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Camden's Redemption

Page 7

by L. P. Dover

  We walked inside and went straight to the bar where a busty brunette greeted us. “Hey, Jason. The guys are all downstairs. They were happy with the new addition.”

  “I thought they would be,” he chuckled, walking past her to the hallway.

  “What is she talking about?”

  We came to a door that opened to another staircase leading down. “Follow me and you’ll see.”

  Shouts of laughter boomed throughout the stairwell, and when I got to the bottom, I couldn’t believe my fucking eyes. Not only were there pool tables, but there was something bigger and better that caught my attention.

  “Holy shit,” I said in awe. “I know what I’ll be gambling on tonight.”

  “Oh yeah? What’s that?” Jason asked.

  I pointed to the mats where a couple of guys were wrestling. “Do any of your buddies like to fight? I could give them a run for their money.”

  He snorted. “You sure about that? Have you seen the guys in here? They’d kick your ass.”

  “What the fuck ever.”

  “All right, but remember, you brought this on yourself.” Jason led me over to the corner where a group of guys were hanging out and laughing. When we approached, they all stopped and regarded me warily. I was an outsider. Not only could I see it in their eyes, but I could feel it.

  Jason turned to the group. “Guys, this is Cameron James. He’s a friend of my sister’s and new in town. I thought I’d show him around a bit. I think he wants to give us some of his money.”

  They all smiled. “Do you wrestle?” one of them asked. He stepped forward and held out his hand. “I’m Wyatt, but everyone calls me by my last name, Erickson.” The guy was shorter than me and stockier. He could no doubt throw a brutal punch.

  I took his hand and shook. “Cameron,” I said and let go. “I do wrestle, but it’s more along the lines of mixed martial arts.”

  “You interested in sparring with us?” another guy asked. This one was taller and definitely more arrogant judging by his sneer. Little did he know I could have him on the mat in under two seconds.

  I held out my hand. “And you are?”

  “Reese,” he said, taking my hand firmly.

  Smirking, I let go. “Well, Reese, I’d love to spar with you guys. I’m assuming you fight for money?”

  “Hell yeah,” someone else said, slapping me on the shoulder. “But judging by the looks of you, I think I’m gonna pass. You can fight those other fools.” Jason laughed and I turned around to see who it was. He had short brown hair, and was dressed like a cowboy with a wide smile on his face.

  “Cam, this is Gabe. He’s good friends with B,” Jason informed me.

  I shook Gabe’s hand and then he leaned in close. “Go for Reese. He needs some of that air knocked out of his head.” He slapped me on the shoulder again and took off toward the pool tables.

  I looked Jason. “Brooklyn and Gabe aren’t . . .”

  He chuckled. “Fucking each other? Hell no. I’d kick his ass if he ever tried. Luckily enough, he hasn’t . . . yet.”

  Gabe looked like he was in his early thirties, probably a good five years older than Brooklyn. In my case, I was younger than her by two years. That was definitely working against me.

  “So are you interested in a little friendly boxing match?” Reese asked.

  He threw a pair of boxing gloves in the air and I caught them. “What are the rules?”

  Reese secured his gloves and grinned wide. “There are no rules. The first one to give up loses.”

  I strapped my gloves on and smacked them together. They were bulky, but it looked like I didn’t have a choice in wearing them. “How much are we betting?” I asked.

  Erickson whispered in Reese’s ear and they both chuckled. “How about five hundred? Is that too steep for you?”

  The thought made me laugh. “Five hundred it is. Let’s see what you got.”

  I walked past him onto the mats and the whole room shifted. Everyone stopped what they were doing to come watch us and shouted for Reese as he circled the mat. Jason ventured to the middle and waved for us both to approach.

  “All right, you two, let’s get this party started. On the count of three. One . . .” he took a step away. “Two . . .” Another step. “Three.”

  Reese swung first and I dodged with a smile on my face. It pissed him off and he charged again. What a fucking idiot. This was going to be fun.

