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Phoenix (Galactic Cage Fighter Series Book 12)

Page 11

by KD Jones

  “I’ve been assigned to guard Miss Mann.”

  “Guard her from what?”

  Olivia put her hand on his chest. “I’ll explain over dinner.”

  He followed her into his suite after shutting the door on the security guard. “What’s going on, Olivia?”

  “Something smells delicious.” She looked at the table and smiled up at him. “Did you do all this for me?”

  He approached her, frowning. “Don’t change the subject. I want to know why you suddenly need a bodyguard.”

  She sighed and sat down on the couch. “It has to do with my case.”

  “Will you tell me about it?”

  “Yeah, it’s time.”

  He sat down across from her but moved his chair closer so that he was within arm’s reach. “I’m listening.”

  “I had a few clients from Venetia approach me months ago. They were tricked into believing that their young daughters were going off to a camp. They have not been able to contact their daughters since they were gone.”

  “Did the parents not check these people out before handing over their children?” He couldn’t imagine handing over his child to strangers.

  “These were poor families that were targeted. Venetians usually don’t stay in long-term relationships with one another but families are different. Most parents try to keep the family units together until the children reach a certain age. It doesn’t always happen that way and the families that were targeted were mostly split families who had no means to go after these guys. I was from Venetia and one of the families knew me through my father.”

  “Why wasn’t the IDJ contacted immediately?”

  “Venetia doesn’t hand over their issues to outsiders to deal with that way. Because of my people’s easy-going nature, they do not have to follow as many rules as the others, including reporting crimes to the IDJ. Even DNA does not have to be submitted for IDJ registry. Things go through the council, and when I tried to bring it up with them, I was told that I was out of line. I found out that my father was threatened that he would lose his job if I didn’t stop my investigation.”

  “Were you threatened?”

  “There was pressure put on my bosses for me to drop the case. I chose to take an unpaid leave so that I could continue to pursue it. I may not have a job to go back to when it’s all over. Until today I didn’t feel like my life was in danger.”

  Phoenix couldn’t sit there with any distance between them. He needed to hold her. Moving to the couch, he picked her up and placed her in his lap. She must have needed the contact, too, because she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned her head against his shoulder.

  “What happened?”

  “After we…you know, I went back to Lydia’s, and not long after that I got a text message telling me that I needed to back off my case or else. I called Rachel immediately. ”

  He felt fury toward anyone who thought they would endanger his female. “I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  “I know. I feel safe with you.”

  Those words meant everything to Phoenix. After his capture and torture, his confidence in his own abilities was questioned. It took a toll on his recovery mentally and emotionally. To know that she had such faith in him was a boost to his ego. He meant it when he said he would protect her. He would not let anyone hurt her.

  “So Rachel assigned you bodyguards. Does she think the culprit is on board?”

  “It’s a safety precaution, along with a tracker.”

  “A tracker? You’re not leaving the ship without me.”

  She cupped his cheek to calm him down. “I have to go before the Venetian council to testify on what I know.”

  “Something tells me there’s more.”

  She nodded. “When I went with Trig, it was to identify a body.”

  Tears streamed down her face as she told him about the young girl that had been abused and killed and disposed of like she was nothing. It infuriated him that anyone could mistreat a child in such a way. He hated that his sweet Olivia had to witness something so ugly. He held her as she let the emotions overwhelm her. Patting her back as she calmed, he tilted her chin up to him.

  “I won’t let you go without me.”

  “Phoenix, it’s my job.”

  “I understand and respect what you are doing, but you are the woman that I love. I won’t be able to handle it if something happened to you.”

  She pulled back to look into his eyes. “You do, don’t you? You really do love me.”

  He leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. “More than you will ever know.”

  Phoenix needed to show her how he felt. Holding her in his arms, he stood and walked to his bedroom, not bothering to turn on the lights.

  “What about dinner?”

  “We’ll eat later. Right now I need to make love to you.”

  She didn’t argue with him but instead leaned over and licked his neck. That sent shivers down his body.

  “Keep that up and I won’t last long.”

  She giggled. “We have all night.”

  He laid her on his bed and began removing his clothes. Her gaze tracked him and she licked her lips in desire.

  “I plan to pleasure you until we both can’t move.”

  She smiled. “Oh boy.”


  Hours later

  Olivia felt totally boneless and still floating from the multiple orgasms. In between bouts of hot, sweaty sex, Phoenix heated up the pork chop and fed her by hand. There was something so sensual about that.

  Now she lay in his arms and listened to his soft snoring. She turned so that she could look at him. He was strong and sexy, not like the angelic-looking Talon or the exotic Zen the Sin. Phoenix was all strong masculine toned muscles, and he was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. She reached over and gently caressed his face. He didn’t open his eyes as he spoke.

  “Do you need me?”

  She smiled. “I always need you.” Wriggling closer so that her face was right under his, she said, “I love you, Phoenix.”

  He squeezed her closer and mumbled his love for her. They hadn’t talked about their relationship, but she knew that this was where she was meant to be…with him.

