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Phoenix (Galactic Cage Fighter Series Book 12)

Page 8

by KD Jones

  “Is that little Olivia calling me?”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “Hi, Uncle Ross.”

  “You know your father is going to be jealous you called me. He just complained at lunch yesterday that you never come to see him.”

  God, the guilt trip begins. “I promise to call him later. Right now, I need your help.”

  His voice became serious. “What do you need?”

  “Remember me approaching the council a few weeks ago about several families worried that their daughters were taken under false pretences to a camp?”

  “Yes. I fought with the others to send investigators to find the girls but someone from the camp had sent a message to their parents they were fine so the council dismissed your claims.”

  It was a mistake but arguing over that one now wouldn’t do anybody any good. “I have evidence that there are more missing girls.”

  “What evidence?”

  “The IDJ recovered the body of a thirteen-year-old Venetian. She comes from the Lakings ancestry.”

  “Why didn’t the IDJ notify us instead of you?”

  “I had met with ex-IDJ agents on the GCFA ship asking for them to reach out to their contacts in the IDJ to see if they had any information that could connect to my clients’ missing girls. They contacted me back saying they found a body but couldn’t identify it because—”

  “Venetians’ DNA isn’t in the IDJ database. That’s going to have to change.”

  “Agreed. Anyway, I came to Twin Points where the IDJ has the body. I saw her. Only thirteen, Uncle Ross. The bruises and marks on her…the things that were done to her…” She cracked and started to cry.

  “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry that there are monsters in the world that hurt the innocent. What do you need me to do?”

  She wiped the tears away and straightened her shoulders. She needed to be strong now for this girl and for the others who were still missing. “Check with the Lakings families because one of their girls is dead and we need to find out who she belongs to. Speak with the council about this and get them to agree to let the IDJ come and interview the families with missing girls so that they might be able to locate them before they end up dead like this one. Captain Veto will be calling to make this request on the IDJ’s behalf. Also, get them to agree to include the Venetian DNA in the IDJ registry. If another child is found, the IDJ will be able to quickly identify the victim. I don’t know if I can go through this again.”

  “I will call an emergency meeting of the council and get back to you in a couple of hours. Hopefully I will have good news.”

  “What if they still refuse to listen?”

  “Then I will go over their heads.”

  “Can you do that?”

  “I am the Chief Councilman. I have the right to do that if I feel the Venetian home world is being threatened. This, to me, is a threat.”

  “Thanks for doing this, Uncle Ross.”

  “Oh, I’ll do this but there’s a price to be paid.”

  “What price?”

  “You call your father right after you hang up with me, not later. Your father did the best he could raising you two girls. He declined positions on the council over the years to be there for you and he deserves respect.”

  “I know…I will call him.”

  “Right after we hang up?”

  “Yes, I will call him right now. Thanks again, Uncle Ross.”

  “I’m proud of you, honey, and sorry that you had to witness something horrific. I’ll call you after I meet with the council.”

  “Thanks.” She hung up and stared at her list of contacts. Taking a deep breath, she dialed her father’s number.


  “Hi, Daddy. How are you?” That was so lame. It had been months since their last awkward phone call.

  “Baby, are you okay? I got a weird text from Ross to make sure to answer my phone.”

  She shook her head at her Uncle Ross making sure she carried her promise through. “I’m working a case and got some disturbing news. I called Uncle Ross to ask for his help.”

  “Oh, do you need anything from me? Are you eating enough? Should I send you some money? Are you still using the same beat-up car as last time? That thing leaks too much oil.”

  She half laughed and half cried. No matter how much time passed, her father couldn’t stop being her father. All he wanted was for her and her sister to be happy and what did he get from her? Distance and disdain.

  “I am so sorry, Daddy.” A fresh wave of tears poured out of her.

  “Oh, baby, what’s wrong?”

  “I had to identify a thirteen-year-old Venetian girl who was brutalized while her parents either knew nothing or possibly sent her off without caring. It made me realize how blessed I am to have you and Mom as my parents, to have you as my father. You did a great job raising us and didn’t deserve to be treated that way I treated you. I am so sorry, Daddy.”

  “Honey, you never have to apologize. I should have never allowed another woman to come to the house so soon after your mother’s death. I never should have—”

  “Don’t apologize for anything, Daddy. I was the one at fault. I was resentful, bitter, and held a grudge. I see things a little differently now.”

  “You were a hurt child who lost her mother and found out that her father was not perfect. You had every right to feel betrayed.”

  It was just like her dad to try to alleviate her guilt by taking the blame for everything. “I love you, Daddy.”

  “I love you, too, little one. Always. Will you be coming to Venetia soon? Or maybe I can come to the GCFA ship to spend time with you and your sister.”

  “I don’t know how wrapped up in the case I will be but both Lydia and I would love to see you.”

  “Are you still working so much you don’t have time to have a social life? I worry about you.”

  “As a matter of fact, I’m kind of dating someone right now.”

  “Who is he? Does he have a job?”

  “He’s a fighter for the GCFA.”

