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Bring On the Heat

Page 45

by Eden Bradley

  “It’s okay. Everyone has to start sometime. I did. My late husband did—God rest his soul. Jack did. And so, apparently, did you.”

  To her horror, Mrs. Dixon picked up the book and started thumbing through it. “I’m beginning to get a sense for what’s going on here. Jack is breaking you in. Isn’t that true?”

  Bobbi Jo shrugged as nonchalantly as she could. Maybe the truth would send the woman away.

  “I thought so.” Mrs. Dixon ignored her and turned several more pages. “Interesting chapter on women loving women. Have you ever tried that before?”

  Bobbi Jo shook her head vigorously. Before! She felt herself turn red again as Mrs. Dixon calmly undid her blouse and shrugged out of it.

  “What are you doing?” she shrieked.

  “Calm yourself, Bobbi Jo. I’m only doing what Jack clearly expected.”

  “What?” Her voice squeaked.

  Mrs. Dixon unzipped her skirt and let it pool at her feet. “Isn’t it obvious to you by now, Bobbi Jo? He left you for me.”


  “He knew I’d be by.” Mrs. Dixon unclasped the front of her bra and her breasts leaped forward.

  Bobbi Jo moistened her lips involuntarily. The woman had a total-body deep tan. Light blue eye shadow set off her hazel eyes. Her full lips were dark, providing little contrast with her bronzed skin.

  Bobbi Jo sat against the headboard, mesmerized by the woman’s slow moving lips and her oversized breasts. She’d never seen larger. The fingers she’d kept tightly curled around the sheet began to loosen.

  “Didn’t Jack tell you to stay in bed this morning and rest up from last night’s endeavors?”

  She nodded fractionally.

  Mrs. Dixon flashed a wide grin and pulled her long auburn hair over one shoulder, letting it hide much of a breast. “See? I told you so. I’m part of your sexual education, Bobbi Jo. I’m sure Jack told you he didn’t want to leave anything out.”

  Bobbi Jo shook her head and watched the older woman step out of her panties. A trimmed reddish pussy greeted her. If there was such a thing as a classy pussy, she was staring at it.

  “I’m sure you don’t want to disappoint Jack—and I’m equally certain you don’t want to make him mad.”

  Again, she shook her head. Her breathing stopped as Mrs. Dixon reached a hand toward her.

  “Give me the sheet, Bobbi Jo. Let me take a good look at you.”

  The sheet seemed to part as easily as the Red Sea had for Moses. Bobbi Jo stared in amazement as Mrs. Dixon ran an appraising gaze over her. The corners of the woman’s mouth turned up. Her eyes radiated pleasure. Had Jack really intended for Mrs. Dixon to seduce her?

  Again, she nervously wet her lips. Mrs. Dixon made a show of folding the sheet over the end of the bed before kneeling next to her. She tried to lock her eyes on Mrs. Dixon’s but failed. The reddish glistening pussy between the woman’s thighs proved too irresistible. She knew she was staring, but she couldn’t stop.

  “Such a lovely girl,” Mrs. Dixon whispered, brushing the back of a hand across Bobbi Jo’s breast. “Jack has been holding out on me.” When Mrs. Dixon’s mouth settled over her taut nipple, she nearly sprang from the bed. The sucking motions calmed her. How was it possible? Mrs. Dixon suckled even better than Jack.

  Jack. Bobbi Jo blinked and tried to clear her mind. It was impossible. The only image materializing was Mrs. Dixon suckling her with so much passion she feared she might melt.

  Tentatively, she placed her arms around the woman’s neck. Mrs. Dixon gave a satisfied moan. Bobbi Jo held her tight. Her own moans escaped through compressed lips. If this wasn’t part of Jack’s plan, then maybe it should be.

  Nine more days. She could handle this. It might be her only chance to experience a woman. Why the heck not? She arched her back, surrendering to Mrs. Dixon’s passion and her own.

  The redhead murmured a soft “yes” and swallowed her entire breast.

  Bobbi Jo twisted her fingers in the long auburn hair splayed across Mrs. Dixon’s back. She chewed on her lower lip and embraced the sensations spreading across her upper torso. Mrs. Dixon nibbled her way up to her collarbone. She licked along her neck cord and ran her tongue along her jawline, then nibbled on an ear.

