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ONE To Watch Me (The ONE Series, Part 1, Book 1)

Page 8

by Alicia Maxwell

  I yelp as he leans even further into me.

  “Remember, I’ve got you, always!” His words vibrate against my lips.

  I have no comeback for this but to kiss him again while grasping him tightly.

  He straightens up, pulling me alongside. I loosen my embrace now that my body is no longer inclined over the pillar. Alex’s hands travel all the way up to my cheeks, skimming my jawline and sending a flurry of goosebumps all the way to my bare toes.

  “You are an angel. My sweet angel.” His eyes penetrate deep into my soul, surely seeing things that are hidden for a reason. I break the eye contact, unable to hold the intensity of his gaze.

  “Believe me, I might be sweet, but I’m not an angel.” I look at my entwined fingers resting on my lap. He lifts my chin up, and I’m faced with the clearness of his blues.

  “To me, you most definitely are. In more ways than you can imagine.” Something very vulnerable flashes in his eyes, but I don’t get a chance to look any closer. His lips cover mine in the softest kiss, filled with tenderness.

  “I have a special place I’d like to take you.” His smile is contagious, with a hint of mischief in it. I feel excitement bubbling up inside. I can’t believe how easy it is to be with Alex. No pressure, no judgement, no contempt. A girl could get used to this.

  Alex settles down next to me, removes his shoes, and rolls his jeans up to just below his knees. Before I realize what's going on, he lifts me in his arms and carries to the beach, our shoes dangling by the laces in his right hand. Once we’re by the water, he keeps walking along the shore. I squeal and beg to be put down.

  Finally, he relents. My feet find solid ground and the cool water washes around them. The beach is dark, lit only by the full moon hanging over the ocean. I raise on my tip toes and kiss his cheek.

  "This is so romantic. Thank you!"

  "I wanted to take you away from the craziness of the tourists, but I wasn’t sure if you minded getting all messy in the sand. I was ready to carry you along the shore."

  "I’m not that high-maintenance.” I give him a raised brow for the assumption.

  “I don't mind the sand, and I can't believe you'd carry me."

  "It's not such a long walk. This place is a little farther down the beach."

  "Ok, great! I love the water by the way. Too bad it’s dark and I can’t see any shells."

  "You like them, don’t you?” Alex says with amusement.

  “Ever since I was a little girl. I can’t get enough.”

  “We’ll collect some tomorrow.”

  We walk along the shore, holding hands and talking. The wind carries echoes of faint music from the distance. A few minutes later, we turn right and walk up the shore to an outside restaurant/lounge. There are tables in the back, cabanas all along the perimeter, and huge white beds in the middle of the grounds. Only a few tables and a cabana across from us are occupied. The whole place looks surreal, unbelievably peaceful for such a huge venue just minutes from all the nightlife. The soft music is playing all around now, invisible speakers covering every corner.

  "It is so serene. I would have never thought it was possible in the middle of the South Beach chaos."

  "Yeah, I know. It's just not their hottest night. You should see what goes on here on Sundays and during special parties. This place is ripped to pieces. I like it both ways, though."

  "Are we going to get a table?"

  "Oh no, we’re going to settle in one of the cabanas, if you don't mind." His lopsided smile screams mischief. I’m buzzing with aftereffects of the mojito, or maybe it’s my body’s reaction to Alex. His proximity and anticipation of what’s coming make me hot in all the wrong places.

  "Sounds good to me. I could use some relaxing time,” I say, as nonchalantly as I can master. Luckily Alex isn’t watching my face—the one he seems to be able to read so well.

  "That was precisely the plan." His hand wraps around mine, pulling softly as he leads the way.

  We walk around and decide on a cabana tucked away behind a leafy palm tree. The three other sides are covered with white linens that fly in the wind. This place is the epitome of romantic. I can’t believe that in the many times I’d come to Miami, I’d never heard of it before.