  “A fighter? I don’t know if that’s good enough for my girl. Does he make enough credits to care for you properly?”

  “I don’t know what kind of money he makes but the GCFA spends a good amount on their fighters. Phoenix is great, Dad. We talk about everything together. He’s gentle and patient, and so funny.”

  “Do you love him?”

  “I don’t know if it’s love…I just started dating him.”

  “I knew I loved your mother within the first hour of meeting her. I flirted with her, she told me to go to hell, and I was hooked.”

  Olivia laughed. “Mom never told us that. She always said that you walked into the room and she couldn’t take her eyes off you. She said she knew you were the one for her when the lights suddenly went out in the ballroom you were in and you reached for her hand to comfort her.”

  “I turned out the lights on purpose, knowing her human eyes wouldn’t be able to see, and that gave me the opportunity to touch her by taking her hand. Then I led her to a corner where no one would see and kissed her.”


  “She was the best thing that ever happened to me besides my daughters.”

  “Oh, Daddy, I love you so much.”

  “Love you, too, baby girl. Let me know what happens with your cases. I worry about you.”

  “I will. I promise to see you soon.”

  “Bring that male of yours by so I can make sure he’s good enough for my baby.”

  She laughed, picturing her sophisticated and gentle father taking on Phoenix and his bulging muscles. “I will. Goodbye.”

  Olivia turned, prepared to reenter the morgue, but relaxed when both Trig and Captain Veto came out. She really didn’t want to have to see the child again.

  “Chief Councilman Toller is calling an emergency meeting with the rest of the council and he will be contacting the current Lakings families for any missing girls. Captain Veto, he’ll be expecting your call.�

  “Thank you, Miss Mann, for your help.”

  “I appreciate your calling me about the girl. We’ll push the council to do something about the DNA database.”

  Captain Veto shook their hands again and walked off. Trig turned to her. “I guess we should start back.”

  “Yeah, we might just make it before the GCFA ship departs.” She couldn’t wait to see Phoenix again. She went to text Phoenix but her battery was nearly dead. She sent one quick message letting him know that she would be leaving soon, then her phone died. She had forgotten her charger back on the GCFA ship. She hoped Phoenix got her message.

  Chapter 12

  On board the GCFA ship

  It was midnight and Phoenix was pacing his suite. He looked at the message he received from Olivia around seven that evening. She was heading back soon with Trig. When he tried to call her it went straight to her voice mail. He texted her five times but she hadn’t responded. He was worried they wouldn’t make it back before the GCFA ship departed. He was prepared to leave the ship and wait for her at the spaceport.

  Lydia had not heard from her either and it really bothered him. Maybe he should get Trig’s number and call him. A knock on his door had him rushing to answer. Was she back already? Swinging the door open, he was disappointed to find Amelia standing in the corridor looking like she had been crying.

  “Amelia, what are you doing here?”

  “Can I come in?”

  “Yes, of course.” He moved to the side to allow her in, and closed the door behind her. The strained expression on her face had him worrying. Had something happened to Olivia and Amelia had come to tell him about it?

  “What’s wrong?”

  She looked at him and blushed, turning her eyes to the side. “Could you put on a shirt?”

  He looked down and realized that he had tossed his shirt in the laundry container earlier. “Hold on. I’ll grab something.” He went into the bedroom and came back with his T-shirt on.

  “Okay, tell me why you’re here so late and without Nigel.”

  “I owe you a big apology.”

  “For what?”

  “Nigel, he enlisted Dom and Lydia to set you up with a woman. All because he can’t handle our friendship.”

  “Yeah, I had figured out that’s what was going on pretty quickly, but you have nothing to apologize for. Nigel and Olivia’s sister were the ones playing matchmaker.”

  “I just feel bad for him manipulating you that way.”

  “It turned out okay. Olivia and I are sort of dating.”

  “You are? Are you sure you should be involved with her? She’s a Venetian.”

  The way Amelia said Venetian made him furious on Olivia’s behalf. “She’s half Venetian and a wonderful person. You don’t have any right to judge her based on her DNA.”

  Amelia’s face turned red. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say it that way. I just mean…I worry about you and want you to be with someone who will love you and care for you. I don’t want you to be used.”

  “You mean like the way you used me to make Nigel jealous.”

  “I never used you for that. I can’t believe you would say such a thing. I thought we were friends!”

  “We are friends. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said that.” His tone soothed her.

  “I’m sorry, too. I just want the best for you. So, do you really like this Olivia?”

  “More than I can say right now. We agreed that when she got back we would discuss our relationship.”

  “Where did she go?”

  “She’s working a legal case and Trig is helping her using his IDJ connections. I guess I’m a little defensive over Olivia. She’s away and I worry that something will happen to her. I feel like I should have gone with her.”

  “Is her case dangerous?”

  “I don’t know if it is or not, and that’s one of the things that bothers me the most.”

  Amelia came over and hugged him, patting him on the back. “I’m sure she’s fine. Trig is really good at what he does and he’ll make sure she’s safe. Plus, she’ll have the IDJ protecting too.”

