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Legion of Shadow

Page 18

by Michael J. Ward

  It appears that all these people are guests, like yourself – and each has a tale to tell of how they met the count or one of his family, who invited them to the evening meal at a moment’s notice.

  As you ponder the situation, you notice a boy weaving between the crowd. He is tall and skinny, his movements looking stiff and awkward in the heavy black coat he is wearing. You notice that he is stopping by some of the guests and whispering something to them, then moving on through the crowd.

  When he catches your eye, the boy walks over. ‘Listen,’ he says, dropping his voice so he isn’t overheard. ‘Join me by the statue. We don’t have much time.’

  Then he moves away again. Several of the other people are already making their way to the far corner of the room, where a black onyx statue of an angel stands in a torch-lit alcove. Intrigued as to what is transpiring, you cross the room to join them. Turn to 355.


  As you start to climb, several of the roots that you are holding onto begin to split. You will need to take a speed challenge in order to avoid falling:


  Root climb


  If you succeed, turn to 503. If you fail, turn to 514.


  The queen smiles, though there is little warmth or comfort in the gesture. ‘The man whom you seek is one of the Council of Nine – an order founded by a powerful human mage named Avian Dale.

  ‘Cornelius has many gifts, but his most powerful is that of prophecy. He sees the future – all futures, which shift and change like the wind. Some paths are set, others can be altered. Cornelius sees them all. You will need his help if you wish to close the shadow gate. Yes. I know of what has befallen the city of Talanost. If the Legion of Shadow is not contained there, then all that we hold precious and dear will be lost . . . forever.’

  Turn to 376 to ask another question, or turn to 336 to end your audience with the queen.


  ‘Ladies and gentlemen, show your appreciation for the one and only, “Left Hook” Luke. Former captain of the Betsy Blue and the most feared pirate of all the seven seas! Yee-hah!’

  Your opponent strides confidently towards you, his bucket-topped boots squelching through the mud. He is ragged and thin, his greasy hair hanging in loose strands from beneath his tri-horned hat. With his one good eye (the other concealed by an eye-patch), he gives you the once over, his lips curling into a sneer.

  ‘I asks for a champion and they send me a deckhand.’ He circles around you, tapping the hook of his left hand against the blade of his cutlass. ‘I hopes yer understand,’ he says, grinning, ‘I needs the money for a new ship. So, there ain’t nothing coming between me and my bounty.’

  You must now fight this deadly pirate captain:

  Special abilities

  By hook: For eachthat you roll for your hero (either for attack speed or damage), they immediately take 2 damage from Luke’s left hook. This ability ignores armour.

  And by crook: Once Luke’s health is reduced to 20 or less, his attacks become more desperate. Luke only rolls 1 die for his attack speed, but rolls 2 dice for damage.

  If you win the combat, turn to 277.


  Quest: The seared scar

  The forest gives way to a plain of black, scorched sand. A few shrivelled, charcoal stumps are all that remain of the once verdant wilderness. Warily, you wander alone through this brooding landscape, past crevices that gout smoke and steam into the red-tinged sky.

  The scar widens as you progress southwards, eventually bringing you to the lip of a vast, bowl-shaped crater. Cutting across its centre is a jagged rift, where the ground has violently buckled and split apart. The flickering red glow of lava and flame dance along its steep sides, presenting a stark contrast to the grey-black ash that covers the rest of this wasteland.

  You descend into the crater, half running and half sliding through the ash and dust. When you reach the bottom, you see that the ground is hard and smooth – the soil having been heated to such a degree that is now fragments of dark crystal. Each footstep you take forces the crystals to splinter like broken glass – the only sound to be heard in this grim silent place.

  As you approach the rift, you spot a figure lying on their side in the dust. You hurry over, suspecting that they have been injured. As you near, you see that it is an elderly man; his narrow face encircled by a thick bush of wiry grey hair. He is dressed in simple leather clothing, with a skullcap resting lopsidedly on his head.

  ‘By Judah’s light, a traveller,’ he gasps. ‘Don’t suppose you could spare a little healing tonic. I appear to have taken a bit of a tumble.’

  If you have a healing potion in your backpack and wish to offer it the man, turn to 467. If you don’t have a potion or do not wish to waste it on a stranger, turn to 483.


  As you open the door at the top of the stairs, you are met by an icy blast of wind and rain. Ahead of you stretches a section of the castle battlements, its narrow walkway slick with rainwater. Not wishing to turn back, you race out into the fury of the storm.

  The count follows you onto the battlements, his cloak whipping around his narrow frame. ‘You think you can run from me?’ he shouts. ‘You can’t escape your doom.’

  Suddenly, you hear a screeching sound coming from behind you. Spinning around, you see a mass of black bodies sweeping down from the clouds. As the winged creatures near, you realise – to your horror – that they are giant, fang-toothed vampire bats! Fighting them on these slippery battlements is going to be a real test of your skill:

  Special abilities

  Watch your step: If you roll awhen rolling for your hero’s attack speed then you are knocked off the battlements by the angry bat swarm and fall into the courtyard below. You automatically lose this combat. If you have a special ability that allows you to re-roll dice, then you may do so to avoid this happening.

