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Fourteen Days: (Pleasure Series Book 2)

Page 5

by Amanda Rayne

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked.



  He stopped and took hold of my arm and turned me toward him. A crowded street, people whizzing past us, vendors on the street, the noise coming from a band playing a couple of streets away in the park all seemed to disappear as he stood just inches away from me. His deep amber eyes, fastened on mine. Today, I found myself overwhelmed by his appearance. Winged cheeks, well deep expressive eyes, and lips full and supple and had been virtually everywhere on me. At the moment that’s what I was thinking of.

  I pulled my eyes from his, “I don’t get the hand holding thing.”

  “What don’t you get?”

  “We’ve have sex—a lot. And the lips, which is the most intimate part of the body, in my opinion. And your lips have been on every part of my body, yet you can’t hold my hand.”

  “Will it make you feel better if I just say it’s a quirk,” he asked his lips kinked into a miscreant smile.

  “But it’s not a quirk, there’s a reason. I just want to understand it.”

  His fingers traced along my jawline, over my cheek and then rested over my lips. “There are a lot of things about me you will never understand. Don’t try to.”

  And he started walking and I fell in step with him. His hand placed in the small of my back he guided me toward the park and the enchanting music. As the music got louder, he leaned into me, his lips brushed against my cheek as he asked. “What else is on your mind?” he asked.

  “Have you had sex with Elizabeth since your divorce?”

  He pulled away and lightly kissed me on the lips. Keeping his lips against mine as he spoke. “Yes. Why, does that bother you?” he asked as he pulled away.

  “No.” I lied.

  He chuckled, “You’re such a bad liar,” he said and then his fingers interlaced with mine. I stared at it and he tugged at it and we navigated through the surprisingly large crowd of people who had gathered in front and I was too focused on something that is usually mundane as my hand being held. This shouldn’t have been a big deal, but it was. What did this mean? It might not have meant anything.

  The music blasted against the open space, the robust sound of the trumpet, the sultry moan of the saxophones and melodic beats of the drums overtook the area with its appealing mélange of modern and classic jazz. Music I loved was reduced to a second thought as I tried to figure out what it meant.

  He chuckled and leaned down, “It doesn’t mean anything more than you needed this.” I started to say something, his finger pressed against my lips. “Let’s just enjoy the music.”

  And I did. Once the concert was over, the car was waiting for us and we slipped apart. And I missed his touch immediately, coolness replaced the warmth of his touch and I wanted so badly to feel it again. We drove in silence, Aiden drawn into his thoughts as the city passed us by in a whirl. His phone rang, he looked at it and frowned. And sent it to voicemail. It rang again, and once again, it was sent to voicemail. A scowl shadowed his face and it wasn’t the same look of disdain that he reserved for his father. He answered it on speakerphone and a gentle female voice greeted him over the speaker.

  “Yes, Elizabeth.” He said.

  “No Liz? Are we really like this?” she asked in a low purr and I envisioned her with a sweet teasing smile as she spoke with him. Her confidence was infused in her words. “You have me on speaker phone, you know I don’t like that.”

  “Which is why I did it. What do you want?”

  “Is your flavor of the month in the car with you,” she said. “Or have you grown tired of your little play thing. Is she not…” He took her off speaker phone. His voice a rough growl as he spoke through clenched teeth. “What do you want, Liz?”

  He relaxed back, his arms stretching out to touch my leg, his thumb stroking rhythmically over it. And for moments he listened and when he spoke his voice hadn’t softened. “You encouraged my father to run, I didn’t. If he’s not capable of running his businesses while doing so, then that isn’t my problem. Assured him that it’s probably better that I acquired it then someone else.”

  Taking my arm, he pulled me closer to him, until I was on his lap straddling him. My shirt ridding up. One hand held the phone and the other roved over my legs, gently moving over the sides of them until he cupped my ass, then he pulled me closer to him. He buried his face in my neck, his tongue nipped at the pulse of my neck and then he said into the phone, “Yes, Liz please go on.”

