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Fate's Cry

Page 10

by Williby, Jalpa

  “First of all, I don’t need you to be fighting my battles. I could have easily handled Jason. Oh, and how were you able to move so fast anyway? You had him pinned against the wall before anybody knew what was happening.”

  “I’ve got skills, baby.” Damien smiled and winked.

  Rolling her eyes, Kelsey continued, “Second of all, he is not my ex-boyfriend. Yes, we went on a few dates, talked on the phone a few times a month, and even shared some kisses, but that’s as far as it went.” Kelsey put her hands on her hips, annoyed with the way she had lost control of the situation.

  “You kissed that guy?” he asked, folding his arms across his chest.

  “You’re missing the point, Damien. Like I said, I don’t need you to be fighting my battle. What was all that boyfriend stuff about anyway? Why did you tell him you were my boyfriend?”

  “What did you want me to tell him?”

  “That we’re friends?”

  “I think we’re past the stage of just friends, Kelsey. What exactly do you see me as? We might as well get this out in the open right now.”

  Suddenly lost for words, Kelsey moved back toward the kitchen. “We’ve only known each other for couple of weeks.”

  “No, we’ve known each other for years, Kelsey. We met four years ago, remember?”

  Kelsey frowned. “That doesn’t count.”

  “Why not?” Damien challenged.

  Kelsey took a deep breath. “Well, do you consider yourself my boyfriend?”

  “Do you want me to?” he asked.

  “You’re not answering my question!” Kelsey said, exasperated.

  “Neither are you,” he said, sneaking up behind her.

  “We don’t do anything that normal couples do. I expect my boyfriend to take me out on dates instead of coming here at ten o’clock at night every single night.”

  “Dates?” Damien asked, looking baffled.

  “Yes, dates! You know, dinner, movies, flowers…maybe even go camping or hiking or something,” Kelsey said, putting her hand on her hip.

  “You want dinner and movies? And flowers?” he asked.

  “That’s what normal couples do, Damien.”

  “We’re not normal. We don’t have to be followers. We can have our relationship the way we want it.” He reached and grabbed her by her waist, pulling her into his arms. Kissing her softly on the tip of her nose, he flashed a boyish grin.

  Having difficulty focusing because suddenly her heart began to race, Kelsey slipped out of his embrace. “I’m serious, Damien. This is not how I’d want a relationship. It’s not normal for me. It makes me feel cheap that you come visit me only at night. I don’t understand why we can’t hang out during the day. I refuse to believe you’re at work all day long.”

  “Cheap? How can you feel cheap? I’m the one who has been saying no to sex. If I remember correctly, you practically jumped my bones last night.” Damien began to laugh as Kelsey’s mouth fell open.

  “You seduced me! You carried me to the bed, got me all turned on, and then, as usual, pulled away,” she exclaimed.

  “I’m trying to save your virtue!” he teased.

  Feeling completely exasperated, she threw her arms up and stormed into her bedroom.

  Damien followed her, still laughing to himself. “Come on, don’t be upset. I have to admit, though, you’re really cute when you’re angry.”

  Just as Kelsey turned around to give him a piece of her mind, he grabbed her. Before she could say anything, his lips sealed hers, and Kelsey could no longer remember why she was upset. When he finally pulled away, both had to try extra hard to catch their breaths.

  “I’m sorry, okay? I’ll try to be better. We don’t need to give me a ‘boyfriend’ status if you think I’m moving too fast,” Damien spoke, his voice soft.

  “Everything is just very confusing, Damien,” she whispered, tangling her fingers in his hair.

  “I don’t know much, but I do know how I feel about you. I have never felt like this about anybody. Maybe I’m not good at showing my feelings with my actions. Maybe I’m sending unclear messages. But I promise you, I am not confused about how I feel about you. When I see you, Kelsey, it’s like you’ve brought me to life. I want to be with you and never let you go. I want to give you the world, even if that means I’d have to leave my own.”

