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Bring On the Heat

Page 47

by Eden Bradley

  “Enjoying yourself?” Joy quipped, crouching on her hands and knees.

  “Very much—you two are spectacular together. It would take me years to develop the kind of fluidity and sensitivity to each other’s cues that seems to come so naturally to you.”

  Joy looked up. “It might at that. We’ve been working at it for years. Now we’ll demonstrate a rear entry option.”

  Bobbi Jo gasped as Jack knelt behind Joy and pushed his cock into her until it disappeared from sight.

  “There,” Joy moaned, settling back against his groin. “This is a particularly fine position for deep penetration. It brings the woman’s G-spot into play, and both partners have access to the woman’s clit. Of course, as you can see, the man also has easy entrée to her anus. With moderate flexibility, the woman can reach under and squeeze his balls, like this.”

  Jack groaned.

  “Oh my,” Bobbi Jo said. “It’s a position with many variations.”

  “This is one Joy neglected to mention,” Jack said, reaching around to fondle Joy’s breasts.

  Bobbi Jo licked her lips and pulled on her own nipples, keeping rhythm with Jack as he kneaded and tugged on Joy’s large breasts and dark nipples.

  “Anytime, lover,” Joy said, canting her head to tease Jack.

  “Now’s as good as any,” he retorted, straightening and clutching a butt cheek in each hand.

  Bobbi Jo tried to breathe. The power of the position was graphically evident. Jack reared back and slammed into Joy, who seemed to love it the harder and faster he pistoned. The woman arched her back and neck. Once again, the image of the stallion and mare flooded Bobbi Jo’s senses.

  She picked up the vibrator, clicked it on and ran its tip the full length of her wet crevice.

  Joy’s moans intensified until they became wails filling the room. “Fantastic! Finish in my ass. Now. Hurry.”

  Stunned, Bobbi Jo saw Jack quickly pull out of Joy’s pussy. The woman scrunched her shoulders lower and raised her buttocks. How many yoga instructors knew about this variation on the baby pose position?

  She watched with amazement as Jack’s wide cock inched its way into Joy’s anus. His gentleness surprised her. Only moments earlier he’d been fucking like a wild man. Now he took his lead from Joy. Would she ever learn the subtle communication those two shared?

  When he came to rest against her butt, Joy turned and met her gaze. “Try it,” she said. “With your vibrator. Use some lube. Come with us, Bobbi Jo.”

  Bobbi Jo’s hands trembled. She lubed the toy and brought her heels to rest on the chair. She had no difficulty finding her portal. Without turning the vibrator on, she let its head rest at her entrance.

  “Let it go in slowly,” Joy instructed. “You’ll meet some resistance. That’s right. Wait a moment.”

  Bobbi Jo kept her eyes glued on Joy’s for comfort and support.

  “Try it again. That’s right. Go deeper, girl.”

  Pushing the object deeper in her channel, Bobbi Jo felt herself widen. She wasn’t going to have any difficulty taking in the vibrator, but how could Joy accommodate Jack’s large cock? She suddenly remembered his response to her flip comment that her mouth and ass weren’t out of commission—later. Surely he didn’t expect to penetrate her anus like he did Joy’s?

  “Excellent, Bobbi Jo. Okay, Jack. Fuck me. This time don’t hold back. This is your finale for the evening.” She chuckled. “Just imagine it’s the Fourth of July.”

  Jack grunted, pulled halfway out and eased back in.

  Bobbi Jo watched him do that several times, then did the same with her vibrator. “Ah,” she groaned.

  “That’s it, girl. Give yourself a ride. Faster, Jack.”

  Jack quickened the pace. So did Bobbi Jo.

  “You’re a natural, girl. Flip it on.”

  Bobbi Jo bit down hard on her lip and hit the switch. Her entire interior spun. She held the toy with one hand and grabbed the back of her head with the other. Every muscle in her body shook. She wanted to rub her clit, but couldn’t. She had to hold onto her head or it might blow.

  She bore down on the vibrator and took it in another inch, then whirled out of control. Her yelps joined Joy’s. Jack’s hips had become a distant blur. She heard him yell “Hi Ho” several times.

