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Love 101: Box Set (Love 101 #1-4)

Page 34

by J. Nichole

  Today I don't have the luxury of avoiding his office. I have to visit Professor King's office, and her office is in the same hall as Professor Douglas' office was. I knock before entering her door. Professor King responds in a sweet voice "Come in."

  Unlike Professor Douglas, Professor King is significantly younger. From her smooth face, athletic build, and stylish wardrobe I would guess she’s in her forties.

  When I walk through the door she looks up from her desk and smiles. “Hi, what can I do for you?”

  I don't take a seat but stand in front of her desk instead. "I'm planning out my classes for next semester and I wanted to know if I could register for your class although I haven't completed the pre-requisite yet."

  Professor King’s smile doesn’t waver and she says, “Typically, the pre-requisites are in place for a reason.” She motions for me to take a seat. “You’re on the newspaper staff, right?”

  I take a seat and respond with a head nod. "I plan on taking the prereq next semester too. The other available classes don't fit my schedule."

  She watches me intently before proceeding. “Your experience with the newspaper probably has you prepared for the class. I’ll approve it, but within the first few weeks you’ll need to drop if you feel you can’t stay on track.”

  “Thanks, Dr. King.” I stand to leave her office, but she stops me.

  “Excuse me.” I turn around and make eye contact. “I heard you were pretty close to Professor Douglas.” My eyes drop and I nod my head. “And you also interviewed a few of the girls, right?” I nod my head again.

  “If you ever need to speak, I’m here. I can imagine this is a difficult time for you.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate that.” I take in a deep breath and exit before my emotions get the best of me.

  Stepping outside, I button up my sweater. The sun is barely shining, and the air is a bit crisper than it was just a couple of weeks ago. I’m sure this cold front won’t last long, but it makes walking across campus bearable.

  “Laila, wait up girl.” Jason walks up from behind me. “Party at your place this weekend?” He smiles.

  “Yeah, you coming? Or are you too busy?” I smirk at him.

  “Is your boyfriend going to be there?”

  “Why does it matter?” I examine his face as he turns away. “That’s your guy, right?”

  He looks back at me. “Of course.”

  “Good. Then we’ll see you there.”

  Jason looks down at his economics book. “Ready for this quiz?”

  We walk up to the economics building and Jason opens the door. “I’m ready as I can be. Jason, what’s your major again?”

  He laughs. “Business Administration.”

  I shake my head at him. “Ugh, you should be on top of this econ stuff, right?”

  He shrugs his shoulders. “I mean how much of this book stuff will be relevant in real life anyway?”

  “For your sake I hope not much.”

  “Monica.” Nicole holds up a bag of chips. “You got more than chips and dip, right?”

  “Stop worrying chick. I ordered pizza too.” Monica smiles as she sets the counter with plates, cups, and napkins.

  Nicole unloads a few bottles of liquor from her bag. “My guys always come through!” She holds up a bottle of pineapple vodka. “This stuff is so good with pineapple juice.” She grabs a cup from Monica’s stack. “I’ll just take a little sip.”

  “Okay, we have about two hours before Jennifer shows up.” I glance at my phone as another alert comes in, notifying me of an invite acceptance. “I just hope she doesn’t get here before folks start showing up.”

  Nicole throws her drink back. “You know black folks aren’t ever on time.” Nicole looks over at me. “How many people are coming anyway?”

  I shrug and say, "Ugh, about twenty-five. Maybe."

  Nicole looks between Monica and me. “I had about fifteen people on my list.” She snickers. “Between the three of you there are only ten other people invited?”

  Monica huffs. “This isn’t our party, exactly. And besides too many people will get rowdy.”

  I nod in agreement with Monica. “Right, last thing we need is the cops called on us.”

  My phone dings a few more times while I'm getting dressed. I'm in the middle of applying my make-up and ignore the alerts until a few more come in back to back. When I check my phone I see fifteen notifications from the invite.