  He pulled away from me, grinned, and put the phone next to him. We could still hear her voice raised. “This thing between you and your father has to stop. It’s silly.”

  Bringing his finger to his lips, he pressed them there asking for silence as he pulled the top of my dress down. It was gathered at my waist like the bottom half of it. Exposing my bra. Driving down the street passing cars, as we traveled down the streets of Chicago and I didn’t care that I was in my bra, one breast out as Aiden teased it with his tongue.

  “Are you listening to me, Aiden?”

  He picked up the phone. “Of course, go on.” Another wicked smile flickered at his lips. His hands slipped over my back and unclasped my bra. Naked from the waist up, he mouthed for me to take off my panties. I looked over my shoulder, aware that Bane had to know what was going on. We were in his direct line of sight but a quick glance off to the right and he would have gotten a view of my bare back and the side of my exposed breast.

  “What about Bane?” I started to whisper and he put his fingers over my lips to stop me. And when he removed them I mouthed it.

  “So,” he mouthed back before tugging at them. I shifted, slipping them off as he undid his pants and pulled out his cock. Widening my legs, I slid onto his thick turgid tool. Easing slowly, always needing time to accommodate him but I was so ready, wet, yearned for me when he slammed me further on him. His hand covered my mouth as he let out a gasp.

  “Aiden are you there?” Liz asked.

  Lifting his hips, he drove into me, grabbing the phone in one hand as he continued a steady rhythm as he thrust into me. I clawed at his shirt, riding him as his free hand dug into my skin. Faster, harder, our bodies thrusted into each other. My body hummed with the building, as he ground into me faster, reaching a height where I stopped caring about being quiet for Bane or Liz. I moved at an increased rhythm, his thick tool plunging into me deeper. The roiling feeling of the incipient orgasm continued. Harder. My fingers dug into his shirt. He met my thrust with even more power. It could feel it, my body seized with pleasure. The slow build now a roaring blaze. I thrashed against him coming so hard, feeling him inside me as he did the same. I collapsed into him burying my head in his neck, his finger entwined in my hair. He turned to me, exploring my mouth with his tongue.

  He stroked my hair and then kissed me lightly on the temple and when I attempted to move off of him, he held me closer to him, where I stayed. Molded and limp against his body, my face buried in his neck, feeling his semi-hard cock still inside of me.

  Picking up the phone, his voice had lost its edge and he spoke in a low but hard lazy voice. “Liz, I know, as his campaign manager you feel to the need to coddle him whenever he throws his man tantrum. As his son, I have no such obligations. Next time he does, don’t call me on his behalf.”

  “He’s throwing a tantrum?” she spouted back, her voice sharp and vibrated with anger. “Each time you do one of these stunts you’re hurting him, and your mother—”

  “Step-mother” he offered.

  “Step-mother.” She said in resignation.

  “Oh, now you care about my step-mother feelings?”

  “I care about her feelings because your dad does. And she will be scrutinized because they are running for office. You know this. These little stunts might be a problem. These hostile take overs are ridiculous. These business fights are beneath you Aiden.”

  “There wasn’t anything hostile about what I did. It was fair and legal. You can coddl
e my dad and his ego, you’ve always been good at that. I don’t have to.”

  “Aiden—” she said, voice losing its cool edge. It was soft, genteel. I’m sure used many times to diffuse him.

  “Contrary to what my father believes, he doesn’t get what he wants when he wants it, without consequences. Too bad you’ve been instrumental in leading him to believe that. I don’t have time to talk. Ella’s sitting here on my lap,” he turned his head, I assumed to look at me, I didn’t move keeping my face cradled in his neck. “While you were blathering on about my dad’s bruised ego, we were fucking.” I shot up, eyes wide, mouth open. He smirked and winked. “I’d like to get off the phone, get into the apartment, shower with her, and fuck some more. Next time my father has one of his tantrums have him call me; so he will not have to hear me tell him to deal with it second hand. Thanks, Liz.”

