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Night Flight (The Witches of New Moon Beach Book 2)

Page 4

by Meriam Wilhelm

  “You actually have quite a bit of acreage here,” Matt began seeming unbothered by the frequent use of his nickname. “It appears that you’re planning on building on only a minor portion of it.”

  “Your right Doc. The reason being we have only so much money to pour into this project. The girls have contributed the land and Jonathan and I are responsible for the funding necessary to develop the property,” said Larry.

  “We’re initially starting out with just the land we’ll need to create the infrastructure, including roads, power, plumbing and irrigation along with the cottages themselves,” said Jonathan. “The, stables, gift shop, etc. will follow.”

  “So the girls aren’t actually contributing any money. They get a free ride by just offering up the land?” asked Matt.

  “Well, not exactly. The land is worth at least 10 million dollars and if we need extra capital the girls have agreed to borrow against the value of the land,” offered Larry.

  “Seems like they’re getting the better end of the stick,” said Matt. “This land is only worth as much as you put into it; otherwise it just sits here without any real value.”

  “I guess you could look at it that way. But we don’t Matt. We’re happy with this partnership,” said Jonathan.

  “Can I look at your plans again?” Matt asked appearing a little annoyed with the situation.

  Turning the blue lined specs towards him, Matt furrowed his brow as he scoured the plans, page by page. He said nothing for quite a while before looking up at Jonathan and Larry.

  “There is a way to generate additional revenue off this land that is not associated directly with the cottage or horse areas,” he reflected. “You could take this back acreage and plant additional apple, orange and lemon groves. There are some trees already there that could be reconditioned. And with adequate water, nutrients, a small amount of spraying and some new plantings, these hills could be a great place to harvest and sell the fruit you produce.”

  “And it would be awesome advertising to say that our guests will dine off the fruits grown on site,” said Larry.

  “And don’t forget the fresh eggs,” said Matt.

  “Fresh eggs?” Jonathan and Larry cried out together.

  “Absolutely, right behind the stables you could have chicken coops with a dozen or so chickens. This will guarantee fresh eggs for your guests,” said Matt smiling.”Chickens are cheap to raise and give back fresh eggs regularly when they are treated well. Oh, and you have plenty of land to grow avocado trees and to create gardens for fresh vegetables. From our gardens to your dining table sounds pretty sexy. Don’t you think?”

  “I told you he was smart!” said Jonathan.

  “I love you Dr. Barleycorn!” responded Larry hugging Matt and planting a big, wet kiss on his cheek.

  “We need to get the girls together so that we can share these ideas with them,” said Jonathan triumphantly.

  “You be sure to tell them all about it for me,” said Matt wiping the kiss from his cheek. “Now that I have shared my ideas, I’ll be heading back home.”

  “Not so fast,” hollered Jonathan. “This is just the beginning and we are going to need your help for a little bit longer. Besides, what do you have that’s pulling you back home so soon? Mom leaked your secret and I know that you are on a yearlong sabbatical. You don’t have to be anywhere in particular. In fact, you can do your research right here. Both UCLA and USC are up the road so if you need any help from academia, you can just jump in my car and haul ass.

  “I’ve got to get out of that hotel sooner than later, so I’ve been looking for an apartment to rent while I’m here,” Jonathan said looking at Matt. “I can just expand my search and make it a two bedroom apartment instead of a one bedroom. That way you can stay with me as long as you want, big brother,” said Jonathan.

  “That idea sucks!” said Larry, who appeared more than a little upset. “You seem to forget Jonathan that I have a six bedroom house with just little old me living in it. You and Matt are both welcome to bunk with me,” Larry offered. “Well, not exactly bunk with me, you’d each have your own rooms and we would have to take turns with the cooking. Can you cook, Dr. Barleycorn?”

  “I can cook,” Matt responded. “Give me a little time to think this through,” he said. But it wasn’t thinking about living with Larry and Jonathan that had captured his attention. I was wondering how he was going to get around that older sister and his feelings when he had touched her arm. What was that all about? And why was it that he was so charged up to find out more?

