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Bring On the Heat

Page 73

by Eden Bradley

  Rather than answer, she rocked her hips. Just that movement sent wetness trickling down her slit and he groaned, mesmerized by the sight. He knew just how good she’d taste too.

  She shocked the hell out of him by cupping her breasts in offering as she shifted to encompass Cole with her gaze. “A girl has rights you know.” Her voice was as airy as a caress. “I was promised a Christmas bonus and I’ll go to my union rep if I don’t get it.” Another rock of her hips. “Now.”

  Smiling, he leaned down, making her lean up for his mouth. Their teeth bumped in their urgency, but when her tongue tangled with his, he groaned his delight. He’d happily die right there.

  He lifted the candy to her and she sucked on the tip, looking straight at him. His balls pulsed with the memory of exactly how good that felt and he shook his head. She was torturing him intentionally. In another second she’d be deep throating a candy cane, for fuck’s sake.

  Cole moved closer, reminding Des of his presence. Not that he’d forgotten he was there exactly, he’d just sort of blocked him out. His best friend sank his finger into her pussy and growled in appreciation. “Ready to ride, baby?”

  Though Cole spoke to Wendy, he glanced back at Des. Silently questioning.

  She dragged her tongue up the underside of the cane, her lips faintly tinged red. “You know I am.”

  Des took the candy stick from her and acknowledged her whine with a laugh. Then he slipped it in his own mouth, sliding it up and down before he knelt between her parted legs. She was so pink and wet, so swollen with longing. He wanted her more than he wanted to breathe. But rather than sliding his already insistent cock into that tight, waiting sheath, he circled the candy cane over her cleft while she gasped.

  “It burns a little,” she whispered, but from the way she was writhing, she didn’t seem to mind.

  He ran his tongue around her where the candy met her skin, worrying her opening with his tongue, flicking teasingly as she grew wetter. She drove both hands into his hair, yanking him down to her groin. Unabashedly asking for what she craved. He nuzzled her, sucking her clit, occasionally licking the candy. Pressing his cool tongue against her heated flesh.

  Her moan announced that Cole had joined in. He filled his hands with her breasts, squeezing them so roughly that her nipples reddened and stood out like hard little knobs. When her cries crescendoed, Cole kissed her hard, his tongue wetly sliding in and out just like Des worked her quivering pussy.

  Her pants sliced through the din of noise in his ears. Somehow he heard his name, though Cole managed to stifle most of her cries. In no time at all she was coming against Des’s lips, pulsing her release into his waiting mouth.

  Jesus, she was delectable. He needed more. He slipped his tongue in deeper, thrusting through her incessant aftershocks. She was even sweeter now, chilly and hot both, and her spasms wrenched a groan from him that reverberated all the way through his newly rigid cock.

  He didn’t move away until she ceased moving entirely. Her sexy body in motion was a lovely thing, and it was just as beautiful still. Her huge eyes were half-closed, and a smug smile lifted the corners of her mouth as Cole tweaked her nipple and whispered in her ear.

  His best friend stepped away and dressed quickly, throwing a jaunty wave over his shoulder on his way out. “Best Monday ever.”

  Des looked back at her as she giggled. “Y’all are crazy.”

  “And there goes the southern fucking accent.” With a mock groan, he set aside the candy cane—he intended to enjoy eating every damn bit of it later—and clutched his chest. “All I gotta hear is one more Des in that satisfied, I just came voice and I swear I’ll ruin my goddamn rug.”

  She inched her butt forward, loosening her flimsy bonds on the arms of the chair and cupped his face in her hands. “Des,” she whispered tenderly.

  The amusement on her face vanished as he knelt like a statue, not saying a word. Her palms felt like heaven on his stubbled cheeks and he longed to reach up for them, to hold them there while he moved forward and surged into her sweet body.

  Where he belonged.

  Screw the ethics that kept him rooted in place as if nails in his heels pinned him to the floor. Hell, he was fooling himself anyway, wasn’t he? Sex acts still counted as sex. Still could be perceived as taking advantage. He was no better than a guy like Gerald. Worse even, because he’d tried to dominate Wendy instead of allowing her to decide how far she wanted to go. Offering her an escape wasn’t the same as making sure she didn’t need one.

