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Phoenix (Galactic Cage Fighter Series Book 12)

Page 6

by KD Jones

  His pants fell to his ankles but were trapped by his dress shoes, which were still on. He tried to move but almost tripped. They both laughed as he managed to get to a chair to sit. She knelt to help him take off his shoes.

  “You make me feel young again, Olivia.”

  “You’re not old by any means.”

  He cupped her cheek, “I was old on the inside from everything I have lived through and seen. You remind me what living is really like.”


  Once the shoes and pants were off, he bent down and lifted her into his arms then stood. He would have kissed her but knew if he started, now that they were basically naked, he wouldn’t stop until he had her. She deserved to have her first time in a bed, not on a floor or a couch or on top of a table. He had so many images of places he wanted to take her, but those would have to wait.


  Olivia wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her to his bedroom. Her heart was racing and her palms were sweating. She had never felt more nervous or more excited in all her life. This was it. No turning back now.

  Truth was Phoenix would have been the least likely person she would have picked to be her first lover. They didn’t have a lot in common and never would have been in the same social circles. However, knowing him the way she did, she couldn’t think of anyone better. He was kind and gentle, funny and smart, and, of course, sexy as hell. She couldn’t look at him without wanting to throw herself in his arms and rub her body against his.

  She did run her nose against his neck, inhaling his yummy scent. Olivia couldn’t help herself, so she nibbled his neck.

  “Olivia, you’re going to make me drop you.”

  “You would never let me fall.” Her trust in him was complete. She knew instinctively that he would protect her at all costs, even from himself. That was what had made him such a good soldier. He put others first.

  He lowered her down on her back on the bed gently and moved to lie next to her on his side. His eyes skimmed over her, drinking in every inch. Her nipples hardened and she felt the wetness between her thighs grow. Her panties were soaked with her desire.

  Phoenix kissed her as he cupped her breast with one hand. God, she could kiss him all day if her body wasn’t screaming for release. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him to her so that his warm skin rubbed deliciously against hers.

  He began kissing her neck and nibbling his way down to her breasts. He suckled one nipple, teasing her with his teeth, then moved to her other nipple. She groaned and shifted with need under him.

  Continuing the torment with his lips and hands, he nibbled his way down her flat stomach, smooth and soft unlike the female fighters he knew. He liked her softness. Using his hands he gently removed her panties and spread her thighs open, wedging his shoulders there so that he had full access to her feminine core.

  “You don’t have to…you know. I’m already ready for you.”

  “I have been dying to taste you, Olivia. Your sweet scent has tormented me.”

  He locked eyes with her so she felt she couldn’t look away. Lowering his head, he licked her seam, and the sight was so erotic she thought she would swoon.

  Not sure what to do with her hands, she reached down and gripped his bald head. She knew he liked to shave it and she was used to his smooth, gleaming scalp. After this she knew a bald head would remind of the pleasure that Phoenix was giving her at that moment.

  He blew warm air over her clit, and she felt goose bumps forming all over her body. She was nervous. The furthest she had gone with a guy was second base. What he was doing was way more than that.

  He placed his mouth on her completely and began inserting his tongue inside her, penetrating her. She shivered with pleasure, and when he growled she could feel the vibrations throughout her core. It was the strangest feeling in the world, but so good.

  She felt him insert his fingers, adding more to the thickness inside her. He strummed her inner G-spot and she was surprised by her response. Her body arched and she felt fire racing up her spine.


  “Come for me, beautiful.”

  She did, screaming his name as she clutched him to her. He never complained, just lapped up every drop. Her body still trembled from her orgasm as he moved up her body. He looked down at her with a satisfied smile on his face.

  “I love eating your sweet pussy.”

  Damned if that was the sexiest thing a man had ever said to her, and the naughtiest. “You didn’t…”

  Olivia felt the tip of his penis slowly entering her pussy. It was awkward and tight. She worried he wouldn’t fit.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist.”

  She did what he told her to, giving him more room. She ran her hands up his sides and back and felt the sweat as he took his time slowly rocking into her. He was being careful not to hurt her. She appreciated that. There was a moment of slight pain, and he paused, waiting for her to adjust to him. When the discomfort eased, she squeezed with her legs, moving him farther inside.

  “Easy. I don’t want to hurt you more.”

  “I’m not hurt. I’m desperate to feel all of you…now.”

  He heeded her demand and plunged forward until he was fully inside her. He pulled out slowly only to thrust back in and begin a strong steady rhythm.

  She scored her nails down his back. That seemed to make him more aggressive. She liked that. She followed his lead, moving when he did. Now she understood what they meant by two becoming one. That’s what it felt like, that they were melding together into one beautiful being. The fiery feelings she had earlier returned ten times stronger than before.

  Phoenix moved in and out, deeper and deeper each time. Olivia felt like her whole being was enveloped in fire and at any moment she would combust. Finally they both reached that pinnacle and soared over the edge together. He whispered her name over and over like a prayer.

  He didn’t pull out of her right away but moved to lie on his side, keeping them connected. She laid her head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat, which matched hers.