  Bobbi Jo moaned and whimpered. The tantalizing tongue was driving her half crazy. Or was it Mrs. Dixon’s breasts pressing against hers? She slid her hands up and down Mrs. Dixon’s back, then brought them to rest against her head. She groaned louder. She needed to taste the woman or she’d die. Her entire body had come to life. Her hips were thrusting even though there was nothing for them to thrust against. She tried to tilt the woman’s head so she could taste her mouth. “Please,” she murmured.

  “Yes, I want you too.” She covered her pussy with a palm. “My, you are wet.”

  Bobbi Jo shifted her thighs and welcomed the finger entering her sex. At the same moment, Mrs. Dixon’s lips covered her own. The woman’s lavender scent filled her nostrils.

  Bobbi Jo opened her eyes to see Mrs. Dixon’s triumphant gleam. They both knew the redhead’s conquest was assured.

  Someday she’d look back on this moment and know she’d never stood a chance as soon as Mrs. Dixon stepped into the bedroom. For now, she didn’t care. There was so much to experience before trying to make sense out of anything. She licked Mrs. Dixon’s lips and chewed on the corner of the woman’s mouth.

  “You’re good, girl.” Mrs. Dixon flicked her tongue. Bobbi Jo did the same with hers, and Mrs. Dixon swallowed it into her mouth. Bobbi Jo’s eyes widened. This woman could suck tongue.

  The finger in her pussy began to move again. Good grief, she’d almost forgotten it was there. A second pushed in to join the first, and a thumb grazed her clit. And Mrs. Dixon had shown no signs of relinquishing her tongue, not that she wanted it back anytime soon.

  Her legs thrashed. Her hips bucked.

  Mrs. Dixon broke off their kiss.

  “No,” Bobbi Jo mumbled. “I want…”

  “Easy, girl. I want to taste you. We’ll never have another first time.” She swung about until her open mouth settled on Bobbi Jo’s mound.

  “Ah,” Bobbi Jo gasped. Then her eyes grew wide when she saw a very trim reddish brown pussy hovering over her own mouth. “I…I never…”

  “Don’t go shy on me now, girl. Do what feels right. You can hardly go wrong. Think of me as your favorite ice cream cone and lick me as if it were a warm day.” Bobbi Jo felt her own pussy separating under Mrs. Dixon’s adept tongue. “Make that a very hot day in August.”

  She couldn’t stifle a giggle. She took a deep breath and stuck her tongue out. It made contact with puffy flesh. She drew it back into her mouth and sampled. She’d never had a liqueur, but Mrs. Dixon tasted the way she imagined one would taste. She flicked her tongue out again for another taste.

  “I feel like I’m going through some sort of weird taste test.”

  “You are,” Bobbi Jo retorted.

  “I hope I passed.”

  “You did. Exquisite.”

  “Don’t forget that hot day in August.”

  Bobbi Jo laughed and lapped at the pussy lips thoroughly as though they might disappear if she blinked, as though they were a product of her imagination. But then she could never have imagined this kind of loving.

  “That’s a girl. Keep it up and you’ll have much more to sample.”

  She’d become so entranced with what she was doing to Mrs. Dixon that she lost track of what Mrs. Dixon was doing to her. The woman’s pussy folds had engorged and her thigh muscles strained. Boldly, she thrust her tongue between the fleshy folds as deep as she could. The woman’s scent filled her nostrils. The taste overwhelmed her taste buds.

  “Squeeze my butt, please. Very nice,” Mrs. Dixon cooed. “You can use your fingers wherever you want. Nothing’s off limits.”

  Bobbi Jo smiled at the not-so-subtle invitation. She wasn’t about to give up her perch at the mouth of Mrs. Dixon’s heated channel. She slid a fing
er in long enough to wet it, then sought the woman’s darker entrance. She didn’t have to look far; it was nearly at eye level. And it had already parted, as if expecting a visitor. She rimmed the portal before pushing inward. There was little resistance before she was deeply seated.

  “Damn, damn, damn. You are a treasure, girl. Jack must be an excellent teacher.”

  She couldn’t resist the jibe; she backed away long enough to reply, “Maybe I’m a brilliant student.”

  “I’m sure you are. No more talk.”

  A tongue slid along Bobbi Jo’s clit, then Mrs. Dixon’s lips settled over it. The woman sucked gently but with a growing sense of urgency. And her fingers delved deeper and faster.

