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Forty and Free: A Sweet Romance Series Bundle - Books 1 - 4

Page 42

by Blake, Lillianna


  “Your Angela?” Joey smiled.

  “Just Angela.” Ryan raised an eyebrow as he met Joey’s eyes.

  “So she’s free game?”

  “That’s a horrible way to put it.”

  “I’m just asking.” He grabbed his ball and went to take his turn.

  Angela returned with a ball and lingered near Ryan. He forced himself to look up at her.

  “Glad you could make it.” Even to him, his voice sounded strained.

  “Is something wrong? Should I leave?” Angela frowned. “I wasn’t sure if I should come or not.”

  “No, everything’s fine. I just want you to have a good time. This is Cassie.” He gestured to the woman who walked toward him.

  “Oh. Hi.” Angela smiled, but it faded fast.

  “She’s a good friend of mine.” Ryan pointed to a man by the snack bar. “That’s Manny.”

  “And I’m Joey.” Joey walked up to her with a wide smile. “You are just gorgeous, you know that?” He stretched out his hand to her.

  Angela took it, but instead of shaking her hand, Joey drew it to his lips. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Uh, you too.” Angela pulled her hand back and shot a look at Ryan.

  Ryan grimaced and pointed to the screen. “You’re up.”

  “Angie.” She smiled as she looked at the screen. “No one has called me that in years.” She glanced over at Ryan.

  He held her eyes for a long moment.

  She looked away and carried her bowling ball to the end of the lane. When she launched the ball her wrist twisted and the ball skidded across the lane straight toward the gutter.

  “Wow, this is going to be fun.” Cassie muttered.

  “She’s just nervous.” Ryan studied the tension in Angela’s shoulders as she watched the ball roll down the gutter. Was she nervous because she wanted to be there or nervous because she regretted being there?

  “Hey, Angela, let me help you with that.” Joey scooped up her ball from the ball return. Ryan half-stood in an attempt to intercede, but Joey was already next to Angela.

  “He’s moving in.” Cassie rolled her eyes. “Are you sure you want to let him?”

  “We’re just friends, Cassie.”

  “You keep saying that.” Cassie pinched his cheek. “But I’ve never seen you blush so much in my life.”

  Ryan lowered his eyes and brushed her hand away from his face. “It doesn’t matter. She doesn’t like what I do for a living.”

  “Oh.” Cassie laughed. “Is that it? You found the one woman on earth that doesn’t like a man in uniform?”

  “I guess.” He sighed and watched as Joey positioned himself close to Angela.

  Chapter 15

  The entire drive to the bowling alley, Angela tried to convince herself that the only reason she’d agreed to go was to get out and have some fun. That was it. She’d been busy getting the shop set up and hadn’t taken much time for fun lately.

  The more she tried to convince herself, though, the less convinced she was. The truth was, she couldn’t wait to see Ryan again. But why? Because of the way he looked at her? Because he stirred up emotions she thought were packed away forever? Or maybe just because he intrigued her.

  The thought crossed her mind that perhaps she should give a date with him another shot. But it faded fast as the memory of him with a gun on his hip surfaced. She just couldn’t imagine herself in a relationship with him. It was a stumbling block she couldn’t get past.

  When she arrived at the bowling alley, she thought about going back home. Would she be able to resist him if she spent time with him? The thought made her mind spin with a mixture of desire and resistance. Finally, she shoved her car door open and stepped out.

  You can do this. It’s just bowling.

  When she stepped inside, she was greeted by loud music and the stale scent of beer. It wasn’t the fanciest of places, but it inspired a sense of nostalgia. During and just after her college years, she’d meet with friends once a month at the bowling alley. Then everyone began to fall out of touch as life’s responsibilities took over their freedom. One by one they married, had kids, or moved for their careers. In the end, she stopped trying to get anyone together as phone calls weren’t returned and texts were ignored.

  Recently she’d been attending more classes and events, but she hadn’t really built any new friendships. When she saw the group that surrounded Ryan, she longed for that sense of friendship and fun again. The way Ryan had almost avoided her when she greeted him dampened that hope.