  He swallowed the grit in his throat and shut his eyes to avoid the look in hers. It was the coward’s way out, and he took it gratefully. “Let me give you a ride home tonight,” he said instead of everything else he wanted to.

  Already she was pulling back. “I can walk.”

  “Wendy. I’m giving you a ride home.”

  His eyes opened as she dropped her hands in her lap. “Okay.”

  ~ * ~

  For the next couple of weeks, Wendy learned the true meaning of mandatory overtime. She also got up and close and personal with the terms rate of return, high performance and I’ve been fucked so hard I can barely walk.

  On one hand, she was happier—and more sexually satisfied—than she’d ever been. On the other, she was so conflicted and confused she didn’t know what to do.

  Her life had turned into a frigging Dickens novel, assuming Dickens had ever let his freak flag fly. Lately she’d hoisted hers into the stratosphere. She still couldn’t decide if she was happy she’d lost so many of her inhibitions or if she was concerned that she was changing into a person she wouldn’t recognize afterward.

  As great as everything was going, as happily boneless as she felt after every one of her “sessions” with Cole and Des behind closed doors, she couldn’t deny the thing that was bugging her. Well, there were several, but one was worse than the rest.

  Des refused to have sex with her.

  He did everything but. He’d explored her body so thoroughly she figured he could play connect the dots from memory with her freckles. He gleefully went down on her and eagerly came in her mouth. Teased her with all manner of interesting implements from candy to sex toys to a cylindrical ornament from the tree that now held a place of honor in his top drawer.

  She even asked him to fuck Cole, just in case he had some sort of penetration aversion. He’d done so without complaint. He was just averse to her.

  As the days passed, the boys got bolder about calling her into their offices while Van and sometimes even clients were in the reception area. They seemed to delight in making her chew through her lip to keep from crying out while Cole pounded into her from behind and Des licked them both from below. Or other wickedly inventive things.

  And Van was starting to pay attention. She’d called Wendy out for being scatterbrained more than once and seemed entirely too curious about why she was spending so much time with the guys in private. The time she’d emerged from Cole’s office with a fresh run in her pantyhose and her high heel unstrapped hadn’t helped matters.

  Part of Wendy wondered if Van was jealous. If she knew what was going on because she’d experienced it herself—or wanted to.

  “Are you really that worried about her?” Des’s mouth skated up the side of Wendy’s neck to her ear. They were alone in Des’s office, and all she wanted was him inside her. Finally. “She won’t interfere with us. Van’s a long-term, loyal employee.”

  The door opened. Van and Cole entered, both of them wearing wide grins. Wendy startled and tried to step away, but Des slid his fingers down the placket of her blouse, flicking open the buttons. “You trust us, don’t you?”

  Right then she didn’t trust anything. But she didn’t move.

  Once she was down to her bra, he popped open the clasp and the cups fell away. He palmed one of her breasts, rubbing his cock in circles against her ass while she fought to look anywhere but at Van. What must her friend think?

  Cole shut the door and locked them in together. B
oth men were already breathing hard. And Van…

  Wendy didn’t dare look up to see what her friend was doing.

  “Isn’t her body beautiful?” Des thumbed Wendy’s nipples until they beaded. Her clit swelled at his rough cadence. At knowing she was being watched and caressed by the man she cared about so much. “I’ll let one of you have her sweet pussy. Who will it be, Ms. Stanton?”

  “You,” Wendy gasped, jerking up in bed. “You, dammit.”

  She rubbed her eyes and chanted a silent thank you that she was alone. Van was a good friend, but there were boundaries she had no interest in crossing. Sex with a woman—or any of its variations—was one of them.

  Though she didn’t doubt one bit that the guys would love to see their secretaries together. At least they’d never mentioned it.

  Maybe she should. Even if she couldn’t address the whole Des not fucking her thing, she could tell them about the underlying tension with Van. If they’d slept with Van too, she’d end their affair effective immediately. She wasn’t some office plaything, despite how it might seem.