  Not wanting to focus solely on her own needs, Bobbi Jo flattened her tongue and lapped at Mrs. Dixon’s pussy while working her finger in and out of the woman’s ass. Mrs. Dixon’s thighs squeezed her head. She lost track of hearing or any feeling other than her tongue and finger plying the woman to a certain orgasm and her own loins expanding and contracting under the skilled ministrations of a near stranger. Her body didn’t seem to have any qualms at all.

  “I’m coming. Oh man, am I coming,”

  Bobbi Jo swallowed as much of the woman’s juices as she could. She could hear barely muffled screams coming from the head buried in her loins. She hadn’t swallowed nearly enough before Mrs. Dixon lightly bit Bobbi Jo’s clit.

  Bobbi Jo went into a whirl, grabbed onto the woman’s ass as if it were a life preserver, and bucked wildly. And she gushed. She’d never gushed before. She held on tight, praying she wasn’t in danger of hemorrhaging.

  Mrs. Dixon cupped her hand under Bobbi Jo and drank. She waited patiently for Bobbi Jo’s convulsions to cease. “You’re something else,” she groaned, shifting back into a position where she lay beside Bobbi Jo.

  Bobbi Jo parted her lips in a grateful smile and the woman covered them with her mouth. Their juices joined. She couldn’t decide what this new blend tasted like. But it was good. It was very good.

  Brushing a hand across Bobbi Jo’s forehead, Mrs. Dixon said softly, “What a way to start the day. I’m glad I found you.”

  “Me, too.” She blinked. “Mrs. Dixon, do you really think Jack planned this?”

  “Does it matter now?”

  She shook her head.

  Mrs. Dixon ran a forefinger down her cheek. “Given our new relationship, Bobbi Jo, don’t you think you could call me Joy? Mrs. Dixon makes me feel much older than I want to feel when I’m holding you in my arms.”

  Bobbi Jo’s heart fluttered. Relationship? Mrs. Dixon expected to do this again. Why not? “Sure,” she whispered. “I’d love to call you Joy.”

  “Good. So are you still a virgin? Or has Jack taken care of that little technicality yet?”

  “Still intact,” she murmured, “to my chagrin.”

  “You have an excellent tutor. There is no need to rush an untried woman.”

  “But I’m in a rush,” she squeaked, failing to hold back tears.

  Mrs. Dixon frowned. “Tell me about it.”

  “It’s a strange story.”

  “I’ve never known a woman without at least one of those.”

  After repeating her story, Bobbi Jo tensed, waiting for some kind of censure from the woman.

  “That is a strange story. Your fiancé must be a fool.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “To let you go off and be tutored by an expert?”

  “He didn’t know I’d come here. He doesn’t even know I’m a virgin.”

  “Just the same, he hasn’t questioned his own assumptions. That makes him a fool.” Mrs. Dixon again ran a long finger down her cheek. “But then Jack will be a bigger fool if he lets you get away.”

  She jolted upright. “What do you mean by that? I can leave anytime I want.”

  “Don’t get bent out of shape. I just mean if he can’t convince you not to go through with this wedding that’s supposed to happen in a week and a half, he’s a bigger fool than I ever thought he was.”

  Leaning back against the headboard, Bobbi Jo relaxed a little. “So how long have you known him?”

  “Since he entered high school.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “Oh. Since I’ve known him in the biblical sense?”

  She nodded.

  “Since the night he graduated from high school.”


  “Uh, huh. I doubt I was his first, but I know I was his first real lover. I gave him a fine education in the art of lovemaking, if I do say so myself. Seems sort of fitting I would play a small role in your education as well,” Joy teased, reaching out to tap a nipple that still had not fully retreated. “I’m pleased Jack has shared you with me.”

  “If he meant to.”

  “If he didn’t, then he should do a better job of protecting his students. And if he didn’t, he will be royally pissed.”

  “At me, or at you?”

  “At both of us.”

  She glanced at the clock. “We’ll know soon enough. He’s due home soon.”

  “Well, then we’d better take a shower and get lunch on the table.”

  Bobbi Jo sat up and threw her legs over the side of the bed. “Then you’re not leaving.”

  “Of course not. I wouldn’t let you face his wrath alone.” Her tone was mocking. “But then I still believe our being together will neither surprise nor displease him.”