  Joey’s boisterous attitude and playful nature brightened her attitude again. Maybe if she hadn’t been so nervous she wouldn’t have thrown a gutter ball, but she was nervous—and somewhat mortified as she watched the ball roll toward the end of the lane. Not only had she embarrassed herself in front of Ryan and his friends, she’d failed at the simplest task of having fun.

  When Joey came to her rescue, she was flattered by his attention.

  “I don’t know what happened. Usually I bowl pretty well.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll show you a trick I use. If that’s okay?”

  She glanced over at Ryan. His eyes were glued to the computer screen in front of him. He didn’t even seem to notice her.


  “You just have to trust me.”

  “Oh?” She laughed as Joey slid his hand over hers and helped her grip the ball on the bottom.

  “Hold it steady—you have to give it firm direction.”

  “I think I can do that.”

  He rubbed his hand along hers again, this time without an excuse. Heat rushed into her cheeks as he smiled at her.

  “I’m sure you can. I bet you’re used to giving direction.”

  She stared at him for a moment. It had been so long since she’d even flirted that she wasn’t sure how to react.

  She glanced at Ryan again. Her heart fluttered the moment she met his eyes. But he looked away again, this time at Cassie beside him. She had to find a way to distract herself from him, and Joey was right there.

  “Oh yeah, I love giving direction. Let me show you.” She stepped away from Joey and swung her arm back. In one swift sweep of her arm, the ball slammed down against the lane. It rolled straight toward the center of the pins. A moment later the clatter of the pins against the lane proved her point.

  “Strike! Wow!” Cassie laughed and clapped her hands. “Guess she doesn’t need any instructions, Joey.”

  “Great roll, Angela.” Ryan smiled at her as he reached down to the ball return. “I thought you would be a challenge.” He held her eyes for a moment longer than he needed to.

  Angela wasn’t sure if he meant his words as a compliment or if there was another message behind them.

  She watched as he strode with confidence toward the edge of the lane. With more force than she expected, he winged the ball down the lane. At first she thought it would land right in the gutter, but at the last moment it hooked back to the right and struck the center pin so hard that it knocked down several pins around it. The remainder of the pins toppled as well.

  “Wish I could say I was surprised.” Cassie laughed.

  “Does he always roll a strike?” Angela glanced over at her.

  “Just about.”

  Angela grinned and sat down next to her in front of the monitors. “I’m glad I came. This is a lot of fun.”

  “I’m glad you came too.” Joey held out a frothy cup of beer to her.

  “Oh, thanks.” She took it and smiled at him. “That’s kind of you.”

  “In case it’s not obvious, I want you to like me.” He laughed.

  “I think that’s pretty obvious to everyone.” Ryan rolled his eyes.

  “Don’t be jealous, Ryan, I’ll get you a beer too.” Joey winked at him.

  Angela raised her glass in the air. “To new friends and a great round.”

  “I can drink to that.” Ryan smiled. “I’ll go get us a few more.”r />
  As he walked away Cassie leaned close to Angela. “I hear Ryan came to your rescue.”

  “Twice.” Angela smiled.

  “Hm. Good thing a cop was around when you needed him.”

  “You’re right.” Angela nodded and sipped her beer. She thought Cassie would drop the subject. Instead, Cassie looked her straight in the eyes.

  “He’s a good guy to have in your corner.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” Angela quirked an eyebrow. “Aren’t you two together?”

  “Nah, we’re just friends—practically like brother and sister.” Cassie lowered her voice. “That means I know all his secrets.”

  “Aha, very good to know.” Angela grinned.

  She felt at ease with Cassie in a way that surprised her. Maybe it was the beer, maybe it was Joey’s flirtation—either way, she began to relax.

  Chapter 16

  Every time Joey leaned close to Angela, Ryan resisted the urge to grab the back of his neck. Sure, Joey was a decent guy, as far as friends go, but Ryan had never seen him treat a woman right. In Ryan’s mind, Joey was circling Angela like she was prey, and it took all of his strength to restrain himself.