  NOW THAT I was just one of many watching Camden, I decided to take a week off. It felt good to relax and sit around the home I’d left for four months. It smelled exactly the way I left it and my bed had never felt so comfortable; except, something was missing. My brother gloated by sending me texts of how he and Camden were out at bars drinking. I could only imagine what else they were doing and who they were taking home. I didn’t give a rat’s ass who my brother screwed around with, but I’d spent months keeping women away from Camden. He was sure to make up for lost play time.

  It wasn’t until just recently I’d figured out the underlying reason why I did that. I didn’t want to see him with other women. In fact, the thought outright pissed me off. Whatever Jason’s game was, it wasn’t funny. But I pretended all was right in the world and that their gallivanting about didn’t bother me.

  My phone buzzed on the counter and I groaned. It was Friday night and everyone was expecting me to be at the bar. It was most likely Gabe wanting to challenge me in a game of pool. Too bad I didn’t plan on going. However, when I looked down at my phone it was Mason.

  “Long time no talk,” I answered.

  “Sorry, B. Been a little busy out here in California. How’ve you been?”

  “I can’t complain. Life’s been a lot simpler since I decided to take some time off.”

  “I hear ya. Are you playing pool with the guys tonight?”

  “Nope. My ass is going to stay home and watch a movie. I’m pretty sure Cam will be at the bar tonight and I don’t want to have to deal with that.”

  “You know he talks about you . . . a lot. He’s never been like this over anyone. Apparently, he’s thwarted every attempt your brother’s tried to get him to fuck someone else.”

  Anger boiled in my veins. “What?” I snarled. How could Jason do that? He knew I had feelings for Camden.

  “Yep, he turned them all down. Jameson has never done that.” He sighed. “Do you want to know the reason why I wanted you on the case?”

  “Because you trained me and I’m the best at spotting danger. I’m like Buffy when she gets those cramps when the vamps are near.” In my head, I could envision him shaking his head.

  “Whatever you say, B. But no, that’s not the reason. You and Jameson have a lot in common.”

  “I don’t need a new friend. And I definitely don’t need you playing matchmaker.”

  “Let’s get something straight, I don’t play matchmaker. I’m trying to help you both.”

  Sitting down on my couch, I turned off the TV and sighed. “I don’t want to get hurt again. And you and I both know Camden is known for hurting people. I mean, I know that he’s trying to change, I don’t want to get attached and then not be enough. I wasn’t enough for Blake.”

  “Fuck Blake. He’s lucky I haven’t kicked him off the team. Just do me a favor and go to the bar tonight. I got your brother involved with something and I want you to be there. Apparently, Camden’s been pretty antsy without being in the ring.”

  Eyes wide, I held the phone closer. “What did you do?”

  He laughed. “Go and find out.”

  After we hung up the phone, I sat on the couch and stared at the TV. I wanted to go, but yet I didn’t. Getting up from the couch, I groaned and stalked off toward my room. I am so going to regret this.

  Now that I wasn’t living just two blocks from the bar, I had to drive. That didn’t really bother me considering I had to play pool sober in order to kick everyone’s asses. I had tried to do it drunk one time and lost two hundred dollars. That was a mistake I vowed never to
make again. I told myself I wasn’t going to get dressed up for the evening, but who was I kidding. I flat ironed my hair and put on a flowing green top with a pair of shorts and sandals.

  It was a little after seven when I walked into the bar. I thought everyone would be in there drinking and having a good time, but I didn’t see anyone. Even Peter wasn’t behind the bar. One of the girls who worked for him was; her name was Crystal and she had short brown hair and blue eyes. The guys loved her. She had a glowing smile on her face when I approached.

  “It’s about time you got here. Everyone’s waiting on you.”

  “Are they downstairs? Usually they have a few drinks first,” I mentioned.

  “Oh, they’re having drinks,” she laughed. “Peter’s down there bartending for them. I think Gabe’s chomping at the bit for a game. He’s been practicing while you were gone.”

  “Has he gotten any better?” I asked.

  She snorted. “Hardly. Maybe if he’d stop drinking and try to play he’d do okay. Those guys just don’t learn.”

  “Tell me about it. I work with them. Has my brother arrived yet?”

