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Fate's Cry

Page 16

by Williby, Jalpa

  “Okay, you have my number if you need anything.”


  As soon as she got into her apartment, Kelsey began to pack her duffle bag. She knew Damien normally came from the fire escape, so the surveillance would probably not see him. She took a quick shower and waited impatiently for his arrival.

  When she heard the knock, she waited for him to say, “It’s me, Kelsey.”

  Swinging the door open, Kelsey abruptly pulled him in, locking the door behind him. “Oh my God. I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “What’s going on?” Damien looked around the room, suddenly suspicious.

  “Oh, Damien,” she said and collapsed into his arms. “It’s been horrible. He killed Jason. He killed Jason. And he…oh dear God, he sent Jason’s hand to me. It’s all my fault. He died because of me.”

  Damien grabbed her, his eyes full of anger and shock. “What are you saying?”

  Nodding, she swallowed hard, not wanting to talk about it anymore. “Please just take me out of here. Right now. Let’s go away to Canada until you’re transformed. We’ll take Tom with us. I have a carrier for him, and I already have my bag packed. Please, let’s go. The bastard has been watching me.”

  “Kelsey, you’re rambling. Yes, I’ll take you out of here, but I need to know what the hell is going on.” Damien looked around the room, frowning. “Something doesn’t seem right.”

  Kelsey turned to inspect the room, too. “What do you mean?”

  “I can’t put my finger on it. Maybe I can sense something bad happened here.” Damien walked all over the apartment, as if searching for something. “I don’t know. Don’t worry about it, I’ll figure it out eventually. Now, come on. We’re going to sit down, and you’re going to tell me what’s going on.”

  “I had a box delivered to me this morning. It was a freakin’ hand, Damien. There was a note with it that said, ‘He’ll never lay his hands on you again.’ It was Jason’s hand. Damn it! This psychopath killed him.”

  “What? I am so sorry I wasn’t here for you. I promise you I’m gonna find this asshole and kill him. Very slowly.” Damien held her face in his hands. “I need to know how you figured out it was Jason’s hand.”

  “I finally realized what that note meant. So, I told the police to go check Jason’s place. They found his body. He didn’t deserve that, Damien. He didn’t deserve it.”

  “I know, baby. Listen, let me think. This means this weirdo watches your every move. He must have seen your confrontation with Jason the other day.”

  “Yeah, that’s why there’s surveillance all over here now.”

  “Okay, look at me, Kelsey. Let me go out there and check it out.”

  “No, please, don’t leave me. I just want to get out of here.”

  “I’ll be back in fifteen minutes at the most. I have to circle around here and see if I can sense anything or find anybody suspicious. My gargoyle senses are strong, so if I see anybody outside of ordinary, I’ll be able to find him. Trust me, if he’s lurking outside this building, I’ll find him in minutes. Don’t you want this evil found?”

  Kelsey knew he was right. “Please, please be careful. He’s crazy, and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “Trust me, he can’t hurt me in my gargoyle form. He’s no match for me. Just put Tom in his carrier and finish packing up. I’ll be right back. Don’t do anything. Just wait for me, okay?”

  “You’ll be back, right?”

  “Yes, I promise.” Damien hugged her tightly, trying to assure her.

  “I can’t lose you, Damien.” Her voice was unsteady, and she held onto him with dear life.

  “You won’t.” Gently, he pulled away and before she knew it, he was gone.

  Taking deep breaths, she tried to gather her bearings. “Tom, we have to leave for a few days.” She picked him up and put him in his carrier. Tom wasn’t too happy about the carrier, and she wondered how he was going to handle the “flight” with a gargoyle. Satisfied that she had everything packed in her duffle bag after double checking, she began to pace, waiting anxiously for Damien’s return.

  True to his word, he was back in no time. As soon as she saw him, she ran into his arms.

  “I saw nothing suspicious, Kelsey. I saw your cop friends out there, but I expected to. Other than that, everybody seemed to mind their own business. My senses would have picked up anything out of ordinary.”