  Angela didn’t seem to notice Joey’s flaws at all. She laughed at his jokes and accepted the drinks he brought her. The more she enjoyed Joey’s attention, the more Ryan seethed. So Joey was good enough for her, but not him? His heart strained with every beat.

  “I’m going to get some air.” Ryan handed his beer to Cassie. “Keep an eye on her.”

  “Looks to me like she’s doing just fine on her own. Do you want me to tell Joey to back off?”

  Ryan thought about it for a moment. He and Joey had been friends long enough that Ryan knew if he asked him to back off, he would. But that wasn’t what he wanted.

  “No, if they hit it off, good for them.” He turned and walked toward the exit of the bowling alley.

  Keep your cool, Ryan. You’re going to embarrass yourself.

  He pushed the door open and stepped outside. As soon as the cool air and the clear sky greeted him, his nerves calmed. Joey and Angela had chemistry. Oh well, nothing he could do about that.

  As if on cue, Joey stepped outside. “You missed your turn.”

  “Cassie go for me?”

  “Of course.” Joey leaned back against the wall beside him. “So Angela is great.”

  “Yes, she is. I see you’re getting to know her pretty well.”

  “Are you sure that you’re okay with that?” Joey looked him in the eye. “I mean, I know you had a thing for her.”

  “Whatever, Joey. Just remember she’s a nice person. Alright?”


  “So, try not to be you.”

  Joey grinned. “Ryan, your opinion of me is so great.”

  “I’m just speaking from experience. Am I wrong?” Ryan held his gaze. “I don’t have a claim on her. She’s clearly interested in you. So go for it. But don’t treat her like she’s just another notch on your belt. She’s worth a lot more than that.”

  “If you say so. I’ll give her a fair shake.” He shrugged. “It’s not like I’m going to marry her or anything.”

  Ryan gritted his teeth. As much as it infuriated him that Angela preferred Joey over him, he had no control over it. He also had no control over the fantasies that flooded his mind. If he said the word, Joey would back off. He was aware of that. But he didn’t want to say the word.

  Angela had made her stance clear about his job, and he wasn’t going to try to pressure her into something that she didn’t want. Still, as Joey headed back inside, Ryan’s protective instinct nearly overwhelmed him. Would Angela know that Joey didn’t want anything serious?

  By the end of the night, Joey and Angela had made plans to go to dinner. Ryan observed the entire event, and from the moment Joey asked to the moment Angela accepted he fantasized about how he could intervene. In the end, he just kept his mouth shut.

  “Great night, guys. Thanks.” Ryan nodded to Cassie. “Are you going to be here next week?”

  “You know I will be. What else am I going to do on a Saturday night?”

  “Angela, I’ll walk you out.” Ryan fell into step beside her.

  She glanced at him and smiled, though the expression appeared strained to him. When they reached her car, she turned to look at him.

  “You know, you don’t have to walk me to my car. I’m sure the past few days have given you the impression that I’m incapable of protecting myself but—”

  “Angela, it’s not that. I just wanted to talk to you about something.”

  “What is it?”

  “I need you to know something.”


  “I know that you’re interested in Joey. I know that you think he’s a good guy, and I wouldn’t be friends with him if he wasn’t. But you need to be aware that he’s also a bit of a player. He likes to date around.” He ran his palm back across his short brown hair and avoided her eyes. “It’s not my business—I get that.”

  “What is this really about, Ryan?”

  “It’s just a warning. I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night if I didn’t say something to you.”

  “Or maybe you think you get to control everyone?”

  “Stop. That’s not what this is about.”

  “Isn’t it? If you’re not comfortable with Joey and me seeing one another, then we don’t have to communicate any more. I thought you wanted to be friends.”

  “I’m trying to be your friend, Angie.” He looked into her eyes. “I want the opportunity to get to know you better. I just don’t want Joey to wreck that.”