  Fumbling, she found the switch and turned it off, closed her eyes, and allowed herself to descend the steep mountain she’d climbed. When she opened her eyes again, she saw Jack stretched out atop Joy with his cock still encased in her ass.

  Smiling, Joy caught her eye. “I think we all deserve an A-plus for that one. Why don’t you remove your toy slowly and come join us in a cuddle?

  She eased it out and bit down again on her lip. How could having a vibrator in her butt be so enthralling? She didn’t try to answer her question, but padded from her chair to the bed and snuggled up against Jack and Joy. She kissed one, then the other. “I will never forget what you gave me this evening.”

  “You were a pretty sight, too, girl,” Joy whispered. “Wasn’t she, Jack?”

  “Looked like she enjoyed herself.” He pulled out of Joy, swung his legs off the bed and headed toward the bathroom.

  “Is Jack always this quiet when he has sex?” Bobbi Jo asked, moving into Joy’s embrace.

  “He is a little quieter than usual, but then his cock speaks loudly.”

  “That’s for sure. I know I saw it, but I still can’t fathom how you took that into your butt.”

  Joy giggled. “You’ll find out, in due time. It’ll be quite fine.”

  Bobbi Jo shuddered at the thought. Jack joined them on the bed and cuddled her backside while she laid her head on Joy’s shoulder.

  He kissed her neck. “Hope you enjoyed your night off.”

  “It was very instructional,” she responded, catching the gleam in Joy’s eyes.

  “Your turn,” he said, matter-of-factly, “is tomorrow night.

  She rolled onto her back and met his gaze. “Really. Tomorrow night. You’ll take my virginity tomorrow night?”

  Joy laughed. “You sound disbelieving.”

  “It’s just that I thought he’d do it last Sunday afternoon or the next day. Here it is nearly a week later and I’m still intact.”

  “But,” Jack interjected, “much wiser about sex.”

  “Yes, much wiser and much more experienced. But why do we have to wait for tomorrow night? Why not right now?”

  “You’re sore, remember? And a woman’s cherry is something that shouldn’t be stolen in the night or quickly dispensed with to get on to the main course—which is apparently the belief of your fiancé.”

  “True.” Bobbi Jo flinched. “But can’t we keep him out of this?”

  Jack ran a finger down her nose. “Whether we like it or not, Nelson, the fiancé, is in this bed with us. And that diamond you’ve not taken off is a sure reminder. Besides, there wouldn’t be an us, however temporary, if it weren’t for Nelson. Right?”

  “I suppose so.” She shuddered. “But why do you have to keep throwing him in my face?”

  He brushed her question aside. She hated it when he did that.

  Jack looked directly at Joy. “I’ll be away all day tomorrow. You can pamper Bobbi Jo anyway you want to, just don’t let her come. I want her primed but not spent for tomorrow night’s celebration.”

  Bobbi Jo felt his eyes settle on hers. Her skin warmed.

  “And it will be a celebration. Joy will assist.” He paused for her response.

  She nodded. Having the older woman act as her assistant seemed more than reasonable. At least there’d be a witness if she died waiting for Jack to finally penetrate her.

  “Joy will prepare the room and you. You will smell even more fragrant than you do now, which is difficult to imagine. You want my cock filling your pussy right now?”

  He waited for her nod. “You will be jumping out of your skin by tomorrow night. Whenever you eat, whenever you drink, whenever you breathe, I want you imagining what it will f
eel like for me to be sinking into your steaming pussy.”

  He cupped her chin. “I don’t take lightly the gift you offer. I hope I’m man enough to take you slowly so you’ll experience the intense pleasure of knowing that you are fully woman.”

  She had no words for him. She reached for his cock to show her affection. He rebuffed her gesture and climbed out of bed.

  “I’ll spend the night on the couch downstairs. Remember, Joy, she’s not to come until I take her maidenhead tomorrow night.”

  Joy smirked. “Yes, Master.”

  “But why won’t you sleep with us tonight?”

  His eyes snapped at Bobbi Jo. “I don’t trust myself not to take you sooner.”

  Bobbi Jo gasped. He wanted her as badly as she wanted him. “But what’s so special about Friday night?”

  The corner of Jack’s mouth turned up. “It was a Friday night that I first kissed you in the back of the movie theater. It was a Friday night when I cupped your bare breasts. It was a Friday when you left town without saying good-bye.”