  The bed of the cabana is raised, and I’m trying to figure out the best way to climb it gracefully. Alex sees me contemplating the ascent and without asking, just grabs my waist and lifts me up and on top of the bed. I yelp in excitement and push myself further along the mattress and against the huge pillows that line the sides.

  A waitress comes by and Alex orders another mojito for me and a sparkling water for himself. I am definitely not driving today.

  He settles next to me and relaxes back against the pillows, snaking his arm around my waist and pulling me to him. I relax against his side, resting my head on his chest. Neither of us says anything. The silence is comforting, and the proximity of our bodies is even more enjoyable. We both seem to revel in the here and now. I have no expectations. I just want to live in this moment forever, with this man next to me, shielding me from the world. When I’m with him, nothing else seems to matter. I feel like a different person. So much for taking time off to find myself…

  Our drinks arrive and interrupt the silence. The mojito here is even better than the one in the restaurant. The tall glass is full of mint that gives off an unmistakable aroma.

  “Mmm, I love it.” I inhale the minty scent again and take another sip.

  Alex’s gentle lips find their way to mine. I feel their heat against the chillness of my mouth. The icy coldness and minty rum flavor still linger on my tongue. Alex groans and deepens the kiss, taking possessive charge of it. I melt in his touch. My mouth, my muscles, my mind, everything wants to submit to the desire ignited by this one mysterious man.

  We kiss for minutes, slowing down, breathing each other in and resuming the dance of our tongues all over again.

  At some point we resume talking in a quiet whisper, as if we’re sharing our secrets, even though we’re talking about nothing in particular.

  Come to think of it, I don't even know his last name, and I doubt he knows mine. We’ve managed to spend some time together, and have mind-blowing sex a handful of times, but we don’t even know each other’s last name.

  Yet, I think he understands me better than my fiancée or my own parents. He seems to sense me, read right through me, and anticipate my every wish.

  In turn, I see his mood changes, notice the shade his eyes lighten when he’s happy, darken when he’s aroused, and go grayish when he’s worried. I see his jaw tense, and I know not to push the subject.

  We seem to have our own lives, secrets we aren’t ready to reveal, yet we find peace in each other’s company. Maybe this is all a facade. Just an illusion we like to believe.

  We don't know much about each other, and might be seeing what we want to see. What if we revealed everything? What if he knew what was beneath the surface of this carefree girl he sees in Miami? Would he want to deal with my issues? Why bother? He can have any girl he wants, so why would he choose one with baggage?

  My face must be revealing my feelings once again. I feel him run his fingers along my cheek, his thumb gliding across my forehead.

  "I know this is none of my business, but I just wanted you to know if there is anything I can do for you, please tell me. I hate to see this struggle on your face. You look so sad sometimes." He holds my gaze and lifts my hand to his lips for a kiss.

  "I'm sorry, I don't mean to ruin the moment. I just have a lot on my mind. I came to Florida to sort through my life, to figure things out. Then I met you, and I’m having the most fun I've had in years. So, every now and then I revert back to trying to sort through things. I’m not doing it on purpose, it just happens and I can't help it." I give him an apologetic look.

  ”Can you talk about it? What's eating at you?" There is no curiosity, just compassion in his look.

  "I'd rather not, if you don't mind."

sp; "I understand, I can relate to that." His voice is quiet, full of meaning, without giving anything away.

  Our fingers are interlaced and we keep that connection, spending the rest of the night talking and kissing, hidden away in the cabana. At some point things get so hot we almost have sex right there. We’re both panting and tugging on each other’s clothes. I want him so badly, yet I can't do it out in public, even if it is dark. He pulls me onto his lap and kisses my neck and bare shoulders. I marvel in his kisses, wishing for more but restraining my desires. Then his hand crawls under the hem of my dress, and I gasp in surprise.

  "Not here, no, no, no!" I protest in a hurried, hushed voice.

  "Shhh." His lips swallow my protest, and I open my mouth completely, submitting to him and my desire.

  His fingers slide up to the lace of my thong and make contact with the soaking fabric.