  His lips pressed against mine when I attempted to speak and as Bane pulled up in front of the elevator I dismounted from Aiden. Unable to hold a steady gaze on Bane, although his eyes were just as vacant as he held the door open for me. I did what I could to straighten my clothes grateful for the private entrance where no one could see my walk of shame from the car to the elevator. A feeling that Aiden didn’t seem to share.

  Once the elevator closed behind us I said, “Is that what you do most of the time, try to irritate your father and as a bonus Elizabeth, too?”

  For a long moment, he regarded me for a long time, intense and hard. The distance I had put between us seemed nonexistent as he pulled me to him with just a simple look. Eventually he closed the distance and stood just inches from me, his fingers traced the bottom of my lips as he watched me. “I thought you said that I should deal with my father and let you deal with your mother. Am I correct?”

  I nodded, “Your relationship with your father and with Elizabeth seems so complex, it makes me curious.”

  His lips beveled into a moue, “It is complex. Neither one respect my rules or my boundaries. And there are always consequences. They don’t like that.”

  When the elevator opened, I left out and asked as he opened the door. “What happens when I break your rules? What are the consequences?”

  Without taking a moment to consider the question, he made a gruff sound. “You won’t. You aim to please. I enjoy it, although I wonder what you get out of it.”

  I stopped in the middle of the room and looked at him trying to figure out the intent of his words. There wasn’t any intonation. I wasn’t sure if he was disappointed or displeased by it. For some reason it bothered me. “So? There’s nothing wrong with doing things for people you care about. And to think otherwise makes you seem cruel.”

  Amusement flickered at his lips. “How do you know I’m not cruel?” he asked.

  “I don’t. But you don’t seem to be, to me.”

  “And you do the things I want because you care for me?”

  “I like you. I hope the feeling is mutual. There’s nothing wrong with that or am I breaking another one of your rules?” I tried to level the irritation but it reflected in my words.

  He made an attempt at a smile but didn’t quite commit. “I like having sex with you. I love all the naughty things you let me do to you and I like the fact that you enjoy it, too.” Slowly he walked toward me as though he was approaching a cowering animal. “I have enough complications in my life…please don’t be one of them. This is fun, the very thing we both agreed too. Okay?”

  Okay? I said the words to myself. I simply offered him a plaintive nod. I turned to go to my room to take a shower and he took hold of my arm. “My room.” He directed me.

  I shook my head and pulled my arm away.

  “Please.” He said and I followed him to his bedroom. It was twice the size of the one I slept in. The expansive window took up almost the entire wall behind the bed. I hadn’t noticed the unique canvases on the wall, far too tame to be from anything at Kieran’s gallery. He turned me around to face him. “Undress for me.”

  Again, I nodded. He took a few steps back watching me as I took off the dress and let it drop to the floor, and then I slipped off my bra and panties dropping them on top of the dress pooled at my feet. I ran my fingers through my hair, brushing away the curtain of hair that obstructed my view. I didn’t feel sexy. I always felt sexy with everything I did with Aiden. A new and exciting exploration of a sexuality I wasn’t sure I possessed. Sexy was the last thing I felt. He liked fucking me—that was it. I was uncomplicated because that’s what I was to him. But I had signed up for this. He was a complicated man with strange father issues and even stranger ex-wife issues and possibly a baby daddy issue, too. For all intents and purposes, he was a stranger that screwed me well and gave me an orgasm every time he touched me. He was intense carnal sexuality. And he was the worst person to want anything from, but we had been together for eleven days and he couldn’t simply say he liked me. Of all the things that should have bothered me about him, this was the one that really did.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked. He’d moved closer but kept his hands to his side.

  “Nothing,” I lied.

  He looked away, his lips pursed into a hard stern line. “Ella. We agreed to you being honest. Don’t stop now. What. Is. Wrong?”

  “You like to fuck me. That’s it?”