  I only invited twenty-five people. I open the invite and see fifty people have accepted. Oh shit! I pull on my jeans and throw my shirt over my head, and then run out to Monica’s room. I burst through her door and she’s lying on the bed trying to slide a pair of jeans over her hips.

  I look at her and shake my head. “Fifty people have accepted the invite.”

  She inhales as she buttons her pants. "Fifty? I thought you said there were only twenty-five invited." She stands up, hardly moving and says, "Maybe they won't all show up."

  Someone knocks at the door and I look at the clock. “Someone is here already?” I leave Monica’s room to answer the door.

  Monica yells behind me, “Ugh, I’m not finished getting dressed.”

  Before I answer the door I turn on Pandora and the speakers. When I open the door I see two girls are standing there, dressed like they are going to the club. “Hey.”

  They smile and wave. One of the girls looks beyond me and says, “Are we early?”

  I’ve never seen either of them before, but maybe they were on someone’s list so I move aside and let them through the door. As they take a seat, I offer them a drink and show them to the snacks.

  They take a cup of Nicole’s pineapple concoction and sit on the couch. Before I can ask them whom they know, Nicole walks into the living room.

  “Hey!” She looks at the girls, then to me with a strange face. “Early birds. I like that.”

  Nicole posts up against the counter and starts shuffling through the Pandora stations. Someone knocks at the door again and I walk over to answer it. A few guys, none whom I recognize, are standing in front of me. I step aside and let them in and they join the girls in the living room. If fifty people show up we’ll be standing room only, and very crowded.

  Nicole whispers to me, “Do you know any of these people?”

  I look towards the living room and say, “Nope, not a single one.”

  People continue flooding in, and only a few were actually on our invite list. The party is live though. People are dancing and drinking, talking and laughing. Between the three of us we mingle through the crowd and make sure nobody sneaks off into our rooms.

  Monica pulls me aside and says, “Jennifer is on her way!” She looks around the apartment. “Do we say surprise?”

  "Good luck with getting these folks to cooperate. We should meet her at the door though." I look around for Nicole and spot her in a corner with a random guy. I leave her where she is and go to the door to greet Jennifer.

  The door opens and Jennifer isn’t alone. She has a few other girls with her. She looks beyond me and says, “What the hell?”

  “Surprise!” I lean in for a hug, but Jennifer pulls away.

  “It’s not my birthday.” She says with a confused look on her face.

  “This is for you making the dance troupe.”

  The girls behind her scream “Ladies of Sophistication,” then they push Jennifer through the door.

  Jennifer smiles and grabs Monica and me hugging us tightly. She whispers, “How’d you know?”

  Monica laughs, “Nicole keeps her ears to the streets.”

  Jennifer and her girls come through the crowd and start a line dance. We join the line dance and more people come through the door. At this point, we can hardly move in the living room. People are spilling into the hallway and lingering outside the door of the apartment.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket and I grab it seeing Chris' name on display. I walk outside to take the call. "Hey, babe."

  “I hear your party i
s the spot to be tonight.” He laughs. “Y’all alright over there?”

  "Yeah, it's packed. I'm standing outside now and it looks like the party is overflowing into the parking lot."

  “Well if anyone starts acting crazy call me. Okay?”

  I pout my lips. I was hoping he would be here tonight, but I’m sure he doesn’t want to be here with a bunch of random people. “You aren’t coming?”

  “No, I’ll be there after it’s over though to make sure none of those dudes try to stick around.”

  "Alright, I'll call you when it's over." I start walking back towards the house and try to push my way through the crowd gathered on the stairs. "Excuse me." People stare at me but hardly move. "Yeah, so this is my apartment." They snicker and move out of the way.

  Jennifer and her girls are leading another line dance in the living room. Someone brushes past me, bumping my shoulder. When I look up, I see Courtney standing with her head cocked and her nostrils flaring. “Why are you here, Courtney?”