  "You are so wet. All for me." I can't speak, just gasping for air and nodding shyly.

  His strong, skilled fingers push the lace to the side and brush against my lips. A quiver runs through my body, and I tug my hand along his back, clawing at it.

  His fingers, slick with my moisture, make their way into my folds and rub the sensitive bud. I moan into his mouth and pull his hair to have a deeper kiss that will quiet my moans.

  He runs the tiniest circles around my clit, but I’m so wound up, I feel the orgasm approaching. I kiss him deeper and more possessively, moaning into his mouth. The thrill of being caught escalates my excitement. Few moments later I feel on edge.

  The orgasm builds and heat spreads over my body. I curl in his lap, trying to control myself. It’s a lost battle. The feeling is so strong, I’m drowning in it. As the sensations build up, his fingers plunge deep inside of me, rubbing the perfect spot and sending me over the edge. A cry escapes my mouth and is swallowed by his kiss. I’m shaking and clawing and pulling on him, my body writhing against his. He slows down and moves his fingers inside of me slowly, as if calming me down from the inside, and I can breathe again.

  I look up in his eyes and see them full of lust, dilated to the point where I barely see the blues.

  "You are so sexy when you come. I love watching you, love knowing I caused that." His voice is hoarse, barely above whisper.

  "That was earth-shattering! Let’s get back home, I want to return the favor.”

  "You seem to object to the public places." That lopsided smile is permanently in place now.

  "I’ve never done anything like that in public, well, except for just now." Red creeps up my cheeks.

  "This was your first time, huh?" His eyes sparkle.

  "Yes, indeed."

  "Well, let's not stop at what we have accomplished so far." His fingers are still circling in a slow, hypnotizing motion deep inside of me.

  "What do you mean?" I whisper breathily, tucking my face in the crook of his neck, floating in the cloud of my post-orgasmic haze.

  He says nothing, just works his fingers a little faster, as if waking me up. I’m afraid to even think of what he means by not stopping now. My heart starts pumping so fast, it’s ready to jump out of my chest.

  He slowly pulls his fingers out of me, sliding them over my swollen clit. A shudder runs through my whole body. I lift my head just in time to see him lick the moisture away from them. Our eyes meet and he presses a wet finger to my bottom lip. I open my mouth and suck it in, swirling my tongue around it. I taste myself on his fingers, the raw pleasure of just minutes ago assaulting my senses.

  He gently takes my hand and places it over the bulge in his jeans, his erection pushing hard against the material.

  I feel moisture pool between my legs, my senses on overdrive. The bulge I’m rubbing with my palm is the last straw. He groans and pinches his eyes shut. I marvel at the effect I have on him. I want to shatter his control, rip it to shreds, and own it. I hope I won’t regret my transgressions in the morning.

  I unzip his fly and fumble with the belt. As soon as I reach his cock, I feel it twitching in my hand. I grasp it and push down, baring his glistering head. My hair is falling down around my face, creating a curtain that hides me and his cock from the world around. I’m glad it’s there. I don't think I’m ready to be watched performing oral sex out in the open. He must sense my insecurity, and doesn’t try to pull it back.

  My lips are on him, kissing, licking, running my tongue up and down the length of his cock. I put the tip in my mouth and suck gently, feeling him stiffen under my touch, his breathing haltering. His cock grows even harder in my hand, twitching with every touch of my lips. In one deep plunge, I cover most of him with my lips, pushing the head deep down my throat. Alex groans loudly while I try not to gag, pulling out, only to take him back in even deeper. I want to please him, to make him come the way he did for me. A few more strokes and I feel him becoming steel-hard in my mouth. He is close and is trying to push me away.

  "I'm close, so close, you don't have to..."

  I suck him for my dear life, feeling tears collecting in my eyes.

  Then he bursts, hot liquid running down my throat. I suck relentlessly, feeling my lips go numb but determined to get every last bit of him, as if this is my only water in the desert. When he seems to be empty, I slow down and let him out of my mouth with a few lapping licks of my tongue.