  “That was incredible. Why did I put off doing this before now?” She knew the answer: she had never met anyone who made her feel the way that Phoenix did

  “We’re just getting started, beautiful. You have a lot to get caught up with and I plan to show you everything.”

  “Oh boy.”

  Chapter 9

  The next morning

  Olivia frowned at the beeping sound coming from somewhere in the other room. She sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. It took her a moment to remember where she was. Glancing over at the sleeping form next to her, she couldn’t stop smiling. Phoenix had really outdone himself making sure that she had an unforgettable first, second, and third time. He succeeded.

  She had no idea sex could be so amazing. It couldn’t be that good with everyone or Phoenix would never have been single as long as he had. Whoever his ex-fiancée was, she must regret marrying someone else. Olivia couldn’t help but be grateful for the way things had turned out.

  The beeping sound went off again, which had to be from her cell phone. She had tossed her purse on the couch in the other room. Getting up, she took a blanket off the bed to wrap around her.

  “Where are you going?” Phoenix asked, reaching out and finding her spot on the bed empty.

  “My phone is beeping like crazy. I’m going to check my messages then turn it off.”

  “Will you come back to bed?”

  He lay partly on his stomach with one leg raised. His tight ass was barely covered by the main comforter. Damn, he was sexy.

  “Yes, I’ll be right back.” She quickly walked into the main living space. The beeping went off again. Someone must really want to get hold of her. She rushed over to the couch and picked up her purse. Opening it up, she pulled out her cell phone and answered.


  “Hey, Olivia. It’s Trig.”

  “Hi, Trig. What�
��s going on?” She noticed something was off in his tone.

  “We’ve got some news for you but it’s best we don’t share over the phone. Could you come down to our security office?”

  “Give me about fifteen minutes.”

  “See you then,” Trig said before he hung up.

  She hit the end button and put her phone back in her purse. “Now, where the hell are my clothes?” Olivia looked around the room and found her dress where Phoenix had tossed it.

  “I thought you were coming back to bed.” Phoenix leaned against the bedroom doorframe.

  Glancing his way, she paused what she was doing to admire his naked body. He was perfect in every way, and after last night, he’d ruined her for any other. She wanted nothing more than to go back to bed and practice all the delightful things he had taught her. But she couldn’t.

  “Sorry. Trig and Rachel have some information on a case I’ve been involved in.”

  “What kind of case?”

  “I can’t go into that right now. It’s confidential.” She could tell by the shuttered look that came over his face that she’d hurt him. She walked over to him, placed her hands on his face, and looked up. “I would tell you everything if I could, but there are lives at stake.”

  “This sounds dangerous. Why not just let the IDJ handle it?”

  “I can’t do that, I’m too invested. I care what happens to these people.”

  He leaned down and kissed her lips. “You’re so tenderhearted, one of the things I love most about you.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. Did he…did he just admit that he loved her, or was it that he only loved something about her? She pulled away, too scared to seek an answer right then. It was all happening so fast. Yesterday she was still a virgin, concentrating solely on her career. All that changed in a single night, a wonderful thrilling night in the arms of a sexy GCFA fighter. No promises were made, and she would be leaving in a few days to go back to her own life. She shouldn’t let her heart get involved, but she feared it was already too late for that.

  She moved away and slipped on her dress. “Do you see my shoes?”

  “One is under the coffee table and the other is behind the couch. I have morning practice but am off the rest of the day. I would like to have lunch with you.”

  Stepping into her shoes, she looked up at him. “Can I get back to you on that later? I may be busy depending on the news that I get.”

  He shrugged but the look on his face showed that he was bothered by her answer. “Sure.”

  Purse in hand, she paused at the door to look back. “Phoenix, I want to thank you for last night. It was the most…”

  Phoenix came to her, lifting her up in his arms and pressing her back against the wall. His lips came down in a firm, demanding kiss. “Last night was only the beginning. I refuse to believe that you felt nothing for me so I won’t let you walk away from this, from us.”

  “But I don’t know—”

  He kissed her again until she melted against him. “Neither of us knows the future. Just give us a chance.”

  She closed her eyes and groaned as he pressed against her, letting her feel his desire. “I want that…a chance.”

  “Then we’ll take it. Call me later to let me know about lunch.” He lowered her back to her feet to steady her.

  “I don’t have your number.”

  He reached for her purse and pulled out her phone. He entered his digits then placed it back. “You do now.”

  Olivia couldn’t help but smile. He was such a take-charge kind of guy. She really loved that about him. There was that word again…love.

  “I’ll call you.” She kissed him quickly then opened the door and left. She knew after last night she would never be the same, but she thought she would still feel whole. Now she realized that if she left the GCFA ship to go back to her own life, if she left Phoenix, she would leave a huge piece of herself behind—her heart.


  Phoenix hit his fist against the door. Damn it! She wasn’t leaving the ship, just going to a meeting. Why was he feeling these emotions of fear and protectiveness? They’d spent one night together and yet she made him feel more than in all the years he had with his fiancée. How was that possible?