  Courtney sweeps her arm around and says, “I didn’t want to miss the big party.”

  “Now you’ve seen it, and you need to leave.” Monica walks up behind me with her arms crossed.

  “Laila, everything okay?”

  Without breaking my sight with Courtney I respond, “Yes, Courtney was just leaving.”

  Courtney starts walking towards the door, then turns around and says, “No point in being here since Chris isn’t around. Bye, Laila.”

  Monica grabs my arm. “I hope this isn’t going to be a repeat of last year. We don’t need Courtney popping up whenever she pleases.”

  I couldn’t agree with Monica more. Courtney’s crazy is nothing to be desired. Trying to stay one step ahead of her antics is exhausting.

  Nicole slams the last bottle of pineapple vodka down on the counter. "Damn, that went quickly."

  I pick up empty cups from the counter, and across the floor and toss them in the trash. “Guess this party is about over. We are out of liquor. Folks will start disbursing.”

  Nicole grins and says, “It was one hell of a party though.” She hiccups. “Right?” She points to the corner. “And that guy.” She smiles wide. “He is sexy as hell. Cheers to whoever had him on their invite list.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Laila, I have a list of stuff to do before you get here.” My mom rattles off her grocery list, the invite list, and I listen as I pack my bag.

  “Did you invite the Jones’?” I hold my breath as I wait for my mom to answer.

  “I did, but before you told me Chris was coming with you.” She pauses then says, “But I don’t think Josh is coming home for Thanksgiving.”

  Josh hasn’t missed a holiday yet. I don’t know why this would be any different. I pray my mom is right. Josh and Chris in the same space for more than a few minutes will be awkward.

  "Don't worry if he does come I won't sit him and Chris near each other." She continues with her list of things to do. "Oh, and I have to change the sheets in the guest room. I don't know what you two do in Tallahassee but in my house you won't sleep in the same room."

  “On that note, mom, we’ll be there in a few hours.”

  I throw another dress and a pair of shoes in my bag and zip it up. Before leaving I hug Monica and Jennifer, and offer, for the umpteenth time, for them to come home with me.

  "We'll be fine, we won't have turkey and all that but I'm sure we can make something happen." Monica exchanges a glance at Jennifer. "Besides, it's your first time officially taking Chris home. We don't want to hinder your time with him and your family."

  Jennifer says, “Just bring us back a plate.”

  I hop in the car and head to the frat house to pick Chris up. He offered to drive, but I’d rather have my car to drive around.

  He throws his bag in the trunk and before he can buckle up he says, “You can take your car, but I could at least drive.”

  I sigh as I look at him sitting uncomfortably in the passenger seat. “Okay, but when we get there I’m driving for the weekend.” We get out to switch seats and before I can get to the passenger side he grabs me and squeezes me then follows it with a passionate kiss. I pull away and look up. “What’s that all about?”

  He grins and says, “I love my girl. Can’t I show her?”

  “No complaints here.”

  Before we pull out of park I put my hand on his arm and whisper, “We have to pray.”

  “But of course. Dear God, grant us traveling mercy and let us have a great time this weekend. Amen.” He peeks at me with his head still bent. “Anything else?”

  “Amen.” We pull off and start in the direction of Fort Walton Beach. I clutch my hands as my stomach does flips. I hope God delivers and keeps this weekend drama free.

  When we pull up at my house Chris parks but doesn’t move. He looks over at me and places his hand on my knee. “Can we make a circle around the block before we go in the house?”

  My eyes narrow as I try to understand why we would circle the block.

  “I won’t be able to kiss you in front of your parents. I just want one more kiss before we go in.”

  I laugh and nod my head. He pulls out of the driveway and as we leave, I catch my mom looking out of the window. “Guess we better go to the store and grab something or our cover will be blown.”

  “Huh?” He continues driving around the block. “What happened?”

  “My mom saw us pull away.”