  Her smile brightened. “Oh yeah, and he has a friend with him too. He has a body to die for. I’d give anything to have that for a night.”

  A pang of jealousy knotted in my stomach. I liked Crystal, but she wasn’t going to get anywhere near Camden. “I’ll have to check him out,” I said. Not wasting any more time, I started toward the back hall leading to the basement door.

  “Oh, and Brooke,” she called.

  I glanced back over my shoulder. “Yeah?”

  “Blake’s down there and I heard him talking to Erickson. He’s going to challenge you to a pool match. I’m sure you can guess what his terms are going to be.”

  “Well, I guess I’m going to have to beat him then.”

  “Good luck.”

  I was going to need it. Blake and I were the best pool players out of everyone in our department. I lost to him once and spent the whole night at his mercy. At the time, I’d enjoyed it, but now if he even attempted to bargain something like that, I would kick his ass.

  “Thanks for the heads up.” Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and started down the stairs. The music was so loud, you couldn’t even hear the commotion coming from down there. It got louder the farther down I went. Shouts erupted and there were sounds of flesh hitting flesh. Was someone fighting?

  Taking the steps two at a time, I rushed down and almost tripped on the last one. When I caught myself, I couldn’t believe my eyes. No one was at the pool tables. They were all surrounding something at the far end of the room. A flash of blond hair and tattoos caught my attention so I rushed up to the crowd and pushed my way through.

  Jason happened to catch my arm and pull me the rest of the way. “Look at your boy go.”

  “What is this?” I asked, glancing at the fighting ring. It had never been there before.

  “I did it. I talked to Mason about it and he thought it would be a good idea. Since you’ve been ignoring lover boy he’s been a little on edge. I thought this would bring him down a bit.”

  Camden looked at home in the ring with his perfect stance and complete focus. He was fighting Reese and completely dominating. In fact, he looked like a lion playing with its prey. Reese deserved to be taken down a notch; he was an asshole. Thankfully, he wasn’t a part of Mason’s team. “Whose idea was it for him to fight Reese?”

  “Reese’s,” he said. “The guys talked about it earlier before Jameson and I got down here. He wanted a piece of the fighter first.”

  “He’ll regret that decision tomorrow.”

  “You know it.”

  “I’m surprised Blake didn’t want to fight. I figured he’d want to be the first one; especially after the way they were at the gym on Monday.”

  “I’m sure he would have, but he wasn’t at the station when the guys discussed it. His sorry ass has to wait his turn. I think he has other plans tonight anyway.”

  “Like what?” I asked.

  Blake came up behind me and put his arms around my waist. “Like playing you in a game of pool,” he said, kissing me on the cheek.

  Before I could get out of his hold, Camden looked up and saw me in his arms. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I elbowed Blake in the side. “Get off me,” I hissed.

  Chuckling, he moved back and smirked at Camden who reared back and punched Reese right in the jaw, keeping his venomous stare on Blake. Reese went down with a loud thud.

  I pushed him back away from the ring and the crowd of people. “What’s the matter with you? You’re really starting to get on my nerves.”

  “And he’s really starting to get on mine. Next, he’s going to start pissing on you to mark his territory.”

  I groaned. “You’re being ridiculous. He knows I don’t like you.”

  “So he’s protecting you? How sweet. You know, once he gets a taste of that sweet pussy, he’ll leave.”

  “Just like someone else I know.”

  “Yo, B. What’s up?” Gabe hollered. The crowd started to disperse and surround the pool tables where Blake and I stood.

  I smiled and let Gabe swing me around. “Hey, G. You want to play tonight?”

  “Sure do. I claim first game.”

  “And I’ll play the winner,” Blake cut in.

  Gabe rolled his eyes and ushered me toward one of the tables. “Is he always going to be a pain in the ass?”

  “You know it.” My favorite pool stick was in the rack so I grabbed it and rolled the cube of chalk around the tip while Gabe racked the balls. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Camden walk up with Jason in tow. I wanted to look at him, but I needed to concentrate.