  Chapter Eight

  I’m dreaming of my mother and we’re playing in the sand at New Moon Beach. She smiles at me and even though I can’t be more than 5 years old, I know with certainty that I am loved. My mother is laughing as she moves away from me towards the shoreline. The waves wash around her toes as she beckons me to join her at the water’s edge.

  Suddenly the sun is shining down on me with a force I haven’t experienced before. Its yellow orb focuses down on me alone and I feel my skin begin to burn. I have to get away. I have to take flight.

  “Too much, too much,” I say out loud as I unconsciously kicked my blankets off and onto the floor around my bed. I have to get away from this burning feeling; it hurts too much. “Mommy, mom,” I cried out. “Where are you mom? Where did you go?”

  “Wake up Olivia. Wake up,” I hear as Miss Cassandra pounces on my chest. “Wake up you crazy witch,” she hisses, “You can hear me.”

  I wake as if from a deep, deep sleep to see Miss Cassandra staring down at me through intense copper eyes. “Wake up, Olivia. You’re not going to disappear on me again,” she says as she pounces again and again on my chest.

  “I’m awake,” I say attempting to move her off of my chest. For a cat, she sure does weigh a lot. But each time I push Miss Cassandra aside, she returns more and more determined to make sure that I really am awake.

  I feel my body start to rise off my bed as my desire to return to sleep pulls deeply at me. Like a sweet narcotic pulsing through my blood, the need to sleep is once again enticing me. If I could just go back to sleep, I would be with my mom; I would be okay.

  Suddenly I felt a sharp pain that yanks me back from my desired slumber. “Ouch!” I cry. “Ouch, that hurts….. who’s doing that?”

  “It’s me you stupid witch, wake up or I’ll bite you again,” I hear Miss Cassandra say.

  “Ouch - Alright, alright. I’m awake now. Stop biting me,” I say as I throw my legs over the side of my bed. Sitting with my head in my hands, I watch as Miss Cassandra seems to ponder whether another bite is in order.

  “I’m awake, Miss Cassandra. Please, no more biting,” I say attempting to stand. I’m so exhausted. I could not have slept through the entire night only to rise and be this fatigued. What is wrong with me?

  “What happened?” I asked. “What time is it? Why did you bite me?”

  “Meghan came and got me when she noticed that you were glowing,” Miss Cassandra answered.

  “I tried to waken you myself,” said the disembodied voice of Meghan. “But you wouldn’t respond. It’s harder than you think to rouse someone when you’re just a spirit.”

  “You were sleeping so soundly, Olivia, you never even heard Meghan,” added Marv. “You just kept glowing brighter and brighter and then you slipped away for just a moment.”

  “That’s when I got Miss Cassandra,” said Meghan. “She saved you from floating away.”

  “I’d like to say thank you, but my thumb really hurts from where you kept biting me,” I said. “Look, it’s still bleeding,” I cried as I sucked tiny red drops from my thumb.

  “I tried jumping on you and I thought it made a difference and then you started slipping back,” said my cat. “I figured the only way to break the trance was to cause you physical pain. And so I did. And it worked,” Cassandra offered, sounding quite proud of herself.

  “Uhhh, I feel awful,” I said starting to cry for no reason that I could determine
. “I’m just so tired. Why does this keep happening to me? Who is doing this to me? There has to be a reason.” Throwing my arms out and looking to the gods above, I asked “Is that you mom? Are you messing with my life?”

  “Why do you think it’s your mother?” Meghan asked.

  “Because I was dreaming of her just before the sun broke through and began to fry me. I was playing with her on the beach. And I was happy; we were happy,” I said as my tears continued to flow.

  “Come over here, Olivia. Marv made you some mint tea to help you to calm down,” Meghan offered, hoping to put an end to my tears.

  Before I could move too far from my bed, I felt Miss Cassandra as she coiled herself around my ankles. “Sorry, if I hurt you, I just didn’t know what else to do,” confessed Miss Cassandra.”I was so worried.”

  I reached down and picked her up, petting her beautiful orange coat.