  Jack crossed his arms over his bare chest. “It will be Friday night when you become a woman. Understood?”

  “Yes,” Bobbi Jo squeaked. “I’ll be ready for you tomorrow night. More than ready.”

  She watched him walk out and shut the door softly behind him.

  “Wow!” Joy squealed, clutching her tight. “Do you ever have him hooked.”

  “What?” Bobbi Jo’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”

  “Jack. He wants you so bad he has to sleep on the couch downstairs? And he’s saving you and punishing himself so he can take you on Friday night. I never knew he was such a romantic.”

  “Romantic.” Bobbi Jo huffed. “Saving me for Friday night doesn’t have anything to do with romance. It just means he’s still in charge.

  Joy tilted Bobbi Jo’s chin and kissed her deeply before replying. “If you believe none of this has anything to do with romance, then you are as much of a fool as Nelson and Jack.” Joy pecked at Bobbi Jo’s lips several times. “Perhaps the biggest fool. Most guys would’ve tossed you on the nearest bed and feasted on your cherry like it was Christmas morning and they were in a rush to open their gift. Jack is savoring you like you’re the rare dessert you really are.”

  “But why?”

  “Maybe because he’s loved you since you two swapped spit as kids.”

  Bobbi Jo’s spine tingled. Was she chilled? Or was it something else?

  “Come on now, Bobbi Jo, I’m exhausted. Let’s get some sleep.” Joy slung an arm around her. “We’ll need plenty of rest for tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed your classroom instruction.”

  “Oh, I did,” Bobbi Jo whispered, laying her head on Joy’s bosom. She’d have to deal with her entanglement with Jack later. At the moment, she had a woman to cuddle. She rested a palm atop Joy’s mound. “You sure your pussy isn’t worn out?”

  “Hardly.” Joy chuckled. “But don’t move. Your hand is quite soothing where it is.”

  Bobbi Jo drifted off toward sleep with a faint smile on her lips. Images of her two lovers moving from position to position flashed before her mind. Then the picture of Jack standing by the bed with his arms crossed emerged, reinforcing his image as master.

  She tried to conjure up a romantic Jack, but failed. Why did she even bother? She was getting married in a week, and not to Jack.

  ~ * ~


  Peeking at the clock again, Bobbi Jo sucked in a breath. When would Jack join them? They’d been ready for over an hour. His bedroom had been transformed by Joy, who had been busy in the room most of the afternoon.

  Rough fishnets decorated the shadowy walls. She could make out swords and chests in the dim light. She, herself, had been blindfolded until Joy had escorted her to the bed. The air was pungent with incense and smoke. Burning candles provided only shimmering light. Soft sultry drumbeats played in the background.

  Earlier in the evening, Joy had given her a bubble bath, massaged oil into her pores and perfumed her body with an exotic scent she couldn’t identify. She glanced at Joy sitting across from her in a chair. Joy’s white gown matched her own.

  Was she a virgin waiting for her seducer? Or a sacrifice waiting for a pagan priest?

  Before she could answer that question, the door opened and Jack sauntered into the room. Bobbi Jo gasped. She hardly recognized him. Yet it was him—so real, so manly, so sexy. He wore a white frilly shirt open to his navel, showing plenty of dark chest hair, and loose trousers that buttoned up the front. His face was fierce. He crossed his arms over his chest. He looked like a pirate.

  “I’ve come for the stowaway’s passage fare,” Jack said gruffly to Joy.

  Joy shook her head. “She has no coin upon her person.”

  “Then how does she expect to gain passage? I should throw her overboard.”

  Bobbi Jo flinched.

  “No need for that, Captain,” Joy said. “You are in luck. I believe the lass has a treasure stowed deep in her purse that thus far has gone unclaimed.”

  Shock registered on Jack’s face. “You mean she’s a virgin?”

  “No doubt about it. I checked.”

  He nodded with a menacing leer. “I’m sure you did. Not many such purses escape your thorough inspection.

  “And what about you, lass?” Jack’s gaze probed her soul. “Are you prepared to pay for your voyage?”

  “Yes,” she managed to mumble.

  “Is it true that no man has ever claimed you?”