  As the tears gathered in Kelsey’s eyes, she tried to look away. She knew their feelings for one another were very strong, even if she didn’t understand the reasons. “You can have the stupid boyfriend status,” she mumbled, trying to hide her smile. “Just do occasional boyfriend things for me.”

  “Done! Now come here and give your boyfriend a hug like you mean it,” he said, pulling her back against him.

  Kelsey clung onto him tightly, wishing she could stop this moment in time.

  “Okay, tell me how it went with Lisa. Did she leave for Virginia?” he asked, playing with her hair.

  “Yeah, I dropped her off at the airport. She looked really good, you know? Strong and determined.”

  “You gave her hope,” Damien whispered. “By the way, what did your captain want?”

  “He said I can come back to work on Monday. But he put me on dayshift…not on the streets. A desk job.” Kelsey purposefully didn’t mention the kiss from last week and how Kevin had touched her lips earlier in his office. She knew Damien would not do well with that information.

  “He pulled you from nights?” he asked, seeming troubled.

  “Yeah, I was upset about the desk thing and not being on the streets, but he assured me it would be just a matter of time.”

  “I don’t know if I like you on the dayshift, Kelsey,” Damien said, shaking his head.

  “Why? It’s much more dangerous at night,” Kelsey said, frowning.

  “But, I can’t help during the day.”

  “Damien, you’re being silly. How could you help me in my job during the nights? This is better in a way. We both work during the day and see each other at night.”

  The worrisome look lingered, and Damien clenched his jaw. “I don’t like it.”

  “There’s nothing I can do about it. It’s my job, and I gotta do what my boss says. I’m already annoyed enough that I’ll be sitting behind a desk. It’s also difficult that Sammy won’t be by my side. Please don’t make this harder than it already is.”

  Damien sighed. “I’m sorry. You’re right, of course. I’m glad you get to go back to work. I know you’ve been bored out of your mind.”

  “You gonna sleep over again? Maybe we can even mess around a bit,” Kelsey said, batting her eyes.

  Flashing a mischievous smile, Damien picked her up. “If you insist.”


  The following week, Kelsey became accustomed to working in the days and sleeping in the strong arms of Damien in the nights. Since she had access to the computer at work, she was able to find some information about the case. The profile on the suspected serial killer was as follows: a middle aged Caucasian male with a secure day job, possibly a family man, likes power and control.

  Knowing this profile described millions of people, Kelsey was frustrated. How was she going to find this guy?

  On Wednesday of that week, Kevin called her into his office. “Sit down, Taylor, I have some bad news for you.”

  Perplexed, Kelsey immediately sat down and braced herself. “What happened?”

  Kevin took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Kelsey, but Lisa Newton is dead.”

  The room began to spin as she tried to understand his words. “What…what do you mean?”

  “They found her body today. She was stabbed to death.” Kevin rubbed his face, defeated.

  “I don’t understand,” Kelsey whispered as the hand of agony gripped her throat. She closed her eyes, praying she heard him wrong.

  “It’s not a pretty story, Kelsey. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this. I know you felt especially connected with her.”

  Flexing her fingers into tight fists, Ke
lsey said, “Just tell me.” She couldn’t breathe, as the walls were closing in on her. But, she had to know it all.

  “The victim was found in a back alley, outside of the restaurant she had begun working.”

  “She was working? A job?” Still in shock, she tried to stop the tears.

  “Apparently, she had just started it. Kelsey, it was the same guy. He tracked her down.”

  She swallowed hard. “I don’t understand. How did he know?”

  Kevin paced the small office, his hands folded behind him. “I don’t know. We know it was the same guy because he left you a message.”

  “What?” she gasped.

  “The investigating team from Virginia sent these photos today.” Kevin walked to his desk and brought the pictures to her. “I’m warning you. These are very graphic. Are you sure you want to see them?”

  Kelsey snatched the pile, knowing she had to see them. She fought the tears as she tortured herself by flipping through one picture after another. Lisa lying in pool of blood. Lisa naked. Lisa’s throat cut so deep that her head seemed almost separated from her body.