  It wasn’t as if she was any closer to actually going out with Des either. All she’d gotten were a few laughs and a lot of orgasms.

  Admittedly, not an altogether bad deal.

  She went to work that day full of purpose. It was the Friday before Christmas and she figured it was the right time to call a halt to their fuckstrative relationship. The holiday season was about fun and celebrating, but it would soon be January and she wanted to kick the year off on the right foot. Not on her knees or her belly.

  Sure you do.

  She kept busy throughout the morning, waiting until Van went out to lunch to march into the conference room where Des and Cole were poring over a map. At first she thought they were mapping some hot new property up for sale, but nope, they were looking at Maine. Maine?

  “I’ve heard this new lodge has some of the best skiing in the area.” Cole jabbed the map. “Dude, seriously, just come. Mom even bought that stupid Tofurky for you. And I hate fuckin’ Tofurky. Tastes like ass.”

  “You’re a vegan?” she asked from the doorway, biting her lip as both men glanced her way. This was yet another reason she wasn’t comfortable being their lover. The lines at work blurred. They might be easygoing bosses, but they still signed her checks. “Sorry to interrupt,” she muttered.

  “You didn’t.” Des rose as he always did when she entered the room. “Van at lunch?” When she nodded, he held out his arm, inviting her closer.

  She couldn’t help stepping into that hug any more than she could resist sniffing the collar of his shirt. He smelled like soap and spice, sans aftershave since he was rocking full scruff. Frigging hot.

  “To answer your question,” he tugged on her braid, “yes, I’m a vegan. Most of the time, minus a few occasional lapses. Have been since high school when Johnny went out to hunt and came back with a doe on the roof of the car. Meat lost a lot of its appeal after that.”

  Cole grinned. “But you’ll notice he still wears his Italian leather shoes.”

  Des shrugged. “A man’s gotta have some vices.” He reached down to pat her on the ass. “I do have my favorites, I’ll admit.”

  “Who’s Johnny?” she asked to avoid commenting on his favorite vices. She wanted to make sure they set the right tone for a serious discussion.

  Something flitted across his expression. “The man who raised me.”

  She wanted to ask more, almost did, but Cole cleared his throat. “Wen, convince him he needs to head north with me this weekend. What else is his sorry ass going to do here alone? Scratch his balls to the tune of ‘White Christmas’?”

  “Don’t you have people here to spend the holiday with, Des?”

  He gave her another shrug. “I’m not big on holidays in general. Usually I either visit Cole’s folks or I…do some stuff here.”

  Visions of Des engaging in the debauchery she’d already glimpsed up close and personal danced in her brain. “Stuff like what?”

  “The usual,” Des said before Cole could reply.

  Cole rolled his eyes. “Yeah, if the usual includes going to the children’s ward at Brookers.”

  Wendy gripped the back of the chair in front of her. “You’re serious?”

  Des leaned forward and picked up half the sandwich sitting untouched next to Cole’s elbow. “It’s ham and Swiss. Want some?” he asked Wendy, clearly not interested in discussing his holiday activities any further.

  “No, thanks. I already ate.” She hadn’t, but it was a small lie. “Listen, I need to ask you both something.”

  Cole gave her a disarming grin as he relaxed in his chair. He was dressed in his professional best as usual today, not counting his blindingly red sweater. “Only if you convince Des to come with me.”

  “Go with him,” she said to Des before crossing her arms. Best to just get it out quick before her nerve deserted her. “Am I the first woman you’ve slept with?”

  The men looked at each other, twin expressions of amusement tilting their mouths. “Why, yes, Ms. Stanton.” Des toyed with her jingle bell bracelet, one of the relics from her past she hadn’t been able to part with. The tinkling bells tended to annoy people, but the sound made her happy. “We were both virgins until you came along.”

  “You’d still be one then,” Cole pointed out. “Since you’ve yet to partake of the lovely Wendy’s luscious pussy.”

  Just like that, the scarlet elephant was out in the room. And she wasn’t ready to deal with it. Not with Cole there. “That’s not what I meant,” she said hurriedly. “I mean, have you shared another woman that worked for you?”