  “Thank you my friend. Thank you for watching out for me. Who knows where I would have ended up if you had not come to my rescue,” I said giving Miss C an extra long hug.

  “Okay, well, that’s about enough of that mushiness,” said Miss Cassandra with a voice that seemed ripe with emotion as she wiggled out of my arms.

  It was five in the morning and I knew for certain that I would not be returning to sleep any time soon. As I drank my tea I reached out for one of my father’s books that I had brought home with me. Just beyond my finger tips I watched as it floated towards me.

  “Here, let me help you, child. You’ve had a rough morning,” Marv said as he sent the book my way. “I hope that there is something within the pages of that book that will bring you peace.”

  I carried the large black book with me and settled on one of my couches that faced the ocean. I had already walked through this book once before, but hoped that a second visit might prove more helpful. As I sat on the couch and stared out at the powerful waves beating down on the shoreline, I sent a silent request in prayer form up to the gods:

  Above, below and all around

  From the highest clouds to the sands that mound

  Hear my plea, dear gods on high

  Take my wishes with you to the sky

  Give me understanding, that which I do not know

  And help me to comprehend where you wish me to go

  I finished my prayer, which I’m sure sounds a lot like a spell to you, and pulled the book closer to my chest as I thought I heard my mother say, “Sleep now child. Your mysteries will unfold all too soon.” I never felt Miss Cassandra come and curl up in my lap. Nor did I hear Marv and Meghan make their pack to watch over me whenever I slept. They weren’t going to let me disappear again on their watch.

  Chapter Nine

  Larry, Jonathan, Constance, Harmony, Gail and I all piled into a patio booth at The Hang Ten. It was a warm Sunday morning and Larry had asked us to get together so that we could discuss our next moves. Holding his white porcelain mug up high, Larry announced: “A toast to Jasmine’s Cottages By The Sea. We are on our way to success.”

  Jonathan topped off each of our mugs as he explained to us that our initial plans had been accepted by the city. Turning to Harmony he winked and said, “Thank you Madame Mayor.”

  “No thanks to me. A big thank you should go to Albert Cotter, our zoning commissioner. He really liked your plans and was anxious to push them through. And Abigail Johnson, our city treasurer, was tickled about how much money she’s sure will come into our city coffers as a result of the Cottages. Between proposed taxes and expected tourists, she was thrilled.”

  “Can you please remind me Jonathan, how many cottages we are expecting to build and what else is going to go up around the cottages?” I asked. “I feel like you guys have been a lot more involved in this planning than the rest of us.”

  “You’re right and I feel kind of bad about that,” answered Larry. “That’s exactly why I wanted us all to get together today. Jonathan and I have a lot to share.”

  Jonathan stood and in his most charismatic voice said, “Everybody, please close your eyes for me; I’m going to take you on a mental tour of Jasmine’s Cottages By The Sea.” Jonathan checked to make sure that we had all done as asked. Seeing my sister Harmony stoically staring back at him, he said, “Come on Harmony. This is supposed to help everyone to feel more connected to the project. Please?”

  As Harmony gave in and finally closed her eyes, Jonathan began. “You enter the property up a long driveway just off the main road, Via La Naranja Drive. The driveway is lined with colorful hand painted Mexican style pots filled with blooming Impatience, Dianthus and other local plants. You’ll next turn into a circular driveway named Casita Del Campo de Jasmine, which roughly means Jasmine’s Cottages; if my Spanish is any good. This is where guests will drop off their luggage and check in at our main lobby. As you enter our grounds the smell of oranges and blossoming fragrant flowers will greet you.” Stopping for a moment to make sure that our eyes were still closed Jonathan continued.

  “Can’t you just smell the fruits and flowers?” he asked as several of us nodded our heads.

  “After signing in guests will be escorted to one of our twenty luxury retreat cottages. All of the cottages have large plush bedrooms with lofted ceilings; sky lights and bedding complete with dozens of pillows the color of the sea. Large overhead ceiling fans with woven paddles keep ocean breezes moving throughout our units. Cozy living room walls are washed with delicious paint colors of Tuscan Sun, Pumpkin and A Touch of Orange. Caramel colored leather sectionals cluster around a rock or tile fireplace and large sliding doors lead out to private gardens, stone terraces or hillside cliff areas with fantastic ocean views.”