  Unable to stop her hands from shaking, Kelsey bit hard on her bottom lip as a wave of emotions crashed within her. Hatred like no other boiled deep into her core. The flame of rage burned so hot within her that she thought she was going to explode. When she reached the final picture, the bloody letters written on the wall scorched her eyes.

  Bile rose as she whispered the message, “A gift for you, Kelsey Taylor.” Dropping the pile of pictures, she leaped up, her lungs begging for some air. “I’m going over there.”

  “Kelsey, no!” Kevin grabbed her arms, holding her steady. “You weren’t even supposed to know any of this information. It is completely confidential. I shared it with you as a colleague and a friend. You absolutely can’t go; I forbid it. Besides, you’re already in too deep.”

  “I gotta get out of here.” She tried to pull herself out of his hold.

  “Listen to me. I know you’re a mess right now, but I had to tell you everything. You need to understand how dangerous this guy is. He’s playing with you now. Don’t you see that?” Kevin pulled her in his arms as her entire body trembled, offering her the comfort she craved. She wanted to collapse into him, to permit him to hold her up as the world came crumbling down.

  But this was no time to be weak. Refusing to allow herself to feel vulnerable, she shoved him away.

  “I have to go. I need to think,” she choked the words out before dashing out of his office.

  Once back in her apartment, Kelsey packed her carry-on luggage. She left a note with her doorman for Damien, explaining that she had to go to Virginia and would be back in couple of days. Taking the first flight out, Kelsey knew that once she go there, it was imperative she did not act on impulse.

  Since she had Lisa’s great-aunt’s address, she took the cab there as soon as she landed. She stood on the front porch, taking a deep breath. Gathering her courage, she knocked on the door.

  When an elderly woman with a cane answered the door, Kelsey said, “Hello, I am Officer Taylor.” She showed her badge to the woman. “I was also friends with Lisa in New York.”

  The woman appeared to be around eighty years old, and she squinted her eyes as if to get a closer look at Kelsey. “Yes, she told me about you. Come in, honey, come in.”

  Kelsey entered the small house and noticed it was lit up by a dim lamp sitting on the corner table. “Are you her great-aunt?” she asked.

  “Yes, I’m her Aunt Mary. I hadn’t seen Lisa in ages. The poor girl had a tough childhood, you see. Why don’t you sit and I’ll make you some tea?”

  “Oh no, I don’t need any tea, thank you. I’m so sorry about Lisa. I need to ask you some questions if that’s okay.” Kelsey took a seat on the sofa.

  Aunt Mary shuffled to the couch and sat down next to her. “So many police officers have already been here. It broke my heart that I had that girl for only four days.”

  “She arrived here last Friday?”

  “Yes, I was expecting her because she called me. She said you had helped her a lot. You gave her hope, my dear. The very next day she went looking for a job. She was hired at that restaurant and started on Sunday.”

  “Has anybody come here to visit her? Or did she tell you if anybody had approached her?”

  “No, nothing. She was content for the first time in her life, I tell you.” Aunt Mary shook her head and wiped the tears that had slipped out. “She didn’t deserve this. She always had a good heart. If it weren’t for her stupid stepdad’s abuse, she never would have run away to live off the streets in the first place. But nobody believed her when she tried to tell them what he was doing to her. Not even her own mother.”

  “No, she didn’t deserve it at all, ma’am. Do you know if she received any strange calls? When was the last time you saw her?”

  “Honey, the last time was Tuesday afternoon when she left for work. She never told me about any strange calls.”

  “Has she met with anybody since she’s been here?”

  “She stayed in the house except when she left for work. She hadn’t met anybody at all as far as I know. She told me she had no interest in socializing. She said she was going to work and save enough money to go back to school.”

