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Bring On the Heat

Page 59

by Eden Bradley

  “Perhaps this will help for now?” he asked, holding the open box to Celeste.

  “It’s lovely,” she said.

  Brace craned his neck, trying to see.

  Jonathan pulled out a heavy silver chain. “I couldn’t sell it because it is not at all the current style, but I thought it was beautiful when I made it.”

  The chain was attached on either side to a frontispiece of rectangular silver. A slim channel of green stones was fixed across the metal.

  “Here,” Jonathan said, undoing the clasp and standing behind Celeste. He dropped the necklace over her head and settled the rectangular piece across her throat. “It covers the pierced spots perfectly.”

  Brace stepped to Celeste’s side as she admired the effect. She still wore only the thin white dress, the hem darkened by rain, but with the majestic necklace she looked like a queen.

  Celeste smiled. “I love it, but it must be so expensive. I have nothing to trade.”

  “It’s just glass beads,” Jonathan said. “I was going to reset it if I found a buyer.”

  “A gift,” Brace said. “I want you to have it, Celeste.”

  She turned to him and put her hand on his arm. Her eyes shimmered with happiness.

  Jonathan cleared his throat. “I’ll need to ready a bed for you. But stay here until I have a fire lit and find blankets. Twenty minutes or so?”

  Brace nodded without taking his eyes from Celeste. She stepped toward the mirror and her hips swayed a little, reminding him of an invention Jonathan had showed him once. Would it still be in those drawers of his? He wanted her to forget her ordeal.

  When the inventor had gone back to the house, Brace prowled through the workspace until he found what he was looking for.

  He pulled the foot-long brass cylinder from the drawer and walked back to Celeste, winding the invention’s side knob with his fingers as he went.

  “What’s that?” Celeste asked.

  He smiled and knelt before her. “You’ll see. Do you trust me?”

  “Of course.” She smiled at him.

  He wet the brass tip with saliva. “Then watch yourself in the mirror.”

  He held the windup mechanism in one hand and lifted her skirt with the other. Her legs were parted about six inches, perfect for his purposes. He set the tip of the invention against her mons, just above her pearl, and let go of the dial. The little machine sputtered to life.

  Celeste’s pelvis jerked.

  “Lean into it,” Brace urged.

  Celeste complied, then she let her breath out sharply. “Oh, my.”

  “I wonder why he couldn’t sell this one,” Brace said, watching her eyes widen and her lips part.

  She gasped again with pleasure, then one hand pressed against the mirror as she used it to help her balance. Her eyes half-closed and she moaned.

  Brace slid the head of the cylinder between her legs.

  “Oh,” she cried, “right there, please.”

  She moved against it, her juices coating the brass.

  The scent of her arousal made Brace ache with hunger for her. His balls tightened painfully. He wanted to be inside her, but she was enjoying the device too much.

  Her other hand met the first on the mirror and he found his arm sandwiched between her and the cool surface, her pelvis thrusting rhythmically along the metal surface.

  She groaned deeply, her forehead touching the mirror. “It’s slowing down, don’t let it stop.”

  Brace wound the dial, Celeste protesting because it stopped vibrating while he did it. He realized that a full wind didn’t last long enough for a woman to find her pleasure and that was probably why it hadn’t made it past the prototype design. Jonathan had some more work to do, and when it was ready Brace would be his first customer.

  He took his fingers from the dial and the cylinder began to vibrate again. Celeste shrieked with pleasure. Her hips jerked and she gasped as she found completion, a low, throaty sound he found infinitely erotic. He felt his cock leaking pre-cum against his underclothes. She pressed her cunny one last time against the vibrating device then tilted away, purring with satisfaction.

  “I’m finally warm,” she breathed.

  He pulled the device from between her legs and stood so he could set it on the low table he recognized from his last visit. When he turned back, he bumped a lever attached to the table and saw a puff of smoke, then the table began to vibrate. He must have engaged a motor. Jonathan had added it since he was there.

  When he looked at Celeste her eyes were wide. “It’s like a life-size version of that vibrating machine.”

  “It must be meant to be a bed,” Brace said, taking the small device from the table.

  Celeste walked, a bit shakily, to it. Fixing her gaze to his, she lifted her thin gown in one flowing movement and tossed it to the floor. Then, she sat down on the table. “Make love to me,” she said, lifting her feet to its surface and sliding back.

  He read the words from her lips because the motor was rather loud. Leaning toward her ear, he asked, “Wouldn’t it be more pleasurable for you to face down?”

  She smiled and turned toward his ear. “I like the way it feels on my back. Very relaxing after that long carriage ride.”

  He wondered how it would feel on his knees, but his cock could care less. When he unhooked his trousers and pushed down his underclothes, it sprang out. He sighed in relief at the taste of freedom. His cock jutted in Celeste’s direction, arrogantly demanding its turn. “Very well, then.”

  She held out her arms as he stepped onto the table, then knelt between her legs. He smelled rain on her skin, and grit, and the pungent scent of her arousal. A faint metallic odor wafted in the air as well, perhaps from the tools or her new silver necklace. He wanted to kiss the piercing wounds, to show her he didn’t find them appalling, but that should wait for when the sore spot had healed. For now, he could focus on other parts of her beautiful body.