  “He’s good at this, don’t you think?” asked Larry before allowing Jonathan to continue.

  “Luxurious bathrooms with white quartz counters, deep soaker tubs and showers with large rain heads complement the individually designed tile insets, unique to each room and crafted by local artisans.”

  “In time, we’d like to make the handcrafted tiles available through our gift shop. It’s a way to support local artisans while adding unique pieces to our shop,” offered Larry as an aside.

  “Can I continue?” asked Jonathan before questioning, “Did I tell you about the bathtubs?”

  Not waiting for our response, he resumed his presentation. “Deep soaker jet tubs and two person waterfall showers, king sized beds and lush robes make our guests never want to leave their cottage by the sea. Fresh flowers will be delivered daily to each of the cottages and will decorate all of our community areas.”

  As if awakening from a dream we all opened our eyes and sighed with satisfaction. “Wow. I have to admit that you make it sound like a place I’d like to visit,” I said staring proudly at Jonathan.

  “Well, we still have a great deal of work ahead of us. We’ve got to figure out how to get improved telephone and internet service up in these hills, who we want to run the dining room and where we’re going to get the horses,” said Larry. “Those are just a few of the things on our mega check off list.”

  “Hang on a second,” said Harmony. “You just added a couple of things that Jonathan never talked about before now. I get why you need to improve the phone and internet services. But are you telling me that you are also going to run a restaurant and horse stables on site? Do you have the money for all of this?”

  Larry quickly piped up, “None of our bungalows have kitchens so we will have to provide some sort of restaurant support. We are still working on that,” he said. Smiling, he pointed to Ante who had just joined them from his kitchen. “We’ve been talking with Ante about how to go about all of the restaurant stuff.”

  Ante connected with our group momentarily and offered his biggest smile to Constance. “Isn’t this fun, my beauty? Maybe I too can be part of Jasmine’s By The Sea?”

  As Ante moved back towards his kitchen Larry added, “He’s been such a big help. He really knows his business. And kudos to Constance for some great ideas about stock
ing our guest bars and providing in-room snacks. I passed a secret questioning smile to Constance before I asked, “and the horses?”

  Jonathan spoke up next. “That land is perfect for housing horses and for providing horseback riding privileges for our guests. There are numerous safe trails for riders to enjoy and it would certainly make us different from our local hotel competitors. Can’t you just imagine sunrise and sunset jaunts across the hills? Our guests will love it!”

  “So let me go back to my original question. Do you guys have enough money to do all of this or do we need to contact the bank about refinancing the land?” asked Harmony.

  “Good question. We are crunching our numbers carefully and both Jonathan and I are hoping that we won’t have to ask you girls for any money. I am not able to confirm this just yet,” finished Larry before moving to another topic.

  “Moving forward I want to share with you a potential revenue stream which we’ve been discussing that will surely help us to continue to fund all of this project for years to come,” said Jonathan proudly.

  “Oh, and here is Dr. Barleycorn himself, to give us all the inside scoop,” said Larry scooting out of the booth to allow the doctor to join them.

  “Who in the heck is Dr. Barleycorn?” asked Harmony with a questioning smile on her face before Matt came into view.

  “Dr. Barleycorn? That’s who you really are? I thought you were Jonathan’s brother? Dr. Barleycorn? What are you, some kind of nut? ” Harmony asked as her cheeks reddened.

  “Hold on, hold on,” said Larry raising his hands as if to calm the waters named Harmony.

  “Dr. Barleycorn is Matt’s nickname and I have taken way too much advantage of him by calling him this name a bit too often. Sorry Matt!” he said, looking directly at Matt. “Our specialist is otherwise known as Jonathan’s older brother, Dr. Matt Maxwell and he has been giving us some fantastic counsel on how to use your land.”


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