  He turned, headed back to his bedroom, and entered the bathroom. A cold shower should clear his head of these strange thoughts. Cold water sprayed down the moment he entered the stall. He didn’t bother to adjust the temperature gauge.

  Fifteen minutes later he stepped out of the shower, and the water shut off automatically behind him. His body had cooled drastically but his mind was still focused on Olivia. His biggest concern was whether she was placing herself in any kind of danger. If only he knew what kind of case she was involved in. He still had connections in the military that might be able to help.

  In such a short span of time, Olivia Mann had suddenly become essential to him. It wasn’t only about the incredible sex. She was a natural, even if untutored. Olivia touched him on so many levels. She was someone he could relax and be himself with and that was a rare thing to find. Phoenix was determined to do whatever he could to keep her safe…whatever he had to do to keep her—period. He wasn’t going to let her walk away that easily. He finally had a new purpose in life—to win Olivia’s heart.


  Olivia was almost out of breath after running down the corridor to the security office. She really needed to get back into shape. Well, she was also worn out from the round after round of lovemaking, but she wouldn’t complain about that. She knocked and Trig answered the door.

  “Sorry I’m late.”

  “It’s okay, we weren’t going anywhere.”

  Trig moved to the side to let her in. Rachel was sitting by the monitors and Olivia could see by the expressions on their faces that the news was not going to be good. “What’s going on?”

  “The IDJ has recovered a body of a girl—a Venetian about thirteen years old. They were in the process of trying to identify her and notify her family when they received our inquiries. They would like for you to come in and see if the girl is one of your clients’ daughters.”

  She flopped down in the nearest chair and felt the color drain from her face. “Where did they find her?”

  “Twin Points region. The IDJ has a shuttle waiting for us on the space dock that will take us there. It’s a half-day’s journey from here.”

  Rachel took a tissue and blew her nose. She had been crying. It was such a contrast to the hard ballbuster attitude she normally had. “I can’t go with you. The healers have put me on notice that the baby could come any time and Rage would have a fit if I tried to leave right now.”

  “It’s okay,” Olivia reassured her. “When do we leave?”

  “Now would be best if we plan to get back before the GCFA ship leaves this space dock.”

  Damn, she wouldn’t be able to see Phoenix before she left. “I just need to make two phone calls and I’ll be ready to go.”

  “Sure, I’ll meet you down in the lobby,” Trig told her, opening the door.

  She left and went down the hall to a monitor that showed the spaceport they were docked at. She dialed Lydia first. Lydia hadn’t been home when she went to change earlier. She still wasn’t home as her voice mail box responded.

  “Hey, sis. I’m going to be working on a case today that will take me off the GCFA ship for most of the day. I’ll call you when I get a chance. Love you.” She ended the call and took a deep breath as she dialed Phoenix’s number.


  “Phoenix, it’s me. I hate to say it but I won’t be able to make lunch.”

  “Why not?”

  “The case I’m working on, it’s taken a turn for the worse. I’ll be traveling to the Twin Points region.”

  “But that’s almost half a day away.”

  “I know. We may not be back before the GCFA leaves the space station. I think we would have to take a flight to meet up with the next station if that happens.”

  “Is it dangerous?”

  “I’ll be traveling with Trig and some of the IDJ. I’ll be fine.”

  There was a short pause. “I could come with you.”

  She bit her bottom lip, thinking about it, tempted to say yes. She wanted someone there to hold her up in case this was her client. She might fall apart. No, she had to do this. It was her job. She’d worked hard to become independent.

  “I’ll be fine. I’ll be back before you know it.”



  “If you don’t come back, I’ll be coming after you.”

  She couldn’t help but smile and tease him a little. “That sounds a bit stalkerish.”

  “I can’t help it. I’m addicted to you now, and part of my DNA is very good at tracking.”

  She laughed. “I knew you would be trouble.”

  “Call me when you can and if you need me, I have military contacts. There’s nowhere I won’t be able to find you.”

  “Hold on to your tracking abilities. I’ll be back and we’ll have dinner.”

  “Dinner in bed?”

  She turned as someone passed by and whispered her answer. “Yes, in bed. I’ll see you.”

  “Be safe, Olivia. Take no chances.”

  She hung up feeling conflicted. She needed to go and see if this girl was one of her clients’ children, but she didn’t want to leave Phoenix.

  “Why is life so complicated?” she asked herself out loud. If it was her daughter missing, she would want someone who was willing to put everything on hold to make sure the child wasn’t hers. She had to do this.

  Chapter 10

  Five hours later

  Phoenix glanced over at the clock on the wall of the gym. He had morning practice then lunch. He came back an hour ago for afternoon practice but couldn’t keep his mind on the task. Rage yelled at him a few times to stay focused but he had just about had it with his lack of attention. He couldn’t blame Rage.

  “Take a five minute break and clear your fucking head!”

  “Sorry.” He decided to run a few laps to burn off his anxious energy. This wasn’t like him. In the military he always exuded control with every mission, he never let fear over take him. This time was different. This time, it was about Olivia.


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