  (Note: You cannot heal after this combat. You must continue this quest with the health that you have remaining. You may use potions and abilities to heal lost health while you are in combat.)

  If you defeat the bat swarm then turn to 505, otherwise turn to 424.


  Weapons raised, you follow Bern into the pack of wreekin. The air rings with their warbling cries, as the creatures spin their nets about their heads, weighted with hook-like bones. Bern quickly becomes entangled in one of the nets, falling to the boggy ground. You try and go to his aid, but are brought up short by a bolt of green light, which rips into the swamp ahead of you, throwing up mud and water high into the air.

  As you spin round, you see one of the wreekin holding a wand fashioned from strips of bone. It levels the wand at you again, preparing to fire another blast:

  Special abilities

  Charge her up!: The wreekin mage does not roll for damage if it wins a combat round. Instead, for every two rounds of combat it wins, it launches a bolt from its wand. This automatically does 10 damage to your hero, ignoring armour. You cannot use vanish, evade or sidestep to avoid this.

  If you defeat the mage, turn to 529.


  The map leads you to a cave, set into the marshy hills. To your surprise, you discover that it is filled with treasure! You may now help yourself to 100 gold crowns. If you are a rogue or a warrior, turn to 333. If you are a mage turn to 446.


  ‘Two moons ago, a black rock blazed across the sky. A dark splinter of it broke away and pierced the heart of our glade. I know not the nature of its evil, but now my magic is waning also. I can feel it . . . being drawn out of my roots. Once my magic has gone I shall become like the others.’

  The tree sweeps a branch through the air, gesturing to the other withered trees that dot the wasteland. ‘That will be my fate.’

  Will you:

  Introduce yourself and ask the tree its name? — 292

  Offer to help the tree? — 344


  Quest: The count’s ball

>   A distant rumble of thunder announces the coming of a storm. As the skies darken towards evening, you find yourself hurrying along the narrow dirt path that winds through the forest. The patter of cold rain forces you to huddle deeper into your cloak, your mind conjuring up images of hot food and roaring fires. According to local rumour, there is a gypsy camp somewhere nearby. You are hoping that they will welcome a fellow traveller.

  Your thoughts are interrupted by the pounding of hooves on the road behind you. You turn, just in time to see a horse-drawn carriage career around the corner of the track, its wheels rattling over the uneven bumps and troughs. The carriage is approaching at such speed that you are forced to throw yourself out of the way, as it hurtles past, missing you by scant inches.

  Angrily, you step back onto the track, brushing the dirt and dust from your clothes. The carriage continues down the track for another hundred metres, then veers over to the side, coming to a screeching halt. The door of the riding cabin opens slightly and a white-gloved hand beckons you over.

  Determined to give the driver a piece of your mind, you stride over to the carriage. Those horses could have trampled over you if it hadn’t been for your quick reflexes. As you step up to the cabin, the door opens a little further – and you are surprised to see a young woman leaning forward on her seat, her face a mask of worry and concern. ‘Are you all right?’ she asks.

  You find yourself lost for words as you gaze into the woman’s brilliant blue eyes, framed by golden curls of blond hair. Her skin is perfect and exquisite, without line or blemish.

  ‘I’m so sorry,’ she says. ‘I told my driver to pick up the pace. I didn’t want to be late for Papa. He . . . I’m sorry . . .’ She puts a gloved hand to her bosom, where you see a blood-red gem resting against her pale skin. ‘How rude of me. I should introduce myself. I am Lady Roe. My father is the count. Count Kristoe.’

  There is a flash of lightning, followed by a deafening peal of thunder.

  ‘Oh where are my manners,’ smiles the woman. ‘Papa is having a little get-together this evening. Would you care to join us? It is the least I can do, to make up for my terrible indiscretion.’

  Will you:

  Accept the invitation? — 284

  Ask about Jenlar Cornelius? — 268

  Ask for the location of the gypsy camp? — 276

  Tell her to be more careful? — 339


  You search the bodies of the dead trogs. You may now take any/all of the following items:

  Trog spear

  My precious

  Beetle-shell garland

  (main hand: spear)



  +3 brawn

  +1 armour

  +1 speed

  (requirement: warrior)

  Ability: vanish

  Ability: charm

  A quick examination of the creatures’ camp turns up very little – just a few tatty blankets and some gnawed bones. If you have Lorinwold’s Field Guide to Roots, Herbs and Leaves then you find 2 root grass growing at the side of the cave. You may pick these. (Make a note of the herbs on your hero sheet.)

  Another tunnel leads out of the cave, heading north. You decide to take it, heading deeper into the underground network. Turn to 451.


  Solandris is waiting for you when you step out of the cave. ‘Well, are you going to help us, then?’ she snaps, looking sullenly at Bern. Talandra looks about to reprimand her, but Bern interjects by raising a hand.

