me. Oh, I was such an idiot in these situations. That had come out completely wrong.


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