  “And you’re willing to divest yourself of your treasure for me? For your passage?”

  “It is but a small price to pay,” she said, meekly. “Don’t you think?”

  “You may not say that so easily when I’m through with you.”

  Bobbi Jo blanched. She couldn’t differentiate between Jack, her childhood best friend, and Jack the menacing pirate.

  “Enough. I don’t have all night.” Jack reached for his trouser buttons, drawing Bobbi Jo’s attention to his hard, straining length. His hands stilled. Now why was he waiting? Agony gripped her chest.

  “Is she adequately prepared?”

  “I’ve bathed her in rose-scented water and massaged her with oils and spices,” Joy responded. “She is perfumed with a touch of lavender and lilac.”

  “Sounds good enough to eat.”

  “That, too.” Joy ran her tongue provocatively around her lips.

  “But first things first. I demand payment for your journey with me, lass. Spread your legs.”

  Trembling, she complied with his orders. Her eyebrows arched when he finally unbuttoned his pants and his cock jumped out at her. It no longer looked familiar. She narrowed her eyes. It was huge. How in the world could the pirate believe he could fit that into her?

  Not a pirate. Jack.

  Jack nodded at Joy. “You may prepare her pussy.”

  “You don’t want to?” Joy asked, moving to the bed.

  “You do it. Only my cock will penetrate those virginal folds. She does look beautiful. You’ve done good work.”

  Joy reached for Bobbi Jo’s breast. “No, only her pussy,” he ordered. “Hurry, my cock is getting restless.”

  Restless. His cock was getting restless. After making her wait for days, Jack was now in a hurry. Or was it the pirate in him that needed to press forward? She gasped when Joy spread her pussy lips for Jack to assess her state of readiness.

  Jack nodded. “She’s ripening. Finger her until she’s wet. But don’t let her come.”

  Jack’s eyes snapped with passion. Bobbi Jo licked her lips, concentrating on his reactions rather than on Joy’s or even her own. He grabbed his cock and slid his hand up and down its extending length.

  “Enough,” he said, sharply. “Wet my cock.”

  Joy didn’t hesitate. She moved to the end of the bed and took him deep in her mouth.

  Bobbi Jo wasn’t aware she’d moved to touch herself until Jack said, “No. Don’t interfer
e, lass.”

  Jack pulled Joy’s mouth off of him and climbed onto the bed. “Place me at her entrance. I’ll take my due now.”

  “With pleasure, Captain,” Joy replied, guiding him.

  Bobbi Jo’s eyes widened when she felt him inch into her tight crevice. He moved back and forth, testing her. Was this all there was to it? Why had they waited?

  “You’re as prepared as you ever will be. I will take you swiftly. There will be some pain, but it will soon pass.”

  He cupped his hands under her butt and lifted her off the bed. Before she could think, he backed nearly out of her pussy and rammed forward.

  “Jesus!” The pain shot through her like a bolt of lightning. There wasn’t room for him. She tried to twist away, but he secured his perch with strong arms. She closed her eyes, not wanting him to see the pain.

  “Relax, babe. You’ll be fine.”

  Those were Jack’s words, not the pirate’s. Her breathing steadied. She replayed the moment. Good grief, she’d sworn. She never swore.

  There was a chuckle. It was a pirate chuckle. “You’ve hardly paid the price of nautical miles yet. I need more, much more.” Gently, almost tenderly, he moved in and out of her.

  Where was the pain? It had vanished and was quickly being replaced by a different intensity—an intensity building with captivating pleasure. Her eyes popped open.

  Jack met her gaze. “Welcome back. From here on out, you’ll enjoy your voyage. I promise. I do believe there is much more treasure to be had.” He pulled back, then moved swiftly to penetrate her depths again.

  Bobbi Jo gave him a tentative smile. “You may take all that I have, Captain.” She wrapped her legs around his back, encouraging him to probe deeper. She didn’t want him to miss anything now that he’d finally made her a woman.

  She wanted to shout with joy. Bells were going off around her. Or were they only in her head? He leaned over to kiss her soundly. She shoved her tongue in his mouth. He hauled back and laughed without slowing his movement.

  “You shouldn’t miss out on this,” Jack said to Joy. “Kiss her, nibble on her tits. But her pussy is mine. All mine.”


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