  ‘It was your queen who granted me my powers. I swore to use them only in defence of the forest. Last night, she came to me in a dream and begged for my aid. And that is why I am here. I am a ranger and I can track your enemies to the ends of the world if I must. Now, I insist we do not waste time. Lead on.’

  You are taken to the edge of the glade, where a patch of bloodied grass marks the site of the attack. Bern disappears into the trees – then returns only moments later. ‘There are tracks here, leading south toward the marsh. They belong to wreekin; about seven in number by my estimate. They have about a day’s lead on us.’

  ‘Then what are we waiting for?’ says Solandris, drawing her daggers. ‘Let us go and kill them, and get the horn back. Before it is too late.’

  Bern looks to you. ‘I will go with this one,’ he says. ‘I have a charm that I can use to give us swift flight. The two of you should stay here and protect your queen until we return.’

  Solandris looks to her leader, pouting angrily. ‘I will not stay! I want to see justice done, by my own hands!’

  Talandra shakes her head. ‘No, Solandris. We are friends with the wreekin. What has happened here may not be an act of aggression or war – there may be more to this. Your anger will only make things worse.’

  Solandris gives you a sulky glare, then turns her back on the gathering. ‘So be it.’

  Bern reaches into one of the pouches hanging from his belt. ‘This is glimmer dust,’ he explains, producing a vial of sparkling powder. ‘Sprinkle some on your boots, then follow me. And,’ he offers you a wry smile, ‘try and keep up.’

  You take the vial and dust some of the powder onto your boots. Suddenly, they start to glow, as a whoosh of magic spirals up around your legs, making them feel as light as air. Turn to 518.


  ‘Ah, new little gadget of mine,’ grins the explorer. ‘Clever use of smoke and mirrors – creates an image onto parchment. Here, look at these . . .’ He digs into his jerkin pocket and pulls out a handful of small, square sheets of parchment. Each one has a picture on it, rendered in perfect detail. Most of the collection show sections of the crater, but a couple show a short, stocky woman with long ginger hair and a beaming smile.

  ‘That’s Belinda,’ he says, his voice breaking. ‘Poor little lassie. It’s all my fault!’ He snatches the pictures from you and stuffs them back into his pocket. ‘Don’t know what I’ll do if something has happened to her.’

  Turn to 538 to ask another question, or 526 to begin your quest.


  You trudge through the brackish water of the fens, towards the homely lights of the nearby town. As the ground begins to rise, you pass a wooden sign staked into the boggy earth. It once read ‘New Hope’, but someone has painted a cross over the ‘New’ and written the word ‘No’ beside it instead.

  ‘No Hope.’ Somehow, this name seems more appropriate to the ramshackle settlement that sprawls across the marsh.

  Built around a series of walkways, the town’s rickety buildings rise high into the cold, grey mist. Most are little more than hovels, supported by a precarious webwork of stilts and planks. As you near, you can’t help but marvel at the size and scale of the place. Its walkways and bridges extend as far as the eye can see, quickly becoming a confusing labyrinth of criss-crossing paths and tumbledown structures. Nearly all appear to be busy with people, hurrying through the chill fog as they go about their business.

  If this is your first time visiting No Hope, turn to 213. Otherwise, turn to 348 to view your options.


  You ready your weapons and charge at the tree. Fast as lightning, a branch swings down from above, striking you across the shoulder and knocking you to the ground.

  ‘Don’t be so hasty, youngling!’ rumbles the tree. ‘I mean you no harm, and I am not ready to give up the fight just yet.’

  The deep, black eyes watch you intently. ‘I admire your spirit, but I would ask that you channel your rage against something more deserving. My time will come eventually – but not by your hand, youngling.’

  Will you:

  Introduce yourself and ask the tree its name? — 292

  Ask about what happened here? — 325


  ‘No, you ain’t,’ sneers the coachman, reaching for the club at his waist. ‘You’re just some poor lonely traveller that got lost in the woods.’

  The guard by the door strides over, his armour jingling. ‘Do we have a problem ’ere?’ he ask
s, looking you up and down with contempt. He stabs a finger into your chest. ‘Hey, I asked yer a question dumb-dumb.’

  Will you:

  Draw your weapons and attack? — 402

  Hand over your weapons? — 294

  Try and leave the castle? — 345


  Amongst the mounds of gold and jewels, you find a number of interesting items. You may now choose one of the following:

  Serpent’s coil


  Band of conquest


  (left hand: sword)


  +1 brawn

  +2 speed +2 brawn

  +1 armour

  Ability: immobilise

  Ability: ebony and ivory

  Ability: fortitude

  Having searched through the cave and filled your pockets with gold, you decide that it is time to leave and continue your journey. Return to your original entry number.


  ‘Why, I know Cornelius,’ says Totsvig, his magnified eyes widening even further. ‘The greatest scholar in his field. His musings on transmutation are absolutely second to none. Blew me away – and that research paper on petrification, the art of turning living tissue to stone – wow, compulsory bedtime reading. Yes, a bestseller that one. I may even have a copy of it somewhere . . .’ He glances around at the cluttered workbenches, where books, scrolls and makeshift equipment cover every inch of space.


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