  “I hope you’re right. So how much trouble is Nigel in?” He moved her to a seat and sat across from her. He missed spending time with his friend. Amelia was the one person he enjoyed spending time with other than his Olivia.

  “He’s in the doghouse big time right now. I don’t like him meddling and there was no reason for it. He has to trust that what I feel for him is the real deal and that I would never throw it away.”

  “He loves you, Amelia. I have to admit being a little jealous that Olivia is alone with Trig.”

  “You? Jealous? I’ve never known you to care so much for a woman before. You must really, really care for her.”

  “I do.”

  “What about love? Do you love her?

  “Yes.” There was no hesitation on his part, but he didn’t elaborate. This was something that he wanted to be telling Olivia.

  Amelia smiled and reached over to grasp his hand. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “I guess you can’t be too mad at Nigel. His interfering turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  She snorted. “I’m going to make him sweat it out a bit longer.”

  “He’s going to worry about where you are so late.”

  She shrugged. “I wanted him to apologize to you and, of course, he refused. We argued and I stormed out.”

  “He’s going to come looking for you.”

  She lifted her cell phone. “He’s been trying to call and text but I told him I needed a few hours alone to calm down. His last text he demanded I return to our suite at once. I told him to go fuck himself.”

  Phoenix laughed. Amelia was definitely a spitfire. “I bet he just loved that.Would you like a cup of coffee?”

  “I would love a cup, and if you have anything to make a sandwich with I could eat. I’ve been hungry a lot lately at the oddest of times.”

  As he stood up, he looked at her oddly. “Are you…with child?”

  She blushed. “I might be. I didn’t want to say anything until I have it confirmed with the healers. We thought we were pregnant once before and we were both devastated when that turned out to be false. I don’t want to get Nigel’s hopes up again.”

  He helped her up and they walked to the kitchen. “I’m sorry about the false pregnancy. I know you’ll make a wonderful mother. Nigel’s going to be even more protective over you if you are pregnant.”

  She groaned. “Great. More protection is the last thing I would want. He’s nearly impossible to deal with as is. I’m kind of scared of how he’ll react if I am pregnant. Sometimes I just don’t know if he’s ready for a family.”

  “He’s going to be thrilled.”

  Sighing, she smiled. “I know he’ll be the best father. A little overprotective, but a loving one.”

  “That kid will be lucky because he or she will have you as a mother.”

  “You think so? I worry about that.”

  He patted her back. “You will be great.”

  “Thanks, Phoenix. I’ve really missed spending time with you.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Maybe when Olivia gets back we can all go out to dinner?”

  He snorted. “That would be the best punishment for Nigel, to be forced to spend time with me. Tell him you want us to bond like brothers.”

  She laughed. “Oh, I’ve got much better punishment than that. I told him tonight if he wanted back in my bed he would have to apologize to you and Olivia face-to-face.”

  “Wow, I guess I’ll be seeing him soon because no way is he going to refuse you.”

  “I know.” Amelia smiled devilishly.

  Phoenix couldn’t help but smile at his friend. Who knew Amelia could have such a vindictive nature?

  Chapter 13

  Olivia walked next to Trig as they entered the lobby of the GCFA ship, feeling exhausted and anxious. She had meant to message Phoenix that they
caught an earlier flight but decided to surprise him. She had gotten a message right before her phone died from the Venetian council that they would like a special council meeting to question her and Captain Veto about the case. They also planned to call all the families of girls who were missing to come forward and give their testimony.

  She was grateful this was finally getting the attention needed but hated that it took the death of a girl to make it happen. The GCFA ship would be stopping near a neutral spaceport where the Venetian council sometimes held its hearings so she would be going there to testify.

  After the long trip back she had to decide on what she wanted more: going to her sister’s suite to shower and change, or going straight to see Phoenix. She opted to see Phoenix first. She wanted to spend some quality alone time with him. She’d dreamed about him on the flight back. She had never dreamed about anyone except her mother or when she and her sister were little, how their family was once full of laughter and love. Trig was now so important to her that she was dreaming about him.

  “Trig!” A little girl’s voice called out.

  Olivia watched as Trig rushed to catch the little girl with dark hair in his arms and swing her around, much like what her father used to do every day when he came home from work. Trig turned, holding the little girl in one arm as he embraced his mate, Zara. The two kissed for a moment and seemed lost to the entire world. It made her want to get to Phoenix even more. Maybe she should have told him that she would arrive early. Would he have been greeting her in the lobby, too?

  “I’ll talk to you and Rachel tomorrow, Trig,” she called out as she passed him by. He didn’t break the kiss, just waved her on. Olivia sped up to get to the elevator. She pushed the button for the level that Phoenix was on and frowned when it was declined. Damn, she forgot that part of the security measures taken prevented unauthorized people from going to certain levels.

  “Here, let me get that for you. I think we’re headed the same place.”

  She glanced up in surprise. “Mr. Nigel?”

  “Olivia, isn’t it?”


  “My mate is very angry at me right now about how I had Lydia bring you here.”


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