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Legion of Shadow

Page 42

by Michael J. Ward

  Redguard raises his sword high into the air. ‘Courage and honour. For the king! For Valeron!’

  The chant is taken up by his soldiers. You join in, raising your weapons to the sky. There is an answering rumble from the gathering storm clouds, as if the heavens themselves are adding their own voice to your impassioned cry.

  Then, you are riding forth, following the others as they gallop towards the nearest flank of the undead army. The odds stacked against you are vast, but you realise what is at stake. If Zul’s army destroys the resistance and the shield over Talanost, then nothing will be able to stop the Legion of Shadow from obliterating everything in its path. Turn to 705.


  Mathis is convinced that you are now his enemy. Unable to control your actions, you trade blows with the mighty inquisitor, the two of you performing an elaborate dance of thrusts, parries and blocks:

  Special abilities

  Snap out of it!: You cannot possibly hope to defeat this powerful opponent. At the end of every combat round, roll a die. If you roll athen make a note of this on your hero sheet. Once you have rolled threes you have broken control of Zul’s spell. (Note: If you are wearing the crown of command you only need to roll one.)

  If you break control of Zul’s spell, turn to 745. If you are defeated, turn to 732.


  When you try and grab the crown, you curse angrily as your hand passes straight through the clever illusion. It was a trap – just as you had suspected! You hear a creaking sound and immediately turn, fully expecting the stone statues to have come alive, ready to attack. Instead, the floor gives way beneath you, dropping you ten metres into a murky-smelling pit.

  There is a rattling hiss from the darkness. As you quickly clamber to your feet, you notice a large pair of snake-like eyes circling around you. There is another hissing snarl . . . then a reptilian beast leaps out of the shadows, landing on its bowed legs only inches from you. You reel back, tugging your weapons loose, as the tall lizard makes a number of clicking sounds at the back of its throat. An answering call comes from behind you. Spinning around, you see another of the creatures baring its gleaming fangs. You sprint to the nearest wall, putting your back against it as the two predators stalk towards you, their clawed feet clicking against the stone:

  Special abilities

  Piercing: The raptors’ attacks ignore your armour.

  If you manage to defeat these deadly predators, turn to 709.


  The beast rears up onto its hind legs, then topples backwards, crushing scores of skeletons beneath its spiked carapace. You may now help yourself to one of the following rewards:

  Ghoul’s collar

  Bracelet of power

  Heart of the beast




  +2 speed +3 armour

  +1 speed +3 magic

  +1 speed +1 brawn

  Ability: piercing

  Ability: focus

  Ability: savagery

  (requirement: mage)

  You turn your attention back to the battle, which continues to rage around you. Turn to 601.


  There are several minutes of tense silence, then you hear the rising din of the approaching undead, their snarls and howls echoing along the stone-lined passages. It gets louder and louder, until it breaks against the hilltop in wave after wave of undead.

  To the north, Witchfinder Gull is facing off against a force of sinewy white creatures with haggard, drooping faces and grey spiky hair. With a pistol in one hand and a sword in the other, Gull weaves gracefully between the clawing monsters, driving them back with the fast dance of his sword and the force of his smoking gun.

  You must now fight the following battle between Witchfinder Gull and the wights:

  Special abilities

  Retribution: If Gull rolls awhen rolling for his damage score, he engulfs the wights in magical fire. This allows Gull to add an extra 10 points of damage to his score.

  Field medic: If you are a medic, you can cast mend on Gull once during his combat. You may still use this ability on yourself, if you engage in combat afterwards (see below).

  If Witchfinder Gull falls in battle, you must take his place, fighting the wights with the health they have remaining. If you defeat the wights, turn to 712. If you are defeated, turn to 661.


  Lansbury has given you three rods. Each rod has a different magical effect. These are:



  Rod of enfeeblement

  reduces all opponents’ brawn and magic by 2.

  Rod of slowing

  reduces all opponents’ speed by 1.

  Rod of rending

  reduces all opponents’ armour by 4.

  The army can only reach you by taking one of the three winding pathways up to the top of the hill. There is one to the north, east and west of where you are standing. By placing a rod in front of each of these pathways, you can use them to help defend each one.

  Make a note on a piece of paper of which rod you are placing at which pathway exit (north, east or west). You must have one rod positioned at each exit. Also make a reminder note of what each rod does. Once you have made your decisions, you wait tensely for the assault to begin. Turn to 717.


  You charge into battle, your ears ringing with the thunder of hooves and the roar of the wind. Ahead of you, the undead army surges across the barren plain, unaware of Redguard’s force now galloping into their exposed flank. Bones crack and splinter as you spearhead through the ranks of skeletons, your weapons flailing at your sides as you beat back their futile efforts to strike back.

  Then the momentum of your charge is halted by the sheer weight of the enemy force, bearing down on you from all sides. For what seems like an eternity, you are battling to remain in the saddle as the skeletal warriors seek to knock or drag you to the ground. You hear the cries of several of your comrades, who have been unhorsed and overwhelmed by the undead masses.