  Her arms tightened around his shoulders as he bent his head to her nipple and licked her tenderly. The vibrations from the bed made him shake continuously, a strange sensation, but he could tell from the way she stretched her back that it did feel good to her. He pushed his thigh up against her cunny, knowing the vibrations would move up his leg to her tender flesh.

  She groaned instantly, pressing herself against him. “That feels good.”

  He moved his attentions to her other nipple. Her soft flesh was womanly perfection. Could he make her happy? Would she stay with him after this night?

  When she arched her breast into his mouth, he forgot the longer term concerns, and let the taste and scent and feel of her flesh move him. His cock could not be denied, and the wetness of her cunny told him she would not complain when he joined them together.

  Moving his lips to hers, taking her mouth in an open, carnal kiss, he placed his cock at her opening and slid home in one long, eternal thrust.

  She cried out against his mouth, so loudly that he could hear the sound of her voice above the motor.

  He tried to work with the vibrations, but the bed moved so much faster than he did that he gave up after a few seconds and found his own rhythm. Her thighs slid up his and she spread her legs, giving him more access to her channel. He thrust harder, deeper. Her hips moved in time, creating a symphony of pleasures for them both. Her moist heat welcomed him endlessly and he knew the grand finale was not far away.

  It seemed the vibrations began to work on him then, sending his body off balance so the only thing he could focus on was the place where he joined with Celeste, the feel of sliding flesh. Her hands tickled down his back and she spanked him hard on each cheek, jolting him.

  “Faster!” she commanded.

  He wanted to laugh, but then she spanked him again. Obeying, he quickened his pace, trying to match the impossible speed of the bed.

  Or could he match it? The motor started to slow.

  “Finish before it does,” his lady ordered, spanking him again.

  His cock thrus
t harshly as he reacted to her hand. He’d never known he’d like to be spanked, but she was certainly teaching him how much he could take and still find it arousing. Letting caution evaporate, he thrust into her as hard as his own body demanded. Her fingers dug into his flesh as he drove himself. He rose to his knees and pulled her hips against him, ramming her in a way he’d never dared with another woman.

  Yet, she clearly enjoyed it. This was no tender widow who’d only known the love of a much older husband, or a teary young bride. This was an experienced woman, and her head fell back as if she had forgotten every part of herself but her cunny.

  Sweat glistened on her throat around the necklace and the green glass caught winks of firelight. Distantly, he heard the creaking of a door as he leaned forward, losing upper body strength as his orgasm caught him unawares.

  Celeste groaned and shook, her body’s response triggered by his. The bed shuddered, sending him into what felt like a second release, as his cock slid out of her on a river of his cum. For the first time, he smelled the heavy scent of coal around him. The motor sputtered and turned off, all the fuel exhausted.

  Celeste sighed and stretched her arms over her head, then settled around his shoulders again. Her inner legs slid up and down his legs.

  “Need me to move?” he asked.

  “No,” she said.

  “Yes,” sounded a man’s voice. “I never need to see that white arse of yours again.”

  Brace jerked up, then slammed down again over Celeste to cover her from Jonathan’s ironic gaze.

  “Should I come back?” said his friend. “I have a room in the house warming for you, though you seem to have found your own heat.”

  “We couldn’t resist the vibrating table,” Celeste said, muffled by Brace’s shoulder.

  “I’m glad you appreciate it,” Jonathan said. “I think it needs a larger motor though. I can last twice as long as it can.”

  Brace wondered if his friend was criticizing his own performance, but then he had climbed London roofs during a storm and been up all night.

  Celeste grinned at him, as if she knew the path of his thoughts. “You were divine,” she whispered.

  “If you want me to last longer, hold off on the spanking,” he said in a low voice.

  “I did wonder why your arse was reddened,” Jonathan said loudly, making it clear he wasn’t going to give them any privacy. “I like a good spanking myself.”

  Brace pulled up his clothing as best he could, attempting to prevent commentary on his dripping cock. He reached down and grabbed Celeste’s gown and tugged it over her head, then felt something hit him on the back.

  “A robe for your lady,” Jonathan said. “When you’re ready, come inside.”

  The door shut and they were alone again. Brace jumped off the table and helped Celeste dress, tying the sash of the thin wool robe himself.

  “I do apologize,” he said. “I should have known we wouldn’t be done before he came back.”

  “I don’t mind,” Celeste said. “I have done it all, after all.”

  “But that isn’t your life anymore.”

  She pressed her lips together. “I know nothing about making a home for you. I hardly even know how to cook. Are you sure you want me?”

  “I’ll always want you,” he promised, pulling her against him.

  Her head rested along his shoulder. She felt soft and dainty in his arms, a perfect handful of woman. “I loved you as a child loved a playmate once. I’ll never be so innocent again.”

  “You’re still that young girl, but your experiences have made you the brave woman you are today. That strength of character will see you through. I don’t want some soft girl who cannot manage life. After what you’ve survived I know nothing can break you, dearest.”