  Chapter 17

  Ryan’s use of her nickname summoned such a deep desire to feel his arms around her that Angela was almost at a loss for words. What was it about him that influenced her emotions so much? Whatever it was, she needed to ignore it.

  “I’m tougher than you think. I know what Joey’s intentions are. Realistically, I don’t expect to find a man, fall in love, get married—it’s too late for all those things. But fun? Well, there’s plenty of time for that.”

  Ryan raised an eyebrow. “What if you do?”

  “If I do what?”

  “Find a man, fall in love, get married?”

  She laughed and shook her head. “You’re the romantic, Ryan, not me. I’ve let go of those notions and I’m calmer for it. Now I can just embrace and enjoy my life without having to count down the years. Don’t you think?”

  “No. I still hold out hope.”

  She noticed the way he smiled at her—secretive and amused in the same moment.

  “I’m willing to wait as long as it takes.”

  She looked into his eyes longer than she intended to. Their gray depths reminded her of the ocean on a still day. Ryan’s personality reminded her of that same image, as she guessed he only revealed to her the surface of what was churning underneath.

  “And what if it never happens?” Her fingertips pressed against the car door to steady herself in the same moment that Ryan tilted his head toward her.

  “Then at least I’ll know I tried.” The corners of his lips retreated from his amused expression and left behind only a pensive stare. “I wouldn’t want to spend the rest of my life not knowing that.”

  Angela swallowed hard and forced her gaze away from his. As much as she wanted to believe that his words didn’t apply to her, there was no question that they did.

  “Thanks for tonight, Ryan.”

  “I have to go. I’m on duty tomorrow.” He brushed a hand past her hip to the handle of the door and opened it for her. “Get home safe. Alright?”

  “Yes.” She cleared her throat and turned toward the car to get in.

  Behind her, she felt the brush of his hand along the curve of her shoulder and down the length of her back. A shiver raced up her spine that spread warmth outward to the tips of her fingers and toes.

  Did he feel it too?

  She turned to watch him walk across the parkin
g lot toward his car. When he didn’t turn around, she settled into the car and pulled the door shut. Her heart raced at the memory of Ryan’s touch. Would he insist on more from her?

  Her phone buzzed with a text. She checked it to see that it was from Joey.

  Want to come over? I have movies on demand and a couch.

  Angela flipped the phone back and forth in her hand. It wasn’t exactly what she wanted to do, but it would be a good distraction.

  Send me your address.

  She closed her eyes as she waited for his response. A good movie, a little flirting, and a good night’s sleep would change her perspective. She was sure of it.

  A moment later she was on her way to Joey’s house.

  Over the next week Angela met Joey for lunch, saw a movie with him, and took a walk with him in a local park. He seemed to be respectful of the fact that she wasn’t looking to be in a relationship or wanting to take things too far, too fast. She appreciated that he didn’t pressure her for more than what she was comfortable with. But by the end of the week, when Joey stopped by her shop, he seemed to be growing a little impatient.

  “So, what are we doing here? Having play dates?” He laughed.

  “What do you mean?” Angela put the final touches on a gift basket.

  “I mean, is this going to develop into a more intimate situation?” He leaned against the counter and looked into her eyes.

  “I don’t owe you anything, Joey.”

  “I’m not saying that you do. It’s just that there are other numbers I can call.”

  “Seriously?” Angela rolled her eyes. “I’m not stopping you.”

  “Maybe I want you to.” He took her hand before she could add the bow to the gift basket. “I’m not trying to be cruel here, I just want an idea of how things are going to progress. We’re both adults, it doesn’t have to be a game of cat and mouse.”

  Angela sighed and pulled her hand back from his. “I’m more of a ‘let’s see where it leads’ type of person. No promises.”

  “I can understand that.” He straightened up and tapped his fingertips on the counter. “Just know the offer stands.”


  “Ryan’s having a party this weekend.”

  “A party?”

  “Just a get-together with the usual crowd. Nothing major—some beer and board games probably. Sometimes Cassie gets tipsy and sings karaoke.”


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