  I am physically spent and breathless. Alex makes quick work of righting his jeans. He leans over me and kisses me gently, the tips of our noses rubbing against each other.

  "This was amazing. I never thought you had this in you." There is no mischief in his eyes now, just pure awe.

  I blush and kiss him again. Surprising, I never thought I had this in me either. He brings out sides of me I wasn’t even aware are there. With him, it’s like I’m coming to life.


  We walk back along the beach, hand in hand. As earlier, the silence is comforting. I replay the events of this evening in my mind. Where did this boldness come from? Alex? Lust? Alcohol? A mix of the three? Either way, I feel no regrets. This is such new and forbidden territory for me.

  When we get to the parking lot, I hand Alex the keys. He walks me to the passenger side, opens the door, and plants me in the car with such care, as though I'm a crystal vase. Then he closes the door and walks around to sit behind the wheel. The top is lowered, and we are ready to go.

  I relax back against the leather seats and feel my lids getting heavy. The breeze blows in my face, and I close my eyes. I feel like I’m being carried by wind, high up in the sky, riding a cloud.

  My body is weightless. Light kisses are covering my face, and I open my eyes. Alex is smiling at me. I feel disoriented for a moment.

  "Wake up, Angel, we’re just a stoplight away."

  "I was dreaming. I was flying." I whisper as I try to push the sleep away.

  "I told you, you are a lot like an angel. My angel.” The last two words are pronounced with such emotion in his voice that I do not dare protest, only comment.

  "Angels do good deeds and save people. I'm the opposite, I do well-calculated business and I'm lost, how can I save anyone?" I'm whispering half asleep.

  "You are; you just don't know it. My angel." Again, the last two words are pronounced with such emotion, his voice soft, barely a whisper. I don't know if he really said it, or if it was a dream.

  I open my eyes as I’m being lifted from the car by Alex's strong arms. He cradles me and holds me up. I walk unsteadily, then I’m lifted in his arms as soon as we step into the empty elevator.

  Once we reach my door, I blindly search through my purse for the card key and pass it to Alex. He slides it inside the lock and pushes the door open.

  We step into the cool air of my condo. Alex walks to the bedroom and puts me down on the bed. He undresses me, starting with untying the laces at my ankles. Step by step, he frees me of all my clothing. I’m aware of his hands on me, and his eyes devouring my body, but I have no strength left. I simply submit to his powerful arms and soon find myself stark naked and under th
e covers. The bed feels cool and soft, cloud-like, and I start falling back asleep, returning to my flying dream. Then the loss of his touch on my body sends me into panic, and I scream his name in desperation.

  "Alex!" He is there in a heartbeat, cradling me with his gentle touch, kissing my forehead.

  "I'm here." He whispers softly in my ear.

  I feel stupid, I'm almost ready to cry. Why do I feel this way? I can't think now, I can only feel that I need him, I can't lose him.

  I manage to croak.

  "Don't leave, please." He hugs me tight and kisses gently.

  "I won't, I promise. Let me just take off my clothes and I'll be right there."

  I lose his touch again and turn my attention to listening to him undress, to making sure he isn’t leaving. I'm so tired, the sex, alcohol, and sun taking a huge toll on my body. Then I feel him climbing into bed and pressing his strong body against mine.

  "You're back, don't ever leave me." My words are barely audible, and as I relax against him, I fall asleep.

  I dream of flying in the wind, and of the softest clouds holding me up in the sky. Then, in my mind’s eye, the clouds begin to form a face—a real face. The expressions on the face are flipping one after another: happy, smiling, sad, sexy, dreamy, thoughtful, pained, caring, loving. I keep eye contact through this whirlwind of emotions, and share them all. This face belongs to Alex, and I realize I could never grow tired of looking at it. I want to learn everything about him, the good and the bad. I want to share his happiness and sadness, and in turn, share mine with him. I dream of the feeling of unity, being with someone, being myself, being whole.


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