  “That’s good, I suppose. Now, can we get out of here?”

  “Yes, so here’s what we’ll have to do. We’ll get my bag of clothes first from the museum. We’ll leave straight from there and head to Montreal. I fly pretty fast, but it’ll still take us several hours. It’ll get windy up there but I’ll keep you warm. Are you sure you’re good for it?”

  “Have you ever flown carrying somebody that far?”

  “Kelsey, I’m not worried about me. I just want you to be aware, that’s all. Luckily, it’s summer, so at least you won’t be too cold while we fly. But you need to know that I have to go into the headquarters before the sun rises. Tomorrow night, I’ll stop by one more time at the hotel before I need to go back to the headquarters to see Master Gargoyles. After that, I won’t be able to leave until the transformation is over. If all goes as planned, it’ll all be done in three days.”

  “I can’t even think about any of this right now, Damien. Let’s just get out of here.”

  Taking a deep breath, he said, “Okay, you got everything? Let me see your phone. Can the battery be removed?”

  “Yeah, it’s a Galaxy,” Kelsey answered.

  When Kelsey handed it to him, Damien pulled the battery out. “I don’t want to take any chances of you being traced. Is Tom going to freak out with this travel?”

  “Probably.” Kelsey giggled despite the circumstances. She tossed her cell phone and the battery into her bag. “I’m sure he’s gonna go nuts from being so close to your other form for so long.”

  “Or, maybe he already knows. I think he’s over the hatred toward me now.” Damien smiled and grabbed her bag while she held Tom’s carrier.

  As soon as they were on the fire escape ladder, Damien took his clothes off and put them into her bag. Transforming into a gargoyle, he scooped her up and leaped into air.

  To her surprise, Tom was not upset at all when he saw Damien as the gargoyle. He even seemed to enjoy the ride. As soon as they grabbed Damien’s clothing bag from the roof of the museum, they were on their way.

  Kelsey wasn’t surprised how fast Damien could fly with his large wings. She could feel the wind rushing through her hair, but Damien kept her enclosed in his strong arms. She closed her eyes as she thought about the recent events. Everything had happened too fast, and the killer had the upper hand. She knew it and he knew it. Maybe being away for a few days would help to clear her mind. Maybe she could think more clearly, and hopefully, devise a plan.

  She’d be without Damien for three days and nights. That was going to be difficult, but maybe it would be nice to have the alone time to just unwind. Feeling protected against his powerful body, she finally forced herself to relax. She knew he would take care of her.

  By the time they reached Montreal, it was already three in the morning. He landed into the parking lot of a hotel and took his human form. Putting on his clothes, he said, “I’m going to check you in. I don’t want you to use any of your IDs or your credit cards. I want to make sure nobody can trace you.”

  “You can’t check me in, Damien. You need an ID at the very least.”

  “I’ll pay in cash and don’t worry, I’ll get you a room.”

  “Oh,” Kelsey replied, realizing he was probably going to use one of his powers to convince the front desk worker.

  Kissing her cheek, he said, “Be right back. Just wait for me right here.” Within minutes, he was back out. “Come on. I got you a one-bedroom suite since you’ll be stuck here for a few days.”

  Once they dropped everything off in the room, including Tom, Damien took her to a twent
y-four hour grocery store.

  “I want you to get whatever you and Tom would need while you’re here. I want you to stay put in the hotel suite while I’m not around,” he instructed.

  Kelsey had no desire to be roaming around anywhere. She was fine with the decision and rushed in the store with him. Damien paid for everything with cash, and by the time they reached the hotel again, it was already close to four in the morning. She knew she only had couple of more hours left with him.

  “How are you feeling? Talk to me,” Damien said.

  Watching Tom investigating the hotel room, she took a deep breath. “I’m just glad nobody knows where I am. I’m glad to be away from there.”

  “Good, come here.” He took her hand and led her to the bedroom. “I want you to relax. I promise I’m going to take care of you.”

  “Tell me again what’s happening in the next few days.” She squeezed his hand, needing to feel his strength.