  The question remained for so long it felt uncomfortable and eventually he spoke, a low whisper. “I like the way a red streak forms on your nose when you are embarrassed or angry. The sounds you make when I enter you.” Moving closer, his warm breath bristled against my cheek. “I like having your scent with me long after I left your room. I like the way you cum and whimper when I spank your ass. I like the way your lips pucker into a pout when you’re frustrated or angry. I like the way your eyes flutter when you’re nervous. And the way you smile at strangers, just to get them to return it. I like the way your nails feel across my back when I take you hard. I like the way your lips feel against mine.” His lips brushed lightly against. “And the way you taste,” his tongue moved lightly against the pulse of my neck. “And yes, Ella, I like you. But it doesn’t mean anything. Do you understand?”

  I really wanted to, but I didn’t. How could none of that mean anything to him? His lips turned into a hard, thin line. “Ella, my life is complicated. This, between us or any woman I bring here for any reason or length of time, is meant to be easy, simple. We satisfy each other. We have fun. We please each other. And when it’s over we walk away. I thought you agreed to that too.”

  I had because that is what I wanted. And maybe it’s what I wanted now. I was overthinking this. I enjoyed being with Aiden. He was fun and what I needed.

  His eyes fastened on mine, his voice low and steely. “Do you want to go home?” he asked.

  Leaning in I kissed him. Softly at first. Then harder, hungry to feel him and the way his tongue played with mine. The gentle caress of his lips as he covered mine. He pulled back and grinned. “Shower first. Play later.”

  Standing in the middle of the waterfall of water, the warmth spreading over me, as the steam filled the large bathroom. Even with the obstructed view, I could still see Aiden outside watching me. And he did just that for several minutes before taking off his clothes and stepping in. He kissed me, gentle at first. Then hungrier, more intense as trickles of splashing water came off of him. He nudged me and I responded. Kissing his cheek, trailing down to the curve of the neck. Laving over the delineations of his defined chest and the defined muscles of his abs until I was on my knees. I took his, slow at first. Taking in the whole length of him. His sounds of pleasure filled the room and everything. He gathered my hair in hand, slowly guiding me, his pants increased and just when I thought he was going to get to the height of it and climax he pulled me up and pressed me against the wall. Pulled my hips out and entered me in one fluid movement. My face pressed against the warm stone tiles. His arms wrapped around me, drawing me closer to him as he caressed my breast and causing me to yelp each time he pressed my hardened pea
ks between his fingers. Pleasure and pain, Aiden seemed to enjoy it.

  More powerful strokes caused my body give into the rising pleasure. I pressed into the wall, my hips gyrating to meet his sinuous movements. The warmth and tingling stopped, I gripped him tighter. Bruising fingers fondled my breast more, heavy pants filled the large space. And I shuddered, reaching my peak in what felt like an explosion of pleasure. Everything felt too sensitive and as he continued to move inside of me, his thick cock filling me, I came again. Molded to the stone tiles he relaxed into me and kissed me on the neck.

  “I’m glad you stayed.”

  I didn’t have the energy to respond as I slid to the floor of the shower, Aiden took a step and slipped in behind me, the water from the shower heads still beating against us.

  After a few minutes. “Is this a shower?”


  Aiden and I had a proper shower between sex and foreplay. And his rules firmly in place, I returned to my room at the end of the night. It didn’t bother me as much as it usually did because I was exhausted. I’d slept until nearly two hours before I needed to meet my mother and if it weren’t for Lorraine’s, Aiden’s house attendant, knocking at the door to wake me I would have probably have been late meeting my mother. I didn’t need to be late.

  I was just about to walk into the restaurant when the phone rang, I answered without looking at the name.

  “Ella?” Jason said on the end.

  Why was my ex-fiancé calling me? The man who broke off our engagement weeks before the wedding, married the woman he had been cheating on me with for years. I had to find it out at a fundraiser as he introduced me to his new wife, who had on the ring he’d given to me. Seeing me with Aiden at the fundraiser piqued his interest to the point I’d became a game to him. A conquest he needed. I swallowed hard. “What do you want?”


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