  Things are starting to look bleak, when suddenly a loud explosion sends bones and ash showering across the battlefield. A second blast rips into the skeletons ahead of you, throwing their burning bodies up into the air. You glance over your shoulder to see Inquisitor Mathis and Lansbury hurling balls of magical flame into the undead ranks. Already sizeable holes have started to appear where their magic has blown away the skeleton defenders. But there are still more, spilling into the gaps like an endless tide.

  ‘Back! Back!’ shouts Redguard, struggling to be heard over the tumultuous din. ‘We’re being flanked!’ He turns his horse and makes for the edge of the battlefield. You follow suit, battering away the wall of skeletons that seek to hamper your retreat. Once free of the tight press of bodies, you see the reason for Redguard’s concern. A cloud of smoke is drifting down from the bone fields, thrown up by a regiment of plate-armoured knights astride nightmarish steeds.

  Redguard is already charging towards them, to head off their attack. Nyms, Caeleb and most of the other soldiers have followed. Turning in your saddle, you look back to see Lansbury, Tulcas and the remaining guardsmen cut off by a dense mass of skeletons. With their attention focused solely on defending their position, the small force is oblivious to the huge lumbering beast that is fast approaching. It looks like a gigantic ghoul, its rotting flesh hanging off its thick, bony limbs. The creature is trampling across everything in its path to reach Lansbury and the small knot of defenders. Moving to head it off is Inquisitor Mathis. The burly warrior is battling his way through the skeletons, his mighty warhammer crackling with magical energies.

  Will you:

  Charge the undead knights? — 773

  Help Mathis to defeat the ghoul? — 714


  Each chest contains a number of items from the king’s treasury. If you wish, you may now choose up to two of the following rewards:

  Dour claws

  Stone coat


  (left hand: fist weapon)


  (main hand: hammer)

  +1 speed +4 brawn

  +2 speed +2 armour

  +2 speed +4 brawn

  Ability: rake

  Ability: might of stone

  Ability: knockdown

  After brushing the stone dust from your clothing, you take the archway through into the next chamber. Turn to 725.


  It is late evening when you receive the summons to Laine’s temporary quarters. You find the grey-haired man seated behind a small desk, wearing a woollen shirt and breeches in place of his armour. He stands as you enter and, to your surprise, salutes you.

  ‘Sir, I am honoured but I don’t . . .’

  The inquisitor raises a hand, interrupting you. ‘You fought a fine battle out there. Indeed, Redguard speaks highly of your abilities.’ He walks around the table to stand in front of you. ‘Unlike many of my battle brothers, a soldier’s past is of no consequence to me. It is what they do – their actions – that make them what they are.’

  His clear blue eyes bore into your own, as he takes your arm and pulls back your sleeve. You flinch as your shadow mark is exposed. ‘If Mathis knew of this, he would kill you without a second thought, without remorse. To him, you represent the enemy – everything we are sworn to destroy.’ He removes his hand from your arm, which tingles and burns where the brand marks your skin.

  ‘I may be judged for what I am about to do, but I have always gone with my heart. If you wish, I would like to make you an inquisitor. You won’t be officially recognised as such – that I cannot do. The abbots in the capital bestow the true title of inquisitor to those who have proved themselves through years of testing and hardship. But I can gift you some of our powers. I think you have earned them.’

  If you wish to learn the inquisitor career, turn to 668. Otherwise, return to the quest map to continue your adventure.


  The mighty dragon crashes to the ground at your feet, sending a shockwave around the cavern. There is a deafening, splintering sound from above, then stones and rock start to rain down from the darkness. In horror, your realise that the cavern is collapsing.

  Quickly, you dive onto the dragon’s hoard and begin filling your pockets. (You have gained 100 gold crowns.) You may also help yourself to one of the following items before you are forced out of the cavern by the raining debris:


  Dragonscale mail

  Dragonscale cloak

  (left hand: sword)



  +2 speed +4 brawn

  +2 speed +3 armour

  +2 speed +2 armour

  Ability: deep wound

  Ability: second skin

  Ability: second skin

  (requirement: warrior)

  You flee back along the tunnel, emerging in the rubble-strewn chamber where you fought the stone elemental. Eager to see daylight once again, you take the doorway opposite, which leads out into the seared scar. Turn to 475.


  With a rattling shriek, one of the raptors is sent sprawling across the pit in a spray of dark blood. The remaining predator fights with vigour, snarling and hissing as it attempts to bite at your shoulder. In your effort to back away, you stumble over the skeleton of a previous adventurer. As you crash to the ground, the raptor pounces, but you are ready for its attack, delivering a perfect killing blow to its exposed scaly stomach. The beast teeters back on its clawed feet, then crashes down, its legs feebly kicking in the air.

  You breathe a sigh of relief as you pull yourself back onto your feet. The pit raptors have been defeated – one problem solved at least, but now a second one presents itself. How do you get out of here?

  Although it isn’t deep, the sides of the pit are sheer stone. There is no chance that you will be able to climb out. Besides, the false floor panel is already starting to swing back into place, sealing you inside.