  “Before the sun rises, I’m going to the headquarters. When I awaken at night, I’ll come back to the hotel to see you. I can stay a few hours, but I have to meet with the Master Gargoyles tomorrow night to begin the transformation. I wish I could take you with me, but humans are not allowed.”

  “I understand,” she whispered, snuggling closer to him as they both lay down. “So, when exactly will I see you again after the whole transformation begins?”

  “The transformation should be completed by the third day. I should wake up as a human, but the gargoyles will still be asleep. I’ll come straight here as soon as I awaken.”

  “How would you get here, though? You can’t fly anymore.”

  “I will have money, of course, to take a cab. They’ll also leave me all of the identifications needed, credit cards, some money in a bank account, a cell phone, and any paperwork I’d need. A starter’s kit, in a way.”

  “Oh, that’s good. As soon as you wake up, you have to call me right away. You know my cell number, right?” Kelsey felt somewhat relieved. “I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.” She was already dreading the thought of being alone.

  “Yes, I know your number, but I don’t even want your phone on, Kelsey. Don’t use it to call anybody, and don’t place your battery back in. Not until we can figure out how this guy seems to find you all the time.” Damien held her face, searching her eyes for comprehension. “Do you need anything else? Promise me you won’t leave this hotel room and won’t tell anybody where you are.”

  “I have no desire to go anywhere, Damien. Trust me, I definitely don’t want to be found. I’m absolutely exhausted, and to be honest, I could probably sleep the entire week away.”

  “Then close your eyes. I want to hold you while you fall asleep in my arms. I love you, Kelsey, and I promise, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.”

  Kelsey closed her eyes, feeling secure in his strong embrace. “Mmm, I love you too, Damien.” Before long, she was fast asleep.


  When Kelsey opened her eyes, Damien was already gone. On the pillow next to her, there was a note saying, “Be safe, my heart. I’ll be back soon.” Kelsey smiled as she held his ring close to her chest.

  When Tom snuggled against her, she knew he was ready to eat. Rubbing her eyes, she stretched her arms and crawled out of her bed. She shuffled to the bathroom, trying to gather herself.

  “Hold on, Tom. I know you’re hungry.” Several minutes later, she grabbed his bowls and poured some food and water. “I’m sorry I forgot to give it to you last night. You were such a good boy. I thought you’d be upset from the long trip.”

  Tom rubbed against her leg before burying his face into his food. Petting him while he ate, she headed to the kitchen area to make some coffee. Hearing her stomach growl, she decided to have a bagel with cheese as well.

  Although this wasn’t her apartment, she liked the idea of nobody knowing where she was. It would be nice to just leave her past life and disappear with Damien. They both could start over somewhere. As tempting as it was, though, she knew she wouldn’t be able to do it. She refused to run, and she cared about Sofia and Samantha way too much.

  Kelsey purposefully avoided thinking about the recent events and the fact that a killer was after her. She lounged around all day, switching from watching TV to reading a book she had grabbed from the grocery store. Several times, she dozed off and even forced herself to relax in the Jacuzzi.

  She had decided how she wanted to spend the few hours with Damien when he came later. Even though he kept reassuring her that the transformation ceremony was safe, she wasn’t so sure. After all, they had no record of such a thing in their historical records.

  As soon as Damien came that night, she flung the door open, anticipating his arrival. When he saw her standing in a simple white dress, he looked surprised.

  “You look absolutely stunning. But, uhh, what’s the occasion?” A smiled played on his lips.

  “Our wedding,” she answered and grabbed her purse. “Come on.”

  Damien was speechless for a few seconds. Finally, narrowing his eyes, he said, “Do you want to explain that further? Are you proposing to me now?”

  “Nope, I’m not giving you an option. You’re going to take me to a church nearby. I’ve already looked up the address, and we’re getting married there tonight.”

  “Um, isn’t it going to be locked up?”

  “Yes, we’re breaking in.” Kelsey smiled and took his hand. “You ready to tie the knot?”