  Bobbi Jo shuddered. “I hope not.”

  ~ * ~


  “I see you two have met,” Jack said, pulling a chair out from the kitchen table to join the two women dressed in white terry cloth robes. Clearly, his question wasn’t necessary.

  “Delightfully,” Joy said, arching an eyebrow. “What a nice present you left for me this morning. She was even unwrapped.”

  “And how about you?” he asked, glancing at Bobbi Jo. “Did you have a pleasant time while I was away?”

  Bobbi Jo glanced down at her plate, then raised her chin defiantly. “Yes, I did—to my surprise. I don’t know how it could’ve been better.” She hesitated. “Your cheek is twitching, Jack. Did we do something to make you angry? Or are you amused?” Her mouth tightened. “Did you really plan for Mrs. Dixon—”

  “It’s Joy, Bobbi Jo. Remember? I think you’ve earned the right to call me by my first name.”

  “I’m sure she did,” Jack responded. “Our girl is showing considerable promise, isn’t she? I just wish I could’ve witnessed your first time with a woman, but I figured that might be too much for you. Next time, maybe.”

  “You want to watch?” Bobbi Jo gasped.

  “Of course.” Jack reached across the small table, lifted her chin, and stared into her blue eyes. “Well, maybe not just watch.”

  He held back a laugh when the implications of his words sank in. Bobbi Jo’s brow furrowed. She glanced at Joy, then at him. “Both of us at once?”

  He nodded.

  “Oh my.” She clamped a hand over her mouth and her eyes widened. “The twins left here Sunday morning. Two women and you. I forgot.”

  “I’m surprised. You’ve proven to be such an able student—seems strange you would’ve forgotten such an important piece of information. But no problem.” He smiled. “What I and the Beasley twins did or did not do will not be on your final exam.”

  “But what the three of us will do,” Bobbie Jo glanced from him to Joy, “will be?”


  “I understand you still haven’t claimed her maidenhead,” Joy said. “I assume you do have a plan.”

  “Absolutely.” He saw Bobbi Jo’s face brighten with anticipation. “But there’s no particular hurry, is there?” His childhood friend sobered. “We’ve found a number of ways to entertain ourselves while preparing her. And I’ve been waiting for you to get involved, Joy.”

  “Thank you. I’m pleased you waited for me. Ushering Bobbi Jo into womanhood should be a very special occasion.”r />
  “Yes, I want her moment of giving up her virginity to be most memorable.”

  Joy chuckled. “I doubt many women forget the first time a cock entered their pussy.”

  “You’re probably right. But Bobbi Jo’s moment will be especially worthy of celebration because she chose us to help her. Right?”

  Bobbi Jo nodded. “Yes.”

  “Do you really want my help, too?” Joy eyed the blonde as if she was a rare piece of chocolate.

  “It doesn’t matter what she wants.” Jack’s lips curled. “She’s my student and I hand out the assignments.”

  “I’m not your student, if you recall.”

  Jack watched iciness form behind Joy’s eyes. She could be such a bitch at times.

  “I want Bobbi Jo’s permission to help you take her virginity. It’s as simple as that.”

  “Your defiance,” he snapped, “isn’t appreciated.”

  “So whip my ass.”

  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

  She ignored his sarcasm. “So what will it be, Bobbi Jo? Do you want me to help you?”

  Jack watched fear and passion dueling across Bobbi Jo’s flushed cheeks. Maybe it would’ve been easier for her to just accept his demands. Now she’d have to make a decision.

  Her lips moved soundlessly. Her eyes rounded at him before she turned to face Joy directly. Fascinated, Jack watched Bobbi Jo snake a small hand inside Joy’s robe and part it. Her blond head lowered and took Joy’s breast into her mouth.

  Joy beamed at Jack over the top of Bobbi Jo’s shoulder. “I believe she’s saying yes.”

  Bobbi Jo straightened and nodded, first at Joy and then at him. Joy didn’t bother to cover her exposed breast.

  “Good,” he said, letting out a breath of air he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. “I’m glad that’s settled. There are a couple things I want you to do to help with our preparations, Joy.”

  “Just ask.”

  “Take our lover shopping. Buy her some sexy outfits. You can use my credit card.”

  “Bedroom type stuff?”

  “Yes, but don’t limit yourselves. If you see something slinky I might like, go for it.”


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