  Determined not to panic, you turn your attention to the base of the pit. All around you, the floor is covered in gnawed bones and tattered clothing. It would appear that you were not the only adventurer to be lured here by the illusionary trap.

  If you are a rogue, turn to 583. If you are a mage turn to 434. If you are a warrior, turn to 590.


  With your foes defeated, the four of you hurry from the tomb. Nyms takes the lead, guiding you out of the valley and back onto the dusty hills of the bone fields. From somewhere above you, there is a hellish, piercing shriek. You look back, scanning the grey-black clouds, but see nothing.

  ‘Probably a wyvern tailing us,’ says Janna, sprinting alongside you. ‘It won’t attack us if it is alone.’

  At last, you see the welcoming lights of Redguard’s camp ahead. As you come within sight of the walls you hear the clamour of the guards’ bell. Minutes later and you are standing outside the tower, surrounded by an eager crowd of soldiers. Redguard joins you, smiling broadly.

  ‘Janna, you’re safe,’ he says, his eyes misting with relief and happiness.

  She nods, hooking her bow over her arm. The ranger looks solemn, despite the warm welcome. ‘I think we should talk,’ she says seriously.

  Redguard shrugs. ‘You may report, Janna. We have no secrets here.’

  The ranger looks around at the faces of the young, fresh-faced troops then nods. ‘Very well. The rumours that you spoke of are true. I saw an army – they’re camped in the eastern section of the valley. I estimated about a thousand troops, but there could have been more.’

  There are gasps from the assembled soldiers. Redguard visibly pales, shuffling his feet nervously. ‘Those necromancers have been busy. Are they undead?’

  Janna nods. ‘I saw bone giants, skeletons, ghouls with packmasters – we got chased by some wyverns and a flesh golem. It’s a serious force and I imagine it will only grow with time. These fields are covered in bones; all the building blocks those mages need to create an unstoppable force.’

  ‘So, you made it back.’ All eyes turn, as Inquisitor Mathis strides over. His steely tone contains no hint of pleasure. ‘Come here, child.’ He beckons Janna to move closer. She complies, glaring at the man with open contempt. Pushing back her hair, the inquisitor places a hand on her forehead and closes his eyes. Janna immediately winces, trying to pull away, but some force has her rooted to the spot. When the inquisitor finally removes his hand, she stumbles back, looking pale and drawn.

  The inquisitor opens his eyes, his own expression haggard. ‘So, it is true,’ he says, a new note of fear in his voice. ‘We will need reinforcements. Redguard, with me.’ He turns and marches into the tower, with the captain following close on his heels. Return to the quest map to continue your adventure.


  There are cheers from the surrounding soldiers as the hellish creature is defeated. You may now help yourself to one of the following rewards:


  Cranium plate

  Trickster’s maul

  (left hand: whip)


  (main hand: mace)

  +2 speed +4 magic

  +2 brawn +3 armour

  +3 speed +4 brawn

  Ability: disease

  Ability: fortitude

  Ability: trickster

  Elsewhere on the battlefield, a squadron of mages have brought down the floating orb. As its smoking body crashes to the ground, the remaining ranks of shadow spawn collapse into a full-scale rout, outnumbered and outfought by the defenders. The pursuing soldiers make short work of the fleeing remnants and soon cries of victory are echoing around the camp. Turn to 757.


  To the west of the hill, the mighty inquisitor is slicing through rank after rank of ghouls. These ones, you notice, are different to those you have seen previously. They are bigger and broader-shouldered, their rotting bodies covered in haphazard pieces of bone armour.

  You must now fight the
following battle between Laine and the ghouls:

  Special abilities

  Holy light: If Laine rolls awhen rolling for his damage score, he also restores 10 health. This ability cannot take him above his starting health.

  Piercing claws: The ghouls’ attacks ignore armour.

  Field medic: If you are a medic, you can cast mend on Laine once during his combat. You may still use this ability on yourself, if you engage in combat afterwards (see below).

  If Inquisitor Laine falls in battle, you must take his place, fighting the ghouls with the health they have remaining. If you defeat the ghouls, turn to 687. If you are defeated, turn to 661.


  Each chest contains a number of items from the king’s treasury. If you wish, you may now choose up to two of the following rewards:

  Torturer’s rod

  Mantle of spite

  Tome of intellect

  (main hand: wand)


  (left hand: spell book)

  +2 speed +2 magic

  +2 speed +3 magic

  +2 speed +2 magic

  Ability: stun

  Ability: curse

  Ability: focus

  After brushing the stone dust from your clothing, you take the archway through into the next chamber. Turn to 725.


  You turn your horse and urge it back into the thronging mass of undead, aiming to reach Mathis. The inquisitor is using his mighty warhammer to pummel his way through the ranks of skeletons. As the giant ghoul nears on Lansbury’s position, Mathis throws back his arm and then hurls his warhammer through the air. There is a blast of light as it slams into the side of the ghoul. The creature skids around, snarling with rage – then immediately starts towards the inquisitor, trampling over everything that stands in its way.


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