  “I’ve already claimed you as my lifetime mate since I set my eyes on you, my sweet Kelsey.” Damien pulled her closer and kissed her with all the love he held for her. “But tell me, who’s going to marry us?”

  “Yeah, there’s a slight problem. But, I was thinking…”

  “Um, that’s never good,” he interrupted, his smile widening.

  “No, hear me out, would you? Who cares if there’s nobody there to marry us? We will exchange our vows in front of God. That’s enough for me. I just don’t want to wait anymore. We don’t know what our future will bring, so I’ve decided to live for today. I want to marry you, Damien.”

  He squeezed her against him and said, “I know what our future will bring. We’re going to have lots of kids and live happily ever after. I promise you that.”

  Kelsey sighed, closing her eyes. She wanted to believe him, but she was realistic. There were too many things that could go wrong. But she also knew Damien. He needed to believe. He had already envisioned their future together, and he simply was not capable of seeing anything else.

  Instead of ruining his spirits, she said, “Lots of kids, huh? Well, let’s do it right and get married first. Come on, you’ll have to leave soon, so we better get moving.”

  Damien lifted her face to meet her eyes. “Are you sure? I hadn’t visualized our wedding like this. I wanted something more…make it special for you.”

  “This is very special for me, Damien, I promise. Now, are you getting cold feet or what?”

  “Never! My bride looks gorgeous in her white dress. Did you intentionally bring the dress with you for this reason?”

  She laughed. “I honestly don’t know what made me bring it. I saw it hanging in my closet and on impulse, I grabbed it. I know it’s not a real wedding dress, but this is the best I got.”

  “It’s sweet and perfect! I’m not at all surprised how radiant my bride looks.” Damien planted a kiss on the tip of her nose.

  After removing his clothes, he transformed into his gargoyle form. Once Kelsey placed his clothes in a bag, he picked her up and flew out of the hotel window. In no time, they reached the church. Damien was easily able to get inside from one of the windows that was loose. As soon as he placed her down, he took his human form again and put his black jeans and plaid shirt back on. Hand in hand, they walked up the aisle until they reached the front.

  Kelsey closed her eyes, her heart filling with emotions.

  “When is the last time you’ve been to church, Kelsey?” he asked, kissing the ti
ps of her fingers.

  “Not since I was a child. I used to come with my family. But after my dad died and my mom was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, I stopped believing in God.”

  “And now?”

  “I don’t know what I believe in anymore, Damien.” Kelsey turned to him and placed her palm on his cheek. “I never believed in gargoyles before I met you. I just know I need something right now. Something to give me hope. Something I can hold onto.”

  Damien reached for her hand that was resting on his cheek. “I love you.”

  “And I love you,” she whispered, her eyes tearing up.

  “Kelsey Taylor, I fell in love with you from the moment I saw you. No matter how much I fought my feelings, I couldn’t stay away from you. You are my forever mate. I promise you that I’ll always cherish you and will do everything in my power to make you happy. You own my body, heart, and soul, and I would gladly give up my life to protect you. Will you accept me as your humble mate?”

  By then, Kelsey’s tears flowed freely. “I do,” she replied. “Damien Stone, you are my savior, my knight. I promise to stand by you through all that life throws our way. I choose you to be my forever partner. You are the only one I have ever loved, and my heart will forever belong to you. Today, I make you a promise to always appreciate everyday that’s been given to us. I promise to do everything in my power to protect you, fore there is no life if you’re not in it. Will you accept me as your wife through sickness and health, through richer and poorer, ‘til death do us part?”

  “I do…‘til death do us part, my love.” Damien slowly brought his lips to hers. As they sealed their love with a kiss, neither held anything back, silently promising one another their eternal bond.

  Later in the hotel room, the two made love as a husband and wife, cherishing the last hour they had before his departure. They clung to one another, screamed out each other’s names, and all the while, Kelsey couldn’t hold back her tears of joy and sorrow.

  They made love as if it was the last time they would see each other.


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