  Chris parks the car discreetly near the woods. He leans over, grabs my chin, and takes my mouth by storm. My body warms up as our kiss gets deeper and his hands begin to roam. Before I end up jumping in his lap, I pull away.

  "Yeah, we better go to the store to give me time to calm down." He readjusts himself then puts the car in drive.

  I let Chris carry in the bouquet of flowers for my mom. The smug look on her face fades when Chris hands her the mixed roses. She smiles wide and squeals, “Oh thank you, Chris!”

  He bends down and hugs her saying, “Thank you for allowing me to spend Thanksgiving with your family.”

  My mom looks around Chris with her hand on her hip she tells me, “This one is trying to win me over,” as if Chris is not standing in front of her anymore.

  I nod my head. “He’s definitely a keeper.” Looking into the kitchen I ask my mom where my dad is hiding.

  “Well since you two were taking your time getting here I sent him out to pick up a few more things from the grocery store.”

  I smile nervously and say, “Do you need anything else?”

  "No, you can make yourselves comfortable." She opens the refrigerator. "Hungry?"

  Chris takes a seat at the counter and says, “Actually, I could eat something.” My mom and I both laugh.

  "Well, honey. The first time in our home I'll treat you like a visitor. But just know the next time you come you will be on your own. I'll make you a sandwich."

  Chris laughs and says, “Yes ma’am. Got it. I’ll take a sandwich.”

  After we eat, my dad makes his way through the kitchen with his face downturned. “I had to run to the store and came back just in time to miss lunch?” He throws his hands in the air. “Just my luck.”

  Between his rant, he turns to Chris, extending him a hand to shake. “Nice to see you, young man. Glad you could join us this weekend.”

  "Thanks, sir, and thank you for allowing me to be here. Need help with bags?"

  My father grins and pats Chris on the back. “Keep that attitude and you can stick around for a while. I wouldn’t mind some help.” He rubs his stomach. “Especially since I’m working on fumes.” He looks over his shoulder at my mom, who hasn’t listened to a word my dad has said.

  I volunteer to make him a sandwich while Chris goes out to the car to help with the bags. I slide beside my mom and whisper. “Any word about Josh?”

  My mom looks at me then continues chopping onions. “Don’t worry. Chris will give him a run for his money if he does show up.” She hands me a
slice of onion. “Your dad likes onions on his sandwich.”

  I get stuck in the kitchen with my mom, preparing for Thanksgiving, and my dad steals Chris away from us. They sit in front of the television, too far away for me to eavesdrop on their conversation. While I mix the cornbread mix I tell my mom all about the party we threw for Jennifer and the reappearance of Courtney.

  “She’s back?” She stops moving and looks intently in my eyes. “Listen, Laila, Chris is a good guy, but I don’t want this girl to do anything crazy to you because of him.” She leans in closer to me and continues, “Maybe you should take a break until she is completely out of the picture.”

  I gasp. “Mom, when have you ever known me to back down to anyone?”

  She smirks. “Never.” She walks to the stove and stirs the contents of a pot. “You don’t have to listen to me, but you better be careful.” After I put the cornbread in the oven we both join Chris and my dad in the living room.

  Chris walks out of the guest room wearing his slacks, plaid button down shirt, and a blue tie. Sexy as hell. “You look rather handsome, sir.” I wink at Chris as he walks past my room.

  He doubles back and stands in the doorway of my room. “Thank you.” He stares at me as I finish applying my make-up. “Being hands off with you is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.”

  I walk over to him and peck him on the lips. “Maybe I can take you sightseeing later today.”

  Chris licks his lips and says, “Yes, please.” He looks down at my chest. “There are a couple of sites I’d love to see.” I smack his arm and we join my parents in the kitchen.

  My mother hands me a basket of rolls and instructs me to place them on the table. As I set them down the doorbell rings. My dad beats me to the door, and as he opens it I hold my breath. I spoke to Tanya last night, but she wasn’t sure if Josh was going to make it to dinner but she knew he was on his way home.


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