  “And I’ll play the winner of that round,” Camden announced. This time I did look at him and he winked. He bumped his elbow into Jason and my brother had the gall to smile. Traitor.

  “Fine,” I agreed. All Blake did was clench his jaw and lean against the wall.

  Gabe nodded toward the table. “All right, what are we betting tonight? I say, if I win you buy me lunch for a month.”

  That was an easy one to agree to. But what could I have him do for me? “I accept. And, if I win you wash my car at least once a week for the month?”

  Gabe smiled and we shook hands. “Deal. Now break ‘em.”

  I had never been nervous until now. What was it about Camden that had me scared shitless? He was intense. Especially with the way he watched me with those crystal blue eyes. Leaning over the table, I took a deep breath and sent the cue ball sailing. The balls separated quickly and I smiled as I heard the thunk of a couple of them landing home.

  Gabe glanced in the different pockets. “Two solid, one stripe.”

  “I’ll take solids.” One by one, I called my shots and they all landed in their pockets with ease. Gabe made a mistake letting me go first. He had already given up and put his pool stick back in the rack. “Now don’t be like that,” I laughed. “Do you want me to miss one so you can have a turn?”

  He waved me on. “No, go ahead. I think the crowd’s ready to see you and Blake battle it out.”

  Blake smiled and cracked his knuckles. Why did I agree to play against him? The eight ball was right by the front left pocket so I pointed to it and took my shot. In the hole.

  Gabe shook his head and grinned. “I knew it. I guess it’s a good thing I have car cleaning shit at my house.”

  “Why thank you. I’ll bring it over next week,” I chimed. Now it was Blake’s turn.

  Smirking, he racked up the balls and stepped back. “Be my guest, sweetheart.”

  “I’m not stupid enough to play without establishing terms.”

  He chuckled. “Smart girl. How about if I win . . .” Looking around the crowd, his gaze settled on Camden. “You spend an entire night with me.”

  I rolled my eyes and laughed. As much as it would suck monkey balls to spend an entire evening with him, it wouldn’t be so bad if I could make that time absolutely miserable. I could
sing Christmas songs all night long.

  “Fine, you’re on,” I agreed. Camden’s evil glare shot my way and Blake perked up as if he’d won. Arrogant cocksucker. “And if I win, I want you to leave me the fuck alone. That means no calling me, talking to me, or anything. Just pretend I don’t exist.”

  “For how long?” he asked amusingly.

  “Forever.” The crowd fell silent.

  “Not gonna happen. How about a week?”

  I groaned. “A month then.”

  He chalked up his pool stick and blew off the excess. “Two weeks, B. That’s all I’m giving you.”

  “Fine, you’re on. And you can shoot first. I don’t want to hear you whine because you never got a shot in.”

  Everyone laughed and Blake didn’t like it. “We’ll flip,” he countered. “I call heads.” He passed a coin to Gabe and he flipped it. When he looked at the verdict, he nodded toward Blake. Hopefully, I didn’t just make a mistake.

  Blake got into position and broke the balls, landing in two solids. Fuck. I wanted to wipe the smirk off his face as he traveled around the table and sunk in his balls left and right. When it came time for his last ball, he called the pocket and got into position. Luckily, he missed the pocket by a hair and it bounced back. Now it was my turn.

  Taking a deep breath, I studied the table looking for the best play. Shot after shot, I sunk in my stripes until I got to the last ball. The whole crowd was watching me which didn’t help. I was sweatier than a whore at confession. Licking my dry lips, I leaned over the table and let the smooth pool stick glide through my fingers. You can do this. The cue ball went rolling down the table and hit the yellow and white striped ball with the right amount of force. Sunk.

  Releasing a heavy sigh, I joined in the cheers with the others because they knew I was going to win. Blake grimaced, his stony gaze on the eight ball. All I had to do was get this shot and I’d win. “Right corner pocket,” I announced.

  This was it. I got into position and sent the cue ball down the table. It hit the eight ball and . . . missed. The gasps around the room echoed in my ear. Eyes wide, I watched as the eight ball bounced off the wall and back down the table. Reluctantly, I glanced up at Blake who winked.


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