  Love—she had never been in love before. She had thought once that she was in love but she was just a teenager. It didn’t compare at all to what she felt for Phoenix. This was fast and unexpected, but she didn’t want to let it go now that she had found it.

  She thought about the girl who had been killed. Her young life ended before it had really begun. She would be a fool to walk away from this without giving it a real chance. It didn’t mean that she wasn’t scared as hell. Things might not work out; they still had to work out the details like where they were going to live. She wanted this badly enough to take the chance to see where it went. Phoenix was worth it.

  Chapter 18

  Two days later

  The GCFA ship was docked at the next spaceport. Olivia waited in her sister’s suite with Lydia and Phoenix. Rachel and Trig were arranging with the IDJ for more security to escort her directly from the GCFA to the shuttle that would take her to the meeting place for the Venetian council.

  “Do you have to go in person? Can’t you just record your statement and send it to them?” Lydia asked. Her sister was worried. She had told her what was going on and Lydia was terrified that someone would hurt Olivia.

  “I have to go in person as the representative for these families. Not all of them are going to be there to testify so I have to do it for them. Plus, I witnessed the state of the girl who was found.” She couldn’t help but shiver at the image that she knew would always be with her.

  Phoenix sat on the couch next to her and put his arm around her comfortingly. She leaned against his side feeling grateful to have him there with her. It would have made things much more difficult without his support. God, how she loved him.

  She jumped when there was a knock on the door. Phoenix got up to open it. Trig
was there with more GCFA security.

  “The IDJ agents are waiting in the lobby. I’m going to have three of our own security go with you there and stay with you to escort you back.”

  Phoenix spoke before she could. “I’m going, too.”

  Trig frowned. “That’s not necessary, Phoenix. Miss Mann will have our security and the IDJ guarding her. You’re a civilian who is also a public figure. You could be placing yourself in unnecessary danger.”

  “I’ve got Special Forces training. I can protect myself, but more importantly, I will protect my mate.”

  Olivia gasped. They hadn’t talked much about their future, and mating or getting married had not been mentioned at all. Did he really feel that way about her?

  Trig rubbed a hand over his short hair in frustration. “I would want to be there, too, if it was my Zara. Fine, you can go but you will listen to the security and the IDJ. It’s their job to keep her safe.”

  “I will as long as they don’t try to separate us.”

  “Phoenix…” Olivia preferred him to stay here where he would be safe. She had argued for over an hour with Lydia because her sister wanted to come, too. At least Lydia was finally able to see reason but now she realized that her sister gave in because she must have known that Phoenix would insist on coming with her.

  “I’m going and that’s it.” Phoenix crossed his arms over his chest stubbornly.

  Trig didn’t seem to be bothered by the news. He answered his phone then turned to them. “They’re ready for you.”

  “Okay.” She turned to look at her sister who was wringing her hands nervously. “It’s going to be fine, Lydia.”

  Her sister pulled her in for a tight hug. “Stay with Phoenix and your guards at all times. Dad’s going to meet you there.”

  “I’ll testify then come right back. There’s nothing to worry about.”

  She could see that her sister wasn’t completely buying it. She looked at Trig. “What about my sister and father? They might be in danger, too.”

  Trig opened the door for her as he answered. “I have a guard staying here with your sister. I offered to have the IDJ provide security for your father but he told me that he would take care of his own security.”

  Phoenix reached out to take her hand as they followed Trig out of the suite. She was scared but the image of the dead girl made her straighten her shoulders. She could do this for her and all the other missing girls. She never wanted to have to go to the morgue to identify another child again.

  When they reached the elevators, Trig had them wait for the next one that was empty. She moved close to Phoenix on the ride down. When they got out, Rachel was waiting along with some IDJ agents.

  “I’m sure Trig explained that we’re sending our guards with you, but the Venetian council wants this to be a closed hearing. Only the IDJ and immediate family members are allowed inside.”

  Phoenix put his arm around her shoulders. “I’m staying with her at all times.”

  Rachel bit her lip, thinking. “Tell them that you’re her fiancé.”

  Olivia couldn’t help but blush. Last night they were just dating, today she found herself called his mate and now a fiancé. Looking up at Phoenix’s face, she was worried that this was moving too fast. He turned to look down at her and the love and concern she saw in his eyes warmed her. He really loved her. She was so lucky to have him in her life.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “Yeah, let’s get this over with.”

  Trig and the IDJ led them outside. She couldn’t help being nervous. The security, Trig, and the IDJ were watching their surroundings like hawks. She should feel safe but couldn’t help but feel fear instead and this unrelenting premonition that something bad was about to happen.

  Phoenix helped her inside the shuttle and scooted in next to her. He took her hand and brought it up to his lips to kiss her knuckles. “It’s going to be okay. I’m with you.” Just like that, her nerves eased and she was able to release the breath she was holding. He always knew exactly what to say to make her feel better. As long as she was with Phoenix, everything would be okay.