  Her bosses exchanged a long glance that set off a round of nervous spasms in her belly. “No,” Des said. “We’ve never been about that. This isn’t that kind of office.”

  “So what’s so special about me that Van doesn’t have? For example,” she added at Cole’s piercing glance.

  His lips twitched. “Do you want to invite her to play with us, Wen?”

  “No,” she and Des answered simultaneously.

  She looked at him, relief saturating her limbs. “Really?”

  “Really.” He reached over and laced his fingers with hers. Then he frowned, staring down at her hand. “Why do you ask? Does Vanessa suspect something?”

  She wanted to say no, that nothing was amiss, but lying about lunch was about as much as she could stand. Other than lying about being in lo—lust—with Des, that is. That secret would remain hers.

  “She’s asking questions.”

  Cole shrugged and pulled the crust off the half of the sandwich on his plate. Des still held the other in his free hand though he’d made no move to eat it. “So put her off. It’s not a big deal.”

  “I don’t want her to find out.” She tried to hide her disappointment as Des released her hand. “She’s my friend, and if she starts thinking I’m getting unfair benefits because I’m with y’all—I mean, fucking you both—”

  “The only benefit you’re getting is the use of our extraordinary dicks.” Cole tossed aside his crust like a ten-year-old. “With Des, you’re barely even getting that.”

  Des’s brows dipped low over his churning eyes. “No, she’s right. Cole, we can’t risk Van’s suspicions. This is a business, not a damn brothel.” At Wendy’s flinch, Des stroked her arm. “You know what I mean.”

  “Yeah, I do. You think I’m bought and paid for.”

  “Well, aren’t you?” Cole bit into his sandwich. “Not the sex part obviously, but we pay you for a service which you perform very well.” He chewed and swallowed before giving her one of those grins that could infuriate her or turn her on depending on the day. This was definitely falling into the infuriating category. “You’re amazingly skilled. Believe us, we appreciate it.”

  “Shut up, dickhead.” Des dumped his uneaten sandwich on the plate and gripped her forearms. “Forgive my hasty choice of words. I just meant I don’t want us—any of us,” he said with a stern gla
nce at his partner, “to lose sight of we’re about here. Van shouldn’t have to worry that she works in that kind of office.”

  “An office where people have healthy sex lives? Oh, no, anything but that.”

  Ignoring Cole, Des traced his thumb over the inside of her wrist. She hoped like hell he couldn’t feel her trembling. Even though she knew what she had to do, her body was already registering its objections. “We’ve loved getting to know you better, but that’s not a requirement of your working here. Anytime you say the word, we’ll go back to the way things were. No questions asked.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, she glimpsed Cole’s smirk. “She can’t give us up. Who needs eggnog when we’re around?”

  “I think maybe we should. Stop this, I mean.” Great, now her voice was shaking too. She made herself look into Des’s eyes and spoke again, more evenly. “It’s been fun, but it’s almost Christmas and—”

  “And you don’t want to start a new year like this.” Des nodded as if he understood completely, which didn’t make any sense.

  How could he understand? This setup should’ve been perfect. They’d shared amazing sex and tons of laughs. They definitely made it harder for her to remember she was lonely. It just wasn’t enough. A taste of Des didn’t satisfy her hunger. It only made her crave him more.

  “Yeah.” Absently she freed her arms from Des and rubbed her hip. Yesterday they’d gotten busy on this very conference table and she had the bruise to prove it. “I hope we can still be friends,” she added, glancing at Cole.

  “Sure thing, baby doll.” He stood and leaned forward, tapping her nose before he gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek. “I’m seriously going to miss your sweet pussy. Did I tell you I even named it?”

  She sputtered out a giggle. “You did not.” It took all her will not to ask what that name was.

  “Oh, I bet he did. “ Though Des grinned, his eyes were uncharacteristically sober as he flicked the end of her braid. “You’re certainly brightened my holiday season, Ms. Stanton.”

  A smile tipped up her mouth despite the lump growing in her throat. Forget lump. It felt like a concrete slab. “Ditto. So, ah, I guess I should get back to work.”


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