  Kelsey swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat. “I’m going to find who did this to her. If you think of anything at all, or if anything strange occurs, I want you to contact me immediately.” She handed Aunt Mary her card that had her cell phone number. Before leaving, Kelsey gave her a quick hug on impulse. “Thank you. Can you tell me when her services will be held?”

  “The police won’t release her body yet because they’re still investigating. But I still want to have a small memorial service for her tomorrow. It will be held at ten in the morning at the local church. Since she didn’t know anybody here, some of my friends and neighbors will be attending. Would be nice if you could make it.”

  “I’ll be there,” Kelsey replied, squeezing her hand.


  Kelsey went straight to the police station after leaving Aunt Mary’s. They were already expecting her since she had told them before she left New York. She entered the station and was surprised to see that several officers were still working afterhours.

  “Hello, I’m Officer Kelsey Taylor. I’m here to see Captain Jackson,” she told the deputy.

  The deputy nodded and headed to the back office while Kelsey followed him. He opened the door, and said, “Captain, Officer Taylor’s here.”

  When Kelsey entered, she noticed the African-American man stand up and approach her. “Hello, Kelsey Taylor. Your captain also called to notify me to expect you. Sorry to meet you in such circumstances.”

  “Yes, Captain, I’m sorry as well. I need to know what was found at the crime scene. Any clues? Did the shops around there have outdoor cameras?” Kelsey sat down after shaking his hand.

  “I have my best men working on this. FBI agents who’ve been following this serial killer have been down and are investigating. This is a small town, you see. We just don’t have such gruesome crimes like this. The entire town is in panic.”

  “So, have you been able to find anything? Outdoor cameras catch anything?” she repeated. “Any witnesses? Who was working with the victim that night?”

  “Officer Taylor, I’m really not supposed to share the details of this case with you. But, under the circumstances, I do understand why you’re so invested in this case.”

  “Captain Jackson, this killer has a personal vendetta against me. I have to find out as much as I can about him. Not to mention, Lisa was a friend. Please, I really need your help on this.”

  “Lucky for you, I’ve never been too big on rules. I get it. If it were me, I’d be trying to find this guy before he finds me. I’m gonna help you as much as I can. Whatever I share with you, though, must remain confidential.”

  Kelsey nodded. “Yes, of course.”

  The captain
cleared his throat before continuing. “The victim was closing the restaurant alone that night since it’s a small place. There are no outdoor cameras in this part of town. We’re not like New York.” The captain handed her a file. “Everything is in these reports. You’re welcome to review it. They’re still investigating, of course. The blood samples have been sent out to see if there was anybody else’s blood at the scene. But I’ll tell you, that young girl was no coward. It looked like she really put up a fight.”

  “Why do you say?” Kelsey asked, needing to know all of the gruesome details.

  “Again, all this is confidential, of course, but we think she may have scratched the killer. We found some blood under her nails.”

  Instantly excited, Kelsey jumped up. “They’ve sent that out for analysis? Who knows about this? Please make sure this information is not leaked.”

  “Nobody knows but the investigating teams involved. Yes, it’s been sent out.”

  “Can we go to the crime scene? I’d like to check it out.”

  “Sure, but be warned, that message is still up on the wall. It’s not a pretty sight.”

  “I understand, Captain.”

  As soon as they arrived at the crime scene, Kelsey’s hair on the back of her neck stood up. Chills raced up and down her body, but ignoring her reaction, she put up a brave front and followed the captain deep into the dark alley.

  The area was roped off, but both climbed over it to get a closer look. Kelsey was careful not to step on anything. She noticed the bloody words immediately on the wall, screaming for her.

  Forcing herself to look away, she focused on trying to find clues. She purposefully ignored the blood that was still splattered all over the scene, knowing it was Lisa’s. Swallowing hard, she searched for anything that might help. Immediately noticing part of a bloody shoeprint on the ground, Kelsey stepped forward to take a closer look.

  “Yeah, they’ve already taken pictures of that for evidence. We believe it’s the killer’s print, and from the look of it, he must be a fairly tall man.”


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