  Chapter 19

  Phoenix looked around at the outside of the convention center where the Venetian council was meeting. It was a large two-story circular building with multiple entrances and exits. There were smaller buildings surrounding it and a lot of foot traffic. Logistically it was a security nightmare.

  “I don’t like this.”

  Trig nodded. “I don’t either. The IDJ will surround the building on the outside, and the GCFA security will be guarding the lobby on the inside. I won’t be able to go inside the conference room the council reserved since it’s closed.”

  “Trig, this seems a little suspicious to me,” Phoenix said as they got out of the shuttle.

  “I don’t like it either. Something just feels…off.”

  The IDJ agents surrounded them and followed them to the main entrance. They waited while the GCFA security guards went inside to secure the lobby.

  Phoenix kept his body between Olivia and the shuttles traveling in front. He couldn’t risk someone driving by and taking a shot at her. Maybe he should have called his old commander but asking for favors would open him up to favors they would eventually want in return. Still, he would have done it for Olivia.

  Trig opened the door for Olivia to enter first and he halted Phoenix. “I’m not going to be allowed inside. If anything happens, get her out of there.”

  He nodded before turning around and going inside to a waiting Olivia. There was another IDJ agent standing beside her. He didn’t like the way the male stood a little too close. Olivia seemed to know what was bothering him because she immediately moved away from the other male and hugged Phoenix. His tension eased a little.

  Olivia introduced him to the other man. “Phoenix, this is Captain Veto. He’s in charge of the IDJ investigation. Captain, this is Phoenix, my…”

  “I’m her mate and fiancé,” Phoenix said, not shaking hands with the other male. He didn’t miss Olivia rolling her eyes or mumbling something low that sounded like men.

  “I can assure you that I will protect her while we are inside testifying.”

  Phoenix growled. “I appreciate the sentiment, but I’ll be going with her.”

  The captain didn’t respond but simply nodded and motioned for them to enter the double doors to the conference room. It was more like a convention room. There was a small stage at one end where eight men sat at a long table. That must be the Venetian council. Chairs had been placed in rows in front of the stage. The room was full of people, which seemed off to Phoenix if it was supposed to be a closed meeting.

  Olivia broke away from Phoenix as she ran to throw herself into the arms of an older gentleman, a Venetian. He stood directly behind Olivia, staring at the other man and sizing him up.

  Olivia pulled away from the other man and felt Phoenix right behind her. She smiled up at him. “Phoenix, this is my dad, Loman Waters. Daddy, this is Phoenix.”

  “Sir, good to meet you, even under these circumstances.” He shook Mr. Waters’ hand.

  “I’ve heard good things about you from my little girl. Unfortunately, the Venetian council requested this hearing be closed to all except those being questioned and their immediate family members.”

  “Uh…” Olivia hesitated but Phoenix had no problem talking.

  “Since I’m her fiancé, I’m allowed, correct?”

  Her father looked down at Olivia with a raised eyebrow. “That would be correct.”

  “Good. Where should we sit? It needs to be on the end of the row for safety reasons.”

  Her father nodded and showed them to the third row from the front. They were only a few feet from the nearest exit. He could easily get her there but he wasn’t sure where the IDJ were located in comparison to that exit.

  They took their seats with him sitting on the end, Olivia beside him, and her father on the other side. Captain Veto sat directly behind them. He didn’t
have a weapon but, as a trained fighter, he was a walking lethal weapon. He would be ready for anything.


  Olivia held her hands clasped together to keep them from shaking. Maybe it was her imagination but it felt like someone was watching her. She watched as her Uncle Ross called the council meeting to order.

  “We’re here today to hear testimony on the case brought before the Venetian council regarding missing girls and one girl that was found dead. It is the purpose of this council to decide if the two incidents are directly related and how we should proceed to find the culprits who are responsible. Since the IDJ found the victim, we will hear testimony from them and from the legal aide who has been searching for missing girls. Per the request of the missing girls’ families, an assembly was brought in to witness the proceedings.”

  Ah, that’s why there were more people in the room that she had expected. She saw her clients were there and another family sat in the front. A few women were crying. That must be the victim’s family. Olivia’s heart broke for them.

  “Our first testimony will come from Captain Veto of the IDJ.”

  Captain Veto stood and walked to the front. A chair was placed directly in front of the table where the council sat. He was sworn in to tell the truth.

  Uncle Ross motioned for the councilman on the end to begin questioning.

  “Captain Veto, how did you know that the victim was Venetian? There are no Venetians listed in the IDJ DNA records.”

  “She has the exotic looks that are associated with Venetians. The body was found in a neighboring solar system not far from Venetia and my supervisor reported on a case of missing Venetians girls recently so it made sense that this was related. I contacted the person inquiring and Trig Roberts, a former IDJ agent, escorted the legal aide to identify the body.”

  “Who is the legal aide?”

  “Olivia Mann.”

  “She was able to tell you who the victim was?”

  “Miss Mann was able to confirm that the victim was Venetian and which family line she descended from.”


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