  She lifted her face to his. A tear streaked down her cheek. “I always knew you could be this man. How lucky I am to have found you.”

  He smiled and caught the tear with his index finger. “I’m the lucky one. You’re no longer ruled by clockwork. Our life can run on love alone.”

  She nodded. “I never want to see a clock again, so I hope you have a good instinct for time.”

  He laughed and picked her up so her legs dangled down from his arm. “The fire is dying and it’s getting cold in here. Let’s go into the house and cuddle in a big, warm bed for the first time.”

  “Away from prying eyes, my darling,” she agreed.

  He left the inventor’s shed in his wake as he dashed to the house, his lady in his arms. She laughed as he splashed through a puddle and stumbled. He heard a horn and stilled, remembering the alarms on the clockwork medallion, but soon realized it was only a train whistle. Progress kept coming, but sometimes technology was misused. He vowed to keep Celeste, and any family they might have, free of dastardly inventions in the future. But also, to take advantage of the good ones, like the sensual devices he’d found in the shed.

  He pulled his booted feet from the muck and plunged forward, toward the house, the warm bed, and an eternity of love.

  ~ * ~


  by Ann Mayburn







  ~ * ~


  Emma Simonov stared at her best friend and boss, Moira, then did the slow blink of disbelief. She knew she had to look odd when she did it, because Moira snickered at her. They were lounging in what counted as the office of Moira’s pro-Domme business, Kiss of Blue, on the outskirts of Detroit. Moira’s office space was a large, bright room with pale cream sofas, modern art on the walls, and feminine touches of color here and there. No one would have any idea that this elegant space belonged to a Dominatrix. That is, until they noticed the brick wall on one side of the room with a variety of shackles and restraint devices attached to it, the ball gag being used as a paper weight, and the restraints on the coffee table, desk, chairs, and the support beam in the center of the room with gleaming stainless steel O-rings.

  Currently, the wall shackles and restraints were empty. The doors to the dungeon wouldn’t open for another five hours, but Moira had called Emma in early and said she had a great opportunity to discuss with her. Translation: Emma was going to hate whatever Moira wanted to do, but Moira wanted a chance to talk her into it. Emma had dragged herself out of bed on the promise of coffee and croissants from her favorite bakery, and now she waited for Moira to try to finagle her into doing what she wanted. Damn manipulative Dominatrix, Moira knew just how to make any crazy idea sound good. And since they’d been best friends for the past six years, the other woman knew exactly how to manipulate Emma.

  Twirling a hand through her fiery red curls, Moira batted her lashes at Emma and gave her the smile that made men want to do anything to please her. Instead of being charmed, Emma gave her friend a narrow-eyed look. “You want me to do what?”

  Moira blinked a couple times at Emma’s angry tone, then her smile slid back into place. “Just hear me out. This guy is willing to do anything you could possibly wish to get you to take him on as a client. He just wants you to come do private sessions with him at his house rather than here at the dungeon.”

  “I don’t know why I’m even here.” Emma went to stand but Moira gently pushed her back into her seat.

  “You’re here because he’s offering an obscene amount of money. More than enough to get you back into school and help your parents out with their bills. Shit, you could even pay off both of their mortgages if you managed to land him as a long term client.”

  Emma sat forward and clasped her hands together. Damn it, this was exactly the kind of temptation that would make her break her own personal rules about never pro-Domming outside of the dungeon. Satan could learn a thing or two about temptation from Moira. The thought of being able to take the stress of bill collectors off her parents’ shoulders was even more tempting than the ability to go back to school. The job market in Michigan was terrible
and her parents had been unemployed for more than two years now. Though they never asked for her help, she owed them for paying for her college. Right now her mom and dad had a part time job cleaning the homes of their friends and Emma knew it was not only physically demanding work, but also emotionally hard on her. Her parents were in their late sixties and it killed her to watch them struggle.

  Emma narrowed her eyes at Moira. “I would consider him as a client, here at our dungeon, but I never do house calls. You know this.”

  “He’s offering three thousand a session.”

  Emma did the slow blink once again, trying to hide her shock. Holy shit that was a lot of money. More than enough to give her what she needed to pay for getting her Master’s Degree in Education and take care of her parents. She might even have enough to move out of the cramped apartment she was renting that smelled like curry no matter how many times she steam cleaned the carpets. Still, everything has a price and she wasn’t sure she’d be willing to do what the client expected.

  No amount of money was worth losing her self-respect.

  “Does he know I won’t have sex with him?”

  “Absolutely. And he has promised to obey you in every way.”

  For a moment she considered it—the money was tempting—then shook her head. No way, this was dangerous. If she died from some psycho killing her during a BDSM session, her parents would be devastated. “I can’t, Moira. Not even for you. Going to some stranger’s house is just too risky. I know you do house calls with a couple of your regulars, but I can’t.”

  “He thought you might say that. He’s offered to come here for a few sessions first. If you don’t feel like you can trust him by the end of those sessions, he’s willing to admit defeat and commit Hari Krisha.”

  “You mean Hara-kiri?”

  “Potato tomato.”


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